My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 120 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 120 Lost the wife and lost the army

Yu Chihuan strangled Cheng Chubi's neck directly from behind, Li Siwen and Changsun Yan mercilessly smashed their fists on Cheng Chubi's body, Li Feng also kicked silently twice, venting his anger dissatisfied.

After wrestling for a while, they stopped after Cheng Chubi agreed to help them make milk tea.

After a while of tinkering, a large pot of caramel milk tea appeared in front of everyone.

After a few people tasted the delicious caramel milk tea, their brains were also empty, and they lay beside Li Yanran.

They are already satisfied, regardless of his fame, fortune, glory and wealth, those are just a passing cloud.

When they were drinking milk tea and enjoying life with ice cream in the dairy farm, Wu Yuanqing was already depressed and going crazy.

After calculating the expenses for the past few days, Wu Yuanqing only felt that his head was going to become two big.

Even if he didn't need to pay the [-] guan, Wu Yuanqing had to pay tens of thousands of guan.

He really didn't want to live anymore.

"My lord, those documents are all ready."

Wu Jiu came to Wu Yuanqing tremblingly, his eyes were full of fear.

Wu Qi's tragic situation is still vivid in his mind. Although he is proud of his promotion, he really doesn't know what will happen to him next.

Sometimes a high position and power may be a kind of glory, but after the glory, it is far more dangerous than ordinary people.

Wu Qi is a lesson from the past.

"Hey, send someone to send it to Changsun Yan."

Wu Yuanqing waved his hand in a daze, signaling Wu Jiu to deal with it.


Wu Jiu saluted and left, riding his war horse towards the dairy farm outside the city.

"Young master, people from the Wu family are here."

"People from the Wu family dare to come? Is there really someone who is not afraid of death?"

Cheng Chubi stood up suddenly, his eyes were full of violence.

As soon as I felt comfortable for a while, people from the Wu family came to make trouble. Do you really think you are made of mud?

It seems that if they don't beat them up, these people don't know how powerful they are.

"Cheng Chubi, sit down for me. All we have to do now is wait. How arrogant they are now, they will be in a mess when we ask for money."

Li Yanran's belly grew up after drinking the milk tea, and she just wanted to lie quietly like this until the sunset.

As for the Wu family, let him go.

"I'll do it."

Li Siwen nodded, got up and walked out of the dairy farm.

"I'm Li Siwen, what do you want to do?"

Li Siwen stood in front of Wu Jiu and the others, his eyes full of coldness.

"The younger one is Wu Jiu, the new butler of the Wu family. He came here this time to discuss something important."

Glancing at Li Siwen, Wu Jiu quickly greeted him.

"There is nothing to discuss between us, the milk is not for sale, you go."

Li Siwen waved his hand and was about to go back, but Wu Jiu took the prepared document and handed it to Li Siwen.

"This is the contract of the Haagen-Dazs samurai shop."

Looking at the contract in Wu Jiu's hand, Li Siwen should not be taken aback.

What are you doing here with these contracts?

Could it be that you can't stand it anymore and want to raise your hands and surrender?
"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Li, my master gave up, and specially ordered me to send these over. I hope that the young masters can show their noble hands and settle this matter."

Wu Jiu hurriedly stated his intention of coming, and they accepted it.

"Is this enough?"

Li Siwen was dumbfounded. Brother Li just said that he wanted to be forgiving and forgiving, so the Wu family sent the contract up.

You are really reborn Zhuge, predicting things like a god.

"I've taken it, I've really taken it."

Wu Jiu is depressed, can he not accept it?

If you still refuse to accept it, if you really wait five days to ask for money, even if you sell the Wu family's mansion, it will not be enough to pay off the debt.

My master is really serious, it's nothing, why did you provoke those little devil kings.

If the other party does not accept the settlement, they will sleep on the street.

"Just take it, you just wait."

Li Siwen took over the contract and left just like that, leaving Wu Jiu there at a loss.


If you give me an accurate word, I'm still waiting to go back and report.

The weak have no human rights.

"Brother Li."

Li Siwen walked quickly to Li Yanran, his eyes were full of excitement.

"What's the matter? People from the Wu family gave you money, are you so happy?"

Li Yanran flipped up the little straw hat, looking at Li Siwen a little confused.

"You see what this is?"

Li Siwen took out the contract from behind and handed it to Li Yanran.

"The Haagen-Dazs contract? The Wu family is here to negotiate a peace?"

Seeing the objects in front of her clearly, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

This is the time to negotiate a peace?

I originally thought that Wu Yuanqing would give in after the deadline, but I didn't expect that this guy is really a hero.

Compared with Changsun Yan, he can bend and stretch, and he should admit that he is cowardly and not hold on.

"This old boy is convinced now?"

Changsun Yan leaned over and looked at the contract in disbelief.

Who didn't know that Wu Yuanqing was domineering in Chang'an relying on the power of Empress Wu, but he didn't expect to admit cowardice so simply now.

It really refreshed his cognition.

"Immediately take people to inspect the five Haagen-Dazs stores. After the confirmation is correct, go to the tooth to do justice. If they play tricks in the middle, just throw those contracts in the other party's face."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she accepted it, so why not be surprised.

Just like you, which time you didn't simply surrender.

A hero doesn't suffer from the immediate disadvantages. If you know it, why can't others understand it?


The four got up together and rode their donkeys to the outside of the dairy farm.


Looking at the donkeys under the crotch of the four of them, Wu Jiu was stunned.

Shouldn't the noble son of a dignified family ride a thousand-mile horse?Why ride such a lowly thing as a donkey.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen riding a donkey?" Cheng Chubi stared at Wu Jiu who was in a daze.

"No no."

Forced by Cheng Chubi's momentum, Wu Jiu couldn't help shivering.

"Let's go, since you want to negotiate a peace, don't play tricks. We have to check the shop first before deciding whether to accept your contract."

Changsun Yan gave Wu Jiu a sideways look, clamped his legs, Baolu accelerated and led him forward.

Looking at the four donkeys in front of him, Wu Jiu put away his surprise just now, stepped on the steed and followed behind them slowly.

After some inspections, it was determined that there was nothing abnormal in the five shops, and Changsun Yan and the others also did a notarization in the tooth shop.

Haagen-Dazs went around and returned to their hands. Less than that, the shop has expanded from the original one to five. I have to say that it is really cool to spend other people's money.

"My lord, everything has been settled. The five shops have all done justice in the tooth shop, and they have been transferred to Changsun Yan and the others."

Wu Jiu returned and rushed back to Wu Yuanqing outside the house.

"Okay, I won't see any visitors from today, sir, I want to think about my mistakes behind closed doors."

Wu Yuanqing's deep voice floated out from the room.


Wu Jiu saluted and left, only to hear tinkling sounds from behind.

He knew that although his master let go of what he said, he still couldn't swallow the breath in his heart.

Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy the glory and wealth?
Why do you have to make yourself uncomfortable.

Those who are content are always happy, and they are already very satisfied.

Haagen-Dazs went back and forth, Li Yanran immediately arranged for people to resume work, it must not be abandoned, right?

Cream, milk, sucrose, these raw materials that Wu Yuanqing could not get, were sent to the Haagen-Dazs shop of the Wu family in a steady stream, and all the dead servants who had completed the training also took up their posts after the training.

Haagen-Dazs, which was extremely depressed, once again restored its original bustling appearance, a prosperous scene.

At the same time, each ice cream is placed in the Haagen-Dazs store, and the exquisite incubators are all in place, and the release of new ice cream products is just around the corner.

"These are the mounts you found for delivery?"

(End of this chapter)

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