Chapter 134
This term touched Changsun Yan's blind spot again. He could know it individually, but he didn't understand it together.

Brother Li is Brother Li after all, just saying a word is so profound.

"The so-called down refers to the clean feather and inner down of the poultry. Brother Li, I am right."

The three of Li Siwen also walked slowly, explaining the concept of down.

Glancing at the craftsman behind them, Li Yanran couldn't help but also nodded.

Although Guogong was slightly weaker than Changsun Wuji, the three of them brought at least 200 craftsmen. With so many new forces, their chairs would be sold all over Chang'an within four days.

"Well, tell your people to go to work. Let's continue talking about sofas. Down is an essential filling for sofas. If you want to sell sofas, the first thing you need to do is to find a large amount of suitable down, otherwise everything will be empty talk."

"What is a sofa?"

Li Siwen was taken aback, not knowing what the sofa was.

"The sofa is a good thing, come and try it."

Changsun Yan jumped up and gave the sofa out.

After the three tried to sit one by one, they also praised the sofa without hesitation.

"Brother Li, as long as this sofa can be made, it will definitely become popular in Chang'an. My family has several farms outside the city. I'm going to fetch all the down from those poultry."

Changsun Yan couldn't bear it anymore, isn't it just down feathers, there are plenty of them in his home.

"Well, the British government also has poultry breeding outside the city, and I will go too."

"I'll go as well."

"Me too."

All four of them nodded, they were just ducks and geese, and this couldn't help them.

"It's OK to take the down, don't hurt the poultry, wait until they can grow out after a while, and then they can be recycled."

What Li Yanran wants is this effect. With you all taking cash from home, it will win the first step of primitive accumulation.

I really wait for the sofa to become popular, and I will follow up when the time comes, and start a large-scale poultry farm. At that time, I can sell ducks and geese while collecting velvet, and earn a little money.

Thinking about it, the taste of big goose stewed in an iron pot is also good, it's time to try two.

Changsun Yan, like a bandit entering a village, led people into the farm in his mansion, and ordered the steward to start plucking the poultry without any explanation.

Hearing Changsun Yan's order, the steward was completely dumbfounded.

Although it is said that poultry plucking will not cause fatal damage to it, some poultry may not lay eggs because of it.

If the output is insufficient at that time, the one who will be punished will still be himself.

"Young master, are you okay, there will be problems with poultry plucking, if the master finds out, the little one will be finished."

"Why, don't you listen to what I say?"

Changsun Yan cast a sideways glance at the steward, the entire Changsun's family will belong to my young master in the future, so there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Besides, my lord, I plucked the feathers of ducks and geese, not to pluck yours, to scare you.

"Young master, it's really not possible."

Feeling the anger of Changsun Yan, the steward begged again.

"Hurry up, if there is any problem, I will take care of it. If you dare to talk too much, I will pull it out with you."

Zhang Sunyan grabbed the steward's collar, and Zhang Si and Zhao Wu next to him were also eager to try. As long as Chang Sunyan gave an order, they would definitely let the steward know how powerful they are.

Dare to defy our second son, and don't even look at how big his head is.

"Okay, okay, let's make arrangements, little one."

Hearing what Changsun Yan said, the steward resigned to his fate, and immediately ordered the servants in the farm to follow the instructions to pluck the poultry for feathers and down.

"Sir, sit down."

Zhang Si moved a chair to Zhang Sun Yan like a dog's leg, and told him to sit and wait for those people to work.

After waiting until night, Changsun Yan really couldn't bear it any longer, so he told Zhao Wu to keep watch here, and he went back to the mansion to rest first.

Not only the eldest grandson Yan was arrogant, but also the other young masters were not covered. For a while, the screams of ducks and geese being plucked lingered all over the outside of Chang'an City.

"How about it?"

The next day several people gathered in the farm, Li Yanran sat comfortably on the sofa, looking at the crouching dragon and phoenix chick with great interest.

"It's almost done. We can unplug all of them tomorrow, and we will arrange for someone to send them over by then."

Li Siwen smiled slightly, it was feather, it was like a shining gold ingot, waving at him.

Several other people also nodded together.

"Well, four hundred chairs can be made this afternoon, so you can sell them first."

Li Yanran also nodded, these days the chairs will be sold first, and when the chairs are sold out, those imitators will cry.

"Okay, my elder brother is still waiting for me to go to the pit to deliver the chair."

"My father is urging me to be anxious."

"Yes, I can't wait."

"Me too."

Hearing that the chairs were ready, several people became excited. Although they are now focusing on the sofa, it is not bad to have chairs for sale.

Just as Li Yanran imagined, in a few days, Sun Yan has been cheating all over Changsun's dignitaries, and Cheng Yaojin has been cheating all over his father and brothers,
Li Siwen and Yu Chihuan were even more exaggerated. Not only did their sales flourish, they also opened two branches and sold the chairs all over Chang'an.

Just as Li Yanran guessed, from the fifth day onwards, imitation chairs were already on the market. Although their workmanship may not be as good as the ones they sell, they are cheaper.

A chair is only one or two yuan expensive, and the cheapest one is only one or two hundred yuan. As for those people who can't afford it, they go up the mountain to chop materials and find a carpenter they know to make their own chairs.

For a while, there was a wave of chairs in Chang'an.

"Brother Li, all the chairs are sold out, and imitation chairs are also on the market. When are we going to sell the sofa?"

Changsun Yan admired Li Yanran almost to the point of throwing herself to the ground.

He said five days, that's five days, it's really not too early, not too late.


"It's not yet time for sofas to go on sale."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she wanted to cut the second wave of leeks, she also wanted to, but the time is not yet.

"Not yet? When will we have to wait?"

Changsun Yan was taken aback for a moment. He had already made more than [-] sets of sofas, so he didn't know what to wait for.

"The sofa is not enough. The down you brought back has been used up, and I need more. Otherwise, it will be gone before it is sold. How can you let those dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty accept it?"

Li Yanran shook her head, this is what it is, at least fifty sets are enough.

"But, the poultry on our farm has been plucked, and there is no down."

Cheng Chubi was taken aback when he heard this, it wasn't that they didn't want to continue, but that they were really powerless.

Now he can't wait to pluck out his hair and sacrifice it, but that's not enough.

"That's why I have to trouble a few young masters to borrow some feathers."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and expressed her thoughts.

Back then, there were no flowers to use, so we could borrow flowers to make incense. Now that we have no velvet to use, can we borrow some from those farms?
Of course, I can't rely on myself, it can only be done by the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks.

"Brother Li, you mean the wool picker?"

(End of this chapter)

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