Chapter 148
Changsun Wuji was dumbfounded, and glanced at Yuchi Jingde and Cheng Yaojin, what happened to these three guys.

Are they negotiated?
Otherwise, why would they come over one after another.

"Would you like it? Forget it. I'll go by myself."

Changsun Wuji shook his head, and left the two of them to meet Li Ji.

Although there are some differences between him and Li Ji, they are brothers who have traveled along the way after all, and those are nothing.

"Zhao Guogong, long time no see."

Like the two of them, Li Ji also gave Changsun Wuji a beautiful hug when he came up. The painful Changsun Wuji's teeth were about to be crushed.

Without talking nonsense, he brought Li Ji to the banquet.

"Duke E, Duke Lu, Li Ji is polite."

Seeing Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde who came first, Li Ji saluted them slightly.

"I'm waiting for you, hurry up and take your seat."

Cheng Yaojin grabbed the leg of lamb and took a big bite, then signaled Li Ji to take a seat quickly.

Glancing at the sons standing behind them, Cheng Yaojin also gave Cheng Chubi a wink.

"Father, let's talk, let's go find Changsun Yan."

Cheng Chubi nodded and saluted the four of them directly.

"Go, Yan'er is in the back hall."

Changsun Wuji nodded, it's really not suitable for adults to talk about children here.

"Changsun Wuji, we haven't had a good drink for a long time. I brought good wine here today. Today we won't go home until we're drunk."

Cheng Yaojin directly ordered someone to take out the Yuye wine from the carriage, a total of three bottles were placed on the table.

"That's right, I brought good wine too."

"Me too."

Li Ji and Yuchi Jingde did the same thing, each placing three bottles of Yuye wine on the table.

No matter how stupid Changsun Wuji was, he knew that the three people came to him for something, not only for the sake of reminiscing about the past, but also for three bottles of Yuye wine.

Are they robbing the treasury?
I still brought Lan Kwai Fong, otherwise, how could I be so proud.

They were full of questions, but they didn't say anything, and Changsun Wuji didn't ask any questions. They immediately began to exchange glasses and start drinking.

After drinking for three rounds, the few people were a little bit in a trance.

After all, this Yuye wine is no better than those fine wines of the Tang Dynasty, it is a real high-quality wine.

Even if there are a large number of people, it is still a bit unbearable.

"Now that the court is like this, the old man is still very happy that you can come to me. Come, I respect you three."

Changsun Wuji picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

The three of them also looked at each other and drank the wine in their cups.

"We are all old buddies who have traveled all the way. I know you have something to do here, so let's talk about it."

Changsun Wuji shook the wine glass in his hand, and asked the three of them a little drunk.

"Changsun Wuji, stop."

Cheng Yaojin glanced at the two of them, and then turned his attention to Changsun Wuji.

"Stop it? It's easy to say."

Changsun Wuji looked at Cheng Yaojin, he already understood the other party's intention here.

"Naturally simple, look at me and Yuchi Jingde, isn't it good now?"

"Cheng Yaojin, I'm not you, do you know how many people will be affected by my decision?"

Changsun Wuji is depressed, you are not me, I am not you, we are different, different.

"How many people will be affected? Changsun Wuji, sometimes don't think too much about yourself. After the death of Emperor Taizong, the Tang Dynasty will still be doing well. You are nothing to the Tang Dynasty."

Yuchi Jingde curled his lips, you old boy is good at everything, but you take yourself too seriously.

Emperor Taizong was so wise and mighty that he created the prosperous Tang Dynasty. He has passed away, so what are you?

"Is it nothing?"

Hearing Yuchi Jingde's words, Changsun Wuji couldn't help feeling a little lonely.

I worked hard for Datang, but now the other party said that it was nothing.

"Zhao Guogong, Li Ji has something to say, and I don't know whether to say it or not."

Li Ji glanced at the lonely eldest grandson Wuji, hesitated and said.

"Li Ji, just say what you have, don't hesitate."

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Li Ji, what time is it now, and you are still so polite.

what?Are we rude?

"Li Ji, just say something, I'm listening."

Changsun Wuji also nodded, although Yuchi Jingde said that he felt uncomfortable, but thinking about it, it was really nothing compared to Datang.

"Zhao Guogong, you have also seen the current situation in the court, His Majesty is determined to take action against your uncle.

You can't resist in front of His Majesty, because the surname is Li, not the eldest grandson. "

Li Ji looked at Changsun Wuji, and slowly expressed his thoughts.

"Uncle, hehe."

Changsun Wuji felt depressed for a while, and it was ironic for his nephew to attack his uncle.

Filled up the wine again, opened his mouth and drank it.

Only by entering the strong wine into his throat can he relieve the stagnation in his heart.

"The child has grown up, and he has to fly by himself. Your Majesty is no longer the ignorant person he was a few years ago. He no longer needs your uncle to escort him. It's time to let him go."

Cheng Yaojin glanced at the distressed eldest grandson Wuji, also poured a glass of wine, and drank it on his own.

"We are getting old after all, even if you are the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty and you can live for a few more years, instead of worrying about those things, why not play with birds, raise fish, and taste tea with us old buddies, wouldn't it be chic and happy. "

Although Yuchi Jingde's words were a bit rough, he had to say that he could always hit the point.

The loess is buried up to the neck, and they are still fighting over that, what's the matter.

It's really making yourself uncomfortable.

"Zhao Guogong, do you really want to wait until His Majesty does something to you, and let him bear the eternal infamy of murdering his uncle like the Emperor Wen of Han? After you wait a hundred years, what face will you have to face Empress Wende?"

If Yuchi Jingde and Cheng Yaojin sang about red faces, Li Ji sang about white faces.

In fact, it was not the first time Changsun Wuji heard these words, but the same words came from Li Yanran's mouth and Li Ji's mouth were two different levels.

Without him,

Status dictates.

Seeing Changsun Wuji in a daze, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but complained: "Changsun Wuji, you're still playing tricks, you think I care about your mess, life and death have nothing to do with me."

"Then why are you still here?"

Changsun Wuji raised his head and glanced at Cheng Yaojin.

Why do you come here if you don't want to care?

It's blocking me.

"If it wasn't for that stupid son of my family who forced me to die, do you think I would come over? You should be glad that you have a good son, and he has several good brothers."

Cheng Yaojin was depressed, if I hadn't been forced, who would come over to wading through the muddy water and persuade you to be stubborn.


Hearing this, Changsun Wuji glanced at Yuchi Jingde and Li Ji who were sitting on both sides.

"I don't know what kind of ecstasy drug was given to that silly boy of yours. He insisted on saying that he is a good brother and lives and dies together. I just came here, otherwise I wouldn't care about you."

Yuchi Jingde also took a big sip of wine and shook his head slowly.

"Mr. Zhao, if you have a son like this, it's the blessing of the eldest grandson's family. A lifetime of life and a fall of grass and trees are all just a fleeting moment. Why obsess over fame and fortune?"

Li Ji also took a sip of wine, glanced at Changsun Wuji, and made his attitude clear.

"That's right, don't smear the ink, I will take a few old buddies to ask His Majesty to resign tomorrow.

If you agree, we will take care of the rest of the world, if you don't agree, you are greedy for power and position.

It happens to be able to give His Majesty a justifiable reason to attack you, and we will see what you do then. "

Cheng Yaojinhu scowled, staring at Changsun Wuji with threatening eyes.


Changsun Wuji was really dumbfounded now, if Cheng Yaojin really did this, there was nothing he could do.

There are not many old people in the court hall anymore, so there is no need to find any reason for such a whole, Li Zhi will follow the imperial decree, what should he do.

Could it be that he really wants to make his own nephew go against him?
"What should I do? Either obey or resist.

The ugly thing is that Li Ji is a courtier of the Tang Dynasty. If His Majesty needs it, I will never scruple about the old friendship. "

Li Ji glanced at Cheng Yaojin, he didn't expect this idiot to come up with such a plan.

Salaries are drawn from the bottom of the pot.

I really underestimated him.

"I don't mind being a vanguard general again, hahahaha."

Yuchi Jingde also jumped up against the case, picked up the Yuye wine and started to drink directly.

"You, old man, have nothing to say."

(End of this chapter)

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