My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 166 Little Trees Don’t Sneak Up If They Don’t Repair, People Don’t Repair

Chapter 166 Little Trees Don’t Sneak Up If They Don’t Repair, People Don’t Repair

Hearing this address, Li Zhi hit Li Yanran directly on the head.

"It's not big or small, it's called Father Emperor."


Li Yanran clutched her little head, a little aggrieved.

"Sister, how can you call your father the eldest brother? You really should hit him."

Li Hong didn't know where he was hiding, but when he saw Li Yanran being beaten, he immediately jumped out.


Seeing Li Hong, Li Zhi didn't hesitate, and slapped him directly on the forehead.

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching at this point? Why are you here?"

Li Zhihu looked at Li Hong who was holding his head with a cold face.

Li Hong covered his head and replied tremblingly, "I have a headache."

"Headache? Have you ever told the imperial doctor?"

Hearing that his son had a headache, Li Zhi also looked worried.

"No, no, no, I'll be fine in a while."

Li Hong lowered his head and dared not look at Li Zhi.

I just simply don't want to go to school, where is the real headache.

If it was passed on to the imperial doctor, he might have to prescribe some nasty medicine for himself.

"Are you sure you're all right?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Hong suspiciously, not knowing what was going on with this kid.

"Father, emperor, I think the emperor's brother is seriously ill. Otherwise, he would dare to delay his studies. Let the imperial doctor come over to take a look and prescribe a few medicines to recuperate."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong who was gazing around, and immediately saw that this kid was pretending to be sick.

"Well, someone passed on the imperial doctor to give the prince a diagnosis and treatment."

Li Zhi nodded. After all, it was his prince. If there was something wrong with his mind, what would Datang do?

"Father, I'm fine, there's no need to tell the imperial doctor, I'll go to class right away."

Li Hong gave Li Yanran a look, this elder sister is really not a good person.

I came to play with you with good intentions, but you framed me in front of my father, you are a bad guy.

With a twist of his butt, Li Hong was about to run away, but was grabbed by Li Yanran.

"Xiao Li Hong, if you are sick, you must be treated. You must not hide your illness from the doctor."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong who was tossing and tossing constantly, her eyes were full of smiles.

Little brat, you can fool your elder brother with this trick, but you can't fool this girl's piercing eyes.

These tricks of yours are all badly used by me in the past.

"Father, I don't have a headache anymore. I don't want to see an imperial doctor, and I don't want to drink medicine."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong couldn't help feeling a surge of fear, and hurriedly begged Li Zhi for mercy.

"Good boy, you actually lied to me, you should hit him."

In this situation, if Li Zhi still can't see that Li Hong is pretending to be sick, he is really a fool.

Pulling Li Hong from Li Yanran's hand, he slapped him several times on the buttocks. Immediately, Li Hong snotted his nose and burst into tears, begging for mercy.

"Father, as the heir of the Great Tang Dynasty, the emperor's temper is too stubborn, so how can he take on such a heavy responsibility.

As the saying goes, if a small tree is not repaired, it will not be straight, and if a person does not repair it, it will grow your memory. "

Seeing that Li Hong was being beaten and crying, Li Yanran also smiled and handed over a wooden stick.

Just a joke, little Li Hong, you are the heir apparent of the Tang Dynasty, I must cure your stubborn temper, otherwise how can I take on important responsibilities in the future.



Looking at the wooden stick, Li Zhi and Li Hong were all stunned.

"Father, my son is wrong, I will go to class now, and I will never skip class again."

Li Hong hurriedly begged for mercy from Li Zhi, he could bear to be slapped, but if he was slapped with this wooden stick, his ass would have suffered a lot.

"Look at Father, as soon as this wooden stick comes out, Brother Hong will become sensible. If he hits it a few more times, he will definitely not dare to skip class in the future."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong begging for mercy with a smile on her face.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Li Zhi no longer hesitated to take over Li Hong who was crackling with the wooden stick, crying like ghosts and howling like wolves.

"Father, the law cannot be exhausted, these few blows are enough for brother Hong to grow his memory, if you hit again, you will pass."

"Hmph, I don't want to thank your sister Huang for begging for mercy."

Li Zhi nodded, his daughter was still sensible, unlike Li Hong who always made himself angry.

"Thank you, sister."

After speaking, Li Hong burst into tears.

This beating was all given by you, why should I thank you.

I am simply too wronged.

"Why are you crying? If you don't go to teach me, I will punish you for copying "The Analects of Confucius" five times, as a warning to others."

When Li Zhi saw Li Hong crying, his face became serious again.

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, Cheng He Titong, who was crying all day long, really lost the Li family.

"My son obeyed."

Now Li Hong is the wronged mother who opened the door for wronged, and wronged got home, and after saluting, he clutched his butt and fled like flying.

"Father, why are you looking for Yanran?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong's back, then set her sights on Li Zhi.

"What? I can't come and see my precious daughter, Princess Lishan, if I have nothing to do?"

Li Zhi touched Li Yanran's little head, his face was full of kindness.

"Father, you are fine, Yan Ran is fine."

Li Yanran directly embraced Li Zhi's arm, and looked up at the Ninth Five-Year Lord of the Tang Dynasty.

"You said."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, not knowing what his daughter wanted to do.

"Father, just give me a decree, let me go out of the palace and live on my own, this palace is always a bit uncomfortable.

Besides, there are so many industries outside, if I don't go out to command, let alone make money, it's not bad if I don't lose money.

Father also doesn't want to lose all his private money. "

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi was also taken aback.

What the other party said was very reasonable. It was all thanks to Li Yanran's leadership that the industry outside could do so well. If she wasn't around, there would indeed be problems.

There may also be twists and turns in her plan to earn private money, but she has just recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan. If she just let it out like this, it would be somewhat inconsistent with etiquette.

"Father, what do you think will happen if I tell the queen mother the news that you are a shareholder?"

Seeing that Li Zhi didn't speak, Li Yanran turned her big eyes and said to Li Zhi again.

"You dare to threaten me?"

Li Zhi frowned, looking at his daughter, somewhat angry.

"No, my daughter just doesn't want to live in the palace, and by the way helps the father keep your private property."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, spreading her arms out, I've already said this, I think you should understand how to choose.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of your mother?"

Li Zhi was also speechless, he knew before that his daughter was not easy to deal with, but now he looked really bad, but he was the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, how could he give in so easily.

"Really? Li Feng, go find my mother immediately, I have a big secret to tell him."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi, her eyes were full of indifference.

Are you not afraid of Wu Zetian?joke.

It is clearly stated in history that you are the trump card wife with strict control, otherwise it would be impossible to start the famous scene of the two saints coming to court.

In the end, the Li family was sent to Empress Wu.

"and many more."

Glancing at Li Feng, Li Zhi immediately gave up.

Li Yanran really managed to control herself.

"Father? Changed your mind?"

Li Yanran wrinkled her nose and smiled, Xiao Mian, what do you have to resist me.

"I have the final say on this matter. I have to discuss it with your mother. I can only do my best. If it doesn't work, you can't take my short."

Li Zhi stared at Li Yanran, but finally chose to compromise.

"Then we'll make a deal."

Li Yanran stretched out her small hand, Li Zhi hesitated for a moment and reached out to hold her hand together.

"People are big and little devils."

Li Zhi hit Li Yanran on the head again.

"Father, I have already said not to start, you will become stupid."

Li Yanran covered her head and gave Li Zhi a sideways glance, why people in Datang love to knock their heads so much, they are really drunk.

"Let's go and see your mother."

Li Zhi was in the front, Li Yanran and Li Feng were in the back, and went to Wu Zetian.

"Mei Niang."


(End of this chapter)

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