Chapter 168
Li Hong smiled slightly, he was afraid, this king is still very powerful.

"Small, you still dare to threaten me."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong's butt again, and the latter's tears rolled in his eyes from the pain.

"Sister, I'm really angry. Today I have to let the queen mother spank your butt with a stick."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with tears in his eyes, his eyes were full of anger.

Bullying kids, right?

You wait, I won't let you see how powerful this king is today, you still don't know who is the most powerful in this palace.

"Come here you."

Seeing that Li Hong still dared to talk back, Li Yanran grabbed him directly and slapped Li Hong's butt a few times.

Little boy, if you don't let you know how powerful your sister is, you won't understand what blood suppression is.


"Sister, I was wrong."

"I won't sue, stop beating, my butt hurts."

After some dazzling operations, Li Hong was completely convinced.

My sister is really a devil.

He was really scared.


Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, her eyes were full of disdain.

"Take it, take it."

Li Hong begged Li Yanran for mercy with snot and tears.

"Just accept it. As long as little Li Hong is obedient, sister will not treat you badly."

Li Yanran's eyes were like crescent moons, she directly took out a panda toffee and said, "Look what this is."

"Panda Toffee, it's Panda Toffee."

Li Hong immediately laughed through his tears, grabbed the panda toffee, and ate it sweetly.

Li Yanran also took out a toffee and sat beside Li Hong.

While eating candy, Li Yanran said to Li Hong, "How is Sister?"

"Sister is the best, if you can have a few candies, sister will be the best sister in the world."

Li Hong wiped the tears from his eyes, and replied in a childish voice.

"You're a big kid, that's all, I'll give it to you."

Li Yanran took out three more panda toffees and put them in Li Hong's hands.

"Sister, Li Hong likes you the most, and sister is the best."

Seeing so much sugar, Li Hong also jumped up directly, wanting to give Li Yanran a sweet kiss, but was pushed away by Li Yanran.

"You two young ancestors, Your Majesty and Queen are waiting for you."

Ryan went out, saw the two ancestors sitting in that row, and hurried over to salute.

"What's the reminder, didn't you see that I was tasting sugar with my sister?"

Li Hong gave Ryan a sideways look, and licked the panda toffee in his hand vigorously.

Ryan: .
"Okay, put away the candies, don't be confiscated by Auntie."

Li Yanran patted the dust off her buttocks, and headed straight to the bedroom.

"Sister, wait for me."

Li Hong put half of the toffee into his mouth in one gulp, then put the remaining three into his pocket, and followed behind Li Yanran.

A family of four sat on the table, enjoying this difficult and warm moment. During the dinner, Li Yanran also frequently served Wu Zetian and Li Zhi with food, and of course the little ghost head Li Hong was indispensable.

Seeing Li Yanran being so sensible, Li Zhi smiled all over his face.

This daughter really got it by herself. Not only is she smart, but she also respects the old and loves the young. It is really my blessing to have a daughter like this.

"Yanran, clean up, and go to Chongwen Hall with your brother tomorrow to study."

After drinking and eating, Wu Zetian looked at Li Yanran and directly asked her to go to Chongwen Hall with Li Hong tomorrow to go to school.

"Are you going to school with me too?"

Hearing this arrangement, Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, but immediately became excited again.

Sister, you still did not escape in the end, and you are going to school with me.

"Well, Hong'er Gao is not happy."

"Of course I'm happy, Hong'er is going to die of joy."

Happy?I heard that sister didn't go to school, so I will let you see how good I am when the time comes.

"That's good."

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, the siblings just recognized each other, and they can be so close.

What is more important than brotherhood.

It is said that the Tian family has no family affection, isn't this the best example.

"Where is Changsun Yan, come out to receive the order."

The servant in charge of delivering the decree came to Changsun's mansion and directly asked Changsun Yan to come out to receive the decree.


Changsun Yan has been exhausted for the past two days, and everything is finally on track. He is resting at home, and when he heard the imperial edict, he immediately came out to receive the edict.

"Eldest Sun Yan, the eldest son of the eldest grandson family, has a gentle temperament and extraordinary intelligence. I specially entrust the eldest Sun Yan as the prince's attendant, and he will study with him in the Chongwen Museum. I respect you."

After the servant finished reading the imperial decree, Changsun Yan hurriedly shouted long live, and took the imperial decree into his hands after saluting.

"Come here, give me a reward."

Changsun Wuji waved his hand, and the housekeeper also took out a gold cake and handed it over.

"My servant thanked the King of Zhaozhou for the reward."

After receiving the reward, the servant also greeted Changsun Wuji with a smile on his face, and then left directly.

"Father, what does this mean, Your Majesty?"

Changsun Yan was dumbfounded with the imperial decree.

I know what my own virtues are, and if I let myself go to study with the prince, wouldn't that make me look ugly.

Besides, he was used to being free, and if he went to study with him in the palace, he was afraid that he would go crazy.

"What do you mean? Do you know what it means to be accompanied by the prince?"

Compared with Changsun Yan's depression, Changsun Wuji had a smile on his face.

"What does it mean? Anyway, my son doesn't want to go."

Changsun Yan looked at Changsun Wuji with a dazed expression. In his opinion, this was a big pit, waiting for him to jump into it.

Whatever it meant, he didn't want to go.


A slap hit Changsun Yan's head.

"Nizi, you really want to piss me off."

Changsun Wuji looked at his stupid son with a stern face, his eyes full of hatred for iron.

"Prince's attendant is to study with the prince on the surface, but in fact it is His Majesty who is training his team for the Prince. After all, it is your natal family. Your Majesty wants to use you.

No matter how many people squeeze their heads into this opportunity, you still don't want to go, is it because the beatings are not enough? "

Hearing Changsun Wuji's words, Changsun Yan felt numb all over.

When did I fall into the eyes of my big cousin and train me to be a member of the prince's team? Isn't this nonsense?

Cousin, is this old and confused?

"Nizi, prepare well for me. When you arrive at the Chongwen Museum, study hard for me. If you let me know that you are causing trouble in the palace, I will break your legs when you come back."

After Changsun Wuji finished speaking, he slapped Changsun Yan on the head again.

"My son knows."

Changsun Yan pouted, feeling extremely wronged.

Compared with being a servant of the prince, he is more inclined to hang out with Li Yanran.

The prince's close minister, the pillar of the country, he should forget it.

"Well, don't let Wei Father down, and don't let Your Majesty down either."

Changsun Wuji nodded, and turned directly to the back hall. He wanted to share the good news with the other party's mother.

The same scene was also played out in the residences of the three princes. Cheng Yaojin and the others also educated their sons, asking them to go to school well and not to embarrass them.

At dawn the next day, Changsun Yan took the prepared things, stepped on the carriage and ran towards the palace.

After passing the barrier of the guards all the way, the carriage was driven directly outside the East Palace.

The main duty of the Chongwen Museum is to teach the prince and his team, so it was built in the East Palace. Looking at the gate of the East Palace, Changsun Yan felt depressed for a while.

After waiting for a while, Changsun Yan also gritted his teeth and prepared to go in, but saw several carriages approaching one after another and stopped beside him.


Looking at Cheng Chubi and the other three who got off the car, Chang Sunyan was in a bad mood.

These three idiots came anyway.

Didn't father say that His Majesty favored the eldest grandson's family and wanted to train a team for His Highness the Crown Prince?
Then why did they come here?

"Isn't this our eldest grandson county magistrate?"

Li Siwen looked at the stunned Changsun Yan, and came directly to pat him.

"Li Siwen, what are you doing here?"

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Siwen depressedly.

"We have all received the decree that we want to be the prince's servants, so we naturally come to Chongwen library to study."

Li Siwen glanced at Donggong, smiled and told his situation.

"This this."

For a long time, Sun Yan was a little confused about the situation.

The four of them are Li Yanran's hard-core younger brothers, so I'm afraid it's not the moths that Brother Li made.

"What, go in quickly, if you are late on the first day, my father will kill me."

Cheng Chubi grabbed Changsun Yan's shoulder and pushed him into the East Palace gate.

There were already many children of officials and eunuchs waiting in the Chongwen Hall, and they couldn't help but be taken aback when they saw the four of them, Changsun Yan, coming.

"Changsun Yan, who allowed you to come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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