Chapter 181 The Three Foot Man
Looking at the big featherless goose, Li Hong stood up again, asking Li Yanran to let go of the goose.

"you sure?"

Li Yanran glanced at little Li Hong, and slowly let go of the big goose.

The big goose that was released instantly regained its fighting power, and rushed towards Li Hong with its small eyes wide open.

Seeing the fierce look of the big goose, Li Hong was scared on the spot, and started the goose race again.

"Sister, help, help."

Li Yanran looked at the scene in front of her, and couldn't help but patted her forehead.

This is my good younger brother, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, and she is also drunk.

"Xiao Lihong, come on, just grab the goose by the neck, and it will be useless."

Hearing Li Yanran's shout, Li Hong turned his head to look at the fierce Goose Fighter, but still didn't dare to make a move.

"Big goose stewed in an iron pot, think about a big goose stewed in an iron pot."

Seeing that Li Hong had been pecked several times and had completely lost his sense of fighting, Li Yanran could only shout loudly to show off his brother.

Sure enough, when he heard that there was something delicious to eat, Li Hong regained his courage after being frightened by the big goose. When he saw the big goose pecking at his ass again, he had an idea and spread his legs to avoid the big goose's attack.

Then with both legs, he clamped the goose's neck directly.

The neck was clamped, and the goose lost its combat power in an instant. Li Hong also had quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed the goose by the neck, and fell to the ground with him in his arms.

Riding on the goose, Li Hong looked like a general returning from victory, shouting at Li Yanran: "Sister, I did it, I did it."

Li Yanran nodded, this kid is not considered hopeless.

"Come on."

Hearing Li Yanran's shout, a servant immediately came over to salute Li Yanran.

He ordered the other party to take the goose away, go down to clean it up, then set up a bonfire in the yard, and brought a large iron pot and seasonings.

"Sister, I'm good."

Li Hong was covered in mud and his face was dirty, but his eyes were full of excitement.

"Well, it's amazing. I'll stew a big goose in an iron pot later. I'll reward you with a big goose leg."

Li Yanran wiped Li Hong's face with her sleeve, and then patted the dirt on his body.

"Okay, big goose legs, big goose legs."

Li Hong was also excited. He had never even heard of stewed goose in an iron pot, let alone eat it.

But since it was made by Ajie, it must be delicious in the world.

He was a little impatient.


Li Yanran patted him on the head.

Little devil, he knows how to eat all day long.

After a while, the back kitchen brought out the packed goose and placed it in front of Li Yanran.

Li Yanran first poured a lot of oil into the pot, then put the seasonings in, and then put the sliced ​​goose into the pot.

A puff of white smoke with a strong fragrance came out directly.

"Sister, this big goose smells so good."

Li Hong looked at the big goose in the pot with his feet on his feet, and there was already a trace of saliva at the corner of his mouth.

"There are still good things."

Li Yanran grabbed a pack of yellow sauce and poured it directly into the pot, followed by beans, tofu, and fungi, and finally ordered someone to bring over a jar of good wine, mixed with boiled well water and poured it in.

"Sister, how long will it take?"

When Li Hong saw Li Yanran put the lid on, he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, watch the fire."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, this little brother is good in everything, but he is too impatient to do things, this needs to be changed.


Li Hong sat on the ground, looked at the iron pot in front of him, and kept adding firewood to it.

He usually slept for a while, but now Li Hong felt what it meant to be suffering. Seeing white gas rising from the pot, his saliva could no longer be stopped.

After a while, Li Yanran also walked over with the four heavenly kings covered in flying hair.

"Sister, whoops."

Li Hong ran towards Li Yanran, and then fell down again.

"Grandpa, be careful."

Changsun Yan was dumbfounded, what the hell is going on, why is this lady so good.

"The king is fine."

Li Hong put aside Changsun Yan's arm and threw himself directly into Li Yanran's arms.

"Sister, did you hear anything?"

Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran, and immediately showed his belly.

"I heard it, it was a glutton's stomach growling."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's belly.

"Then hurry up, I'm going to starve to death, I want to eat big goose legs."

Li Hong put away his belly in satisfaction, his eyes were full of prayers.

"Eat, eat, open the pot."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Cheng Chubi directly lifted the lid of the iron pot, and a strange fragrance rushed straight into everyone's nostrils.

"smell good."

Rao Cheng Chubi has been with Li Yanran for so long, and he has never smelled such a smell.

Fragrant, really fragrant.

"Sister, sister, I want to eat goose legs."

Li Hong stood on tiptoe again, looking at the goose meat slurping in the pot, his eyes were full of joy.

"Give you."

Li Yanran put a big goose leg in the bowl and handed it to Li Hong.

"Sister, then I will not be polite."

With the goose legs in front, Li Hong couldn't care less about other things, and started to eat them heartily.

"Well, sister, this stewed goose in an iron pot is really delicious, even better than the ones I ate in the palace."

While eating, Li Hong commented with excitement in his eyes.

Seeing that Li Hong was eating so deliciously, the others couldn't bear it anymore, and started to sweep up the big geese in the pot.

Li Yanran picked up two goose wings, sat beside Li Hong, and began to eat comfortably.

After drinking and eating, they all lay on the ground, looking at the sun above their heads, feeling indescribably satisfied.

"Brother Li, should you go back to the palace?"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, he played and ate, should he go back?

If it was later and people found out that Li Hong and Li Yanran had left the palace quietly, it would be over.

"I don't want to go back. The palace is suffocating. It's better here. It's comfortable, free, and there are so many delicious foods."

Li Hong wiped the runny nose, his small eyes were full of rejection.

"Sister, don't go back, we two are wandering around the world, walking around the world with swords, okay?"

Seeing that Li Yanran didn't speak, Li Hong also turned over and stared at his elder sister with wide eyes.

Li Yanran hit Li Hong directly on the head, her eyes were full of disdain.

"You are still walking around the world with a sword, you are not as high as a sword."

"Sister, do you want to go back to the palace?"

Li Hong clutched his little head, his face full of grievances.

"I don't want to, do you understand why my sister asked you to catch geese today?"

Li Yanran shook her head, she naturally didn't want to go back to the palace, but what can she do.

"Why do you ask me to catch geese? I don't understand."

Li Hong shook his head, didn't sister want to make a fool of me?
What's the meaning here?
"Stupid, think again."

Li Yanran knocked Li Hong again.

"Sister wants me to follow the good example, listen more and read more, some things need to be experienced personally to know right or wrong?

And don't be overconfident in life, big goose, I really can't beat it. "

Li Hong was very clever, and immediately thought of what everyone said before catching the goose.

"Smart, think about it, if you tell your father what you saw and heard today, what do you think he will think?"

Li Yanran nodded, this little Li Hong really deserves to be his own younger brother, but he is smarter than those idiots like Chang Sun Yan.

"Father will definitely praise me for my progress, and then I will take advantage of the situation and propose to move around more. By then, father will not hinder us from leaving the palace?"

Li Hong tilted his head, looked at Li Yanran, and already had his own thoughts in his heart.

"No, no, if you tell Father that way, he will know that I stole the gold medal, and he will beat me to death."

Li Hong suddenly thought of a very serious problem, stealing the gold medal and leaving the palace would be beaten to death by his father.

If I went like this, wouldn't I be throwing myself into a trap?

"It's just a beating. Could it be that Xiao Li Hong is afraid?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, this kid is really enlightened, he can even think of these things.

It seems that children are not so easy to fool.

"Fear, when has this king been afraid?"

Hearing the word "fear", Li Hong's temper flared up again.

Isn't it just Ayton's fight, and it's not like he hasn't endured it before. How can he show his timidity in front of Sister?

How can this be done by a man of seven feet and three feet.

"Okay, what are you waiting for, go back to the palace."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, and immediately jumped up.

"Okay, go back to the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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