My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 196 Perfection

Chapter 196 Perfection
Looking at the lottery ticket that fell from the sky, the whole person was stunned.

Uncovering it casually, a naive panda appeared directly in front of him.

"Bear Panda."

San Zhuang couldn't believe his eyes, wiped his eyes and looked again, it was indeed a panda.

"I hit it, I hit it."

San Zhuang jumped up directly, his eyes full of excitement.

"Hit? Hit what?"

The people next to him heard that the three heroes had won, and they couldn't help casting their gazes.

After all, the first prize hasn't appeared yet. Could it be that this product is the first prize?

If it is true, it may be said that these three strong will be unlucky.

Sensing the gazes of the people around him, San Zhuang was not stupid, and shouted directly: "Golden pig, I got hit by a golden pig."

"Tch, I thought you scratched out a panda."

"That's right, we thought you won the first prize."

"Waste feelings."

Hearing that San Zhuang just won the sixth prize of the Golden Pig, the people around him also lost interest.

Rather than paying attention to you, a golden pig, I might as well hope that Gaotai will not be able to cash out the first prize, but will be able to refund the money.

San Zhuang held the lottery ticket in his pocket, smiled foolishly, and then blended into the crowd.

"Brother Li, it's almost time, there are 3 to [-] people here.

If they are really incited, there will be a big mess, let our people take action. "

Li Siwen looked at the increasingly excited crowd with worries in his eyes.

If you don't do it again, there will be problems.

"Well, let that person act. Even if it is a fake, the scene must be completed, and there must be no trouble."

Li Yanran nodded and asked Li Siwen to do it.

There are tens of thousands of people here, not counting those who have already left. At least 10,000+ people participated in the lottery rally this time.

If something goes wrong, let alone yourself, even the father may have to punish himself.


Li Siwen immediately went to order people to act.

San Zhuang has a strong body, squeezed left and right and finally squeezed to the vicinity of the high platform. After seeing the excited people, he jumped up directly.

"What are you doing here?"

Seeing Sanzhuang dressed as a farmer, Changsun Yan was also taken aback.

"I'll redeem the prize."

"The fifth and sixth prizes can be redeemed at the ticket office."

Changsun Yan was depressed for a while, he was getting annoyed now, so don't make trouble.

"I won the panda, the first prize."

San Zhuang took out the lottery ticket from his arms tremblingly.

Looking at the panda on the lottery ticket, Changsun Yan immediately jumped up.

"Sing the gong, ring the gong quickly."


With the sound of a gong, all the people in the audience were stunned, looking at the simple and honest San Zhuang, they were all a little confused.

"Everyone, the winner of the first prize has appeared. This is this one. What's your name?"

Changsun Yan glanced at the savior San Zhuang again, and asked his name.

"Three strong."

San Zhuang naively reported his name to Changsun Yan.

"The winner of the first prize is the three strong men."

With a wave of his hand, Changsun Yan directly lifted the red silk on the high platform, and underneath it was the gold hundred taels that had been prepared.

"Damn, isn't this the San Zhuang who herds cattle outside the city? This idiot can also win the first prize?"

"That's right, some time ago he borrowed money from me to see a doctor for my old lady."

"What are you talking about, is that San Zhuang? That's the old man's son-in-law."

Although San Zhuang is outside the city, there are many people who know him, so that's it.

All three of them can win the first prize, which is really enviable and jealous.

After all, it was 100 million yuan, a hundred taels of gold, which was wealth that they could never earn in their entire lives.

"San Zhuang, these are all yours."

Changsun Yan looked at San Zhuang who was in a daze, and patted him on the shoulder directly, with regret and happiness in his eyes.

"These are all mine?"

San Zhuang looked at the gold in front of him foolishly, his eyes full of disbelief.

"That's right, it's all yours."

Changsun Yan can understand San Zhuang's psychology.

100 million yuan, not to mention ordinary people, is a huge fortune even for me.

"Then how do I take it back?"

Looking at the crowd below, there are good people but there are also bad people.

With such a huge sum of money in his pocket, it is also a problem to want to leave.

"Don't worry, if you need it, I can arrange someone to escort you home."

Changsun Yan curled his lips. This guy looked simple and honest, but he was not as stupid as he imagined.

He directly greeted the people next to him, and a captain of the Jinwu Guard led fifty Jinwu Guards to the high platform.

"Thank you, Young Master, so I will only take 50 taels, and the rest will be given to Young Master."

Looking at the Jin Wuwei with fierce eyes, San Zhuang was overjoyed immediately.

"No, you deserve these, send this three strong back."


The team leader saluted directly to Changsun Yan, and then directly made a gesture of invitation to San Zhuang.

"Thank you, thank you."

San Zhuang packed a bag of gold with red silk, and then left under the escort of Jin Wuwei.

"San Zhuang, walk slowly, you lent me a chicken last time, and you haven't returned it yet."

"Brother Sanzhuang, don't you want to marry me? I promise you."

"Just like you are worthy of being the wife of the three strong sons, my sister is eighteen years old, brother-in-law."

"My son-in-law, please slow down, the old man wants to talk to you about the dowry."

For a while, the people were shocked and left with San Zhuang.

The first prizes were all drawn out, and the people around were also a little bit downhearted, asking Gaotai for the time of the next lottery draw.

"Everyone just wait for the news. Now that all the prizes have been matched, I announce the end of the lottery sale."


As soon as the gong sounded, the people also left one after another.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, quickly settle the accounts, how much did we earn?"

Changsun Yan came running wildly, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Are you a pig? Do you think I'm a computer? How much more money do you make?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Changsun Yan, her eyes were full of depression.

Each of these dozens of ticket outlets sold a large number of lottery tickets. These places not only sold tickets, but also recorded and exchanged them. It was so easy to get the result.

"Oh oh oh, then I'll go and remind you."

In order to count the lottery sales this time, Li Yanran specially recruited dozens of officials from the household department to be responsible for counting the proceeds.

Now the household officials in the background are about to collapse.

They are indeed good at statistics, but these are completely beyond their cognition.

The pens in their hands are almost smoking for this account.

What a reminder, do you have any sense of public morality?

"Li Siwen, arrange for all the officials of the household department to move to Lan Kwai Fong, and then lead people to clean up the scene. We are good citizens of Datang, and it is everyone's responsibility to maintain the hygiene of Chang'an."

"It is necessary to make people walk out of the field, and a piece of paper does not fall to the ground."

Seeing Li Yanran's back, everyone was stunned.

Scanning the mess in front of him, this needs to be cleaned up, when will it be cleaned up.

Brother Li, is it reasonable for you to shake your ass and leave, leaving such a mess to yourself?
"Brother Li, let me lead the donkey for you."

Changsun Yan stepped forward and ran towards Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, I will protect you."

"Me too."

Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan were the same idiots, they followed Changsun Yan.

Li Siwen's eyes darkened, and he was about to run away but was stopped by Li Deshan and Zheng Xuanfeng.

"Young Master Li, I have to go back and report to His Majesty, so I will leave this place to you."

"Jin Wuwei still has a case to deal with, so I have to trouble Mr. Li."

After the two saluted Li Siwen, they left without looking back.

Only Li Siwen was left looking at the venue, his small face twisted together.

"Zhu Zi, Shu Zi."

(End of this chapter)

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