My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 217 Lishan Royal Hot Spring

After Li Yanran left, Zhenshanhu didn't survive after all, and died that afternoon.

Xinfeng County also sent people to help the other party collect the body, and then quickly reported what happened here to Chang'an Jing Zhaoyin.

When Jing Zhaoyin saw the news, he was also depressed for a while.

You can't handle the affairs of Xinfeng County by yourself, so why did you send them to Jing Zhaoyin.

Well now that this incident happened, should I report it to His Majesty, or should I keep it silent?

If you report it, you will go to the emperor's daughter to sue others. If you don't report it, once the censor finds out, you will definitely refer to yourself again.

In the end, Jing Zhaoyin could only grit his teeth and compile the affairs of Xinfeng County into a memorial, temporarily pressing it to himself, and reporting to Li Zhi when he had the opportunity.

After Li Yanran returned to Chang'an, she went straight to the farm outside the city.

Sun Simiao got out of the car and looked at the Xinran farm, and nodded involuntarily.

Although everyone here is busy, everyone's face is full of red light, which is different from other places at first glance. This Princess Lishan is really quite powerful.

After receiving Li Yanran's instructions, all the good wine and dishes from the farm were served, and Sun Simiao couldn't help but shook his head when he saw these.

He has long since got rid of the anxiety of eating and drinking, and pays attention to health preservation.

None of this really appealed to him.

"Sun Yaowang, this is a priceless wine, you must have never tasted it."

Li Yanran came to Sun Simiao with a bottle of Yuye wine.

"Worthy wine?"

Hearing that there was fine wine, Sun Simiao was also taken aback.

Although he lacks interest in appetite, he is very fond of wine.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to say that drinking alone would save a thousand miles from disease, and the priceless fine wine really made him feel a little itchy.


Li Yanran uncorked the wine directly, and the rich aroma of the wine wafted out instantly.

Sun Simiao sniffed his nose. This wine has a strong aroma and a long taste. It really is a good wine.

"Try it."

Li Yanran poured a bowl of wine for Sun Simiao, her eyes were full of smiles.

I can tell by your appearance that you are an old alcoholic. As long as you take a good drink, you will never escape from the palm of this girl.

"Then. Try it?"

Sun Simiao was also delighted to see Lie Xin, took the wine bowl and immediately drank it down.

"Cough cough cough."

The strong wine entered his throat, and Sun Simiao was almost not taken away.

This wine is really strong, compared with the wine he had drunk before, it is no different from plain water.

"Good wine, good wine."

After the alcohol melted away, Sun Simiao only felt that his body was warm.

"It would be great if King Sun Yao likes it. As long as you are in my fief, you can have as much wine as you want."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, no one is perfect, as long as you have a weakness, then don't even think about running away.

"Thank you so much for that."

Sun Simiao had nothing to say, anyway, Li Yanran would never let her go.

Thinking about it now, if the other party really knows how to build a medical school, develop medical skills, and drink such fine wine, it would not be a bad thing.

After drinking and eating, Li Yanran did not let Sun Simiao go, and placed him in her original house, and sent Li Feng to take care of him, while she went straight back to the palace.


After Li Yanran returned to the palace, the first thing she did was to find her cheap father Li Zhi.

"You're back?"

Li Zhi has long been accustomed to Li Yanran's unreported behavior.

"Father, I have an idea."

Li Yanran moved closer to Li Zhi's side, her eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Don't tell me, I'm a little afraid of you now."

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Zhi shivered immediately.

My daughter is too big of an idea. Although the previous lottery was very rewarding, there were also a lot of troubles.

"Father, I want the other courtyard of the palace on Mount Li."


Li Zhi looked at his daughter, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"What do you want the palace on Lishan Mountain for?"

"I want to transform the imperial palace on Lishan Mountain into a hot spring club, and I want the rich people in Chang'an to line up to soak in the hot spring."


Li Zhi directly hit Li Yanran on the head with a hammer, his eyes were full of anger.

"Father, why are you beating me?"

Li Yanran covered her head and looked at Li Zhi, wondering what he meant.

"That's a place for the royal family. You want to transform the royal courtyard into a hot spring club, and let ordinary people soak in the hot springs. Have you ever thought about the majesty of my royal family?

Are you trying to make me lose face? "

Li Zhihu put on a face, not knowing what happened to his daughter.

I used to always praise the other party's aptitude, which is a good material, how did it become like this now.

"You can't go to the Royal Courtyard twice a year, and you have to keep it there, which is a waste of manpower, material and financial resources.

If it can be transformed into a hot spring club, I guarantee that it will bring at least [-] yuan in revenue to the royal family a year, or even more. "

Li Yanran curled her lips, the palace is a burden to the royal family.

You can't go twice a year, and you still have to spend so much money on maintenance, for the sake of face?
It's you who wants to save face and suffer.

"A [-] income, do I like it? Compared with the face of the royal family, those are nothing."

Li Zhi patted Li Yanran on the head again, the income of [-] guan will make me give you the other courtyard of the palace, what are you thinking?

That was built by my father, even if you borrowed your courage, he wouldn't dare to do it.

"The 50 guan income is for the royal family, and our own income is at least [-] guan."

Li Yanran glanced at her father, and said a shocking number again.

"More than 50 guan?"

Hearing this number, Li Zhi also widened his eyes.

"That's right, this is still a conservative estimate. In the end, it can't exceed a million hits."

Li Yanran also took advantage of the victory to pursue, and revealed another number that shocked Li Zhi even more.

"Tell me, how can a hot spring earn millions of dollars?"

Li Zhi's eyes lit up, a hundred thousand guan was nothing to him, but the income of a million guan really moved him a little bit.

"The hot springs on Mount Li are just a gimmick. To really make money, what I want to do is real estate."

Li Yanran glanced at her father, and threw out her trump card, if you don't believe me, you won't take the bait.

"Tell me carefully."

Real estate is easy to understand, but Li Zhi can't figure out how to sell the real estate near Lishan for millions of dollars. Is this possible?
If you want to know how much a house in Chang'an is, if you want to sell the house for millions of dollars, this is simply a fool.

He didn't believe it anyway.

"Hot springs have the effect of health preservation, otherwise Grandpa Huang would not be able to build a royal soup on Mount Li, if we further exaggerate the curative effect of hot springs.

For example, if a man soaks in it, he will be able to live and prolong his life, and if a woman soaks it, he will be able to maintain his beauty and maintain his youth forever.

Then at the foot of Lishan Mountain, large-scale construction was carried out to build other gardens, and Lishan hot springs were introduced to every household.

How do you guess those rich officials will choose?Will it sell like crazy? "

Li Yanran directly expressed all her thoughts.

"What you want is a hot spring, what does it have to do with the palace on Lishan Mountain?"

Li Zhi is depressed, what you said doesn't seem to have anything to do with the other courtyard of the palace on Mount Li?

The big deal is that I allow you to connect to the hot springs from Lishan to each house, why do you have to go to the other courtyard of the palace.


Happy Labor day

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