My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 222 Fighting

Li Zhi's eyes were full of chills when he saw the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty in front of him.

Such a family with five surnames and seven wangs, such a world-famous family, really good.

Facing the situation in front of him, the Prime Minister Ren Yaxiang lowered his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

Just when the two sides were at war, Xu Jingzong and Gao Zhizhou looked at each other, and directly stepped forward to salute Li Zhi.


Seeing Xu Jingzong stand up, Li Zhi was also taken aback.

"Your Majesty, I want to sue Sun Qingquan, the censor of the Lin Dynasty, for disregarding national discipline and corrupting the law. It is really a catastrophe for the court. I hope Your Majesty will order a thorough investigation."

Xu Jingzong glanced at Sun Qingquan who was being taken into custody by the imperial guards, and he directly resorted to pulling out his salary from the bottom of the pot.

Didn't you prevent Sun Qingquan from going to Liuzhou?Then I will kill you directly.

Let's see what else you can do.


There was a sneer at the corner of Li Zhi's mouth, Xu Jingzong was Xu Jingzong after all.

It really is my right arm.

"Nature is true. If this matter is not true, I am willing to bear the crime of false accusation."

Xu Jingzong knelt directly on the ground, his eyes were full of chills.

"Okay, Xu Jingzong, I want you to investigate Sun Qingquan's corruption case, no one can interfere."

Li Zhi directly made a decision and handed over Sun Qingquan's affairs to Xu Jingzong. He believed that the other party would give him a satisfactory answer.

"The minister obeys the order."


Li Zhi flung his sleeves and left, leaving only Man Chao Wenwu in a daze. Sun Qingquan was the most depressed among them.

Originally, delegating Liuzhou was regarded as a top punishment, but the crime does not deserve death.

Now that Xu Jingzong, the wolf dog, was bitten, he would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't have to die.

"Take it away."

The commander of the imperial guards glanced at the imperial guards, and directly ordered Sun Qing to be detained.

Looking at Sun Qingquan who was full of despair, Cui Shouye's eyes were also full of bitterness.

Originally, things were almost done, but who would have thought that Xu Jingzong, an old dog, would jump out, and now things would be troublesome.

"How to do?"

"Go back and talk."

Cui Shouye waved his hand and left.

"Mr. Gao Yang, you are a little unwise this time."

Gao Zhizhou looked at Xu Jingzong beside him, his eyes were full of depression.

Now that you stand up in this situation, you have made up your mind to fight Wu Xing Qiwang, you are a bit too risky.

"I know it's unwise, but as His Majesty's humerus ministers, if we don't stand up in that situation, what will His Majesty think of us?
But if we stand up, what will His Majesty think of us? "

Xu Jingzong shook his head, he is very good at investing, otherwise he would not have thrown himself into Empress Wu's camp without hesitation.

Now the reason why he bravely stood up was to show Li Zhi his heart.

I, Xu Jingzong, belong to Your Majesty, I don't care about five surnames and seven hopes.

As long as the emperor is willing, I am willing to be your eagle dog and charge forward for you.

"So that's the case, then Mr. Gao Yang must have already had a draft for Sun Qingquan."

For Xu Jingzong's speculative behavior, Gao Zhizhou admired it very much, you can seize such a small opportunity.

You deserve such a high title now, I am really not as good as you.

"To deal with a Sun Qingquan, you still use a beating manuscript? If it is in my hands, even if he is fine, he will spit out something for me. Don't worry about that."

A trace of disdain flashed in Xu Jingzong's eyes, he was just a little Sun Qingquan, did he still need to go all out to deal with it?


Let alone Sun Qingquan, even if Changsun Wuji fell into his hands, it would be difficult for him to walk out in one piece.

"Then it all depends on Mr. Gao Yang's methods, hehe."

Gao Zhizhou also smiled slightly, he believed Xu Jingzong's words, and also believed that he definitely had the ability.

"Let's go."

Immediately after Cui Shouye returned home, Cui Yuqing called him home, and he couldn't help feeling agitated looking at his nephew.

"Shouye, what you did today was really ill-considered. Contradicting His Majesty for a little Sun Qingquan, the loss outweighs the gain."

Cui Qingyu touched the teacup in his hand and said slowly.

"Uncle, my nephew is indeed a little reckless today."

Cui Shouye didn't expect this to be the case, but what can he do if the problem has already arisen.

"If a Sun Qingquan gives up, he will give up, but he must not be involved in anything, so you know what to do?"

Cui Yuqing nodded. After all, his nephew is not bad. Except for being younger, everything else is the best choice.

"My nephew understands."

Cui Shouye frowned slightly. He already understood what Cui Qingyu meant, but the matter had come to this point, and he could only do so.

Soon Sun Qingquan committed suicide in prison, and Xu Jingzong was a little pale when he got the news.

He really didn't expect that someone could do these things right under his nose.

But it doesn't matter, the living can make a fuss by themselves, and the dead are also afraid that they won't be able to escape. Soon a memorial was handed over to Li Zhi's desk.

Seeing that Sun Qingquan committed suicide in prison, Li Zhi was also a little bit embarrassed, but it didn't matter, as long as he pleaded guilty, it would be fine.

Once Sun Qingquan died, he died, and this matter was settled.

This little episode was finally over, and no one dared to bring up the issue of the hot spring town anymore, so it was the tacit fact.

Li Yanran couldn't stay idle either, the craftsmen arranged by Changsun Yan had already left Chang'an and marched towards Li Yanran's fiefdom.

She also came to the fief in person, and wanted to be a good construction worker to ensure the quality of the project in the hot spring town.

"Brother Li, if this hot spring town wants to be established, we craftsmen may not be enough."

Li Yanran's hot spring town is not small, and the craftsmen in his own hands are not enough.

"Go to Xinfeng immediately and post the recruitment information. Each person will be paid 200 yuan a day, and [-] people will come to help first."

"How many?"

Glancing at Li Yanran, Changsun Yan's eyeballs were about to pop out.

With a salary of [-] yuan a day, is Brother Li crazy or stupid?

You must know that the price of rice is only less than ten cents a bucket, and a bucket of rice weighs 12.5 catties. If you pay fifty yuan for wages, how much is the monthly salary of a ninth-rank official in Datang?

If this was disclosed, wouldn't that person go crazy?

"Is fifty dollars much?"

Li Yanran looked at Changsun Yan, she had never worked before, the people before her were servants of their respective families, as long as they were given some rewards, monthly money would do.

"It's a lot, Brother Li. I don't think fifty dollars is needed. Twenty dollars per person per day is enough to make people crazy. After all, twenty dollars is enough to buy two buckets of rice."

Li Siwen also frowned.

I know you are a rich woman, but you can't be so inhumane. If you pay [-] yuan a day, I'm afraid people from Chang'an will come to work.

"Is twenty dollars enough?"

Li Yanran was a little puzzled, this was half of what she said, if she couldn't find someone and delayed the progress of the project, then she would suffer a lot.

"That's enough. We have artisans. We just need to find some coolies. I'm afraid they will fight for twenty dollars."

Changsun Yan nodded sharply beside him. After all, this is real money. Money is always a good thing.

"Then do as you said. Remember that I want people who do things, not people who just dawdle. If anyone comes here to steal, rape and play tricks, just beat me out with a stick."

Li Yanran nodded. In the current situation, they understand the prices better than themselves, so just let them do it.

"I'll do it right away."

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