Li Yanran smiled slightly, can't you?
Then you can make a next verse for us now.

"The Buddha Dharma of the poor monk is not yet complete. How can he write a profound Buddhist gatha in one go? Princess Lishan can hardly be a poor monk."

Xuanzang was stunned, you just opened your mouth with such a profound Buddhist gatha, let me match it now, do you have the ability?

He did not.

What about the eminent monk?He is not a Buddha, but just an ordinary person.

"Then master, if I make the following gatha, can the great monk represent Buddhism and accept my father's will to let him thoroughly investigate Buddhist temples all over the world and return Buddhism to its original purity?"

If you can't do it, it's easy to say, I can.

"If Her Royal Highness can really write the following gatha, Xuanzang is willing to accept the emperor's will on behalf of the Buddhist sect of the Tang Dynasty, thoroughly investigate the Buddhist temples in the world, and restore the purity of the Buddhist sect.

What if it can't be done? "

Xuanzang glanced at Li Yanran and felt his heart pounding, but the words have come to this point, what else can he do.

The emperor ordered him to fight with the principles of Buddhism, but now people are comparing himself with the principles of Buddhism. If he doesn't accept it, what will happen to the Buddhism in the world?
An eminent monk who has attained the Tao is not as good as a royal girl, and this Buddhist sect is too inferior.

Moreover, he didn't believe that Li Yanran could do it, so he just used this as an excuse to pick the current predicament.

"Father, do you believe me?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi who was on the side, and it was obvious that the other party wanted a general.

This is not something she can agree to. After all, the emperor is still here, so it's her turn to intervene.

"If she can't do it, the monks from Santai Temple will be handed over to you, Da Ci'en Temple."

Li Zhi was also taken aback, but he knew Li Yanran's abilities best.

This girl is crazy, at least he has never seen the other party suffer.

Since Li Yanran has confidence, as a father, he has to stand by his daughter no matter what.

Besides, it was Li Yanran who found the Santai Temple in the first place, even if the other party didn't recite the Buddha's gatha, it should be assumed that it never happened.

There will be opportunities later.

"It's hard to chase after a word, so I ask the princess to write the next gatha."

Xuanzang smiled slightly, now that the situation was up to him, he firmly believed that Li Yanran would not be able to make amends.

But Xuanzang thought very well, but he forgot that Li Yanran proposed this Buddhist verse.

If you are not [-]% sure, does the other party dare to be so rigid with you?
"Then master, listen carefully."

"No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror."

"There is nothing in the first place, where is the dust."

When Li Yanran came out with four Buddhist verses, Xuanzang immediately collapsed.

This guy's Buddhist gatha just now may have some flaws, but these four Buddhist gatha are well-founded, with a front and a back.

Didn't you say that you won't come when you see it?

Now it is completely invisible.

"No, there are still flaws. Bodhi exists when you see it, and it doesn't exist when you don't see it. The spirit is like a mirror, and the heart is like a mirror. It has its own definite number."

"Bodhi is only sought from the heart, so why bother to seek the mystery from the outside? Master, you have lost your mind."

Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said the following words.


"His Royal Highness, the poor monk is convinced."

Xuanzang looked at Li Yanran, there was no regret in his eyes, only excitement.

With such wisdom, it can't be said that he is really the reincarnation of the living Buddha. He must find a way to keep such a person.

If Buddhism can really produce a Buddha, no matter how big and dirty the world is, it will surely be illuminated by the Buddha's light and the world will be bright.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan has roots of wisdom, and I hope Your Majesty will allow Princess Lishan to become a monk and shine in the world."

Xuanzang glanced at Li Zhi, and directly expressed his thoughts.




Hearing Xuanzang's words, Li Zhi was dumbfounded, Wu Zetian was dumbfounded, and Li Yanran was even more dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Let Li Yanran become a monk?

What a beautiful thing to think about.

"Xuanzang, you have passed. Yanran is my princess of the Tang Dynasty. How dare you let her become a monk?"

Li Zhi's eyeballs are about to pop out, you thief monk, you miss your daughter.

Really shameless.

"His Majesty."

Xuanzang suddenly knelt down on his knees in front of Li Zhi.


When Xuanzang knelt down, everyone felt a storm in their hearts.

You must know that Xuanzang is an eminent monk who has attained the Tao, and he is also the abbot of the Great Mercy Temple, which can be regarded as the prostration of the Buddhist sect of the Tang Dynasty.

Since becoming a monk, Xuanzang has never bowed down to anyone except Buddha statues. Even if Li Zhi is the emperor, he can treat him calmly.

Why are you kneeling suddenly now?

"Although Princess Lishan is the daughter of the royal family, she is essentially the reincarnation of the Buddha. I hope that His Majesty can abandon the petty love of her children and complete the great fortune of Princess Lishan."

Xuanzang looked at Li Yanran, but for some reason he saw a round of Buddha's light from behind her, which strengthened his belief in bringing Li Yanran back to Buddhism.

He doesn't need to pay homage to the emperor, but if it's for Li Yanran, it's worth it for him.

"Buddha was reincarnated an elbow."

Before Li Zhi spoke, Li Yanran was unhappy.

It is true that I am reincarnated, but I am not your so-called Buddha. I am a serious girl.

You want me to become a monk to become a monk, don't say that my father disagrees.

Even if Li Zhi agrees, she, Li Yanran, cannot agree.

To become a monk, she would rather commit suicide and drink Mengpo soup again.

"Princess Lishan, monks don't tell lies, you are the reincarnation of the Buddha, this poor monk firmly believes.

With such roots of wisdom at such an age, there is no other explanation other than the reincarnation of the Buddha. "

For Li Yanran, Xuanzang now really respects him.

Because he has recognized Li Yanran's Buddha nature, such a person should be respected by her.

"Give up your heart, I will never become a monk."

Li Yanran was depressed, originally she wanted to smooth things over for her father, but she didn't expect that Xuanzang would have to be merciless.

what's going on?

Because I copied a few Buddhist verses, you said that I am the reincarnation of the Buddha.

This is too bullshit.

"Your Highness, the Buddha is the principle of heaven and earth. You have a predestined relationship with the Buddha. You should enter my Buddhist gate and cultivate your original heart. You have achieved great fortune and great merit."

Xuanzang didn't seem to hear Li Yanran's words, and continued to fool her into joining Buddhism.

"Your Majesty, this matter should be discussed in the long run."

Wu Zetian looked at Xuanzang who was kneeling on the ground, and his eyes trembled.

For Xuanzang to kneel in public for Li Yanran, this is already the greatest sincerity.

It can be seen that Li Yanran's status in the other party's eyes, if her daughter is really the reincarnation of Buddha, then
"What is the long-term plan? There is no need to discuss this matter. Father and mother, Yan Ran will never worship Buddhism."

Li Yanran glanced at his old mother, her eyes were full of anxiety.

She knows that her mother believes in Buddha and worships Buddha, but you can't push your daughter into the temple.

That was to be a ordained monk, she disagreed.

"That's right, empress, there is no need to discuss this matter. How can my princess worship Buddhism? This is a big joke in the world, and I won't allow it."

Li Zhi's eyes were full of anger. He wanted Zhen's daughter, but there was no way.

"His Majesty."

Wu Zetian also frowned, she didn't want Li Yanran to enter Buddhism, but who gave her the roots of wisdom?

This is to make my daughter detached, why can't I discuss it.

“There is no need to discuss this matter again, it is absolutely impossible.

Xuanzang, you just lost.

I want to thoroughly investigate the affairs of Buddhist temples all over the world, so you must have nothing to say about Buddhism. "

Li Zhi can't listen to anyone's words now, no matter what, let Li Yanran become a monk in the temple, he disagrees, and is this the time to talk about it?

What I'm talking about now is a thorough investigation of Buddhist temples all over the world, not whether my daughter is a Buddha.

"The poor monk naturally has nothing to say. If the emperor wants to investigate, he can start with my Da Ci'en Temple, and the Da Ci'en Temple will fully cooperate.

But the poor monk still hopes that the emperor can let Princess Lishan enter the Buddhist gate and let the Buddha's light shine on the world, so that it will be the blessing of the Tang Dynasty and the common people. "

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