My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 241 Xuanzang Enters Three Units

Li Yanran looked at Changsun Yan's back, completely dumbfounded.

This guy actually caught his speech problem?

When did this guy become so clever.

"Brother Li, didn't you see it? He's going to renege on his debt."

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, this guy probably wants to eat for nothing.

"Forget it, just give it away, it's not easy for Changsun Yan, such an adult, it's like this for a few hundred guan."

Li Yanran has nothing to say, it is really difficult to grow Sun Yan.

When the dust settled in Changsun Wuji's house, Changsun Yan immediately sent the good news back to Chang'an. Of course, he didn't dare to go back himself, and asked Zhang Si to bring it back.

"Madam, pack some clothes, sir, I will take you to a good place tomorrow."

After receiving the news, Changsun Wuji was also very excited. After all, his son can hold on to something, at least the house has been scratched down for him.

"What's the matter? What are you going to do? You still have to pack your clothes."

Changsun looked at Changsun Wuji, wondering what the old man was going to do.

"Yan'er bought us a house from the foot of Lishan Mountain, let us enjoy the hot spring."

Changsun Wuji also smiled slightly and took a bath in the hot spring. To be honest, he had always heard that the hot spring was good, but he didn't have a chance to experience it. He didn't expect that when he was old, he would be exposed to his son's glory.

If Changsun Yan heard this, he would probably spit on his father.

Is that what I like?
If it wasn't for looking at the cane whip in your hand, would I agree?
Really old and shameless.

"Yan'er bought it for you? If you don't show respect to my mother, you can be regarded as my favor."

"Ah, yes, yes, the old man has fallen for the madam."

"It's almost there."

Changsun Wuji and Changsun's packed up some clothes and prepared to go to Lishan Hot Spring the next day.

"Master, we have found the trace of Princess Lishan, and she has been enforcing the land in Lishan."

Monk Puguang came to the quiet room, clasped his hands together and performed a Buddhist salute to Xuanzang.


"I'm going to pay my respects to the Buddha at Santai Temple."

Hearing that Li Yanran was in Mount Li, Xuanzang couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately went to Santai Temple to pay homage to the Buddha.

Monk Kuiji clasped his hands together and said to Xuanzang, "Master, the Santai Temple is simple, so it might not be suitable for you to go there. Why don't you let the disciples take you there?"

"No matter how small the Santai Temple is, it is still a clean place. Moreover, this incident also started from the Santai Temple. I should go there in person to rectify the glory of Buddhism."

Xuanzang shook his head, so what if the place is so simple, when he went to Tianzhu alone to seek the scriptures, he was never afraid of the word "difficulty".

Besides, Santai Temple is the origin of this incident. If you want to re-establish the image of Buddhism in the hearts of the people, you must start from Santai Temple.

The most important thing is that Li Yanran is there, he must reincarnate this Buddha and let her belong to Buddhism.

"Master, please let the disciples go with you, and they can also serve you, and always listen to the master's teachings."

Monk Puguang knew that Xuanzang had made up his mind and it was hard to change it, so he wanted to go with him.

"Da Ci'en Temple can live without me, Xuanzang, but it can't live without you. I just go there by myself."

Xuanzang didn't say anything, just clasped his hands together without saying a word.

Seeing Xuanzang's appearance, several eminent monks retreated without hesitation.

Before dawn the next day, Xuanzang simply packed up two monk robes and left Da Ci'en Temple on foot with two novice monks, heading towards Mount Li.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, someone is here."

Li Siwen trotted all the way to Li Yanran, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Who's here?"

Li Yanran was eating breakfast, she couldn't help feeling depressed when she heard this.

"Junwang Changsun, Junwang Changsun is here."

"The King Changsun is here? Come with me to meet him."

Hearing that Changsun Wuji was coming, Li Yanran stuffed the steamed stuffed bun into her mouth, and then ran out.

"Changsun Wuji pays his respects to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Changsun Wuji and Changsun's had just got off the carriage, when they saw Li Yanran coming, they hurriedly saluted.

Although he is also the county king of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yanran is now a real princess of the Tang Dynasty, and she is still a titled princess.

He has to salute and show respect both emotionally and rationally.

Because now Li Yanran is not representing herself, but the majesty of the Tang royal family.

"Junwang Changsun, you are so disrespectful, please get up quickly."

Changsun Wuji couldn't deal with Li Yanran like this.

You are Dad's real uncle, you can be regarded as your own uncle, who can bear such a salute.

"Rites cannot be discarded. Princess Lishan deserves the gift of eldest grandson Wuji."

Changsun Wuji smiled slightly, but he was as smart as ever.

It would be great if he was a man, then he would have to fight hard for the eldest grandson's family.

Unfortunately, it is a woman.

"Father, you think too much. What is our relationship with Brother Li? It's useless."

Changsun Yan glanced at his father, and curled his lips involuntarily.

As for?
Brother Li and I don't care about each other, it's not natural for you to be so whole.


The eldest grandson Wuji directly rewarded his son with a big bag.

"Nizi, have you learned what the old man taught you from dogs? Don't blame your highness, I'll educate my son first."

As he said that, Changsun Wuji took Changsun Yan's collar and walked towards the back of the carriage.

"Brother Li, help, help."

Changsun Yan is completely dumbfounded, Dad, why are you insane?
Whatever you say, educate yourself.

I'm messing with someone.

"Prince Changsun, don't be angry. The Duke Changsun and I acted rashly, and besides, he was so angry that he was not worth it."

Li Yanran was also dumbfounded, it turned out that Changsun Wuji was so irritable.

Do you want to educate your son if you disagree?

It's okay, it's okay, I didn't reincarnate into the eldest grandson's family, otherwise I'm afraid I won't grow up to be so big.

Is Changsun Yan's fate so hard?
With such a violent father, it seems that Changsun Yan really did good deeds in his previous life, otherwise he would not have grown up to such a big age.

"Nizi, don't thank Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Changsun Wuji glanced at Changsun Yan in his hand, telling him not to hurry up and thank him.


Changsun Yan is really depressed, I will really thank you.

But not to thank Li Yanran, but to thank God.

Otherwise, how could there be such a wise and powerful father like you.


Seeing that Changsun Yan didn't speak, Changsun Wuji slapped him again in an instant, and then dragged him to the car.

"Brother Li, I thank you, really thank you."


"Call Your Highness the Princess."

Changsun Wuji looked at his son with a fierce face, who do you call brother and brother?

That is the princess of the Tang Dynasty, a thing without etiquette.

"Your Highness, I thank you."

Changsun Yan has completely lost his temper. Now he really doubts whether his father is here to soak in the hot spring or to make him feel uncomfortable.

He has already been slapped three times this time.

Think about it, if the old man is really resident in the hot spring town, then he won't be finished.

"That's right, don't blame the princess, Yan'er is just so naughty."

"Naughty, hehehe."

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