My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 259 I Can Stand It

Chapter 259 I Can Stand It
Seeing the four people who were being spanked, Wu Zetian was also taken aback.

Didn't you hit Li Yanran?
How did you become these four idiots?

What is the situation, who will tell yourself.

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran who was on the side, and somehow understood why these four idiots were beaten.

This is to vent your anger.

"Your Majesty, let them stop."

Seeing the miserable four people, Sun Simiao couldn't bear it.

Although the other party once tied himself into a rice dumpling, and let him listen to snoring all night.

But this is enough.

"They dare to blaspheme King Sun Yao, they should be beaten."

Hearing Sun Simiao's words, Li Zhi shook his head.

"Your Majesty, the old man and them have turned enemies into friends, so there's no need to do that."

Sun Simiao shook his head, and understood what Li Zhi meant.

"Your Majesty, we are already friends with King Sun Yao, stop fighting."

Chang Sunyan burst into tears, and hurriedly followed Sun Simiao's words and begged Li Zhi for mercy.

"Hmph, since Sun Yaowang is pleading for you, I will spare your life, stop."

Now that Sun Simiao had said so, Li Zhi also waved his hand to signal the guards to stop.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The four survived from death, and quickly thanked Li Zhi.

"Don't thank me, thank Sun Yaowang."

"Thank you Sun Yaowang."

"Thank you Sun Yaowang."

Hearing the thanks of the four people, Sun Simiao also smiled sarcastically.

After all, they were beaten because of their own jokes.

"Okay, get out of here, if you dare to do this again in the future, I will break your dog legs."

"Oh oh oh."

The four of them didn't dare to wait, they hurriedly saluted, twisted their buttocks and fled away like flying.

"Father, father, I will teach them a lesson again, and I won't disturb your meeting with Sun Yaowang."

Li Yanran took a look at the current situation, and felt that there was no way to stay here, and she was about to run away with the oil on her feet.

Li Zhi grabbed Li Yanran by the collar and saved you just now, but now you still want to run away?
which is so easy.

"Okay, they are simply too outrageous."

Li Yanran was also helpless, and followed Li Zhi back to the house.

"Sun Yaowang, my father and mother are here, you can help them diagnose the pulse."

Li Yanran gave Sun Simiao a hard look, and signaled to this old boy, let's talk about this matter later, for now, let's help my parents get their pulse first.

Sun Simiao shook his head, children just hold grudges.

When you tied me up and treated me so rudely, I still haven't forgiven you.

A little thing, as for this?

"Your Majesty, please stretch out your left hand and let this old man diagnose your pulse."

"Thank you Sun Yaowang."

Li Zhi also rolled up his sleeves and put his left hand in front of Sun Simiao.

After helping Li Zhi to diagnose the pulse, Sun Simiao couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Sun Yaowang, why are you frowning? How is my body, but it doesn't matter."

Seeing Sun Simiao frowning, Li Zhi couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Your Majesty, do you often have headaches recently, and this has become more and more frequent recently?"

Sun Simiao stroked his white beard and asked Li Zhi.

"That's right, I have often had headaches in recent years, and it has become more and more frequent recently, especially after reviewing memorials, the headaches are unbearable."

Li Zhi nodded. Sun Simiao was actually Sun Simiao, and he hit the root of his illness right away.

"It's not a big deal, but it's not easy to get rid of this disease. It takes a long time to rest."

Sun Simiao also smiled slightly. Although this disease is troublesome, it is not fatal, and it is not impossible to treat it.

"Retreat? The state affairs are busy. As the king of a country, how can I put aside the state affairs for the sake of my own medical treatment? This is absolutely impossible."

Li Zhi directly shook his head and refused, and let himself rest now, isn't that nonsense?
"If Your Majesty can't take rest, I will prescribe some medicines for you first, and let you recuperate to see the effect."

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Zhi and shook his head slightly.

"Thank you Sun Yaowang."

For Sun Simiao, Li Zhi gave enough face.

After all, this is a miraculous doctor who can save his life, and he can't wait to confess to the other party.

"Your Majesty has said too much. A doctor is benevolent. This is what an old man should do."

Sun Simiao saluted Li Zhi, and then helped Wu Zetian to diagnose the pulse. Fortunately, Wu Zetian was in excellent health, and Li Yanran's heart finally returned to her stomach.

"Sun Yaowang, I'm bothering you."

Now that the pulse diagnosis has been completed, Li Zhi got up directly, and was about to leave with Wu Zetian.

"and many more."

Seeing that everyone was about to leave, Li Yanran directly thought of the Wu Zhou Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty caused by the death of Li Hong due to illness in history.

Now that Sun Simiao is here, why not give Li Hong a check?

"what happened?"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, wondering what she was going to do again.

"Sun Yaowang, please help my younger brother take a pulse and see how he is."

"Queen, Hong'er is fine, I don't want to check the pulse, I don't want to take medicine."

Hearing that he was going to check his own pulse, Li Hong immediately gave up and ran into Wu Zetian's arms, shrinking his head and not daring to look at Sun Simiao.

It was too painful to drink medicine, and he didn't want to be tricked by the old man.

After all, he plucked his beard by himself just now, if Sun Simiao wants to retaliate against himself and prescribe some particularly bitter medicine, he will be in bad luck.

"Okay, our Hong'er is in good health, so don't watch it if you don't."

Wu Zetian also smiled slightly, and touched Li Hong's little head.

In her opinion, how old is Li Hongcai, jumping up and down every day, eating and sleeping, how could there be a problem.

"No, you have to watch it."

But Li Yanran quit, you don't know the situation, you must ask Sun Simiao to show Li Hong a good look today.


Seeing Li Yanran's serious look, not only Wu Zetian was stunned, but Li Zhi was also stunned.

Li Yanran usually has a playful and smiling face, and she has no formal appearance. It has been a long time since I saw her in such a formal appearance.

"Hong'er, be obedient and ask Sun Yaowang to help you diagnose the pulse."

Since Li Yanran was so formal, Wu Zetian directly pushed Li Hong out.

"I don't want to, I don't want to drink medicine."

Li Hong was depressed, since when did Sister become so capable, even the emperor and the queen listened to her.

"Be good and be good, if you dare to mess around again, I will beat you."

Li Yanran stared at Li Hong's head.

Feeling the suppression of his blood, Li Hong didn't dare to move on the spot, staring and waiting for Sun Simiao to diagnose his pulse.

Sun Simiao also smiled slightly, but when his finger rested on Li Hong's pulse, his face changed instantly.

As soon as Sun Simiao's face changed, the people around him frowned, and everyone felt their hearts sink.

Li Zhi glanced at the two of them, motioning them not to speak, so as not to affect Sun Simiao's diagnosis and treatment.

After helping Li Hong diagnose the pulse, Sun Simiao also frowned, knowing that there was something wrong with the situation.

"Meiniang, take Hong'er back to rest first."

Li Zhi patted Wu Zetian on the shoulder, motioning for her to take Li Hong away first.

"His Majesty."

Wu Zetian bit her lip, shook her head, and signaled that she would listen here.


"Yanran, take Hong'er to play first."

Since Wu Zetian wanted to hear it, Li Zhi could only focus on Li Yanran.

"Let's go, brother Hong, there's still something interesting to do, sister."

Li Yanran was very sensible, and immediately pulled Li Hong and walked outside.

"Sun Yaowang, if you have any questions, just speak up, I... I can stand it."

(End of this chapter)

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