My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 264 Plagiarism

Ren Yaxiang also frowned slightly, letting a villain like Zhenshanhu wander outside the law is against the law and justice, but those are things for later, what they have to deal with now is Li Yanran.

"Hehe, Zhenshanhu colluded with each other, and when you harmed one side, you didn't say you had to do things legally, and you didn't say that the laws of the Tang Dynasty were the yardstick.

Now he is aggressive towards my daughter. Could it be that all the laws of the Tang Dynasty were made for my daughter? "

Li Zhi looked at Ren Yaxiang angrily, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Princess Lishan has made no mistakes in this matter.

Killing Zhenshanhu not only maintained the prestige of the court in the eyes of the people, but also ensured the justice of the law, and stabilized the hearts of the people in Xinfeng. "

"It's not Princess Lishan who is wrong, but those officials who colluded with Zhenshanhu.

If they could serve the people wholeheartedly and punish Zhenshanhu earlier, how could they need Princess Lishan to do it. "

"I suggest a thorough investigation of officials in Xinfeng County, but anyone who colludes with Zhenshanhu will be punished."

Xu Jingzong also stood up at the right time, supporting Li Yanran and Li Zhi.

"Okay, let's do it like this. Xu Jingzong will let you take charge of this case, but those involved will be dealt with regardless of their status."

"Jingzhaoyin did not investigate the case clearly, and reported it without permission. He was fined for half a year. The Minister of Criminal Affairs did not distinguish between right and wrong. He was fined for three months. The prime minister, Ren Ya, also committed the crime of not investigating. He was fined for one month and retired from the court."

After the decree was issued, Li Zhi flung his sleeves and left, leaving the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty there not knowing what to do.

"My lords, I would like to advise you, don't make trouble again, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Xu Jingzong glanced at the crowd, his eyes were full of color, he left after leaving a word.

The matter of the court ended again with the failure of the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes, and Ren Yaxiang was fined for one month. Although it was just a drizzle to him, it represented a signal.

Li Zhi had already started to tire of him, if he made any foolish tricks again, Li Zhi might have to give up completely in the next step, and being relegated by then would be considered light.

Jingzhao Yinwei Rumin was completely dumbfounded. He was fined for half a year, which was already a blow to him hard enough.

If there is another incident in the future, he, Jing Zhaoyin, will be completely finished.

Soon Xu Jingzong's people left Chang'an directly, and rushed towards Xinfeng County with the emperor's will.

Li Yanran just woke up and was patrolling the fief when she saw Changsun Yan bringing a person to Li Yanran's side.

"Brother Li, I'm looking for you."

Changsun Yan pouted.

"Looking for me?"

"The humble guard of the Eastern Palace, if there is a handwritten letter from His Royal Highness, please ask His Royal Highness Princess Lishan to read it."

The man saluted Li Yanran directly, and at the same time handed over Li Hong's handwriting.

"Brother Hong's handwriting?"

After tearing open the outer envelope, Li Hong's handwriting came into view.

"Sister, I have arranged for a few royal brothers to help sell the houses in the hot spring town. They get half of the money and I get half of the money. Don't forget about my little brother's money."

After reading the letter, Li Yanran also smiled.

I originally wanted to let Li Hong sell the real estate to these princes, but I didn't expect him to be even more ruthless, and he directly became a middleman once, earning the difference.

Sure enough, it was my younger brother Ou, who had absolutely brilliant business acumen.

"Brother Li, what's the matter with His Royal Highness?"

Changsun Yan stretched out his head to look at the letter in Li Yanran's hand, full of doubts.

"Let me show you what business acumen is."

Li Yanran directly handed Li Hong's letter to Changsun Yan.

After Changsun Yan finished reading it, he was in a bad mood.

Is this called a business mind?

It's not about playing the rest by yourself.

Plagiarism, Chi Guoguo's plagiarism.

"Why are you in a daze, it's okay to admit that you are not as good as the prince."

Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan.

"His Royal Highness, stronger than me."

Changsun Yan curled his lips, it was all left over from his own play.

Bah, you plagiarism freak.

"Well, let the accountant register, but anyone who buys the house through a few princes will give me half of the proceeds, Brother Hong."

Changsun Yan nodded, and immediately went to inform the accountant.

"Brother Li, a thousand elites have been recruited, most of them are your eaters, and some hunters, when shall we start training?"

Li Siwen came over and told the situation of Jingzhuang's recruitment.

"Now organize them into the imperial army for training, prepare the carriage, and I will return to Chang'an immediately to meet the emperor."

Li Yanran was also taken aback when she heard that people were assembled so quickly.

Originally, she thought it would take a few days, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

"The carriage is ready."

Li Siwen snapped his fingers, and a carriage had been delivered to Li Yanran.

Glancing at Li Siwen, Li Yanran boarded the carriage without hesitation, and Li Feng naturally took over the role of the coachman, leaving the Lishan fief under the escort of a dozen cavalrymen, and ran towards Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you were furious with Prime Minister Ren Ya today? Why?"

When Wu Zetian came to Li Zhi's imperial study, his eyes were full of chills.

"Meiniang, you don't know that although this Ren Yaxiang has some talents, he is against me all day long.

If it wasn't for his contribution to the Tang Dynasty, I would have demoted him to the place now, and the fine is nothing more than a small punishment and a big commandment. "

Li Zhi, the prime minister of benevolence and elegance, was outraged.

Originally thought that this was a capable person who could become his right-hand man and help him govern Datang.

Unexpectedly, he found a [-]-year-old boy who knew how to fight against him all day long.

If I knew this earlier, I might as well let Xu Jingzong be the prime minister.

At least this person makes it easy for himself, and won't become a gun in the hands of others to fight against himself.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, benevolence and elegance are outstanding, and you are a good hand in governing the country. You must not alienate others just because of some trivial matters."

Wu Zetian glanced at the angry Li Zhi and smiled slightly, and leaned into his arms.

"Look, if he does this again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian in his arms, and shook his head too.

Li Yanran showed her gold medal and went straight to the outside of the Imperial Study Room. Ryan glanced at the other party and knew he couldn't stop him, so he saluted and let him go.

"Ah, father, mother, what are you doing?"

When Li Yanran entered the room and saw the two of you and me, she quickly covered her eyes.



Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were also taken aback when they saw Li Yanran's small figure, why did she come back now.

"What are you doing? I still want to ask you what to do? If you don't stay in the Lishan fief, why go back to Chang'an?"

Wu Zetian wanted to get away, but was hugged by Li Zhi, and shouted at Li Yanran with a tiger face.

"Father, is it really okay for you to do this in front of my child?"

Li Yanran curled her lips and replied to Li Zhi.

"Don't talk about it, if you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, go back to Lishan."

Li Zhi didn't care at all, what's wrong with me making out with my wife?
Let you, a child, make irresponsible remarks here.

"Father, I am actually coming back this time for Brother Hong."

Li Yanran was depressed, she didn't shy away from others at all, father, you are really shameless to the extreme.

"For Hong'er? How should I say it?"

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