My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 266 5 surnames and 7 hopes, new actions

Li Yanran curled her lips, she doesn't care much about this imperial palace, the golden nest and silver nest are not as good as her grass nest.

How can there be comfort in your own fief.

"soy Mujer."

Li Zhi laughed and cursed at Li Yanran's back.

"Sister, sister."

A small figure rushed towards Li Yanran from a distance, and directly threw himself into Li Yanran's arms.

"You little Douding, how did you know I was here?"

Li Yanran knocked Li Hong on the head, her eyes were full of distress.

It is really pitiful to suffer from a terminal illness like tuberculosis at such a young age.

"Sister, who am I? What troubles in this palace can hide from my eyes."

Li Hong also smiled proudly at Li Yanran.

"As long as you are clever, tell me, what do you want from me?"

Li Yanran suddenly took out two new products from her pocket, cherry flavored toffee.

"Sister, I'm already six years old, and I'm already tired of this toffee."

Li Hong shook his head, he had already had enough of these toffees.

"Really? This is a new taste, but it's a pity that some people don't know the taste."

Li Yanran was about to put the new milk candy into her mouth, but Li Hong grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth.

"good to eat!"

The taste of cherries mixed with cream exploded in his mouth, and Li Hong's eyes were like crescent moons, extremely satisfied.

While chewing the toffee vigorously, Li Hong asked in a childish voice, "Sister, have you received my letter?"

"Well, I've seen it all. I didn't expect Xiao Li Hong to be so smart. Sister is right about you."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, and praised him without hesitation.

"That's right, it doesn't matter who my sister is."

Li Hong didn't forget to pat Li Yanran's ass, and then said: "Sister, you must register those people clearly, I can't lose any money."

"Understood, you are indispensable."

Li Yanran dismissed Li Hong as a fan of small fortune.

"Sister is the best. When I have money, I will eat all the delicious food in the market, hehe."

Li Hong has already begun to fantasize about the scene of himself killing all directions in the market.

What's wrong with the candied haws? This king wants to eat a bunch and throw a bunch. What he's playing is capricious.

"Look at your prospects."

Li Yanran was also depressed. After all, she was a child, and her wish was as simple as that.

"Okay, sister still has something to do, you will be able to go to the fiefdom in a few days, how about sister treating you to a big meal then?"

"Sister, you are the best."

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to treat him to a big meal, Li Hong was also extremely excited.

"Well, you have to be good, sister is gone."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, turned and left.

"Sister, wait for me."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran's back and nodded.

Li Yanran came and went like the wind, and soon returned to the Lishan fiefdom. Looking at the young and strong who had started training with the imperial army, she also nodded.

These people will be the bodyguards of their own Longmen bodyguard bureau in the future, and will also be the security guards of the hot spring town.

"Brother Li, you are back, how are you? Has Your Majesty agreed?"

As the current commander, Cheng Chubi is the most concerned about this matter.

After all, his wish is to train an elite army, the most elite army in Datang.

Although this force may not be able to go to the battlefield, so what?

He did it.

"Father has agreed, but the size is limited to 1000 people, and they are declared to be my guards. You can train with confidence."

Li Yanran nodded and told Li Zhi's decision.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Yuchihuan scratched his head, eyes full of excitement.

"Okay, you guys have to hurry up and train. Remember, I don't want a fool who pretends to be a number. What I want is an elite who can stand up to ten."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

"I won't let Brother Li down."

The two nodded together, and left directly to train the newly promoted elites.

As time passed day by day, the hot spring town also welcomed new customers, in addition to Li Hong's officials, there were also officials from various princes who tricked them into buying houses.

Li Hong's side has almost cleaned up, and just waiting for Li Zhi's order, he will go to Li Yanran's fief.

"Your Majesty, it is unreasonable for His Highness the Crown Prince to leave Chang'an to live temporarily in Princess Lishan's land."

Hearing what Li Zhi meant, Ren Yaxiang shook his head and was the first to stand up to object.

"What's the matter? Who stipulated that the prince must be in Chang'an?"

Li Zhi looked at Ren Yaxiang and was also depressed for a while.

He knows Ren Yaxiang is for Li Hong's good, but you don't know the situation.

Do you think I want my son to go to Lishan to fief?Isn't that impossible?
The lesser of two evils, for the sake of his son's body, he had to make this decision.

"Your Majesty, the crown prince is the heir apparent of the Tang Dynasty. He hastily left Chang'an to go to Princess Lishan's fiefdom. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous. I hope Your Majesty will think twice."

Ren Yaxiang is also a person who admits death, he thinks it is wrong, no matter what the reason is for Li Zhi, he must fight it with reason.

This is his responsibility as prime minister and also his obligation.

"I understand what you mean, but I have already decided that the prince's going to Princess Lishan's fiefdom will never be changed. Do you have anything else to say?"

Li Zhi glared at Prime Minister Ren Ya, his grievances cannot be shared with others, so he could only use his royal power to facilitate this matter.

"The ministers have no objection, but His Royal Highness must ensure the safety of this trip. The Lishan fief is mixed with fish and dragons. I hope His Majesty will be prepared."

Seeing that Li Zhi is so tough, Ren Yaxiang has nothing to say.

I said everything I had to say, and I did everything I needed to do.

If you insist on pushing your son into the fire pit, then what else can I do.

"I will naturally make preparations for this. In addition, Princess Lishan has been away for some time. I have decided to allow Princess Lishan to set up a princess guard to protect Princess Lishan's safety."


Ren Yaxiang's anger has risen again, and it is this Princess Lishan again.

It's no problem for you to let her set up a princess guard, but his Lishan fief is near Chang'an.

You are really big-hearted to let a private army be in Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, I thought that Princess Lishan was a titled princess after all, and she was released to a fiefdom, so it was just the right time to set up a guard.

However, according to the laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty, Her Royal Highness should bear the expenses of this guard. "

Xu Jingzong also stood up and expressed his meaning to Li Zhi.

"Well, this is natural. The Tang Dynasty cannot be disobeyed, so let's do this and retreat."

Li Zhi nodded and left with a flick of his sleeves.

"Cui Shilang, we haven't had a drink for a long time, how about going to my mansion to talk about it?"

Glancing at the man, Cui Shouye also nodded.

He understood that the other party had something important to discuss, and the content of the discussion was probably about the prince.


After returning from Wang's mansion, Cui Shouye came directly to Cui Yuqing's mansion.

"I heard, what do they mean?"

Cui Yuqing glanced at Cui Shouye, indicating that the other party had something to say directly.

"They are still keen to abolish Prince Li Zhong, after all he is the son of Queen Wang in name.

It would be very important to the family if he could regain his status as the prince of the Tang Dynasty. "

Cui Shouye revealed the result of the discussion.

"You mean everyone is going to do something? Get rid of His Royal Highness?"

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