Chapter 279
Coming to Wei Sun's house, looking at the back figure that only appeared in the dream, the tears in Wei Shan's eyes could not stop flowing down.

"Shan'er, Shan'er."

Wei Sun turned around and looked at his son whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and two lines of tears flowed from his eyes.

"Mother, my son is back."

Seeing Wei Sun's tears, Wei Shan knelt directly in front of Wei Sun.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

Wei Sun directly put his arms around Wei Shan's head, pulling him into his arms as if he was a child.

Seeing this scene, Li Yanran turned around and left with a group of people.


Being held in Wei Sun's arms, Wei Shan burst into tears, holding his mother crying uncontrollably.

"Shan'er, you shouldn't come back, you shouldn't come back."

Looking at Wei Shan in his arms, Wei Sun also shook his head.

"Mother, son. My son has made money, he has made money."

Wei Shan naturally understood what Wei Sun meant, and directly took out the five pennies that Li Yanran gave him from his back pocket.

"I don't want your dirty money. Although my mother is poor, she is poor and decent."

Wei Sun directly slapped his money away, his eyes full of rejection.

Looking at Wei Sun's face, Wei Shan also picked up all the copper coins scattered on the ground.

"Mother, son. My son has changed his ways and started a new life. The money is earned by him."

"You earned it? Auntie is old and dizzy, but she's not blind yet. Hugh used these to trick me."

Wei Sun's face was full of anger, and he directly slapped Wei Shan in the face.

Even if her son fell into the grass and became a bandit, she didn't say anything. Everyone has his own ambitions and walks his own way.

But she couldn't accept lying to herself.

"Aniang, really, this is really earned by my son."

Wei Shan covered his face, also choked with sobs.

"Really? Are you really reformed?"

Glancing at Wei Shan, a strange light flashed in Wei Sun's eyes.

"Really, Mommy, just trust me."

Wei Shan plunged into Wei Sun's arms again, as if returning to his childhood.

"Auntie believes in you. Don't do business outside. Come back. Auntie will help you find a wife and do some small business."

"When you give birth to a baby, Auntie will take care of the baby for you."

"No, we need to have a few more children, then Auntie will be able to take care of her for the rest of her life."

Hearing the future that Wei Sun had imagined for him, Wei Shan burst into tears again, hugging his mother's body, unwilling to leave for a long time.

"Okay, you definitely don't want to listen to A Niang's nagging, go out, don't make His Highness wait too long."

Wei Sun stroked Wei Shan's hair, just like before.


Wei Shan also wiped the tears off his face, and stood up slowly.

The door opened, and Wei Shan and Wei Sun came out together.

"Your Highness."

Wei Sun directly knelt down in front of Li Yanran, and Wei Shan was taken aback for a moment, then also knelt down in front of Li Yanran.

"What does that mean?"

Looking at the two of them, Li Yanran couldn't help being puzzled.

What does it mean to kneel down to yourself when you come out?

"His Royal Highness can give Shan'er a chance to reform himself. The old woman will replace his dead father. Thank you, Your Highness."

After Wei Sun finished speaking, she directly kowtowed her head in front of Li Yanran.

"This this."

Hearing this, Li Yanran immediately understood.

She has done so much and still hasn't fooled the old lady. She already understands that these are just for show.

"Shan'er, hurry up and kowtow to your benefactor."

Wei Sun slapped Wei Shan directly, but the other party was also taken aback, and still knocked his head on the ground.

"You don't have to do this."

Li Yanran was completely framed by the Wei Sun family. It has to be said that old people become smart, this sentence is very reasonable.

The Wei Sun family helped his son find a way out without saying a word.

"Wei Shan, don't help your mother up yet."

Faced with an octogenarian old woman, Li Yanran had no choice but to ask Wei Shan to help her up quickly.

She is only so old, and she is really afraid that her life will be shortened if she is kowtowed by such an old man.


Wei Shan was taken aback, and quickly helped his mother up.

"Come here, send Wei Sun back."

Li Yanran waved her hand, and a carriage slowly approached.

"Ma'am, I'll carry you on my back."

Taking a look at the carriage, Wei Shan immediately picked up his old mother on his back and walked towards the carriage.

"Shan'er, remember, no matter what His Highness wants you to do, you have to work hard to do it, otherwise A Niang will not be able to rest in peace even if she dies."

Sitting on the carriage, Wei Sun patted Wei Shan's head again, and said earnestly.

"Aniang, don't worry, my son knows."

Wei Shan nodded heavily.

"Okay, Auntie is waiting for you at home."

The carriage started and carried Wei Sunshi towards Weijia Village.

Wei Shan just stood there, staring at the back of the carriage until he couldn't see anything, then he came back.


Wei Shan knelt down in front of Li Yanran again, his eyes full of firmness.

He is no longer the muddle-headed Wei Shan before,
In order to fulfill his mother's wish, he had to do it no matter what.

"Your Highness, just say what you want Wei Shan to do, and he will do whatever he wants."

Glancing at Wei Shan, Li Yanran also nodded and said, "I told you that what I want you to do is very simple, you should return to Erniu Mountain immediately."

"Let me go back to Erniu Mountain? Your Highness is not afraid that I will run away?"

Hearing this, Wei Shan couldn't help being taken aback. He had thought a lot in his heart, but he didn't think of this alone.

Let yourself go back, you are so relieved.

"It doesn't matter if you run away, I'll take it as a mistake, but what will your mother think?"

Li Yanran had nothing to say, she was just a scumbag, she ran away as soon as she ran away, it was harmless to her.

But for a mother, the sky is falling apart, if you really do it.

It can only be said that I saw the wrong person.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Wei Shan's life belongs to His Highness from now on, and I will never do anything to offend Your Highness.

I'll go back to Erniu Mountain and tell the leader of Tietou that the news is all fake, and let them give up the idea of ​​sneak attack here. "

Wei Shan looked at Li Yanran, and slowly expressed his thoughts.

"No, not only can't you say that the news is fake, but you also have to confirm the news that there is gold everywhere here."


Wei Shan didn't understand, what does Li Yanran mean?
If the news here is confirmed, isn't that attracting thieves to the door?
"What I want to do is to lure out all those bandits, and then wipe them all out, so as to restore the peace of the area."

A gleam of coldness flashed in Li Yanran's eyes.

These bandits are a cancer after all, and now that she has the chance, she will naturally wipe them all out.

"However, those large and small stockades add up to thousands of people, will this cause any problems?"

Wei Shan was completely dumbfounded. To lure out all the bandits, there are thousands of them. Do you have the strength to take down all these bandits?
"Those are not issues that you should consider, the task I give you is to make those people come over from the path, understand?

If you can make it, then I will spare your life and let your mother no longer worry. "

Li Yanran curled her lips, these things are not for you to think about, what you have to think about is how to achieve what you want.

"I see, when are we leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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