My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 285 Amending the plan, ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 285 Amending the plan, ginger is still old and spicy

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were also speechless for a while.

In the end, he was taken advantage of by Li Ji, an old boy. It was really beeping.

"Let's go, it's just a group of rabble, and it's not fighting Turks and Tubo, just enjoy yourself."

Li Ji glanced at the two of them, then walked directly into the house.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde looked at each other, and followed them in dejectedly.

"Sister, the eldest grandson Yan came at a very bad time, it's time to fight."

Li Hong's eyes were full of anger when he saw that the parenting drama was disturbed by the grandson Yan.

"If you just turned on him just now, Cheng Chubi and the others won't be able to spare him."

"Quickly retreat, the three princes are here."

Seeing the three of Li Ji approaching, Li Yanran hurried away.


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong also ran away, forgetting about the bench, and fell to the ground.

Yigulu got up from the ground, ignoring the pain in his butt, and ran after Li Yanran.

When the three of them entered the room, Li Yanran and Li Hong had already run to the side of the sand table, looking serious about studying.

"Your Highness, is this?"

When Li Ji came in, he was immediately attracted by the sand table in front of him, and moved to the side of the sand table in three steps.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were the same, looking at the sand table in front of them, a little lost in thought.

"This is a sand table I ordered craftsmen to make based on the topography of Lishan Town and Xinfeng County."

Seeing that the three were attracted by the sand table, Li Yanran quickly introduced the sand table.

Li Ji looked up, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde did the same.

All three of them saw the horror in their eyes.

They are all brave generals in the army, and they can't understand the role of this sand table very well.

If there is a sand table, they will be even more powerful whether it is marching or military deduction.

"Your Highness, is it difficult to make this sand table?"

Li Ji didn't care about those bandits now, he was all on the sand table.

"It's very simple. As long as you have a surveyed map, you can create a sand table based on the map."

Li Yanran naturally understood Li Ji's thoughts, Cheng Chubi and the others might not understand deeply, but these battle-tested veterans would not miss it.

"With this sand table, my Tang Dynasty will be invincible."

After Cheng Yaojin heard it, he couldn't help laughing, eyes full of excitement.


Yuchi Jingde also nodded frequently beside him.

"Okay, dukes, I will hand over the craftsmen who made the sand table to you. It's up to you to do what you want. Now, should we talk about those bandits?"

Li Yanran glanced at the three of them, you guys are shocked enough, shouldn't it be time to get down to business.

"Okay, let's talk about business first. What information do you have now? Let's hear it."

Li Ji nodded his head, showing the general's style.

"According to reliable sources, there are at least a dozen large and small bandits, and the number is around 5000 to [-]. I have already sent a spy there.

At that time, he will lead those bandits from here to Xinfeng. Our original idea was here. "

Li Yanran took a red flag and planted it at their predetermined location, and then drew a circle with her hand: "Pie a pocket here, and wipe out those bandits."

"Is the spy reliable?"

Li Ji frowned when he heard that Li Yanran had actually sent a party to lead the way.

If all the main forces are gathered here now, if the spies reveal their secrets, Xinfeng and the hot spring town will be empty instead, and things will be troublesome then.

"For the time being, it should be reliable."

Li Yanran quickly told Wei Shan's affairs and arrangements.

After Li Ji finished listening, he looked at Li Yanran again, feeling regretful in his heart.

This woman has a deep mind far beyond ordinary people, but it is a pity that he is not a man.

Otherwise, Datang would definitely go further with him as the crown prince.

What a pity, what a pity.

"When marching and fighting, you have to do the math, because you don't know what accidents will happen in the middle, so it seems safe to tie your pockets here, but it leaves hidden dangers and is not advisable."

Cheng Yaojin also glanced at Li Yanran, and said slowly.

Hearing that Cheng Yaojin rejected their plan, Li Yanran was also depressed for a while.

"Duke Lu is worrying too much, they are just bandits, so what could be unexpected."

Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran, but curled his lips to apologize to her.

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head with one slap, and the opponent also staggered.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong blushed, and usually hit me when you hit me.

Are you still so unscrupulous in front of the three princes?

Don't I want to lose face?
Besides, I am complaining for you, and you hit me, is this reasonable?

"Why do adults talk and children interject? The three princes eat more salt than you eat rice. If you have nothing to do, just shut your mouth."

"Oh, oh, I see."

Li Hong was depressed, and stopped talking with his mouth curled up.

The three of Li Ji looked at Li Yanran and felt depressed.

That is the prince of the current dynasty, and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future, you can fight as you please.

Besides, who can eat that much salt?
What you say is more or less pointing at Sang Huai.

"The three princes don't want to be as knowledgeable as children. What good ideas do you have?"

Li Yanran smiled at the three of them, signaling them to express their thoughts.

"Abandon your original plan and tie your pockets here."

Li Ji also picked up a red flag and planted it near a small hill not far from Xinfeng County.


Looking at the place where Li Ji planted the flag, Li Yanran was also puzzled.

The area designated by Li Ji has no front to the village or back to the store. What is the meaning of setting up an encirclement here?
"I still hope that the British government will clear up the doubts."

"Although it seems useless here, but you look at the direction of the mountain."

Li Ji swiped his finger, and Li Yanran began to think along his fingers.

"What does the British Lord mean, even if those bandits don't take the path we planned and come across the mountains, they will finally turn here and attack Xinfeng County?"

After Li Ji's guidance, Li Yanran finally understood what the other party meant.

"That's right, the bandits are a mob. This is their disadvantage and their advantage. These are destined to not play their cards according to common sense.

Even if most people will kill from the small road, there will still be a certain number of people who will raid from the mountains,

If you really want to set up defense here, you will definitely let some bandits go, so it's different here. "

Li Ji smiled slightly, Her Royal Highness really has two brushes, and now she understands what she thinks.

Even if the other party is a woman, he can't help but give her a thumbs up.

"Then according to what the British government said, we will set the ambush here."

Li Yanran nodded. After all, he is the God of War who has experienced many battles, but he is more than one step stronger than these two swords.

"Your Highness, do you know how many soldiers and horses there are in this fief now?"

(End of this chapter)

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