My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 289 Apology, I Don't Accept It

Cheng Chubi didn't care about your 21, he hit it with one punch.

I was taught a lesson by my father just now, and I don't know where to vent my anger, and who to turn to if I don't want you.

Changsun Yan was punched in the head, and Cheng Chubi, Yu Chihuan and Li Siwen all joined together and started the bloody beating.

When Li Hong saw Changsun Yan being brought down, he also moved over, taking the time to kick him twice.

The great revenge was avenged, and before Li Hong had time to be happy, he didn't know whose arm came over, so he threw him aside.

Li Hong sat on the ground, his mind was in a daze.

Glancing at his little arms and legs, Li Hong didn't dare to go there, so he could only dance beside him and shout for cheer.

"Not coming back yet?"

After waiting for a while, the meat was almost finished, and Li Hong hadn't brought the wine yet, so Li Yanran was also depressed for a while.

"Your Highness, don't panic, we can still eat."

Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Yanran, he was only [-]% full, so he was not in a hurry.

"No, the three princes wait a moment, I will come as soon as I go."

Li Yanran got up and left directly.

"This is mine, don't grab it."

"Cheng Yaojin, you bastard, why are you pulling my flesh?"

"You guys eat meat, I eat pork ribs, don't compete with me."

Seeing this, the three princes threw off their arms and began to feast.

"Have you ever seen the prince?"

Li Yanran came out and went directly to the guards standing outside to ask Li Hong's whereabouts.

"Going over there."

The guard was stunned, why is this master like this today.

Just now the prince asked grandson Yan, now you are asking the prince again.

What is this.

"it is good."

Li Yanran nodded and ran towards Li Hong's direction.

After asking all the way, Li Yanran also rushed to the scene of beating Changsun Yan, and watched as the three beat Changsun Yan to death, while Li Hong cheered on.

She immediately understood what Li Hong was planning.

It turned out that he came to settle accounts with Changsun Yan.

"beat him."

"Yes, hit in the face."

Li Yanran directly slapped Li Hong on the head.

"Hey, who dares to sneak attack on this king, do not die?"

Li Hong covered his head, stared back and saw Li Yanran looking at him with a tiger face.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Seeing this, Li Hong was immediately scared.

"Why did I come here? The meat over there is almost finished, I thought you went to Chang'an to get wine, so you are here?"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head again.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

Li Hong clutched his head in depression for a while, and was so busy watching the fun that he forgot about the business.

"What do you remember?"

Li Yanran stretched out her hand and pinched Li Hong's ear, and the hurting man hurriedly begged for mercy.

"At such a young age, you will be punished for every grievance. You should be beaten for your temper."

Li Yanran stared at Li Hong with eyes full of anger.

"No, sister, let go, it hurts."

Li Hong was depressed, I was just joking, there is no way to get revenge.

Is your lovely brother so unbearable in your eyes?

"Dare to talk back."

Speaking of this, Li Yanran also increased her strength in her hands, and Li Hong burst into tears from the pain.

"Don't dare, sister, it really hurts."

"You guys don't stop, your father is waiting for the wine, if you don't send it over, you will have to be beaten again."

Li Yanran twisted Li Hong's ears like this, and shouted at Cheng Chubi and the others.


"It's broken, forget about it."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Cheng Chubi and the others also gasped.

Patronizing with others in trouble, but forgetting about his father's wine.

Immediately stopped, and hurried all the way to the warehouse to get the wine.

"Brother Li Li, they bully people."

Changsun Yan covered his panda eyes, looking pitiful and aggrieved.

"I just bullied you, who told you to rob me of my king's flesh."

Li Hong bared his teeth and looked at Changsun Yan, bullying you?
It is you who are bullying.

"Dare to say?"

Li Yanran increased her strength again, and Li Hong cried out in pain.

Glaring at Li Hong, he said directly, "Apologize."

"I do not want."

"What did you say?"


Li Hong really couldn't offend Li Yanran, the hero didn't take the immediate loss, and directly apologized to Sun Yan.

Seeing Li Hong being dealt with, Zhang Sun Yan was just venting his anger, who knew that the other party would apologize so simply.

"I do not accept."


Li Yanran was stunned, he is a prince, he put down his dignity and apologized to you, you don't accept it?

"Sister, look at him, even Ben Gong has apologized, but he dares not accept it, shouldn't he be beaten?"

Li Hong was angry, even Ben Gong apologized, how dare you not accept it.

Are you looking down on me, or my elder sister?

He kicked Changsun Yan directly, and shouted at him: "I gave you face, didn't I?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Changsun Yan was also depressed for a while.

This crown prince has offended, if he offends Li Yanran again.

He really couldn't stay in this fief.

"I don't blame you anymore."

Nodding helplessly, Changsun Yan accepted Li Hong's apology with drooping face.

"Okay, go to Sun Yaowang and ask him to prescribe some traumatic medicine for you."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she pulled Li Hong by the ear and left.

"Sister, I apologize, but you still don't let me go."

"It hurts, my ear is about to fall off."

"Sister, don't twist it, it's all twisted."

Hearing Li Hong's screams, Changsun Yan was secretly relieved.

Let you frame me, yes.




Speaking of this, Sun Yan's face twitched, and he hurried to find Sun Simiao to prescribe medicine.

It was only after returning to the school grounds that Li Yanran let go of the little hand that was holding Li Hong's ear, and Li Hong hurriedly rubbed his ear with his hand when he got out of trouble, his eyes were full of grievances.

This time it was my sister's fault. For the sake of a grandson Yan, my ears suffered a great crime.

"When you get there, be honest with me. If you dare to make a fool of yourself, I will let you know the dangers of society."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, how many moths have happened to you today, if you dare to make trouble again, she really won't be able to keep up, so she needs to educate her little brother well.

"Brother Hong knows, Sister, don't be angry, you won't be pretty when you are angry."

Li Hong covered his ears, not daring to look into Li Yanran's eyes.


Li Yanran kicked Li Hong in.

Back at the dinner table, Cheng Yaojin and the others had already started drinking with each other.

"Your Highness, it's not that the old man said that your brewing technology is the best in our Tang Dynasty, but it's too expensive."

Cheng Yaojin blushed a little, obviously getting a little overjoyed.

"Lu Guogong is absurd, these are just trails."

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, Li Yanran was also a little embarrassed.

For a moment, she couldn't tell whether the other party was praising her or dissing herself.

"Which is absurd praise, I think what Cheng Yaojin said is right, this wine is definitely a must."

Yuchi Jingde's big round face was almost as red as a monkey's butt.


Li Yanran doesn't want to talk now, she really has nothing to say to a few drunks.

Soon the wine that Cheng Chubi and the others brought was swept away, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde couldn't resist their drunkenness, and fell asleep lying on the table.

"Your Highness, this time I really made a fool of myself."

Li Ji glanced at the two of them, feeling embarrassed for a while.

You can get so drunk in front of the princess and prince.

He doesn't even look like a prince.

"It's okay, the princes are all gentlemen."

Li Yanran smiled at Li Ji, she had already expected the scene in front of her.

No alcoholic can refuse his fine wine, just like Li Hong can't resist his own toffee.

"Why are you standing still, why don't you hurry up and send a few dukes to rest."

Cheng Chubi and the others looked at each other and hurried to each other to support their father, and walked towards their house.

"Sister, if it's okay, I'll go play."

When Li Hong saw that the dinner was over, he was about to run away as soon as he rolled his eyes.

"Where are you going? You should go see a doctor."

Li Yanran grabbed Li Hong by the collar, Xiao Mian, want to run?
That's all left over from your sister's play.

"Can you not go? The needle prick is painful, and the medicine prescribed by the old man is bitter. It is much more bitter than the medicine prescribed by the royal doctor in the palace."

Li Hong's small face drooped immediately, with a look of resistance.

"What did you say? My sister didn't hear clearly."

Li Yanran's face instantly stiffened, and she looked at Li Hong with threats in her eyes.

"I said that I love to see a doctor, I like to get needles, and I like to drink medicine."

Li Hong still didn't dare to disobey Ajie's wishes.

Compared to making Li Yanran angry, Li Hong would rather choose to obediently get acupuncture and drink medicine.

"This is sister's good brother, let's go."

Li Yanran also switched to the loving sister mode, touched Li Hong's little head, and led him towards Sun Simiao's house.

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