Chapter 293

Li Ji nodded, admiring Li Yanran very much.

At the same time, she felt even more regretful. If she was a man, she would suggest to the emperor to abolish Li Hong and make Li Yanran the crown prince even if she had to go all out.

However, she is a woman.

The world is so wonderful.

The bandits are full of expectations now, traveling day and night, not daring to stop for a moment.

"Master, shall I go ahead to explore the way?"

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the ambush site, Wei Shan's heart also lifted. He glanced at Tie Tou and said directly that he was going to explore the way ahead.

"No, Tieshan, you take someone to explore the way ahead."

Tietou glanced at Wei Shan, and let his brother pass directly.


Tieshan nodded, and led the people away from the large army and ran forward.

Looking at Tieshan's figure, Wei Shan's eyes became darker.

He has already felt the suspicion of Tietou towards him, now he can only ask Li Yanran to be well prepared, and it will be fine if there is no problem.

Tieshan took people to the front to investigate for a while, and then ordered them to move on, while he came back to report to Tietou.

"It's fine, everyone don't rest, speed up, it's just in the evening when we arrive in Xinfeng County, I want to take it down in one fell swoop."

Tietou nodded. What they have to do now is to seize the time and take Xinfeng County before Lin Feihu.


Cheng Yaojin was lying on a hill, looking at the bandits rushing in, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Lu Guogong, when will we rush to kill? We haven't started killing for a long time."

The parts beside him were already rubbing their hands excitedly.

Cheng Yaojin slapped the opponent on the head with a slap, his eyes were full of sternness.

"I'm so old, I can't change my impulsive old problem, let me hold it back."

"That's what the Duke taught."

The man was also covering his head, his face full of grievances.

Cheng Yaojin was waiting here, and Yuchi Jingde was also waiting.

Finally, Tietou and his men walked out of the path and headed towards Cheng Yaojin's encirclement.


Seeing that there was no one ambushing around, Wei Shan couldn't help being taken aback.

Didn't you agree to ambush here?
Why is there no one?
"what happened?"

Tietou glanced at Wei Shan, wondering what was wrong with him.

"It's okay, I suddenly have a stomachache, I want to relieve it."

Wei Shan clutched his stomach and spoke to Tie Tou.

"Sixth son, Big Eye, you go with the third child."

Tietou was puzzled for a while, at this time you have a great understanding, what do you want to do.


Wei Shan is depressed, I understand that you have to send someone to follow.

Is there any reason.

Ignoring Wei Shan, the bandits continued to move forward, and finally all entered Cheng Yaojin's ambush circle.


A flock of birds suddenly flew up from the forest, and Tie Tou couldn't help being stunned when he saw it.

Looking at the surrounding hills, for some reason, he always had a bad premonition.

"The whole army stops, Iron Mountain, you take people to look at the hills on both sides."

Glancing at Iron Mountain, the other party also immediately led people towards the hills on both sides.

"Beat the drum, attack."

Seeing that the other party stopped unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin knew that he might be revealing himself.

He no longer hesitated at the moment, and directly ordered the soldiers to attack.

"Dong dong dong."

The dull war drum suddenly exploded, like thunder in the sky, resounding in all directions.

"Not good, there is an ambush, prepare to fight."

Hearing the sound of the drum, Tietou immediately understood that he was being ambushed, and quickly ordered the bandits to prepare for battle.

These bandits were nothing more than a mob. Knowing that they were being ambushed, they exploded in an instant.

Everyone was at a loss, and no one listened to Tietou's orders.


The thunderous sound of horseshoes resounded through the sky and the earth, and three hundred soldiers of the Imperial Army wearing armor and holding long spears came from a distance like a flash flood.

"Don't mess up, don't mess up, whoever runs around again, I'll cut off his head."

Looking at the cavalry rushing towards him, Tie Tou's eyes were also full of fear.

Based on the situation on my side, if we can't unite, let alone hundreds of cavalry, even more than a hundred people can kill them all.

The cavalry were all killed, how could these bandits have any intention of resisting.

One by one, they scattered like birds and beasts, and began to flee in all directions.

"Third Zeng, open your mouth wide, Cripple Sun, fight me right away, if we can't stop this wave of cavalry, we will all be finished."

Although the situation was critical, Tietou did not choose to escape, and directly led more than 30 cavalry to kill him.

A two-legged infantry can never outrun a four-legged cavalry.

There is only one thing they can do now, and that is to hold back those cavalry and buy time for these bandits, otherwise it will be over.

Zeng Lao San didn't hesitate, and led out with only 20 cavalrymen.

The other leaders looked at each other, and galloped straight to the rear.

"Hahahaha, little brats, your grandpa Cheng is here."

Cheng Yaojin straddled the horse, wearing Mingguang armor and holding a Xuanhua axe, and killed him like a god of war.

"kill you."

Tie Tou held a mixed iron rod, glanced at the fastest old man, and smashed it with a stick.

"Go away for me."

Cheng Yaojin didn't even look at the iron-headed iron rod, Xuanhua's big ax fell from the sky, and directly chopped it down.


With a loud noise, the mixed iron rod with the iron head was split in two, and the trend of the Xuanhua ax continued unabated, and the iron head was also split with force.

"The big boss is dead, the big boss is dead."

Everyone was dumbfounded to see the opponent's unparalleled iron head who ended up with a single move.

What kind of person is the other party? An old man is so fierce.

Is there any reason for this?


Seeing this, Zeng Lao San knew that he had hit the iron plate, so he turned his horse's head and wanted to escape.


Iron head's blood sprinkled Cheng Yaojin's whole body, and the blood-red Cheng Yaojin looked like a demon king from hell, Xuanhua ax chopped horizontally and vertically, as if entering a land of no one.

The imperial guards behind him are also the elite of the Tang Dynasty. Facing these mobs, they also cut melons and vegetables, killing them and howling like ghosts and wolves.

Breaking through the enemy's cavalry, the 3000 cavalry directly rushed into the [-] bandits.




The imperial guards and tributaries ambushing on both sides also rushed out suddenly, attacking the bandits from three sides.

Faced with these elite raids, the bandits collapsed directly.

"Those who surrender will not die, and those who fight will not be pardoned."

Cheng Yaojin roared loudly, followed by the shouts of the Imperial Army all over the sky.

Facing the thunderous blow, half of the bandits immediately chose to surrender, and half of the soldiers and horses behind them retreated.

"Duke, these people are too good. We have not enjoyed it yet, so we are all demoted."

A step by step wiped the blood off his body, his eyes were full of ferocious killing intent.

"Leave me alone, it's just a little thief, do you really think they are the elites you faced before?"

Cheng Yaojin glared at the man, you are a murderer, some fights are good, but you don't think it is enough?

"That's what the Duke taught me."

When Cheng Yaojin scolded him, that person also smiled, a little embarrassed.

"Collect the battlefield, and the cavalry will follow me in pursuit."

Taking a look at the battlefield, Cheng Yaojin led the cavalry directly to chase after him.

"Fuck, what sound."

Wei Shan was squatting in the grass trying to find a way out, when he heard the shouts of killing in the distance, his whole body trembled.

"It seems to have come from the front."

The six sons were also frightened, and pointed in the direction of the iron head.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and support."

As soon as Wei Shan lifted his trousers, he ran towards the horse.

"Let's go."

Big Eyes also frowned, and hurried towards the direction of the war horse.

The three got on the horses, Liu Zi and Big Eye ran straight away, but Wei Shan turned around and ran away.

"Fuck, I was cheated, catch up with him."

"Wei Shan, you really have a problem."

Seeing Wei Shan running away, the two also turned their horses and chased Wei Shan away.


(End of this chapter)

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