My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 311 99 Multiplication Table

Chapter 311 Ninety-Nine Multiplication Table

Li Siwen gave Zhang Sun Yan a hard look.

If it wasn't for you, a naive critic, who just started talking nonsense, as for this?
Even if you talk about breaking the sky today, the young master will drag you to die together.

There is no way to run away with around [-] guan, so it is better to pay for it.

Otherwise, Li Yanran may have other tricks waiting for her.

"It's the same with me, Brother Li, Changsun Yan is not a thing, I will clean him up for you, okay?"

Yuchihuan's rebellion was even more thorough, and he rolled up his sleeves and walked over.

"You guys, I'm convinced."

Changsun Yan looked at himself who was alone and lonely, and he also gave in.

Now he really understands what it means to lift a rock and shoot himself in the foot.

The double crit really hurt to the bone marrow.

"It's over if you do this earlier, let's talk about business now."

Hearing that Li Yanran wanted to talk about serious business, the four of them couldn't help shivering.

It's not a matter of business yet, I've already paid [-] guan, and if I continue, I haven't got a commission yet, so maybe they all have to be surnamed Li.

"This. Brother Li, I suddenly remembered that there is something else to do. I won't get involved in the business. Let's talk."

Li Siwen got up straight away, saluted Li Yanran and was about to run away.

"Brother Li, those strong people still need to be trained, so I will go to work first."

"Me too."

Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan looked at each other and said goodbye together.

"Brother Li, I also want to go to Xinfeng County to see if there is anything wrong."

Changsun Yan didn't dare to stay anymore, he was really scared.

Once Li Yanran wields this leek-cutting knife, he is afraid that his body will not be able to bear it.

"Get the hell out of here."

Li Yanran was angry, what do they mean one by one?
Is this girl a monster who can eat people?
Hearing this, the four of them walked back disheveledly with their heads down, and sat down in front of Li Yanran.

"Those bandits are almost screened out. What should we do with those vicious people? If they are really killed here, I'm afraid it will be bad."

Li Yanran glanced at the four of them, now that the bandits have been identified, how should they be settled.

"Brother Li, it's not easy. They have all the crimes. Send these people to Jing Zhaoyin. They are familiar with the work of beheading their heads."

Cheng Chubi curled his lips, do you even need to think about it?
It's not convenient for me to kill people here, but it's convenient for someone.

Professional things should be left to professional people to do.


Li Siwen shook his head, Cheng Chubi still wanted to be simple.

What Li Yanran was thinking about was not killing people, besides, was it a bandit?

That is a shining credit.

Whoever it is given to will not be able to read it well,


"Do you have any idea?"

Li Yanran knew that Li Siwen must have guessed her intentions.

"Brother Li, I think we can start investing now. No matter who these bandits are sent to, it will be a big credit. If it were me, I would choose Jinwuwei."

Li Siwen smiled slightly. Now, if you want to say whose jurisdiction Chang'an belongs to, it is nothing more than those departments, but the only one who really needs people, soldiers, and soldiers is the Jinwu Guard.

Although they may not be able to use the Jinwu Guard, who would think that they have few friends?

If you can support a person who is close to you to become a general of the Jinwu Guard, then you don't need to talk about the benefits in the future.

"Jin Wuwei, do you have a good friend?"

Li Yanran nodded. Originally, she wanted to give it to Jing Zhaoyin, but thinking about Jing Zhaoyin impeaching herself before, she gave up.

Although it doesn't sound good to say that every grievance must be retaliated, that's the kind of person she is.

If you mess with me once, I will remember you forever.

So she is still very satisfied with the Jinwuwei, at least she used the Jinwuwei's power to deal with Zhou Shen's businessmen, and now she should be paid.

"Jin Wuwei is easy to say, Zheng Xuanfeng."

When mentioning the Jinwu Guard, Cheng Chubi thought of Zheng Xuanfeng.

This guy knows the current affairs and knows how to advance and retreat. It is not impossible to invest in it.

"Well, then it's settled, you send someone to call Zheng Xuanfeng over to discuss."

Hearing Zheng Xuanfeng, Li Yanran was also taken aback, but thinking about it, this person is a good candidate.

"Jin Wuwei's style is not small, and Zheng Xuanfeng is a general, so I should go there in person."

Cheng Chubi got up straight away, taking this task on his shoulders.

"Well, do it quickly."

"Got it."

Cheng Chubi was overjoyed, turned his buttocks and trotted and disappeared in front of several people.

"Yuchihuan, you continue to supervise and strengthen your body, Li Siwen, Changsun Yan, the two of you are responsible for identifying the bandits, and let them work for me and build the city wall."




The three also saluted together, turned around and ran away.

I'm afraid Li Yanran will do something wrong again.

"Brother Hong, is sister scary?"

Seeing the four of them, Li Yanran looked at Li Hong depressedly.

"Naturally it's scary. No, sister can't be scary, she should be cute."

Li Honggang nodded and agreed to change his words quickly.

He told the truth out of nowhere, as if he was hit by a sudden attack.

"I thank you."

Li Yanran was depressed, could she really be this scary?
No, there must be something wrong with those stupid batches.

I'm so cute, how can I be scary.

"You don't need to thank me, Sister, if it's okay, give me my fifty dollars. I'm going to buy something delicious."

Li Hong smiled slightly, and spread his little hands to Li Yanran.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat all day long, have you read the book?"

Hearing that Li Hong was going to play, Li Yanran quit.

I'm bothering to make money, but you only want to play.

Isn't that a bit of a distinction?

"Sister, you bully people. When I came here, my father said that I don't need to study books recently. Are you going to disobey the emperor's orders?"

Li Hong's small face twisted in an instant, he came to the fiefdom to treat illnesses, not to let you watch and study.

Besides, Dad didn't ask for it, so why do you want me to study.

"I didn't let you read those various schools of thought, the history of the book is very good."

"Then what do you want me to read?"

Li Hong tilted his head, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.


Li Yanran picked up the paper that Li Feng handed over just now, and began to write.

After finishing writing, Li Yanran slapped the paper in front of Li Hong: "That's it, your task today is to memorize this nine-nine multiplication table."

"Nine-nine multiplication table? Sister, I can't even understand this."

Li Hong looked at the Arabic numerals one by one, feeling a little dazed.

What the hell kind of talisman is this? I can't even read it myself, so how can I recite it.

Li Feng stretched out his head to take a look, then silently retreated to the side.

To be honest, he couldn't understand either.

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran also slapped herself on the forehead.

The Arabic numerals have not been spread to China yet, so it is reasonable for Chinese people to understand them.

So she picked up a pen and wrote a ninety-nine multiplication table composed of Chinese numbers.

"Sister, isn't this something in the scriptures? What's the use of me learning this?"

After another glance, Li Hong immediately became depressed.

I am the prince, the future emperor, what is the use of learning this?

Arithmetic is nothing more than it is difficult to wait for the elegant hall, so he doesn't bother to learn it.

"What's the use? It can keep you from being tricked."

(End of this chapter)

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