My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 315 Smart and Witty Cheng Yaojin

Chapter 315 Smart and Witty Cheng Yaojin

Cheng Chubi's heart was also shocked when he glanced at Cheng Yaojin, who was innocent.

You haven't said anything yet, so how do you know.

Could it be that you ate the roundworms in my stomach?

"If I still can't comprehend such a simple truth, I will have lived such a long time in vain."

Cheng Yaojin slapped him again, even his own father doubted that if he didn't hit you, he would hit anyone.

"What do you think, father?"

Cheng Chubi covered his head with a gloomy expression on his face.

"What do I think? I should ask you what you think."

"Dad, are you running circles with me? What can I think?"

Cheng Chubi only felt that he was a little confused.

Obviously I asked you, why did you ask me instead?

"You not only have to have ideas, but also have your own ideas, understand?"

Cheng Yaojinhu looked at his son with a straight face, and directly asked him to use his brain to think about himself.


Cheng Chubi was dumbfounded, he really didn't understand what his father was thinking.

"Let me think."

Cheng Yaojin kicked Cheng Chubi, who also staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"I have no idea, just say what you have to say, don't let me guess."

Cheng Chubi is also depressed, you let me think that's all, and now you still kick me.

Do you really think I'm a three-year-old?

"Idiot, why does Princess Lishan support Zheng Xuanfeng, what does she think.

You don't know these things, so you dare to come over and ask me to help?

Have you ever considered what's going on here? "

Cheng Yaojin shook his head, his son really wasn't the type to use his brain, he couldn't force it, he could only speak out his own thoughts.

"What's the matter? Your Highness just wants to have another friend in Jinwuwei. In case something happens in the future, it will be easy to handle. Are you thinking too much?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Cheng Yaojin, he really didn't know why such a rough man like his father had so many twists and turns in his mind.

What do you think, why didn't you say that Brother Li wanted to usurp the throne, so he started to make arrangements in advance.

Really intoxicating.

"Silly son, Princess Lishan is not just a royal princess.

Even I am amazed by her scheming and planning.

If she really had other thoughts, the consequences would be disastrous. "

Cheng Yaojin sat beside Cheng Chubi, and said to him earnestly.

"Father, I don't allow you to say that about Brother Li.

I know who she is better than you.

If you say that she is keen on making money, I believe it. If you say that she has other ideas, I will not believe it even if you kill me. "

Cheng Chubi shook his head, he felt that Cheng Yaojin was really bothering others.

You speculate and slander a nine-year-old child with the psychology and black belly of adults, which really makes him feel a little ashamed.

He can see the situation of Li Yanran and Li Hong, and if you say that she has other ideas, he really doesn't believe it.

"I hope I'm just disturbing others, otherwise Datang may not be stable."

Cheng Yaojin looked at his son again, he also hoped that he was just a mediocrity.

Otherwise, according to Li Yanran's strength, he really doesn't know what kind of twists and turns Datang will have in the future.

"It's okay, if you're afraid of me, go tell Li Geming right away, and save you all daydreaming."

Cheng Chubi patted the dirt on his butt with a look of contempt.

"Who says I don't want to, it's just supporting Zheng Xuanfeng, it doesn't matter."

Cheng Yaojin also stood up and helped Cheng Chubi pat the dust off his body.

"Then you just said that?"

"I just want you to keep your eyes open, don't just follow Her Royal Highness in everything, understand?"

Cheng Yaojin looked at the silly son in front of him, but he had nothing to say.

"Understood, then I will go back and report to His Highness immediately."


Zheng Xuanfeng rushed to the hot spring town with hundreds of Jinwu guards, and after receiving the captives from Li Yanran, he ran towards Chang'an without looking back.

"Brother Li, I'm back."

Cheng Chubi jumped off the horse and rushed into the room.


"My father agreed, and it should be no problem to support Zheng Xuanfeng as the general of Zuo Jinwuwei."

Cheng Chubi smiled at Li Yanran, and told what Cheng Yaojin promised to help.

As for other things, he is not stupid, so naturally he won't say much.

"Ah That's good."

Li Yanran nodded, with the Duke's help, this matter should be completed.

"Brother Li, there is something I want to ask you."

Now that the business has been settled, it's time for informal talks.

"what happened?"

"Brother Li, you said that our father wanted those two altars of fine wine, but how did I hear my father say that you gave them to him? You owe me an explanation."

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran with an unkind expression, and told what he had learned from Cheng Yaojin.

"Who said, how drunk you were at that time, the two of you hooked your shoulders together and called each other brothers. I want you to recall that scene for you?"

Li Yanran had already thought of this problem, and she had already thought about her words.

You spent all your money and want to go back?

Sorry, the cost is small and the profit is small. The product is out of the cabinet and will not be returned.


Hearing this, Cheng Chubi also shook his head, he was indeed broken that night, could it be that what Li Yanran said was true?

"What is this, do I care about your thousands of people?
Besides, what happened when you were a son and honored your father with two altars of good wine?
Of course, if you don't want to, I will send someone to Duke Lu's mansion immediately to get the wine back.

Let’s just say that you regret it as a son and don’t want to give it away. "

Li Yanran curled her lips, and she was just pulling the trigger. If you don't want to, I'll come and beat you in the face.

See if your father will fly over and directly break your leg.

"Forget it."

Cheng Chubi was depressed, now it seems that he has to pay the money.

After all, if he loses his father's face, he will really place the order.

"Then why don't you get out and do something?"

Li Yanran glared at Cheng Chubi again, since she knew that she had confessed, she didn't hurry to get out and do something.

Stay here for dinner?
"Oh oh oh."

Cheng Chubi also ran away with oil on his feet, this place was a slaughterhouse, he was afraid that something unexpected might happen if he stayed any longer.

After Zheng Xuanfeng brought them back to Chang'an, he didn't do any interrogation. After all, Li Yanran sent not only people, but also their crimes.

When he sent these crimes to the criminal department, the entire criminal department was stunned.

I've seen people who organize groups to buy things, but I've never seen groups who organize groups to deliver prisoners on death row.

Especially Cui Shouye, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, looked at the thick stack of confessions, and he was in a bad mood.

At this moment, he had already guessed what was in it, that is, General Zheng Xuanfeng of the Jinwu Guard must have a good relationship with Princess Lishan.

Otherwise, how could such a credit be delivered to the other party.

"My lord, what should I do with these things."

A small official came to Cui Shouye's side, and some of them couldn't do it.

"How to deal with it? Each one must be strictly reviewed. After all, this is a human life. If there is a slight mistake, we will be charged with dereliction of duty, understand?"

A gleam flashed in Cui Shouye's eyes, since you want to support Zheng Xuanfeng and give such a credit to him, then naturally I can't let you do so.

Always find something uncomfortable for you.

"But if these things really need to be reviewed one by one, it won't be able to be reviewed in a short time."

The little official was taken aback, not understanding what Cui Shouye meant.

These crimes are complete, and there are bandits' confessions. You still want to review?

This does not make it clear that we want to pick on the faults of the Jinwu Guard.

what's the situation?
"What? Did I set a time limit for you? If you can't complete the review in one day, it will be ten days, and if you can't do it in ten days, it will be a hundred days. It must be done. The guilt lies in the guilt. Human life is not a trifling matter, understand?"

"I understand."

The little official glanced at Cui Shouye again, nodded and left immediately.

"Zheng Xuanfeng, Princess Lishan, I want to see if you can fulfill your wish."

Soon the approval document from the Ministry of Punishment was transferred back, and Zheng Xuanfeng was stunned when he saw it.

His own evidence, confession, and confession are all complete, he doesn't understand why the Ministry of Criminal Justice replied to him like this.

"General, what should we do now, with so many people, our prisons are not enough.

If this continues, we don't have to do anything. "

Chief official Zhou Ming came to Zheng Xuanfeng's side, and the other party suddenly brought hundreds of bandits over. If they couldn't try and execute them quickly, they wouldn't be able to keep arresting people.

"I know that the Ministry of Criminal Justice is deliberately making things difficult for us. They are looking for trouble, so don't blame me for making things worse."

Zheng Xuanfeng used to have no backer and was always submissive, but now it's different, there are people behind him.

Princess Lishan and the other princes are all dignitaries in the current dynasty. If he is still the same as before.

Those who not only lost themselves, but also lost all the people behind them.

So many bandits have troubled your Ministry of Criminal Justice to find trouble, okay.

Then I will listen to Datian and go to the emperor to have a good time.


Zhou Ming looked at Zheng Xuanfeng and was also taken aback.

In his memory, although Zheng Xuanfeng was the general of the Jinwu Guard, he just let those high-ranking officials do what he wanted, why did he suddenly act so violently this time.

Could it be that the general has really climbed a high branch?

"Don't think about it, you can go down."

Zheng Xuanfeng waved his hand. Now that he has made a decision, there is no way out.

If he doesn't fight, he is really sorry for himself.


In the early morning of the next day, when all the civil and military officials had an audience, Rui'an also shouted and asked all the officials to report.

"Your Majesty, General Zheng Xuanfeng of Chen Zuo Jinwu Guard has a book to play."

Zheng Xuanfeng glanced at the officials of the Ministry of Punishment, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"General Zuo Jinwuwei?"

Hearing the other party's identity, Li Zhi couldn't help being taken aback.

What could such a small official like Sesame Mung Bean do if he dared to speak nonsense in court?

"Your Majesty, everyone must be aware of the bandits attacking the Lishan fief, and Her Royal Highness has handed over those evil bandits to the Jinwu Guard.

The subject also completed the trial, but when the subject reported the punishment information to the Ministry of Punishment for review, he was harshly criticized by the Ministry of Punishment, and His Majesty was expected to be the minister's caller. "

Zheng Xuanfeng directly reported the matter of being made things difficult by the Ministry of Punishment.


(End of this chapter)

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