My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 318 Opening

Hearing Xu Jingzong's words, even Wu Zetian was a little dazed because of his extraordinary intelligence.

Family members value in-laws the most, and Cui Xiuye's move can be said to break with the entire Cui family.

Does he really have the guts?Have the courage?

"Mother, I don't think Cui Xiuye's words are lying. Everyone in Chang'an knows the relationship between Cui Shouye and Cui Xiuye. It is reasonable for him to take risks for his brother."

Xu Jingzong lowered his head and expressed his opinion.

"Then hurry up and tell His Majesty about this matter. Remember, we are always His Majesty's people, as long as Cui Xiuye ​​wishes us well, understand?"

"Xu Jingzong understands."

Xu Jingzong saluted slightly, and hurried out.

"Your Majesty, Duke Gaoyang seeks an audience."

Ruian walked into the imperial study room, and slowly buffered Li Zhidao.

"Let him in."

Li Zhi patted himself on the shoulder. Although he had handed over many memorials to Wu Zetian, he still had to personally review the important ones.

"Minister Xu Jingzong pays his respects to His Majesty."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Xu Jingzong knocked his head on the ground as soon as he entered the door.

"Be flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xu Jingzong got up and looked at Li Zhi with excitement in his eyes.

"Looking at you like this, has the matter I told you been done?"

"Your Majesty, something has changed."

Xu Jingzong hurriedly told about Cui Xiuye's situation.

"This, really?"

Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, he only wanted to take the opportunity to beat the family, but he didn't expect such a good thing to come out.

What is this?

Could it be that Li Yanran is really her lucky star?

"It should be true, Cui Xiuye ​​absolutely dare not lie to His Majesty."

Xu Jingzong nodded, even if Cui Xiuye ​​had the courage, he probably wouldn't dare to joke with the emperor.

"But this incident has already happened. If Cui Xiuye ​​is not punished, then Cui Xiuye ​​will not be able to justify it. What do you think?"

Li Zhi thought about it for a while, and looked at Xu Jingzong again.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Cui Shouye's death penalty is exempt but his life is inevitable, so he can be demoted to the local government, and then Cui Xiuye ​​can be promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Punishments.

This not only beats the aristocratic family, but also promotes our people, the best of both worlds. "

Xu Jingzong smiled slightly. The other party only said that Cui Shouye would be kept alive, but did not say that he would be acquitted.

It couldn't be easier.

"Well, let's do as you said, and deal with the other banditry troubles, so we can't chill Princess Lishan's heart."

"My minister retire."

Xu Jingzong left directly, and after returning to his mansion, he told Cui Xiuye ​​the result of the discussion with Li Zhi.

"Xiuye ​​thanked Gaoyang County Lord, and I hope Gaoyang County Lord will accept Xiuye's gift as a token of gratitude."

After Cui Xiuye ​​finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a servant came in carrying a box.

"Nephew, I will be my own from now on, so I shouldn't be like this."

While talking, Xu Jingzong gave Xu Wei a wink, and the other party hurriedly sent someone to carry the box down.

"If you study in this way, you will leave."

"I'll see off my nephew."

At the court meeting the next day, Xu Jingzong revealed the situation of Cui Shouye's collusion with the bandits, and Li Zhi also took the opportunity to decree Cui Shouye's relegation to the local government.

Seeing this situation, the aristocratic family also came forward to let Cui Xiuye ​​succeed the position of Minister of the Ministry of Justice. Li Zhi also smiled slightly when he saw this, and helped Cui Xiuye ​​to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

"Shouye, it's a long way to Xuzhou, so you must ensure your health."

Cui Xiuye ​​looked at the brother in front of him with tears in his eyes.

"Brother, it's not worth it for me."

Cui Shouye also knew how Cui Xiuye ​​saved his life, and he was extremely grateful for his elder brother's trip.

After all, the elder brother actually wants to break with the Cui family for himself, and he will be ashamed to see his father after a hundred years.

"Don't think about it too much. Big brother will definitely find a way to transfer you back to Beijing when the opportunity arises. Let's go."

"Brother, take care."

Cui Shouye wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, stepped into the carriage and rushed towards Xuzhou.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, have you heard that those bandits were instigated by the Cui family, and now Cui Shouye, the minister of punishment, has been demoted to Xuzhou, and all the bandits have been executed."

Changsun Yan ran to Li Yanran with the news he had just received, his eyes were full of resentment.

"I see."

Li Yanran was neither happy nor sad, and she didn't bother with Chang Sun Yan at all.

"Brother Li, why aren't you angry? Such villains should be beheaded, and it's really cheap for him to be demoted."

Seeing Li Yanran's appearance, Zhang Sunyan couldn't help being stunned.

Aren't you the most vengeful?Why are you so calm now.

"I said earlier that if you are not in his position, you will not seek his own government. His father must have his consideration in doing this. We just need to do things with peace of mind.

As for who the person behind is, it doesn't matter. "

Li Yanran glanced at Chang Sun Yan.

I really want my father to kill them all, but that's just my own wishful thinking.

It's not easy for Dad to be the emperor. It's fine if I can't help him solve his problems, and I won't make trouble if I have to.

After speaking, he slapped Li Hong directly on the head.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong, who was eating candied haws, had a confused look on his face. You just talk when you say something, and suddenly asked yourself what it meant.

Did I eat candied haws next to you?
"It's okay, your hands are itchy, you continue to eat."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, do you need a reason to hit you?


Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Hong twisted his buttocks and walked out the door.

I can't afford to offend you, I can hide from you.

As long as you can't see me, probably I won't be beaten.

"Brother Li, if it's okay, I'll go too."

Seeing this situation, Changsun Yan was about to run away with oil on his feet.

Brother Li has become more and more irritable since he became a princess.

It's okay, just hide yourself.

"and many more."

"what happened?"

Changsun Yan turned her head and looked at Li Yanran, wondering what she wanted to do.

"This Longmen Escort Agency has been established for a while, is there no one who wants to take the goods?"

Now that the matter of fiefdom came to an end, Li Yanran remembered her plan to do logistics some time ago.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. Some time ago, a few merchants found the Longmen Escort Agency and wanted to sell their goods, but I was so busy that I forgot."

Hearing about Longmen Escort, Zhang Sunyan also patted himself on the head and told what happened before.

"Forgot? Can you forget everything? Hurry up and contact the merchant."

"Oh oh oh."

Changsun Yan shrank his neck and ran away.

In the afternoon, Changsun Yan ran back quickly, his eyes full of excitement.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, it's settled. There are a total of nine merchants who want to sell the goods, about forty carts, and the distance is not far, just go to Wugong."

"Cheng Chubi, Cheng Chubi, quickly bring the map."

Li Yanran was also excited when he heard that the business was coming, and he called Cheng Chubi to bring the map.

Cheng Chubi came over with a bundle of maps. Of course, these are not military maps, but civilian maps, which are not classified.

"Wugong is only one hundred and fifty miles away from here, but this road is not easy."

Cheng Chubi spread out the map, marked the location, but frowned tightly.

"How to say?"

Li Yanran glanced at Cheng Chubi, the distance of more than 100 miles was only an hour's drive in her impression, so there is no problem.

"Although Wugong is located in Gyeonggi, it is already close to Qizhou. Although the imperial court has suppressed it many times, there have been many bandits along the way. No wonder those businessmen are looking for escorts from the Longmen Bodyguard Bureau."

Although the country is prosperous and the people are safe now, there are many people who are forced to become bandits because of life.

This is also the reason why the government has suppressed bandits many times, but the banditry has never ceased.

Going this way, you can't say what will happen.

"What do I think?"

Hearing that what Cheng Chubi was worried about was banditry, Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Changsun Yan, how much will they pay for this shipment?"

Li Yanran looked at Sun Yan again, and asked about the price this time.

"They are willing to pay half of the freight in advance for a large truck, and pay a total of [-] yuan for [-] large vehicles. When the goods are delivered, they will pay the remaining [-] yuan in advance."

"It's only forty pennies in total? Brother Li, it doesn't matter if you don't do this business."

Hearing that there was only such a small amount of money, Yu Chihuan couldn't help but give Changsun Yan a blank look.

Such a small amount of money is not enough to buy a tooth festival for myself.

Is this guy stupid?Why do you still have to do it when you have made it clear that you are losing money.

"It's different, Brother Li, those businessmen have agreed, this is just the first batch.

If we can deliver the goods safely, we will be responsible for all the goods they send in the future,
Besides, as long as we spread our reputation, the profit will be difficult to calculate when there are more people who deliver the goods. "

Hearing Yu Chihuan's words, Changsun Yan was not happy.

I'm called putting a long line to catch big fish, you know what a fart.

Willing to, do you know.

"Brother Li, it's better to build more houses and make more money quickly than to waste your energy and make money-losing business."

Cheng Chubi also twitched his lips, despite what your eldest Sun Yan said, he also thinks that this matter is nothing serious.

"Changsun Yan is doing very well, and the deal is done."

Li Yanran glanced at the two of them, and immediately made a decision, finalizing the deal.

"Brother Li, Changsun Yan is crazy, so why are you acting stupid too?"

Cheng Chubi was taken aback for a moment, wondering what happened to the always shrewd Li Yanran this time.

"I'm looking at the future, you know what a fart, Changsun Yan will immediately make an agreement with those merchants to send the goods to the Lishan fief."


Changsun Yan gave the two idiots Cheng Chubi a disdainful look, patted his ass and ran away.

"I know what you guys want to say, but I have so many people here now, if I don't find something for them to do, will you be responsible for the expenses?"

Li Yanran glanced at the two who were hesitating to speak, and shouted at them directly.

"Of course not. Brother Li, why should your people make us responsible?"

Seeing that Li Yanran put his idea into his pocket again, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan couldn't help but shiver.

"Then keep your mouth shut, now I want you to discuss how many people should be sent over this time, understand?"

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