Li Yanran smiled slightly, her little tiger teeth flashed again.

"But is it really possible?"

Yu Chihuan was stunned, although the army suppressed the bandits was no problem, but he was afraid that someone with a heart would enlarge it, even the emperor would take it all in.

Military power has always been the bottom line of the royal family, no one can touch it, it is a dead word.

"It's okay. If there is a problem, I will bear it all. I just don't know if Captain Zhechong, who is in charge of the 2000 people, will come over."

Li Yanran doesn't think about those things now, her only concern is whether Captain Zhechong will help.

"Don't worry, that Captain Zhechong is my father's old department. If Brother Li is responsible for it, it will not be a problem for him to come out and help."

Cheng Chubi smiled slightly, and revealed the identity of that person.

"That's very good. Don't try to shake people for now. You two will bring someone to make sure that those bandits are trying to sneak attack us, or they really all ran away."

Li Yanran was also happy to hear this, now it's time to see what those bandits think.


"Leave it to me."

The two looked at each other and left with the cavalry to explore the situation ahead.

"Your Highness, should we continue to move forward now or how to take a short break?"

A lieutenant of the Forbidden Army approached Li Yanran and asked her what she thought.

After all, they are only two days away from Wugong County.

"Take a break for now. After all, the future is uncertain. Let's talk about it after Cheng Chubi and the others come back from their investigation."

Li Yanran shook her head, and directly ordered the team to rest on the spot.

Seeing that the team stopped, Sun Hu hurriedly left the cart and came to Li Yanran's side.

After Sun Hu was captured, he behaved very well, so Li Yanran also gave him the right to move freely.

"Grandpa, grandpa."


Looking at Sun Hu who was running over, Li Yanran also had a headache.

What the hell, this guy is really a real treasure, Grandpa shouted until he was a little numb.

"Speak up if you have something to say, and help push the cart if you have nothing to say."

"Grandpa, I have something to report."

Hearing this, Sun Hu was also taken aback.

What happened to my grandfather, why is he unhappy.


Li Yanran was sitting on the carriage, not knowing what Sun Hu had to report.

"Grandpa, I know where all those bandits have gone."

As soon as Sun Hu spoke, a gleam flashed in Li Yanran's eyes.

Does this cheap grandson know?

"Where did those bandits go?"

"There is a Hutou village twenty miles ahead, the leader is Zhang Hu, and there are at least seven or eight hundred bandits under his command.
After the name of the Longmen Escort was established, he once posted a hero post, asking us to gather together to attack Grandpa,

It's just that I didn't agree. Depending on the situation, if those little bandits didn't run away, they should all gather there. "

Sun Hu quickly said everything he knew.

"You mean someone really wants to attack us?"

Li Yanran directly jumped off the carriage, looked at Sun Hu, and showed her trademark canine teeth again.

"Grandpa, don't smile at me like that, I'm scared."

Sun Hu shivered, why are you smiling at me?

Now it has spread in bandit circles, you smile and hang white filial piety on the mountain.

Is this going to send me away?

"What are you talking about, call me."

Li Yanran was stunned, this girl smiled at you because she respected you, why did you even serve it.

"Hey, grandpa, don't hit me. I know I'm wrong. Zhang Huo is not a good person. He must have sneaked up on grandpa and didn't run away."

Hearing that he was going to beat himself, Sun Hu quickly knelt down and hugged his head, begging for mercy.

"Then I'll give you a task, do you dare to accept it?"

Li Yanran glanced at Sun Hu, and said slowly.

"Grandpa has an order, how dare Sun Hu refuse to obey, just say it."

Sun Hu was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Li Yanran wanted him to do.

"I want you to be a spy, sneak into the Hutou village, and let me find out their truth."


Sun Hu was completely dumbfounded.

I respect your grandfather, but you don't treat me like a grandson at all.

Hutou Village is a big fire pit, cannibalism does not spit out bones,

If you let me mix in now, wouldn't you be sending my cheap grandson to the Palace of the King of Hell?

"If you don't want to, I'll cut you off now. Anyway, living is a waste of my food."

Li Yanran stared wide-eyed, and threatened Sun Hu directly.

"Grandpa, are you not afraid that I will run away and never come back?"

Sun Hu is depressed, if you don't go, you will die, you are really my grandfather.

"Do you really think I'm stupid? Of course I will send someone to go with you. If you dare to run away, I will kill you first, cut off your ears and drink."

When Sun Hu heard this, he quickly covered his ears.

This is really a killing star, he will cut off people's ears for drinking at every turn.

Whose child is so fucking cruel.

"Ke Ke, I'm afraid. After all, your people don't have gangster spirit at all. If this passes, you may not even be able to enter the mountain gate, and you will be chopped down."

"That's what you said."

Li Yanran glanced at the imperial guards beside her, feeling depressed for a while.

These people looked like soldiers from the army, and they were full of integrity, unlike Sun Hu, they were not good people at first glance.

It would be good if Wei Shan was here now, that guy is not a good person, so it would be fine if he was with him.

"Grandpa, if it's okay, I'll push the cart at the back. There's a lot of work waiting for me."

Sun Hu shrank his neck and ran away, he was really scared.

If Li Yanran really asked him to take these soldiers there, he would die without a place to bury him.

Li Yanran glanced at Sun Hu who was running away, then called a forbidden soldier and whispered a few more words.

The other party nodded, and rode the horse directly towards the fiefdom.

After a while, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan rode back.

"Brother Li, I have inquired. The people said that in the past two days, all the bandits around have disappeared, and there is no movement at all."

Cheng Chubi got off his horse, took the water bag sent by the imperial army, drank a few sips and told the situation.

"How is the situation in Hutou Village?"

After glancing at Cheng Chubi, Li Yanran asked Hutouzhai directly.

"Hutou Village? Brother Li, how do you know this? I was just about to say that only the people from Hutou Village are still there, but they haven't made any moves recently."

Yu Chihuan was taken aback, could it be that Li Yanran can pinch and count?

Otherwise, how would she know about Hutou Village?

"Then I didn't run away."

Li Yanran immediately told the two of them what Sun Hu reported.

"According to the current situation, this Hutou village has a big problem."

Cheng Chubi glanced into the distance, and said slowly.

"However, it would be somewhat inappropriate to send troops here because of an unwarranted guess. In this case, it will be very difficult for Captain Zhechong to do so."

Yu Chihuan frowned slightly, now that the enemy's situation is unknown, no one knows the situation in Hutou Village.

Hastily dispatching troops here, when the time comes, there will be no bandits to suppress, and problems will arise.

"So I have already sent someone to the fief to bring Wei Shan over."

"Why did you bring Wei Shan here? Brother Li, you don't want Wei Shan to sneak into Hutou Village, do you?"

Cheng Chubi was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to have guessed what Li Yanran was thinking.

"No, the so-called rats have their ways, snakes have their ways, and bandits have their circles.
Wei Shan and the bandits here in Wugong can't get together at all,

Going there hastily not only has no effect, it may even kill his life. "

Yu Chihuan shook his head, don't say you asked Wei Shan to come over now, even if you call Tietou who grows grass on the grave, it will be useless.

We can't play together at all.

"So I'm not going to let Wei Shan go by himself."

"Brother Li means Sun Hu?"

In Cheng Chubi's mind, the figure of Sun Hu shouting for his grandfather popped up in an instant.

"Well, there shouldn't be any problem with Sun Hu sneaking into Hutou village, and Wei Shan can also look at that idiot to prevent him from escaping."

Li Yanran nodded, that's what she meant.

Since there is no way for his own people to pass, we can only let Wei Shan charge again.

"Is this going to be a problem?"

He knows Wei Shan's loyalty, but he doesn't like Sun Hu as a hero.

In case the opponent turned back, Wei Shan would really die without a place to die.

"So we still have to beat it, let's talk about it when Wei Shan comes."

Naturally, Li Yanran wouldn't kill someone for nothing, so she had to find a way to restrain Sun Hu's idiot.

"Brother Li, leave it to me, leave it to me."

Yu Chihuan directly raised his hand to take over the job.

"Leave it to you? What are you going to do?"

Li Yanran glanced at Yu Chihuan, he hadn't figured out what to do, so he could think of it?
Could it be that this iron tree has blossomed?

"One beating, two beatings if one beating fails, until he is overcome by the beating."

Yu Chihuan spoke out his thoughts, then raised his head, his eyes were full of complacency.

"Hit, hit, hit, I'll let you hit."

Li Yanran was so angry that she grabbed Yu Chihuan's skirt and started kicking his ass.

Originally, she thought that the iron tree was blooming, but she didn't expect it to be an elm lump.

What the hell, if you beat him up now, he'll sell out this girl.

My own brain is rusty, and I actually believe that Yuchihuan, Wolong, can do something good.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting."

Although Li Yanran's kick didn't hurt, Yu Chihuan still hurriedly begged for mercy.

After all, in front of so many people, am I not going to lose face if you chase me and beat me up?
"Brother Li, what are you going to do?"

Cheng Chubi thought for a while and gave up. He admitted that he didn't have that brain.

"I don't know, you go to those bandits from Xiaohu Village first, and ask about Sun Hu's life experience before you talk about it."


After a while, Cheng Chubi came back with his head bowed.

"What's your expression like?"

"Brother Li, this Sun Hu is really powerful. His parents died early, he is the only son in the family, and he has no wife or children. He really has no flaws at all."

Cheng Chubi was depressed, is this really a person?

The lone star of Tiansha.


Hearing this, Li Yanran was also depressed, and she didn't see the life experience of the protagonist of Sun Hu's proper novel.

No father, no mother, no wife and no children, what a dream start.

But now it's hard to put these things in my place. How can I deal with such a lone star of the devil.

"But he has a friend, in the brothel in Wugong County, can this be used?"

"Can you talk without panting, if you have a weakness, it's easy to say, call Sun Hu over."

Li Yanran gave Cheng Chubi a blank look, having a good friend is also considered a weakness, it depends on whether she can catch it.


Cheng Chubi walked to the middle of the convoy and saw that guy Sun Hu was dozing off against the wheels of the car, so he didn't show mercy and gave him a big-eared melon seed.

"Who dares to sneak up on Master Tiger?"

Sun Hu jumped up straight away, staring at Cheng Chubi and panicking on the spot.

"Grandpa Cheng, you are looking for me."

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