My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 331 Gradually drifting away on the road to death!

Chapter 331 Gradually drifting away on the road to death!
"If you don't go to confirm your own caravan, why don't you let me go? Send it to me."

Looking at the miserable faces of the people, Zhang Wei was also agitated for a while, and with a wave of his hand, he asked someone to put those people down through the spider plant.

Several people landed on the ground, and after looking at each other, they could only grit their teeth and walked towards Cheng Chubi and the others.

"Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother."

"Master, it's mine."

"Seventh brother, you are here."

The few people had just walked in front of Cheng Chubi and the others before they could speak, when they heard voices coming from inside, and seven or eight people had already rushed out.

"Ninth brother, it's really you, what... what's going on?"

"This is the Longmen Bodyguard Agency hired by my father to escort us here."

Hearing this, the seven shopkeepers were all dumbfounded. They glanced at the imperial guards in front of them and then at the more than 2000 bandits behind them. Everyone was depressed.

So many people escorting the caravan, do you think this is reasonable?

"Are you guys all right?"

Sixth brother Hou Yuanshan looked at his younger brother again, seeing that the other party's appearance should not be coerced.

"Of course we're fine. If we hadn't been escorted by the Longmen Security Bureau, I'm afraid it would be difficult to come here this time."

Old Jiuhou Sihai was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what his brother meant.

"Hehehe, as long as it's okay, bring me the quotation, and I'll report to the county magistrate."

Hou Yuanshan smiled awkwardly, but it was uglier than crying.

"Quoted here."

A group of people took out the quotes issued by the firm one after another, and handed them over to the person who came to verify.

"Then what is the identity of that doll?"

"We don't know either, but it should be of good status, and the background is amazing."

Hou Sihai was taken aback for a moment, they really didn't know Li Yanran's identity, but she was definitely not an ordinary person.

And it seems that only Princess Lishan is suitable for a child of this age, but he dare not say so in front of so many people.

Several people looked at each other, and their hearts were shocked.

Now it can basically be confirmed that it should be the county magistrate who made a split, and the person who can have so many guards must have a good status.

It is estimated that the county magistrate will be unlucky this time.

He returned to the bottom of the city wall without looking back, and sat on the spider plant dangling up the city wall.

"How is it? Is there a problem?"

Seeing the few people who returned safely, the county magistrate hurriedly inquired.

"County magistrate, they are indeed our company's caravan. Here is the quotation. It seems that I made a mistake. They are not bandits."

Hou Yuanshan glanced at Zhang Wei, then at the aggrieved Li Yanran, and shivered uncontrollably.

"Isn't it a bandit? Could it be that I made a mistake?"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei was also confused. Could it be that he really messed up?
Misunderstood the good guy?
"County magistrate, what we have to do now is to try again, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case."

A burly man in the uniform of a yamen servant came over.

"Liu Bo, what do you think?"

Zhang Wei glanced at the head of the yamen servants and asked what he thought.

"County magistrate, let those irrelevant people retreat for three miles, and only the people in the caravan stay where they are.

If they are really kind, they will naturally not refuse. If they don't retreat, there is a problem here. "

Liu Bo glanced at the thousands of people and felt a headache.

With so many people, no one is confused.

One wrong step may mean that the whole game is lost, and no one can afford this responsibility.

"Well, just do as you said, and tell them to retreat."

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he looked at Li Yanran again, for some reason, now that the doll looks pretty, he really doesn't look like a so-called bandit.

As he spoke, he slapped Li Yanran on the head again.


Li Yanran was stunned, why did she hit herself again?
I didn't say anything, you county magistrate is really looking for death.

If I don't punish you, I'm not Li Yanran.

Liu Bo was speechless for a while when he saw this action. You said that you are a good county magistrate who is always angry with a baby, and you are really drunk.

If someone's parents know about this, it's your fate not to sue you for being old and disrespectful.

Hearing the yelling on the city wall, Yuchi Huan immediately became angry.

Why let Lao Tzu retreat three miles, it's just a county magistrate, who would nod and bow when seeing Lao Tzu in Chang'an.

Still out of breath?

"Order people to retreat."

Cheng Chubi pressed down on Yuchihuan, his eyes were full of coldness.

He had never been angered like this before. You must know that the generals of the Jinwu Guard were always shouting and shouting, but now they are being manipulated by a county magistrate.

"I'm just so angry, a small county magistrate, really annoyed me and killed him immediately, and took that guy down."

Yu Chihuan stared at Cheng Chubi, not understanding why the other party was so obedient.

"Do you think I want to? Brother Li is still on the city wall, retreat."

Cheng Chubi slapped Yuchihuan on the head with one slap.

I'm also on fire, but I can't put Li Yanran in danger.


"Why are you standing still, the whole army retreated three miles."

Hearing the order, the forbidden army immediately retreated with the bandit prisoners, leaving only the carts of the caravans in place.

"Open the door and let them in."

Seeing that the other party really retreated, the county magistrate hurriedly ordered to open the city gate.

The thick city gate opened straight, and Hou Sihai waved his hand when he saw this, and entered Wugong County with the cart.

After all the caravans went in, the gate of Wugong County was closed again.


All the people on the city wall breathed a sigh of relief, and finally nothing happened.

If the opponent is really a bandit, it would be too difficult for them alone to resist.

"County magistrate, I'm fine now, can you let me go?"

Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately those two idiots didn't act rashly, otherwise she might have some problems.

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Zhang Wei slapped him again.

"Whether or not to let go is your own decision, how can you allow a baby to shout around?"

Whose child talks so much, it's really annoying.

I don't know if there is no place for children to intervene when adults talk.

Without education, this official beats you just to make you remember.

"Good good."

Li Yanran held back her anger, you old man, don't give me a chance, otherwise I won't be Li Yanran if I don't pull out your beard.

"Liu Bo, go ask those merchants what's going on."


Liu Bo nodded and hurried down the city wall, and went to the caravan to ask again.

"What? You said that baby is Princess Lishan?"

Hou Sihai quickly covered Hou Yuanshan's mouth, then looked around, his eyes were full of blame.

"That's my guess, but nine times out of ten it's true."


Hou Sihai gasped, remembering the county magistrate's rude behavior, he had already begun to mourn for the other party.

This can be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest, no, it should be stabbing the Palace of the King of Hades.

County magistrate, county magistrate, you said that you did something wrong, and you insisted on provoking Princess Datang.

If you don't die, it's really the King of Hell who gave you a little treatment.

"No, I have to report to the county magistrate immediately."

Thinking that the county magistrate of Wugong is still a good official, Hou Yuanshan will report immediately.

"Sixth Brother, Sixth Brother, the reason why His Highness did not reveal her identity must be her reason, if you reveal her identity now, wouldn't that be looking for trouble?

Do you know how many bandit villages His Highness has destroyed along the way?I advise you to do more than to do less. "

Hou Sihai hurriedly grabbed Hou Yuanshan, I told you that Li Yanran's identity was just because he was afraid that you would offend the other party, but you are better off, rushing to find death.

I don't know how my father gave birth to such a useless son like you, it's really worrying.

"Then let the county magistrate go further and further on the road to death?"

Hou Yuanshan was taken aback, could it be that the county magistrate really wanted to kill him just like that?
"It would be nice if we could keep ourselves in this situation, as if we didn't know anything."

After finishing speaking, Hou Sihai looked at his nose, nose, mouth, and heart, like an old monk who was in meditation and stopped talking.


Hou Yuanshan also shook his head, thinking of nothing like the other party.

Liu Bo asked around to confirm that the guards outside the city were real, and hurried back to report.

"Even if there is no problem, these people can't all be put in Wugong County. If something goes wrong and there is no way to clean it up, what do you think, baby?"

Zhang Wei nodded, then glanced at Li Yanran who was on the side, wondering why he didn't speak.

"Everything depends on the county magistrate."

Li Yanran glanced at Zhang Wei, do you really think I'm stupid, interjecting to give you a chance to whip me?

I am not Li Hong's six-year-old kid.

"Well, Liu Bo, let him go."


Liu Bo nodded to the yamen servant, and the knife on her neck was finally taken aside.


After Li Yanran finished speaking, she saluted Zhang Wei respectfully, and then slowly walked down the city wall.

The door opened again, and Li Yanran got on her little donkey and headed towards Cheng Chubi.

"Brother Li, are you okay?"

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were also relieved to see Li Yanran return safely.

"Well, I'm fine, I just suffered some grievances."

Li Yanran nodded and smiled at the two of them, her two small canine teeth shining brightly under the sunlight.

Sensing the chill on Li Yanran's body, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan also shuddered.

"Brother Li, don't...don't be angry, I'll take someone to beat up the county magistrate right away."

Yu Chihuan hurriedly asked for an order, and he was about to lead people into Wugong County to seek justice for Li Yanran.

"Let's go together, where is the forbidden army, follow me into the city."

Li Yanran pressed her hand, still smiling, but to the two of them, it was a sudden cold wind.

They understood that Li Yanran was really angry, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

Leading the forbidden army into the city, even if she is a princess, she will be impeached.

"Brother Li Li, why don't you rest here and let's go."

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran and hurriedly stopped him.

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

Li Yanran turned her head to look at the two, then rode a donkey slowly towards Wugong County.

"Why are you standing still? The cavalry first controlled the city gate, and the infantry followed behind to protect His Highness."

With a wave of Cheng Chubi's hand, more than a hundred cavalry rode their horses and galloped wildly, and Li Yanran rushed into Wugong County one step ahead.

"What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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