My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 353 My Son Scores 3 Goals

Li Hong is depressed, I know you dote on sister.

But I don't agree with you trying to humiliate your own son like this.

They are all children born to the queen mother, why do you treat me like this.

"Mother, look at Father, woo woo woo."

The more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, and Li Hong threw himself into Wu Zetian's arms and began to cry loudly.

"Your Majesty, look at Hong'er being wronged."

Wu Zetian patted Li Hong's little head and said angrily at Li Zhi.

"Hehehe, why don't you tell me, Hong'er."

Glancing at Wu Zetian, Li Zhi also scratched his head, and hastened to make amends.

"I won't say, go find your daughter, woo woo woo."

Li Hong has lost his temper, so if you ask me to say it, I will say it.

Is this Palace shameless?

Of course, if you beg me, I will tell you mercifully.

Say you're wrong, father.

I am waiting.

While crying, Li Hong glanced at Li Zhi, waiting for his next words.

"Meiniang, it's not because I don't let him say it, it's because he doesn't say it himself, Yanran, you say it."

Seeing Li Hong's expression, Li Zhi also became excited for a while, his eyes were full of playfulness.

"Queen, woo woo woo."

Hearing this, Li Hong completely lost his defense.

Bad father, bad father.

There is no more love.


There is nothing better for a father than teasing his children.

Looking at Li Yanran who was pouting, Li Zhi smiled embarrassingly.

Except for her daughter, no, it should be Li Yanran.

"Okay, Father is teasing you, Hong'er tell Father."

"Well, it's actually very simple."

Seeing Li Zhi like this, Li Hong didn't dare to put on his airs anymore, and hurriedly told what he learned later.

"These bastards, it's right to beat him."

After listening to Li Zhi, he also smiled. He didn't expect that there was such a way in it.

It's true that beating him twice is not aggrieved at all, it should be.

"Hong'er, if you dare to treat father like this in the future, father will definitely not beat you."

Li Zhi walked up to Li Hong and touched his little head.

"My son knows that the emperor is the best, and the size of the emperor can accommodate mountains and seas. How can I argue with my son because of these things."

Li Hong showed a big smile at Li Zhi, and just about to run over to hug him, Li Zhi said again: "Of course, hitting won't solve the problem, I will directly order someone to cut off your head."

"Queen, woo woo woo."

After hearing this, Li Hong rolled his eyes and started crying again.

Dad, you don't talk about Wude.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Wu Zetian glared at Li Zhi again, and the other party laughed wildly.

Although I don't know how to beat my son, at least I am not as ruthless as Cheng Yaojin's idiots, but I have a stupid son who can be funny.

The first game is Group A, and the second game is Group B where Yuchihuan is.

Yuchihuan's opponent was not an amateur team like Cheng Chubi, but Zuo Jinwuwei's Cuju team.

Both sides are solid soldiers, and there is Cuju in the training, and the fight is much better than Cheng Chubi's team.

The two sides came and went, and used various changes in the military formation during the period. In the end, Yuchi Huan was superior, defeating the Zuo Jinwu Guards with a score of [-] to [-], and won this victory.

"See, my bastard also won."

Yuchi Huan won, and Yuchi Jingde almost shattered the coffee table in the private room with a slap.

The big round face has turned wine red.

I knew it was excitement, but I didn't know it and thought it was an alcoholic who came from somewhere.

"What's so exciting, he only scored two goals, but my son scored three goals."

Cheng Yaojin took a look at Yuchi Jingde, are you happy?
Two balls make you so excited, my son scored three yuan alone.

"Can that compare, Zuo Jinwu Guards, that's a military team, it doesn't matter how fierce the fight between the two sides is."

"My son scored three goals."

"You know what the hell, my son can score five goals by beating that crap."

"My son scored three goals."

"Cheng Yaojin, you really think that I dare not cut you, don't you?"

"My son scored three goals."

"Dog thief, I will fight with you today."

As they spoke, the two began to wrestle, while Changsun Wuji frowned and said, "Your Majesty is beside you. If you disturb Shengjia, you will bear the consequences."

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the two immediately separated and stood by each other.

"You dog thief, today is your fate, otherwise I will let you taste a certain iron fist."

"My son scored three goals."

"What am I?"

Yuchi Jingde's whole body went limp, he had given in to this sixth child.

What about three goals, do you only know three?

What a bastard, I don't know as much as you.

"My son scored three goals."

Now not only Yuchi Jingde was depressed, but Li Ji and Changsun Wuji beside him were also depressed.

This guy was stunned, really unreasonable.

They all ignored Cheng Yaojin, and let him go crazy and talk nonsense.

Really beeping a dog.

The matches between Groups C and D also continued to climax. Wei Shan's Bandits [-] Team and Sun Hu's Prisoners [-] Team lost to Youxu Guards and Wangjia Cuju Team one after another.

It was a little late after the four games, and the first day of the game was over.

Such a game really makes the blood spurt, and the meaning is still unsatisfactory.

Compared with the current Cuju in the Tang Dynasty, it is more confrontational, and the ornamental value is not reduced.

If it is not bound by rules, it is also possible to stage a full-scale martial arts.

"I don't care about it. I won't go back to Chang'an today. How many times can I hear about this prosperous age and stay for a few days?"

A burly man with a big one-eyed face was yelling at the people around him with his bloody mouth open.

"That's natural. It's boring to go around Chang'an. It's better to stay here for a few days."

"That's right, I heard that the Lishan fiefdom and Xinfeng County are extremely prosperous, so it's time to have fun for a few days."

The people around thought the same thing, Chang'an could not see such competitions, compared to those Cuju competitions I watched before, they were just like embroidery, boring.

When Zhou Bing came out of the stadium, the two servants were already waiting there.

"Master, are you all right?"

A servant took a shirt and put it on Zhou Bing's body.

"Zhou Kun, you will stay here today, just sleep here for me, and grab the ticket for me tomorrow, as much as you can, understand?"

Zhou Bing glanced at the other boy, and let him sleep here to grab a ticket for himself tomorrow.

Today's game really made him see the true charm of Cuju. Although he is the minister of the Ministry of Rites and does whatever he wants in the court, he is also very wild in private.

Now that the 11-person cuju suits his appetite so much, he decided to chase it all the way to the final.

"Master, sleep here? I heard that the accommodation in Lishan is very expensive."

Zhou Kun froze for a moment, not knowing what the hell his master was.

"What do you do with the old man?"


Hearing this, Zhou Kun was in a bad mood.

What do you mean?I live here to help you grab tickets, you won't let me reimburse the expenses myself.

"What are you in a daze for? Today you will sleep at the ticket office for the old man. The seats you won this time are not good. You must grab a seat in the first row for the old man, understand?"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Bing walked away directly, leaving Zhou Kun standing there dumbfounded and a little at a loss.

An event will crowd the inns around the fief and Xinfeng County, and this event will also greatly promote Xinfeng's economy.

The county magistrate of Xinfeng immediately ordered all the police officers to patrol at twelve o'clock to prevent any cases from happening.

"Royal father, queen mother, we are leaving today. I don't know when we will see each other again."

Li Hong looked at Li Zhi and Wu Zetian in front of him, his little face was full of misery, but the inadvertent joy in his eyes completely betrayed him.

"My son has to worry, the day we meet is tomorrow."


Looking at his father, Li Hong is not well.

tomorrow?See you tomorrow, Dad, are you still coming over tomorrow?

Are you all right?
You are so idle all day long, if Grandpa Huang's spirit in heaven finds out, I don't know if he will slap your ass.

Really beeping a dog.

"Why, Hong'er, are you unhappy?"

Seeing Li Hong's expression, Li Zhi also frowned, staring at his precious son.

As long as he dares to say no, let him experience the benevolence of a loving father.

" could it be? It's too late for Erchen to be happy."

Li Hong quickly squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"You cry really well."

Li Zhi slapped Li Hong on the head, bastard, your expression has already betrayed you.

Still very happy?

Where is the word happy on your face?

"Li Hong gave me a smile."

"Hee hee hee,"

Li Hong quickly gave him a big grin, afraid that Li Zhi would teach him a lesson.

"Hey, it's even uglier than before, let's practice hard, look at your sister."

Li Zhi shuddered, and slapped him again.

Li Hong turned his face to look at Li Yanran, only to see a smile that was too standard to be standard on the other party's face.

The small mouth was squeezed, revealing ten teeth.

Of course, it should have eight teeth, who let Li Yanran have two lovely canine teeth.

"true and false."

Li Hong curled his lips, and Li Yanran's smile was fake, not as sincere as his own.

"What did you say?"

Li Zhi's eyes widened, and he slapped him again, causing Li Hong to hug his head quickly, his eyes full of grievances.

"Your Majesty, it's time to go."

Wu Zetian gave Li Zhi a blank look, and would bully your son all day long.

Really disrespectful.

"Okay, Xiao Yanran, then see you tomorrow."

After his wife had spoken, Li Zhi also stopped teaching his son, smiled at Li Yanran, boarded the carriage and drove towards Chang'an.

"Sister, how do you practice your fake smile, can you teach Brother Hong?"

Watching Li Zhi leave, Li Hong jumped directly in front of Li Yanran, staring at her and asking her.

Li Yanran raised her eyebrows, and she slapped Li Hong on the head directly.

Fake laugh?

What is a fake smile.

This girl is the most standard Chinese smile.

Dignified yet elegant, elegant without losing manners.

You know shit.


"Sister, why are you beating me?"

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