Sun Fuming also understood that someone wanted to clean up the merchants in Xinfeng County, and he could no longer interfere with this matter, so he took his people in a carriage and ran directly to the Lishan fiefdom.

Li Yanran was resting in her house when Chang Sunyan rushed over as if her tail had been stepped on.

"Reckless, crazy?"

Li Yanran glared at Changsun Yan, how old he is, he has been on the rampage all day long.

You really think of yourself as that mad cow, no one cares about you, right?
"Brother Li, something serious happened."

Changsun Yan panted heavily and looked at Li Yanran.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with the stadium?"

Li Yanran immediately jumped up.

Her first reaction was that something happened on the court. Could it be that there were players fighting?

This is not good.

"There is nothing wrong with the stadium, Xinfeng County, something big happened in Xinfeng County."

"Scare me, what big event can happen in Xinfeng County?"

As long as there is no accident on the stadium, what can happen to a small Xinfeng County.

What a fuss.

"Let Sun Fuming tell you, Sun Fuming, let me in."

Changsun Yan shook his head, afraid that he would not understand and let Sun Fuming come in to speak.

"Xinfeng ordered Sun Fuming to meet Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Sun Fuming entered the room and directly saluted Li Yanran.

"What happened to Xinfeng?"

"Today Xinfeng suddenly came to a group of household officials, they"

Sun Fuming quickly told about Xinfeng's situation.

"Okay, I see, you go down, I will deal with this matter."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Sun Fuming saluted directly and hurried out.

"Brother Li, what should we do?"

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran, he had stayed in Xinfeng the longest, and he also had feelings for that side.

Especially the little lady selling tofu.

Now that Xinfeng County has been messed up by people from the household department, he is very angry anyway.

"What should we do? Who doesn't know that Xinfeng is our territory, and these officials from the household department clearly want to attack those shops, but they are actually provocative and attacking us."

A coldness flashed in Li Yanran's eyes.

No one knows the relationship between Xinfeng and Lishan better than her.

Lishan is now like a castle in the air, seemingly prosperous, but in fact the foundation is Xinfeng County. If Xinfeng really declines, then the prosperity of Lishan will be nothing but a bubble.

This is someone who is going to use a dirty trick to attack him, to attack the land of Lishan.

"so what?"

There was a gleam of coldness in Changsun Yan's eyes, he really had the guts to run from Chang'an to Xinfeng to slap us in the face.

"So, immediately gather people and let's go to Xinfeng."

Li Yanran walked outside directly, and if she wanted to find something, she had to ask the people under this girl whether she agreed or not.


Changsun Yan ran directly in front of Li Yanran to greet the people.

"Sister, I'm going too."

Li Hong took Mahou out of nowhere, looking at Li Yanran with excitement in his eyes.

"Are you going too? Well, let them see the majesty of your prince today."

Seeing Li Hong coming, Li Yanran also smiled. I was looking for you, but you jumped out by yourself.

It is necessary to let you, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, show your prestige today.


What does it mean to look at the majesty of my prince?

You don't want to use my identity as an issue again, do you?

"Sister, I haven't finished my homework yet, so I won't go, Ma Monkey run."

Thinking of this, Li Hong could not help but shudder, and ran away.

Li Yanran was superior in skills, she reached out and grabbed Li Hong's collar.

"What? Want to be a deserter? Just wait for me."

"Okay okay."

Seeing Li Yanran's little black face, Li Hong was also depressed.

Why did you run here by yourself?
This time it's a self-inflicted trap, and it's over.

I'm going to be cheated by my sister again.

When Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan heard that someone dared to seek trouble in Xinfeng County, they quit immediately and came to join Li Yanran with 500 troops.

"Brother Li."

"Brother Li."

"Brother Li."

The three looked at Li Yanran and Li Hong in front of them, and saluted together.

"You all know the matter. When you arrive in Xinfeng County, you don't need to ask anyone, just call me. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran glanced at Cheng Chubi and the others, and smiled directly, showing her two canine teeth not to be outdone.

"Brother Li, this is a bit bad, after all, they are the officials of the household department and the court, so what if you do this?"

Li Siwen was depressed, did Brother Li drift away now?

She would not have used such a drastic method to deal with problems before.

What you are facing now is the Ministry of Household Affairs. If you fight like this, it is somewhat excessive.

"What if they've all slapped their noses on their faces, why don't we serve them tea?"

Cheng Chubi gave Li Siwen a white look.

What are you thinking, kid, people are knocking at your door, if you don't beat them up, maybe something will happen next time.

"That's right, it's just a bunch of bad guys. If you're afraid, Li Siwen, you can watch your house in the fief. It's enough for us to go, so you won't be involved if something happens."

Yu Chihuan also glared at Li Siwen, cowardly, and rolled away in fear.

"Yuchihuan, you idiot, when did I say I was scared, go, whoever is cowarded is the grandson."

Hearing the ridicule of the two, Li Siwen's temper also came up.

Lao Tzu is just a little more than you think, and you actually say that about me.

You guys are not afraid of death, it's like I'm a coward.

"Is that right? It's over."

"Let's go."

Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan also nodded, they are like our brothers.

The four heavenly kings of Chang'an have been in Chang'an for so long, when did they ever counsel them?


A group of people boarded the carriage and rushed towards Xinfeng aggressively.

"What's wrong with this?"

The people wandering around in the fief market were also shocked when they saw this scene.

Looking at this posture, I am afraid that there is going to be a war?
"Why are you staring blankly, follow the past to have a look, I think there is a good show to watch."

"Let's go."

The common people also followed in Li Yanran's footsteps and rushed towards Xinfeng County.

Sitting on a restaurant, Sun Bingde sneered at the panicked scene below.

"Your Highness is down."

"Your Highness, they are too unreasonable."

"That's right, not only closed my shop, but also beat people."

Seeing Li Yanran coming, all the aggrieved merchants gathered around, crying and complaining about their pain.

"Brother Hong, it's your turn to play."

Li Yanran was sitting on the carriage and was about to push Li Hong out.

"Sister, I'm afraid."

Li Hong is really scared now.

It is not a trivial matter to order the beating of the household officials.

I really can't bear such a heavy burden on my shoulders.

"What are you afraid of, sister will always be behind you."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, don't be afraid.

Although the father is a little irritable, he is still a good person, and he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Besides, there is me behind you.

Hearing this, Li Hong was about to cry.

Auntie is obviously a matter of your side, why are you behind me.

Shouldn't it be my little brother who is behind you?
I'm only six years old, six years old.

Is it really okay for you to do this.

"Why are you staring blankly, sister is helping you establish prestige among the common people, hurry up and get out."

Li Yanran kicked Li Hong out with one kick.

Seeing that it was Li Hong who came out, all the people were stunned.

They have long heard that there is a younger brother of Her Royal Highness in the fief, but what are you doing now?
What about Her Royal Highness?

Standing on the carriage, Li Hong looked numb at the people around him.

But thinking of his identity, he immediately calmed down again.

"Cheng Chubi, Yu Chihuan, why are you still standing there? Why don't you take down those thieves who disturbed the order of Xinfeng? I'll take care of anything."

To drive the ducks to the shelves, Li Hong directly ordered Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan who were beside him.


"Take down those thieves."

Hearing Li Hong's words, Cheng Chubi and the others did not neglect, and directly dispersed the soldiers and rushed towards the officials of the household department.

Cheng Chubi brought a dozen or so people into a shop, and when he saw that the officials of the household department were driving the customers to close the shop, he immediately went over there.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"The household department is doing business. If you have nothing to do, get out of here."

The official took a look at Cheng Chubi's general appearance and was taken aback for a moment, and immediately revealed his identity.

"Officer of the household department, I'm beating up you bastard."

Cheng Chubi smashed the man to the ground with one punch.

"You dare to hit me, but it's against you, let me take it down."

The official's eyes were full of gold stars, and he lay on the ground and shouted at his own people angrily.

"Call me."

As Cheng Chubi said, he kicked over again, and then he rode on the official and gave him a violent beating.

In the operation of the imperial army, those officials were opponents, and they were beaten all over the ground in the blink of an eye, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

"Tie it up and throw it out."


All the people from Hubu who were tied up into twists were thrown on the street.


"What is it?"

"A thief who bullies others."

Seeing this, the people nearby also threw away the leftovers, eggs, and dirt in their hands.

More than a hundred people came from the household department, they were completely powerless to fight back against Li Yanran's people and the people all over the street, they took them all down in a short while.

"Servant, servant, it's not good, it's not good."

An official from the household department ran directly to Sun Bingde, his eyes full of horror.

"what happened?"

Sun Bingde glanced at the man, wondering why he was so flustered.

"A group of people came from nowhere and beat all of us."

"It's unreasonable. Who dares to obstruct my household department's actions and turn against them?"

Sun Bingde went straight to the crime, how could someone dare to commit such a thug act in broad daylight.

"Chen Fangzhen, you guard here, I'll go back to Chang'an and dispatch troops to suppress these thugs."

After finishing speaking, Sun Bingde left with a flick of his sleeves.


Chen Fangzhen looked at Sun Bingde's back and was completely dumbfounded.

What you said just now is high-sounding, but now you want to run away alone, leaving me here alone?
Shit servant.

Rely on your grandma's legs.

"Xiao Langjun, the person in charge is drinking in my restaurant, don't let him go."

The shopkeeper of Sihai Restaurant came to Cheng Chubi and immediately exposed Sun Bingde's position.

"Fuck me, let's go."

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