My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 431 Timely Rain

Chapter 431 Timely Rain

In this situation, Cui Yuqing could only sigh.

Soon there was a gust of evil wind in Chang'an, saying that many businessmen who had issued bond deeds left Chang'an before, and all of them were intercepted and killed by bandits outside.

It made those businessmen a little suspicious, but no one wanted to believe it.

Because they have never received any news that the businessman issued flying money and left.

When someone wants to confuse them, so that they can issue flying money for business.

How could they give their peers a chance and let them take the lead.

"Supervisor Qiu, the old man has come again."

Wei Shanqi came to Feiqian office, looked at Qiu Sanhua who was drinking tea, and smiled again.

"Treasurer Wei, what's the matter, come to make up the bond again?"

Seeing Wei Shanqi, Qiu Sanhua also had too many lice and didn't get himself involved, since it was already a capital offense anyway.

It doesn't matter if he opens more.

"It's not a replacement, but an abolition. All the previous bond contracts will be abolished, and all the money will be returned to my Rishenglong Bank."


Qiu Sanhua took a sip of tea and sprayed it out.

What the hell?
Abolish the bond deed, do you know how many times it was before and after?
Hundreds of thousands of money, you just want to take the money back?
Were the bonds that were opened before the co-authorship just for fun?
What the hell is this for.

"Treasurer Wei? What does this mean? Qiu Sanhua doesn't understand."

"Qiu Suojian, the bond contracts that were issued before are actually for us to test, and now that the test has been completed, it is natural to void those bond contracts.

At the same time, it is necessary to send someone to inform the places where the vouchers are going. If anyone dares to exchange the vouchers, they will be arrested immediately. "

Wei Shanqi gave Qiu Sanhua a calm look, and told all of Di Renjie's arrangements.

"Shopkeeper Wei, how many tricks are involved here, maybe I can explain it to Qiu Sanhua, otherwise this matter will be very difficult."

Qiu Sanhua felt that his brain was not working well.

What is a test, and why is it necessary to send someone to arrest it.

What happened here, he really didn't understand.

"You really want to know?"

Wei Shanqi smiled slightly, but was interrupted by Qiu Sanhua when he was about to speak.

"Forget it, you better stop talking, I'm afraid."

Qiu Sanhua hastily covered his ears, these things are beyond his ability to hear.

An eighth-rank petty official, if he hears too much, he will die immediately without a place to bury him.

"Qiu Suojian, the previous ones were just to test the bond deeds and fly money, so they can't be counted. I have the real bond deed patterns here."

Qiu Sanhua took out a new bond contract model from his arms, and handed it to Qiu Sanhua.

"Qiu Sanhua understands."

Although Qiu Sanhua is not that quick-witted, he is also a smart person, and he immediately understood the key points.

"It's good to know, then I will be supervised by Lao Qiu."

"Qiu Sanhua, take orders."

"Brother Li, there is news from Chang'an that there are ghosts in the city, and that all the merchants who issued the flying money vouchers were killed by bandits, and they may be the targets of bandits even if they don't bring gold and silver."

Li Siwen rushed to Li Yanran's side, although this time things were arranged by Li Yanran and Di Renjie.

But he knows what's inside.

This Di Renjie's plan is really powerful, under the strategizing, not only won 20 yuan of money from the family, but also ruined their plan.

He couldn't help not admiring it.

"Brother Li, these thieves are really hateful. Even a reckless man like me can see that Feiqian is beneficial to Datang, but they want to stop them. They really deserve to be killed."

Cheng Chubi stared at Li Yanran with wide eyes, he wished he could go back to Chang'an with his knife and hack all those family members to death.

To obstruct Feiqian is to obstruct Datang, and he will never allow it.

"Cheng Chubi, you reckless man, you kill and kill all day long, when will you grow up?"

Li Yanran gave Cheng Chubi a blank look, and then looked at Di Renjie: "Di Renjie, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, in fact, you already have an idea, so why use my mouth to say it?"

Di Renjie shook his head. Her Royal Highness really left him speechless.

Obviously, he is like Ming Jing in his heart, knowing everything, so he has to use his own mouth to say it.

To be so scheming at such a young age really made him look a little different.

"Di Renjie, tell me quickly, what charades are you playing again?"

Yu Chihuan stared directly in front of Di Renjie, who was so frightened that Di Renjie was also shocked.

"Businessmen seek profit, although this evil trend is caused by the aristocratic family, but these merchants will think elsewhere.

For example, they would think that someone deliberately spread false news to make them fear Feiqian and dare not take Feiqian out of Chang'an.

Then those who spread false news privately exchanged the flying money and went outside to make a living in order to make a profit.

Let's see, those merchants will flock to it tomorrow, and I am afraid that the threshold of Rishenglong will be crushed.

This family has done us a favor again. "

Di Renjie smiled slightly, his eyes full of excitement.

"Are you still angry now?"

Li Yanran glanced at Cheng Chubi, is he still saying that his family is not good?
Originally, she was thinking of doing something to stimulate those merchants, but she didn't expect that the family had already thought of this for her.

It's really a drought and a timely rain. These aristocratic families can be called timely rain.

My elder brother Song Gongming's righteousness has been learned [-]% by those aristocratic families.

"If that's the case, then don't I want to say thank you to those aristocratic families."

Cheng Chubi was also excited. After all, he is a cultural person, and he is still far behind.

"Okay, send someone to send a pennant to those aristocratic families another day. You don't need to write more, just write the three characters of timely rain."

Li Yanran waved her hand, Cheng Chubi also nodded excitedly.

Another three to five days later, the Rishenglong Bank in Chang'an City also opened the mouth for flying money.

As soon as the opening was opened, merchants who were already hungry and thirsty poured into Rishenglong Bank.

The previous rumors and rumors did not make those businessmen retreat, but made them more excited.

All the coupon contracts were issued, ranging from a few hundred to as many as a thousand.

There were already [-] in one day, and those merchants got the vouchers for flying money, and they also started to hire rangers and travelers, and ran wildly in all directions.

"Your Highness, Feiqian has already been issued, and there are [-] a day."

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran with the news he had just received.

"Twenty thousand is still a little, just wait for those who hold the flying money to leave Chang'an and make profits, then the flying money will usher in an explosion, and Datang's business will surely be brilliant."

Li Yanran nodded, Feiqian will succeed, she does not hesitate at all.

Although the Tang Dynasty's economy has not yet reached the prosperous age, it has already taken the prototype of the Kaiyuan prosperous age.

She took advantage of the trend, saying that she could not let the peak of Datang come decades earlier.

"Well, if one industry prospers, all industries prosper, the economy takes off, and the taxation of the Tang Dynasty will inevitably soar.

At that time, Datang will have more money that can be used for military affairs, and the powerful bandits from all directions will surely lie dormant under our Datang. "

Di Renjie nodded. He seemed to have seen the grand occasion of the Tang Dynasty a few years later.

"Di Renjie, please remember one thing for me, if you are not in his position, you will not seek his own affairs.

I'm just a little princess, what you said is what my father should consider, don't say these things in front of me. "

Li Yanran frowned, and said slowly to Di Renjie.

"Di Renjie knows."

Di Renjie shuddered, and hurriedly saluted Li Yanran.

"Well, continue to wait and see about Feiqian."

"Yes, Di Renjie resigns."

Di Renjie nodded and backed out.

"Brother Li, Di Renjie didn't seem to say anything just now? Isn't Datang Fuyu not good? Why did you scold him?"

Changsun Yan frowned, wondering why Li Yanran was like this?

"Changsun Yan, I have always said that if I am not in my position, I will not pursue my own affairs. Although what Di Renjie said is right, I don't like to hear it.

I only do these things to make money, and the Tang Dynasty is strong, so I just follow the trend. "

Li Yanran shook her head, there are some things you can do, but you cannot say.

She doesn't want to be that eternal saint, she just wants to be a proud little princess.

It is enough to be rich, have someone, not be bullied, be free, and be unrestrained.

Of course, if she can change Datang by the way and make the lives of the people in the world better, she will do it too.

"Understood, this is our original intention."

Li Siwen smiled slightly, this was the Li Yanran he knew.

The hustle and bustle is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle is all for profit.

Earn what you should earn, and do what you should do.

This is my brother Li.

"Hehe, don't worry about him. A man can't be without money for a day. If anyone stops us from making money, I will fight him hard."

Cheng Chubi laughed out loud, Brother Li was right.

The money that should be earned by oneself should not be less, and the things that should not be done by oneself should not be done more.


Yuchihuan also responded loudly from the side.

"Li Siwen, I think our Longmen Bodyguard Agency seems to be busy."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, it's better to be a group of silly buddies.

Don't be too scruples about doing things and speaking, Di Renjie is easy to use, but tiring.

"That is necessary. Many merchants have come to our Longmen Bodyguard Bureau and want to hire people from our Longmen Bodyguard Bureau to protect them from Chang'an."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, among other things, the business of the Longmen Bodyguard Agency was booming.

"It's okay, I ordered the Longmen Escort Bureau to pick up the darts, but the price is a little higher. After all, they are here to make money, and these people will not be stingy if they pay more."

Li Yanran nodded, now Longmen Bodyguard Agency is very hot.

The business roads in Wugong County can be connected, and there is no threat of banditry along the way, all thanks to the bravery of the Longmen Escort Bureau.

If the merchants want to make money at this time, they must first ensure their own safety, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Longmen Escort is the best bodyguard.

"Brother Li, did you think about the situation of flying money when you founded the Longmen Escort Agency?"

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran. He felt a little strange when he opened the Longmen Bodyguard Agency before.

Now that the flying money has come down, he finally understands.

It turned out that Brother Li had planned ahead of time, and he had already seen that Datang's business would prosper.

Not only is the logistics of Longmen Escort not unpopular, but it has become the hottest business because of the flying money business.

Brother Li, you are really tall.

"I just had a premonition that the business of the Tang Dynasty would not remain closed, so I just played chess in advance, and quickly arranged for people to do it.

In addition, to expand the team of Longmen Bodyguard Bureau bodyguards, first add a thousand people for training, and then make a decision to increase or decrease depending on the situation. "


(End of this chapter)

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