My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 450 Proxy Mode

Clutching his head, the boy felt bad all over.

Before he finished speaking, he had already been slapped three times, what kind of worldly way is this.

"Speak the key."

Cui Yuqing stared at the other party, I want you to explain clearly, but I don't want to hear your story.

Won't it be refined a bit?


The boy was in a bad mood, looking at Cui Yuqing with a livid face, he really didn't know what to say.


Cui Yuqing slapped him again, where did this fool come from?

Can't even learn a word?

It's really meowing a dog.

The boy was hit four times in a row, and he was going crazy.

Whoever I provoked, why did I treat myself like this.


The boy spoke out all the news he had just detected at his fastest speaking speed.

After finishing speaking, he also looked at Cui Yuqing with lingering fear, you can't beat me again this time.


Cui Yuqing raised his hand and slapped him again, the boy's face almost fell to the ground.

what's going on?

I've finished talking, why are you still beating me?

The clay figurine is still on fire, I'm about to cry when you treat me like this.

"Why didn't you say something so important earlier?

Big things will be delayed by you, get out, get out of here quickly. "

Cui Yuqing kicked the boy aside, his eyes were full of anger.

It's all because you are a second-hander. You can't speak clearly about such an important matter.

Really damn it.


The boy had a bitter expression on his face, and he left directly.



The boy stopped, turned his head and looked at Cui Yuqing again.

"You go to my brother right away to tell the story, hurry up, understand?"


The boy hurriedly saluted, and flew away.

Soon Cui Yuanjun came to Cui Yuqing, not knowing why he called him here.

"Brother, something happened."

Cui Yuqing hurriedly told the news he got from the servant.

"Sure enough, this Princess Lishan is really powerful, she can get all these things out.

No one thought that this charcoal could have such a use?
No wonder she cared so much about Shi Tan before and made such a big fight. "

Cui Yuanzhen frowned, now he finally understood what Li Yanran was doing.

"Then what should we do now?"

Cui Yuqing looked at his elder brother, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What should we do? Follow the trend, Princess Lishan is in the limelight now, we don't want to provoke him for the time being, after all... hey."

Cui Yuanjun shook his head, he had no idea about the current situation.

After all, this time he has suffered enough losses, he does not want to or dare to provoke Li Yanran for the time being.

What a dog.

Much more shameless than myself.

"Really do nothing?"

Cui Yuqing looked at Cui Yuanjun, now that Li Yanran has shown all her cards, she has nothing to be afraid of.

The so-called briquette was messed up, and Li Yanran lost everything.

"Forget it, even if she doesn't sell the briquettes, it's nothing more than making less money.

And if this is really a matter related to people's livelihood, if anyone really dares to destroy it, it is likely to be suppressed by the court.

Can't take that risk. "

Cui Yuanzhen shook his head, although now he understands Li Yanran's final meaning, but this will destroy the other party and may provoke the court.

Destroying for the sake of destroying, but having to bear such consequences is really not worth it.

"Hey, that's it!"

Cui Yuqing's whole body is not well, and he finally found an opportunity to take advantage of, but he couldn't make a move.

"It's not that we can't make a move. We can take the opportunity to make a fortune to make up for our losses."

"How to say?"

"Let's do this and do this."

Cui Yuqing smiled slightly. After all, it was his elder brother. He was really smart. Being able to make a fortune from the other party was a good ending.

"Well, I'll send someone to do it right away."

Soon the Cui family came to Huo Yanyan's shop.

"Guest officer, do you want to buy a briquette stove?"

Looking at the person who came, Feng Jiuchang didn't know what was going on, he always felt that this would be a big deal.

"Well, I'll take a look first."

Feeling the warmth in the room, the man was also dumbfounded.

I didn't expect that the briquettes were as warm as they said.

"How do you sell this briquette stove and briquette!"

The man nodded, looked at Feng Jiuchang again, and asked the price of the briquette directly.

"Two briquettes for one yuan, buy ten yuan and get one free, and the briquette stove is fifteen yuan a piece and get six briquettes."

Feng Jiuchang smiled slightly and quoted the price.

"Your store probably won't sell much in a day, it's cheaper, I'm going to order in large quantities."

Hearing this, Feng Jiuchang also smiled slightly, and sure enough his premonition was right, this guy really came to give money.

"This briquette was originally used by His Highness for the benefit of all people. If you really want it, you can get a [-]% discount. The briquette stove is a lot of money. This is the base price."

Feng Jiuchang glanced at that person, and slowly said the price that Li Yanran had set.

"Can't it be less? I want more."

"It can't be less, if you don't agree, please feel free."

Feng Jiuchang shook his head, he directly quoted the reserve price, so there was no need to talk so much nonsense.


Hearing what Feng Jiuchang said, that person hesitated for a while, and really couldn't figure out whether this was the other party's bottom line.

"You can go back and think about it."

Feng Jiuchang sat directly on the chair, drinking the tea brought from Shuren Tea House, his eyes were full of contentment.

Now this briquette is his own patent, and he is not worried about being represented by others.

They are dealers, and they must act according to the rules they set.

"Okay okay."

The man also frowned, turned and left directly.

After the man left, several groups of people came one after another, including business managers from aristocratic families, and wealthy businessmen themselves.

Everyone wanted to get the agency right of honeycomb coal, but when they heard Feng Jiuchang's price, they were all skeptical.

After all, this briquette is a new thing, and no one knows whether this thing has the potential to make money.

"Master, I have been to Huoyanyan, but their price is a bit high, [-]% discount, what do you think?"

Liu Hang saluted Cui Yuqing and told the news from Huo Yanyan.

"Let's make [-]% of the price, sign the contract right away, I want the franchise, understand?"

Cui Yuqing glanced at Liu Hang, and directly expressed his thoughts.

As long as they can grab the franchise, they can resell the honeycomb coal to others at a slightly higher price, so that they can earn a high price difference even if they lie down.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's impossible. They have an absolute advantage in the current situation, and they will definitely not give us the franchise."

Liu Hang shook his head, now he is the only one, how could he give you the franchise right, isn't that a joke?

Do you really think this Datang belongs to your Cui family?
What do you say?

I really don't know what to say.

"Go ahead and talk about it right away. If the other party really refuses to make concessions, at least you have to win the franchise of an area. This is the bottom line, understand?"


Liu Hang nodded, and hurriedly left towards Huo Yanyan.

"This guest officer, have you considered it?"

Feng Jiuchang looked at Liu Hang who had gone and returned, and also smiled at him.

"Feng Treasurer, the price really can't be lowered?"

Liu Hang cupped his fists slightly towards Feng Jiuchang, and asked again.

"The lowest price, don't ask the price anymore."

Feng Jiuchang frowned, this guy is so boring, he made it so clear last time, why come here to bargain.

"Then can I ask for the franchise right, and I can guarantee to sell honeycomb coal all over Chang'an, how about it?"


Feng Jiuchang just wants to drive people out now, he really doesn't know what it means.

Give you the franchise?
If you can't sell it, how can you explain to Her Highness the Princess.

Besides, it's not like I have no one to cooperate with, do I really think of myself as a master?
"Then I only need the franchise rights for one area, so that's fine."

Liu Hang knows how to negotiate, and gradually lowers his requirements so that the other party will not think that his requirements are too much.


Feng Jiuchang also hesitated for a while.

"How big a franchise do you want?"

"Ten Square."

"Ten Square? Impossible."

Feng Jiuchang resolutely shook his head and refused. There are only so many squares in Chang'an, 108 squares.

Among them, there are only about [-] squares that are suitable for sale. It is too much for you to directly ask for the franchise of ten squares.

"The price of this briquette is not high. The reason why you allow us to act as an agent is not because you are afraid that there is only one store and the sales are too small.

If you just give me a bit of local franchise, we'll make less money.

After all, there are still shops to be rented and manpower to be hired, and Shifang is actually not much at all. "

Liu Hang didn't panic at all, instead he began to analyze with Feng Jiuchang.

After listening to Liu Hang's words, Feng Jiuchang also bowed his head and began to think.

"If we can reach a cooperation, I will order 10 honeycomb stoves plus [-] yuan of honeycomb coal in advance, how?"

To be honest, Liu Hang's pre-orders are not many, and the value is only 65 guan, which is nothing to Li Yanran, but this is a good start.

If this deal can be concluded, the other party will completely step on the same boat as himself.

"Five thousand briquette stoves, 50 briquettes, if you agree, I will give you the franchise of Shifang."

Thinking of this, Feng Jiuchang also let go.

"Deal, bring Kanyu."

Soon the boy in the store took a piece of Kanyu with the approximate name of Fangshi written on it and came over.

Liu Hang also sketched all ten ways to get close to the West Market.

"You're very smart. These are the rich places in the West Market. If that's the case, please pay."


"and many more."

Liu Hang wanted to leave, but was stopped by Feng Jiuchang.

"Treasurer Feng, what's the matter?"

Looking at Feng Jiuchang, Liu Hang couldn't help being stunned.

"Pricing needs to be sold according to the unified price set by Huo Yanyan. Of course, you are allowed to cut prices to promote sales, but you are not allowed to sell at high prices to oppress the people.

Otherwise, your franchise will be cancelled, understand? "

Feng Jiuchang looked at Liu Hang and told Li Yanran's rules.

Given the franchise, if you force people to buy at high prices, that is absolutely not allowed.

"Feng shopkeeper, please rest assured about this, Liu Hang knows."

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