My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 503: 1 poem shocked the audience

Cheng Yaojin lowered his head as he spoke. In this moment, he had almost memorized the Spring River Flower Moonlight Night.

"It's useless to say more, Duke Lu, please go ahead!"

Luo Sang made a gesture of invitation. The longer he spoke, the longer he would give the other party to prepare. Although he did not believe that Cheng Yaojin could perform well, he did not want to give the other party time.

"Are you so eager to be educated? How about I give you a chance and let you come first? Otherwise, I'm afraid you will feel ashamed later."

Cheng Yaojin was now fearless. Even if all the Tibetan envoys were tied up, this poem would not be enough for him.

"Haha, I hope Duke Lu can really create such a masterpiece. Isn't Duke Lu just trying to delay time?"

Lu Dongzan was also helping. In his opinion, Cheng Yaojin was just bluffing.

Do you really think you can't see your guilty conscience?


"Hey, if I give you a chance and you don't know how to cherish it, then I'll start."

As he spoke, Cheng Yaojin also stood up from his seat step by step and walked out.


Cheng Chubi looked at his father, his whole body sluggish.

Dad, what are you doing?
This Spring River Flower Moonlight Night is so long, you are so good at memorizing it?

Did something go wrong?
Don't scare me!
"The tide of the Spring River is even with the sea level, and the bright moon on the sea is tidal."


When Cheng Yaojin opened his mouth, it was Wang Zha, and everyone was stunned. Shangguan Yi stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

This this.
How could Cheng Yaojin write such a poem?

False, it must be false!

Luo Sang was also feeling bad. Along with the poem, a strange beautiful scenery appeared in his mind.

Above the continuous sea, a full moon is rising slowly with the tide.

This this.
Li Zhi looked at Cheng Yaojin blankly, feeling a little confused.

This scene gave him a familiar feeling.

At the literary and poetry conference, Cheng Chubi and the others suddenly broke out like this, causing all the literati in the room to stop their activities.

Could it be said that it was Li Yanran’s work again this time?
Otherwise, how could Cheng Yaojin suddenly be like this?

If you say Cheng Yaojin can ride a thousand horses with one horse, he believes it.

But if you say that he can suppress Tubo with a penny, he won't believe it even if you beat him to death.

Glancing at Li Yanran, seeing the other person's calm look further confirmed his suspicion.

No, after the banquet is over, we must inquire carefully.

If it was really his daughter who did it, he definitely could not let Cheng Yaojin earn Li Yanran's literary fame in vain.

Li Hong saw it clearly, and now he felt like he was going to explode.

At this moment, he was sure that Sister A must have given Cheng Yaojin a good poem when she went out just now.

Damn it, sister, if you have such a good poem, just give it to me.

It would be better for me to earn this literary name than to give it to Cheng Yaojin!
The elbows are really turned outward.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Lu Dongzan also stood blankly on the spot, his eyes a little dazed.

He felt like he couldn't see anything, only a bright moon shining brightly in the sky.

The whole place was silent for a moment, and everyone held their breath, waiting for Cheng Yaojin's next verse.

"Here, I forgot the words!"

Cheng Yaojin became the focus of the audience and scratched his head, saying something that left everyone speechless.




If there were barrages at this time, I believe the screen would be filled with question marks and faces.

Did you say you forgot the words?
Damn it, how could you forget the lyrics now?

I don’t agree, I don’t agree.

Li Yanran didn't want to talk anymore. She was so angry that she wanted to kill someone right now.

This girl advises you to be kind.

If I had such a hard time copying Spring River, Flowers and Moonlight Night, how dare you give me a half-assed attempt.

You may want to give the white-haired person to the black-haired person.

You and I can't afford to offend him, but your son Cheng Chubi will definitely die miserably.

"Gong Lu, I advise you to speak up!"

Li Zhihu glared at Cheng Yaojin, he really wanted to kill someone now.

If Cheng Yaojin doesn't give me this poem in its entirety, he will never give up.

"Your Majesty, it was just a joke."

Cheng Yaojin smiled. He was just making a small joke to liven up the awkward atmosphere. Is he going to go online like this?

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"


Cheng Yaojin saluted Li Zhi, and then looked at the stunned Tubo poet Luo Sang.

"Tubo, listen up."

"The twinkling waves follow the waves for thousands of miles, where there is no moonlight on the spring river."

"The river flows around Fangdian, and the moon shines on the flowers and forests like hail."

"Frost is flowing in the air, you can't feel it flying, and you can't see the white sand on Tingshang."

"The slanting moon sinks deep into the sea fog, and the road to Xiaoxiang is infinite."

"I don't know how many people will return by the moon, and the falling moon will fill the river and trees."

Cheng Yaojin perfectly recited Li Yanran's "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night". After delivering it, he looked around the audience, as if he was waiting for you to cheer.

"My poem is finished!"

Looking around, Cheng Yaojin also felt depressed.Where is the applause, where is the cheer?
what's going on.


I don't know who took a breath, and then the whole place heard the sound of breathing one after another.

Just now, they didn't even dare to breathe, let alone the atmosphere, for fear of disturbing Cheng Yaojin and making the poem imperfect.

Now he has finally finished chanting, finally finished chanting.

"Clap clap clap!"

Li Zhi clapped his eyes excitedly, and with him taking the lead, the audience instantly burst into thunderous applause.

Especially the civil servants, all of them had red eyes and clapped their hands tirelessly.

It was so shocking. They had never thought that a poem with such gorgeous words, such beautiful artistic conception, and such neat language could be written by Cheng Yaojin.

The world is so unfair, the world is unfair!

Why not yourself?
I can't compare to those poets who sing songs all day long, so why can't I compare to a seventy-year-old veteran?

Where is the law of heaven?

"Luosang, it's your turn!"

Cheng Yaojin enjoyed the applause that belonged to him. Although it was a bit tricky, so what?

Why don't you have a good son like me?


Luo Sang almost collapsed.

Facing such a masterpiece as Chunjiang Huayueyue, although the poems he prepared are not bad, compared with them, they are really not even worthy of carrying shoes.

Now he finally understood why the other party wanted to sing the poem first. It was not that the other party looked down on him, but to give him a chance to express himself.

Otherwise, as is the case now, I simply don’t have the courage to take out my poems.

He is so difficult.

"Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty is indeed unfathomable. Lu Dong praised it, and Tubo was convinced."

Lu Dongzan also noticed Luo Sang's embarrassment, sighed, and slowly stood up to salute Li Zhi.

He admitted that he lost, he lost cleanly and without any resistance.

Originally, I wanted to kill Datang's majesty, but now it seems that I still underestimated Datang's strength.

A military commander, an old man in his seventies, could actually create such a masterpiece on the spot.

He really had nothing to struggle with.

After all, the Tang Dynasty was the Tang Dynasty, and it was still the teacher that Tubo wanted to learn from.

In terms of literature, Tubo still has a long way to go!
"Haha, Lu Dongzan, don't be discouraged. Cheng Yaojin's literary talent is only average compared to the Tang Dynasty. If you work hard, there is still hope of surpassing him."

Li Zhi also smiled slightly and Lu Dong praised you, Tubo, now you know how powerful it is.

Cheng Yaojin is just a military commander, but this song "Spring River with Flowers and Moonlight Night" will eventually become your Tubo nightmare.

If even Cheng Yaojin is insurmountable, let alone others.

"What His Majesty the Emperor said is that I, Tubo, do have to learn for a long time."

Lu Dongzan was very depressed, Li Zhi, Li Zhi, you know how to speak.

Why should we surpass Cheng Yaojin?What we want to surpass is Zhao Zhao Datang.

But based on this song, Spring River Flowers and Moonlight Night, I seem to have no hope.

"Humph, the Tubo Wing Commander Wamu wants to compete with the generals of the Tang Dynasty. I hope His Majesty the Emperor will allow it."

Just when everyone in Tubo was dejected, Tubo Wing Da Wamu stood up directly.

As the highest military commander accompanying this trip, he has the highest force value among the envoys.

Moreover, he is not versed in poetry and has no feeling at all for Cheng Yaojin's "Moonlight Night on the Spring River".

There was a reason why he came here, and that was to have a good encounter with the generals of the Tang Dynasty.

Not only can you understand the level of Tang generals, but you can also promote Tubo's reputation.

Of course, if a Tang general could be captured in a fight, it would be a great benefit to Tubo.

After all, the generals of the Tang Dynasty were still deeply feared by the Tubo people, and they would kill others at every turn and exterminate their clans. No one would be afraid of this.

If you can use dirty tricks to take down the opponent, it will be a God-given opportunity.

"Dawamu, sit down!"

Lu Dongzan looked at Yida Wamu and smiled slightly, giving him an "I understand you" look.

"Prime Minister, Dawamu has admired the Tang Dynasty for a long time and wants to learn from the generals of the Tang Dynasty. Please don't stop me!"

Dawamu also saluted Ludongzan with a smile on his face.

"This, Your Majesty the Emperor, what do you think we should do?"

Faced with Dawamu's insistence, Lu Dongzan also saluted Li Zhi with an embarrassed look.

Looking at the two people singing the oboe, a sneer flashed across Li Zhi's face.

Hurry up and put an end to your poor performance. Your acting skills are not as good as those of your own son Li Hong.

If you want to fight with force, fight with force. As for being embarrassed here?
Besides, you're just a Tubo. Isn't it just a matter of the Tang Dynasty's dealing with you?

"Since you want to learn a lesson, let's give it a try!"

If you want to embarrass yourself, then go ahead!
"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Dawamu stood up immediately after hearing this, his eyes filled with light.

Dawamu is tall, nine feet tall, and is full of the unique wildness of the Tubo people. At first glance, he is not an easy person.

"I wonder which general would like me to spar with him?"

"Your Majesty, Chen Cheng Yaojin is invited to fight!"

Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, Cheng Yaojin was the first to be dissatisfied. He slapped the table and stood up.

"Your Majesty, I, Wei Chi Jingde, request a battle!"

Yuchi Jingde also followed closely behind. The song "Spring River, Flowers and Moonlight Night" that Cheng Yaojin just sang really made him steal the limelight. Now there is absolutely no way that he will let the other party be more beautiful than before.

"Your Majesty, my minister Li Ji invites you to fight!"

"Your Majesty, Su Dingfang invites you to fight!"

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