My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 578 Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain!

Now Li Hong didn't understand even more. Can the protagonist of this story be changed at will?

"Once upon a time, there was a mountain. There was a temple and a Taoist temple on the mountain, and there was a little Taoist priest in the temple.

The little Taoist priest was busy all day long, and he had to go down the mountain to fetch water from the foot of the mountain.
Even so, he never slacked off and always filled the water tanks on the mountain! "

"Sister, why is he so stupid? Doesn't he know how to drink from the mountain spring?

If there is no mountain spring, you can still collect rainwater to drink. Why do you have to go to the foot of the mountain to fetch water? "

Li Hong frowned and asked Li Yanran.


Li Yanran suddenly became bad. If you listen to a story, you will listen to the story. Why are there so many?
How do I know why he doesn't collect mountain spring water and rainwater?
"Do you want to listen?"

Raising your hand is a slap.

"Why are you beating people? Just say it!"

Li Hong covered his head depressedly and motioned for Li Yanran to continue speaking.

"One day, a slightly older Taoist priest came to the temple. The younger Taoist priest asked the Taoist priest to go down the mountain to fetch water.

But the Taoist priest thought that he would still be driven because of his old age, so he said that if you don't fetch water, I will beat you!
The little Taoist priest was helpless and could only say, let’s go down the mountain together to carry water to drink!
So the two men began their career of carrying water up the mountain. "

"Sister, this Taoist priest is also stupid. Why should he succumb to the power of the little Taoist priest and go down the mountain to carry water together when he clearly has the advantage?"

"Can you please stop interrupting me?"

Li Yanran felt bad instantly. I was telling a story, not making sense.

Maybe that Taoist priest is like you and has a problem in his mind?
"Okay, okay, sister, please continue!"

Li Hong dodged for a moment, and when he saw that Li Yanran didn't slap him, he moved closer.

"The two of them carry water and drink it, which is considered peaceful, and they work hard every day. The water in the tank is always full.

Not long after, another fat Taoist priest came.

This fat Taoist priest is lazy and doesn't work every day. The little Taoist priest and the big Taoist priest have a lot of objections to this.
But the fat Taoist priest didn't care, and said that if you don't want to, then don't carry water!
So the three of them all lay down on their backs, and the water tank, which was always full, soon became empty. "

"Sister, if they don't carry water, aren't they afraid of dying of thirst?"

"If you keep talking, I won't talk anymore!"

Li Yanran slapped her in the face again, "I'm so damn cute, can you please stop interrupting."

If you keep doing this, I will really give you a nuclear angel.

"Sister, please continue, I promise not to interrupt!"

Li Hong immediately covered his mouth and looked at his elder sister pitifully.

"If you interrupt again, I will deal with you."

"Well, don't worry!"

Li Hong nodded and promised not to interrupt.

"There is no water in the Taoist temple, but people are still fine, but the rats in the Taoist temple can't stand it anymore.
When I went out to look for water, I accidentally knocked over the oil lamp in the gym, and the fire broke out instantly.

The three Taoist priests were awakened by the fire and hurriedly went to scoop water from the water tank to put out the fire.
But there was no water at all in the water tank, so they had no choice but to take buckets and go down the mountain to fetch water.
But the distant water could not save the nearby fire, the Taoist temple was burned to the ground, and they had no place to live. "

Li Yanran finally finished telling the story about the three monks who had no water to drink. She glanced at Li Hong and gave him a wink.

It’s your turn to talk about your thoughts after reading this.

"Sister, why did the mice knock over the oil lamp? Don't they have any sense of setting fire?

And since they knew it was too late to fetch water, why did they stupidly go down the mountain to fetch water?
Sister, what do you mean by this story?
Are you trying to tell me that fire and theft prevention is important? "

Li Hong frowned and looked at his elder sister, somewhat confused about what Li Yanran meant.


Li Yanran really wants to slap her brother to death.

Does this story mean I want you to prevent fire and theft?

I'm afraid you have some serious illness, where is your brain?

Just don't pay attention to the spirit at all?
"Sister, why are you beating me again? Isn't that what the story says?
If they had taken measures to set fires before, there would not have been this fire.

Nor will they become homeless.

Besides, it was the rat who started the fire, not me. Do you deserve to whip me? "

After being slapped again, Li Hong was also depressed. His analysis was correct.

Why do you want to hit me again?

Who am I provoking.

"Do I mean that?"

“What I mean is to tell you that you must be proactive and responsible when doing things, and you must not shirk each other.

This is called a monk. One Taoist priest carries water to drink, two Taoist priests carry water to drink, and three Taoist priests have no water to drink. "

Li Yanran really wanted to kill Li Hong, but it was the rat who started the fight. You really gave the rat a face.

"So that's what it means!"

After hearing Li Yanran's explanation, Li Hong suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is what I meant.

Originally he thought it was a funny story, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a fairy tale. It really opened his eyes.


Li Yanran patted herself on the forehead, and it was unnecessary for her to come and tell him a story.

There is something wrong with this kid's brain, the identification is complete.

"Sister, do you think that if the Taoist Priest and the Fat Taoist had used force to force Xiao Dao to fetch water, would such a scene still happen?
In the final analysis, they were too stupid to have this disaster.

Didn't you always teach me that people can't stand firm if they are not ruthless? If it were me, it would definitely not be the case. "

Li Hong stepped aside and watched the elder sister express her thoughts.

"Come on, come on, come here!"

Li Yanran stared at Li Hong and clenched her fists tightly.

"I don't, I'm telling the truth."

Li Hong is not stupid. Looking at Li Yanran's expression, he knows that she must want to beat him up now.Wouldn't it be better to get beaten if this happened?

"I advise you to come here obediently. This palace is so big. If I catch you, you will be dead!"

Li Yanran stood up slowly, her eyes full of anger.

This bastard is really annoying.

Originally, I came to you to relieve my boredom, but you were kind enough to fill me up with why.

Find someone to reason with yourself.


After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong also glanced around. The palace was indeed not big, and it seemed impossible to get out.

"Come here for me!"


Li Hong also gave up and walked to his elder sister with his head lowered.

"Sister, fight me!"

Li Hong raised his butt as soon as he lifted his clothes. He would rather get a slap on the butt than a slap on the head.

Li Yanran kicked Li Hong in the head and also laughed and cursed.

"Fuck off!"

"Hehe, sister, if you spank your butt, you can't hit your head again!"

Li Hong got up from the ground and smiled at Li Yanran.

"Okay, the story is over. I'm relieved to see that you're okay. Let's go!"

Li Yanran flicked her sleeves and walked outside.

“Sister, it’s still early, let’s tell you a story before we leave!”

Li Hong grabbed Li Yanran's sleeve, his eyes full of prayer.

"Still telling stories? If you tell stories again, I'm afraid I'll make you mad to death!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong and told a story.

The story of three monks who ran out of water is almost going to piss you off. If you tell me anything else, you will die here today.

"I promise this time, I will only listen and not speak, and I will tell you one more thing!"

Li Hong, however, refused to let her go and insisted that Li Yanran tell another story.

"Then you promise not to interrupt when I tell my story!"

Taking a look at the sky outside, it was indeed quite early, and it was indeed boring to go back to the dormitory right now.

"Okay, sister, sit down!"

Li Hong quickly moved his sister to the sofa.

"My story is very long, are you sure you want to hear it?"

Glancing at Li Hong, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

"Listen, Brother Hong is afraid that the story will be short. If you can tell it for three days and three nights, I will obey you!"

Li Hong's face was full of excitement. The longer the story, the longer it took.

How could he dislike having someone to talk to with him?

"Okay, let me start!
Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain. There was an old Taoist priest in the temple who was telling stories to the young Taoist priest!What is it about? "

"What is it about?"

"It's about a mountain that once had a temple. There was an old Taoist priest telling a story to a young Taoist priest in the temple! What was he telling?"

"What is it about?"

"It's about a mountain that once had a temple on it."

"and many more!"

After hearing this three times, Li Hong was completely confused.

What is this talking about?

Chelulu's words go back and forth?
No wonder this story is a bit long. If it were to be told, it would take 3000 years to tell, let alone three days and three nights!
"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Sister, are you perfunctory with me? How can you tell a story?"

Li Hong looked at his elder sister depressedly, "If you don't want to say anything, I can't do anything to you."

But if you say that, you are looking down on me!
This story can be considered a family heirloom, and a grandfather can tell it until his grandson was killed in battle.

"This is the story, please wait until I finish."

Li Yanran was also depressed. She didn't expect Li Hong to react so quickly.

She only heard what she said about "car wheel" three times. She originally thought that he would be able to reflect it at least ten times.

"Then sister, please continue. I would like to hear what you can tell about this story."

"It's your fault for interrupting me, I have to start from the beginning!"

After rolling her eyes at Li Hong, Li Yanran started talking about Once upon a time there was a mountain again.

After listening to it ten times, Li Hong became completely impatient. He pulled his sister directly and said, "Sister, if you don't want to tell the story, you should go back to the palace as soon as possible."

I'm not a fool. Listening to your story about the wheel is better than reading a book and eating something delicious.

"Humph, if you don't listen, I won't let you down. I don't want to say anything anymore!"

Li Yanran also stood up directly, waved her hands and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, sister, are you sure your story has an ending?"

Li Hong was stunned. Could it be that my sister didn't deceive me? Is this the prelude to the story?

"Nonsense, what am I talking about without an ending?"

"Then please give me some advice, sister. I really want to hear what this story is."

Li Hong fell silent and decided to listen to the elder sister finish the story.

"I've almost finished speaking, but I have to start from the beginning again! How annoying!"

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