My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 595: Four of them are beaten together, that’s called Juezi!

Hearing what Li Hong said, Li Yanran also became interested.

Beating up children, this kind of show is really not to be missed.

The carriage stopped, and the two of them also lit a stove in the carriage. At the same time, they sent people to the city gate to deliver news at any time.

Changsun Yan somehow got into a caravan and lay on the truck with his legs crossed. He didn't know how comfortable it was.

"Young gentleman, the city gate is ahead of you. You can't follow us after you leave the city gate."

A man who looked like a manager came to the truck and spoke to Chang Sun Yan above.

"I know, you want me to come with you after we leave the city gate, but I'm not willing yet!"

Changsun Yan looked at the sky above his head, his eyes filled with contentment.

"All right!"

When they arrived at the city gate, the commander handed over the directions and prepared to leave.

"and many more."

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin's voice also sounded.

If Cheng Chubi's idiots weren't hiding in Li Yanran's car, they were most likely hiding in the caravan.


Hearing this roar, Changsun Yan trembled directly.

Why is this voice so familiar?

He climbed up from the roof of the car and stuck his head out.

I saw Cheng Yaojin sitting on the edge of the city gate with his majestic sword, while Cheng Yaojin's subordinates were looking at the passing cars.


Seeing this scene, Changsun Yan also took a breath of air, lay on the roof of the truck and slowly retreated to the middle position.

At this moment, all he could do was pray that those people would be blind and unable to see him.


When Yibu came to Cheng Yaojin, he also shook his head.

"Let them go!"

Cheng Yaojin waved his hand, signaling to let the caravan leave.


The convoy commander also took a deep breath and ordered the caravan to leave.

"Grandpa, why is there a person on the roof of the car!"

A child next to him pointed at the roof of the car where Chang Sunyan was and asked his father.


Hearing these childish words, Changsun Yan quickly made a silent gesture with the other party.

"Shh, don't talk!"

The child's father also hurriedly spoke to his son.

"There's someone on the roof!"

Even so, Cheng Yaojin's Buqu also heard this and looked directly towards the roof of the car.

"It's over!"

Seeing that he had become the focus of everyone's attention, Chang Sun Yan's face turned dark instantly.

What should I do with this meow?
"Pull that person down for me, I want to see who it is!"

Hearing Bu Qu's shouting, a cold light flashed in Cheng Yaojin's eyes, and he knew that he should have found the rightful owner.

"Get down!"

A group of tribesmen immediately surrounded the carriage where Chang Sun Yan was sitting, their eyes full of stern looks.

Lucky for me, someone warned me, otherwise I would have been run away.

"Don't do it, it's me, it's me!"

Changsun Yan was helpless and could only climb down from the roof of the car obediently.

"Changsun Yan, you hid it well!"

Looking at Changsun Yan who jumped out of the car, Cheng Yaojin also chewed his teeth.

Why isn't he his stupid son?
"Gong Lu, why are you so free today? You have become a city guard at the city gate!"

Changsun Yan smiled and saluted Cheng Yaojin.

"I am not a city guard just to wait for you? Say, where is Cheng Chubi?"

Cheng Yaojin's face darkened, how dare you tease me?

If I wasn't here to squat you, would I be embarrassed here?
"I don't know where Cheng Chubi is at this time. If nothing happens, I will go back to the fief first. Brother Li is still waiting for me to go back to work!"

Changsun Yan frowned and wanted to leave immediately.

After all, I didn't offend you, and you, as an uncle, can't do anything to me.

"You want to leave, but you are overthinking it! Take it!"

Want to leave?Thinking too much.

You four are brothers, and we brothers also share the same hatred.

Is it possible to let you go even if I catch you?

Several steps went up without explanation and captured Changsun Yan.

"Awkward, my arm is going to be broken!"

"I can't run away. Is that what it's like?"

"Gong Lu, this is a large gathering of people, please save some face for me!"

Changsun Yan was completely depressed. As for treating me like a prisoner?

After all, I am also the son of a county prince, a county prince of the Tang Dynasty. Do you treat me like this, do I not want to lose face?
"You know it's embarrassing now? I don't think it's embarrassing even if I'm a dignified prince, but you think it's embarrassing?

If you think it's embarrassing, don't do that?You bastards dare to let us go.

Let the people of Chang'an take a good look today and see how embarrassed you are. "

Cheng Yaojin didn't listen to Chang Sun Yan at all. He was afraid of being embarrassed and didn't do the bad things he did before.


Changsun Yan still wanted to speak, but Cheng Yaojin slapped him in the face, almost knocking him to the ground.


The president, Sun Yan, finally understood why Cheng Chubi was so afraid of his father. With his strength, Cheng Chubi was really lucky to be able to live so long.

Compared with him, although his father had a violent temper, beating people still didn't hurt that much.

"Your Highness, caught it, caught it!"

The people sent by Li Yanran came back quickly. "Which one got caught?"

Li Hong also pulled the man's clothes, his eyes full of excitement.

"The eldest grandson, Xiaolangjun, was caught, and now he is being admired at the city gate!"

The Forbidden Army hurriedly told the situation about Chang Sun Yan's arrest.

"Explore again!"

Li Hong waved his hand, signaling the forbidden army to go back quickly and continue to investigate the situation.


The Imperial Army mounted their horses again and ran toward Nancheng.

"Sister, do you think they can escape this time?"

One Zhang Sun Yan has been captured, and Li Hong is also worried about whether the other people will escape.

If we only hunted one Zhangsun Yan, it would be less interesting to see.

If four of them are beaten together, then they are called Jue Juezi.

"It's difficult. It's almost impossible to fly without wings! If the princes really want to do something, it's rare that they can't do it!"

Li Yanran stretched her hand to the stove and replied to Li Hong.

As time passed, Changsun Wuji and others also came to Nancheng to meet Cheng Yaojin.

"What's up, did you catch that bastard of mine?"

Looking at the three people in front of him, Cheng Yaojin also hurriedly asked questions.

"That bastard of yours is really good at hiding. He pretended to be a Hu businessman and tried to sneak out of the convoy, but I found him!"

Li Ji also smiled slightly. If he hadn't been careful, he might have run away.

"What about my traitorous son?"

Changsun Wuji also asked Cheng Yaojin. The three of them came together.
The other three silly boys were found, and the only thing they didn't see was the figure of his silly son. Now he could only look at Cheng Yaojin.

"Isn't it?"

Cheng Yaojin pressed his lips together, and the two steps also led Changsun Yan away.

"Father, save me!"

Seeing his father's figure, Changsun Yan couldn't care about anything else and could only ask his father for help.

"Save you? I can't wait to slap you to death!"

Seeing that Changsun Yan still had the nerve to ask for help from him, Changsun Wuji's anger instantly surged to his forehead.

If he hadn't been in front of so many people coming and going, he would have killed him now.

"Okay, Changsun Wuji, now that the four bastards have been found, let's find a place to clean up.

After all, there are too many people here!They are shameless, and we should be shameless! "

Li Ji frowned. Now that all four traitors have been taken down, it's time to deal with them.

"Well, let's take a walk. There is a small forest outside Chang'an City. Take it there and clean it up!"

Yuchi Jingde also nodded. The grove outside Chang'an City happened to be a good place to deal with them.

"Just go there!"

"Let's put Changsun Yan in the car behind and let them reunite!"

Changsun Wuji sneered, and then Cheng Yaojin's troops directly escorted Changsun Yan to the carriage.

After getting on the carriage and looking at the three fools in front of him, Changsun Yan was also depressed.


Cheng Chubi smiled awkwardly at Changsun Yan.

"How did you get caught?"

Changsun Yan sat down in the middle of the three people and asked them.

"Stop talking, Li Siwen, you have such good eyesight. I even got to the gate of the city, but he still caught me."

"You haven't done anything yet, but I was even worse. I was betrayed by the caravan as soon as I arrived at the city gate, and was captured by Prince Changsun on the spot!

Damn it, don't let me see them again, otherwise I have to let them know how powerful I am. "

Yuchi Huan was also very depressed and found an unreliable caravan, otherwise he might have been the only one among the four to successfully escape.

"Hey, we are both fallen people from the end of the world,
I was lying on the truck. I had already left the city, but a child called me out. What an unlucky thing! "

Changsun Yan also sighed. If it weren't for the child, he would have left the city.

"Stop talking about these things, now we should think about how to deal with our dad next."

Li Siwen was depressed. What was the use of talking about it now? He didn't know how his father would deal with him later.

If you have that kind of brain, you might as well think about how to deal with the other party.

"How to deal with it? How else to deal with it? Hit us hard with your butt, they can't beat us to death!"

Cheng Chubi also sighed. At this moment, they were already fish on the chopping board and could only be slaughtered by their fathers.

"It hurts when my father hits someone, I'm afraid my butt can't bear it!
How about we run!How about jumping out of the car? "

Yuchi Huan also frowned. When he saw his father's dark face, he felt scared if he was dragged to a place where no one was around.

How could this life be shortened by half?

"Jumping? Didn't you see the troops next to you? They are all riding horses. Can you run with two legs than four?"

Li Siwen was also depressed. Jumping out of the car?

Only a fool like you can say such mindless things.

If you jump out and you can't run away, you will probably be beaten even more severely when the time comes.

"Then what do you think we should do? You usually have the most clever ideas. Come up with something quickly."

Changsun Yan also looked at Li Siwen. Now all he could expect was the other person's little head.

"Yes, Li Siwen, it's all up to you now!"

"Quick, quick, think of a way, otherwise everything will be in trouble!"

Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan also stared at Li Siwen, hoping that this guy would not live up to their expectations.

"If I had an idea, I would have told you already. As for asking you?"

Li Siwen was also very depressed. In this situation, let alone me, even Zhuge Liang couldn't solve this problem when he was alive.

"Stop talking and think quickly."

"I think now we can only go out and admit our mistakes and beg for mercy. I hope the dads can see that we are sincere and be gentle!"

Li Siwen was also depressed, and now he could only hope that his father would be gentler.

"Can this work?"

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