My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 597: Keep hitting me!I can still bear it

Changsun Yan almost exploded on the spot, feeling as if his butt had been split into sixteen pieces.

Turning around, he saw his father holding a stick in his hand and looking at him fiercely.

"Father...Father, are you going to kill your son?"

Changsun Yan shouted at his father while jumping with his butt in his hands.

"Didn't you say that I am a civilized person? Just like the teachers in school who teach and educate people with a ruler.
Your father, I can't find the ruler now, so I can only use this stick instead. Get down here. "

Changsun Wuji pointed the stick at his son with a fierce look in his eyes.

As the saying goes, if you ask for a hammer, you will get a hammer. I'm here to show my mind. I have to let you know how to write the word "death".

"I don't dare anymore. Dad, you'd better hit him with your fists. You can't stand it anymore."

Changsun Yan was completely crazy. Who would have thought that the civilized man in his father's heart would educate his children in this way.

No wonder people say that literati have evil hearts and beat their sons with sticks. How can they not be evil?

"It's too late, come here quickly, you can save yourself the pain."

Looking at Changsun Yan who was retreating to the side, Changsun Wuji also shouted coldly.

"I don't, not until you throw the stick away."

Changsun Yan couldn't bear it any longer, so he jumped up and down holding his buttocks, not giving his father a chance anyway.


After hearing this, Chang Sun Yan also took a look, but as soon as he turned around, he realized that he had been fooled.

Changsun Wuji saw the right direction, and swept through the entire army with one blow with the stick in his hand, knocking Changsun Yan to the ground on the spot.

"Can't you run? Are you still running now?"

Changsun Wuji walked to Changsun Yan, his eyes full of coldness.

You're bullying me now that I'm old, right? I'm still old and spicy, but you're still very young.

"Dad, you...if you beat me out, my mother-in-law will not let you go."

The president, Sun Yan, had no choice but to bring out his trump card.

I believe that for my mother's sake, he can't be so harsh.

"You still dare to mention your grandma?"

"I forgot to tell you, your mother-in-law specifically told me when I came out.

You want me to give you a good beating to save you from getting into trouble in the future. "

As he spoke, Changsun Wuji hit him with another stick. Changsun Yan also cooperated and let out a wail like a slaughtering pig.


Cheng Yaojin and others also gasped when they saw this. They really didn't expect it, they didn't expect it.

This Changsun Wuji usually seems to have no strength to tie a chicken, but when he beats his son, he is so cruel. No wonder the literati have dark hearts. The ancients do not deceive me.

Cheng Chubi and others also shuddered when they saw this, and they all thought to themselves that it was lucky that this guy was not their father, otherwise no matter how strong they were, they might not be alive now.

"What are you looking at? Did I hit you lightly or something?"

"That's right, if you want to be like Changsun Yan, your father can satisfy you."

"Kill you little bastard!"

Then there was another crazy output. Since Changsun Wuji had already killed him, there was no reason for him to give up easily.

"Sister, this scene is so shocking!"

Li Hong was excited when he saw the picture of four fathers and their sons in front of him. Isn't this scene exactly what he wanted to see?

Sure enough, just as my elder sister had thought, none of the four fools could escape and were caught in one fell swoop.


Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong and gave him a silent gesture.

Several of the princes have given birth to the grandson Wuji, and the rest are battle-hardened warriors. If you are so chattering, don't you tell the other party that we are here to watch the fun?

Li Ji reacted the most acutely and glanced over immediately after hearing Li Hong's words.

Li Ji roared, and several other people also turned their attention.


Seeing this scene, Li Yanran was also depressed, and slapped Li Hong on the head.

It's all your fault, you idiot. Just eat and watch the show. Why are you commenting?
It seems you can do it, right?
Now, the target is exposed.


Li Hong also had nothing to say. Who knew they were still so smart at such an old age? All this was discovered.

"Your Highnesses, why are you here?"

Seeing Li Yanran and Li Hong, Cheng Yaojin and others also frowned.

Didn’t you just want to go back to the fief?Why are you here again?

"It's okay, I just came to see some of the Dukes!"

Li Yanran also sighed and explained to several people.

"Look at us? I think you're here to save these incompetent traitors!"

Changsun Wuji also sat down on Changsun Yan and stared at Li Yanran.

"Prince Changsun, I'm actually coming."

"Brother Li, save me!"

"That's right, Brother Li, save me. If you hadn't deceived us, why would we have traveled to Chang'an with you at night?"

"That's right, Brother Li, it would be a bit unreasonable for you not to save us!"

Before Li Yanran could say anything, Zhang Sunyan and others also asked Li Yanran for help.


After hearing the words of several people, Li Yanran swallowed back the words that came to her lips.

Originally, she really wanted to say a few nice words to them, but she didn't expect these guys to be so ignorant and put all the responsibility on herself.

How could this meow make her feel so embarrassed?
I was also blinded by lard, and even thinking about interceding with them, I really blinded myself. "Your Highness, are they telling the truth?"

Cheng Yaojin and others turned their attention to Li Yanran again. If what his son said was true, then the culprit was probably right in front of him.

"The princes must be aware that although I asked them to go to Lan Kwai Fong to discuss matters yesterday, I went back to the palace directly after that. How could I travel with them to Chang'an at night?

If my father and mother found out about this, wouldn't they kill me?Hongdi can help me prove this.

I think these guys just want to put all the blame on me to excuse themselves. This kind of behavior is really abhorrent, and they should take care of it.

Otherwise, if they can push me this time, they will dare to attack my father next time, and then they won’t be able to get away with just a beating. "

Li Yanran was also very angry. If some princes found out about this, and her mother found out, she would have to peel off a piece of her skin.

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

You are not the only one who knows the truth behind a dead Taoist friend but a poor Taoist friend.

When I played this set, the grass on your graves had already turned into a primeval forest.

"I testify that sister was in the palace last night and that she was in Chang'an. This is nonsense."

Li Hong glanced at his elder sister and silently gave him a thumbs up.

Sister, you know how to shirk responsibility. No wonder I can't fight you. It turns out that I still have such a long way to go.

After hearing the words of these siblings, Zhang Sunyan and others felt that their lives had collapsed in an instant.

How could this be possible, Brother Li, how could you say that?

Have you forgotten that we punched the salt vendor’s stall and visited the Daqin Temple at night last night?

If you do this, you will be much more ruthless than burning bridges across the river last night.

Even if you don't admit it, don't add insult to injury, it will kill someone.

"You traitor, you dare to frame Her Royal Highness the Princess. If I don't take care of you today, you will take off next time!"

Compared with his asshole son, Cheng Yaojin is still willing to trust Li Yanran. After all, the other party seems to be more reliable than his son.

Since he chose to believe Li Yanran, his son had committed a heinous crime.

In order to escape, they even framed the royal family. This means that they have a good relationship with Li Yanran. If it were anyone else, they would have led troops to kill him.

"If I don't take care of you today, I really don't know how high the sky is."

"Fight, beat to death!"

"If you don't want your son, go ahead and let them realize it today!"

The remaining three people gritted their teeth together and bombarded the son beneath them.


Seeing the tragic scene in front of him and the wailing sounds one after another, Li Hong also took a breath of air and was afraid to look at it.

Who would have thought that I could beat my son so vividly? He was so shocked.

"My lords, please stop for now and listen to my words."

Li Yanran frowned. If they continue to fight like this, all these people will be useless.

He is still pointing them to work. If he is disabled, who will help him work?

"Your Highness, please don't plead for them."

Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Yanran with a grimace, his eyes full of depression.

“I’m not asking for mercy from them, I just feel that hitting them blindly is just physical pain for them.

I have a better way to make them suffer even more! "

Li Yanran smiled slightly and slowly said to the princes.

"how to do?"

After hearing this, everyone became interested.

Changsun Yan and the others trembled, not knowing what idea Brother Li had come up with to irritate him.

"Dad, why don't you just keep beating me, I can still bear it!"

Cheng Chubi looked at the father in front of him, and his premonition of failure became stronger and stronger.

"That's right, hit me, hit me quickly!"

"Father, come on, don't listen to Brother Li's nonsense!"

"I can still bear it."

The three of them were also dumbfounded, and they all spoke to their father, begging to be beaten.

"Be honest with me! Did I let you talk?"

Yuchi Jingde also glared at his son. He wanted to hear what Li Yanran had to do.

"They have been with me for so long and I know their problems well. Compared with physical pain, they care more about money.

Instead of beating them like this, it would be better to fine them some money, which would make them more impressed. "

Li Yanran glanced at the people and smiled coldly.

To let you betray me, I must show you how powerful I am.

If I don’t let you have a long memory, you might have to sell your friends to survive next time.

"That's a good idea, but how much should they be punished?"

A flash of light flashed in Cheng Yaojin's eyes, this was indeed a good idea.

The fine can not only make my son feel better, but also make up for the family expenses.

It’s really the best of both worlds.

As expected of Li Yanran, if his son could be like the other party, no, if he could be like Li Yanran, he would be able to smile.

"Don't go too much. It's not easy for them to make money. How many princes are satisfied with ten thousand guan?"

Li Yanran thought for a moment, if there were too many, these idiots would definitely explode, but the one with [-] yuan was just stuck on the spot.

Not being able to go up or down is enough for them.

"Ten thousand yuan? Are they so rich?"

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