My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 607 Aren’t you afraid of shooting yourself in the foot?

Cui Xiuye ​​shook his head. If you pay a high price now, it will only make those businessmen who have not participated follow suit. By then, you will not know what will happen to the fluctuation.

Of course, if Su Dingfang can wait until the summer grain harvest, grain and grass will not be a problem by then.

"You are not ignorant of the military. There is no reason to wait for a battle on the front line. The military situation is like a fire. If the battle is delayed because of food and grass, who is responsible?"

Li Zhi shook his head, how could he give such an order.

When frontline generals lead troops in combat, the most taboo thing is remote command. After all, you have no idea what the situation will be like on the frontline.

The most important reason why the Tang Dynasty was able to win every battle was that the emperor never interfered with frontline battles and had 100% trust in the generals who led the troops in battle.

If you ask yourself about the current battle with Tibet, it would be really unwise.

"His Majesty.."

"Stop talking, I don't care what you do, food and grass cannot be lacking, do you understand?"

Li Zhi slapped the dragon case and shouted at Cui Xiuye.


Cui Xiuye ​​was depressed, but what else could he do after the emperor's orders were issued.

After saluting, Cui Xiuye ​​also resigned.

"Shang Shu, what did your Majesty say?"

"His Majesty said that we must ensure the food and grass for the frontline soldiers no matter what, so we should seize the time to contact the grain merchants we are familiar with.

Tell them that if they are delayed in the war this time, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Cui Xiuye ​​frowned and issued his order to his servants.

After hearing Cui Xiuye's words, the Ministry of Revenue official also frowned.

"Shang Shu, those grain merchants are backed by aristocratic families, so it may not be that easy to get them to submit.

But it seems that there is another grain merchant who has not expressed his position. He is still selling grain at a fair price, but on a slightly smaller scale. How about I negotiate with him? "

"Go and find them. No matter who they are now, they are wanted by grain merchants, big and small. I want to see if these merchants are motivated by interests and really want to make fun of the interests of the country."

Cui Xiuye ​​left a few words and walked away. What a big deal.

In the Zhaozhao Tang Dynasty, even food was controlled by others, which is really speechless.


The official also hurriedly left and went to the grain merchant's shop he mentioned.

"Shopkeeper, Lin Sinong is here!"

"Lin Sinong?"

Upon hearing Lin Minxian's arrival, shopkeeper Xu Wei immediately rushed out to greet him.

"Shopkeeper Xu, excuse me!"

Lin Minxian smiled at Xu Wei and spoke slowly.

"Lin Sinong, look what you said. It's an honor for me to have you come to my store. Please come quickly. Please come quickly."

Xu Wei also bowed and let the other person in.

"Try it, this is the new tea from Shuren Teahouse."

Xu Wei asked the boy to quickly make new tea and handed it to Lin Minxian.

"Then I'll take advantage of shopkeeper Xu and try the good tea from Shuren Teahouse!"

Lin Minxian took the tea and took a sip.

“Good tea, not bad, not bad!”

"If Lin Sinong likes it, I have one or two more here. You can take it back and taste it slowly!"

Xu Wei was also a smart man, so he directly asked the boy to bring him a couple of new teas and handed them over.

"How funny is this!"

Lin Minxian declined while holding the new tea in his hand.

"Haha, Lin Sinong came to my place, why are you doing this?"

Xu Wei glanced at Lin Minxian. The other party was also in Sanbaodian. He also knew the situation in Chang'an very well.

The price of food began to rise, but he was the only one who still sold it at a reasonable price. The other party must have come here for the food and grass matter.

"People of the Ming Dynasty do not speak secretly. You also know what is happening in Chang'an now. The country wants to fight for food and grass.

However, those grain merchants started to hoard their supplies and started to raise prices. Only Mr. Xu, who understood the righteousness of the matter, was still selling grain at a fair price.

So I came here this time just to deliver this deal to you. What do you think? "

Lin Minxian didn't leave any ink, and directly stated his purpose of coming.

"Lin Sinong, there is no comparison between my agricultural and grain store and those big grain dealers. I'm afraid I can't afford such a big deal like raising grain!"

Xu Wei frowned. He didn't increase the price, but he also started to limit purchases.

The reason wasn't because his boss didn't issue an order. It was okay to sell some food, but if he wanted to raise food for the military, it was a bit beyond his scope of authority.

"Shopkeeper Xu, I believe in the strength of Minnong Grain Store. Besides, I don't need much this time. 20 stones of grain and grass is enough.

Of course I won't let you do it in vain, how about it? "

Lin Minxian also hurriedly spoke and told him the food and grass he needed.

"20 dan, Lin Sinong, do you think a small family like me has so much food in store?"

Xu Wei was also depressed when he heard the numbers mentioned by the other party.

I only have a small amount of inventory here all year round. Now you ask for 20 stones. Where can I steal it?
"Shopkeeper Xu, shopkeeper Xu, actually this is an opportunity for the company to grow and develop.

Think about it, as long as you can gather the food and grass needed by the Ministry of Revenue this time, the first person that the Ministry of Revenue will think of next time if it needs to raise food and grass is you.

Seize this opportunity, and you might be able to rise up and become the top grain merchant in the Tang Dynasty.

Wouldn't it be easy to make money by then? "Lin Minxian knows that this matter may be a huge challenge for the company, but without challenges there will be no progress.

All he can do now is draw a big pie in advance and see if Xu Wei takes the move.

"Lin Sinong, it's not me who refuses. The reason why my boss opened this grain store was not to make money!"

Xu Wei was speechless. His employer, a grain merchant, didn't want to make money at all. Otherwise, how could others raise prices but not himself?

"Not to make money? Then what does your boss want to do by opening this grain store? To do charity?"

Hearing this, Lin Minxian was stunned.

Businessmen pursue profit, and he has never heard of a businessman not doing business just to make money.

Then why do you open a shop for charity?
Or is it just for fun?

"I don't know that either!"

Xu Wei also shook his head. He really didn't know what the proprietor was asking for. Maybe it was really for charity.

"In this way, I will host a banquet at Chunfeng Tower. You ask your proprietor to come over to the banquet. I will tell him about it personally!"

Lin Minxian was also depressed, and the other party didn't care about his big pie at all.

This made him a little at a loss. For the current plan, he could only see people acting rationally and emotionally.

"I'm afraid this will be difficult. My proprietor can't be seen easily!"

Xu Wei was even more depressed. How could you, a small businessman like you, be able to see your boss?

"Are you looking down on me? I am Si Nonglang and I represent the Tang Dynasty.

No matter who he is or what his status is, let him come over.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to open this agricultural and food store anymore! "

Lin Minxian became angry instantly. He had already found out clearly that there was no so-called wealthy clan behind this agricultural and food business.

He still has the right to speak when dealing with a businessman who has no foundation.

As long as he says a word, it will be really difficult for this agricultural and food business to stay in Chang'an.

"Lin Sinong, are you sure you want to do this? Aren't you afraid of shooting yourself in the foot?"

Xu Wei also frowned. The reason why I am respectful to you is because I don't want to cause trouble.

You don't dare to mess with those grain merchants behind wealthy families, but they are yelling at me here. You really think I am somewhere else.

"Shopkeeper Xu, if I were you, what I have to do now is to give my orders as soon as possible. Do you hear me?

It's an order, not a request.

Tell your proprietor that I'll be waiting for him at Chunfeng Tower. "

A sneer appeared on Lin Minxian's lips.

You still shot yourself in the foot. I am now the representative of the Household Secretary. Would I be afraid of you?

Scared me!
"Okay, in this case I will send someone to pass the news to my boss, but I am not sure whether I can go to Chunfeng Tower today."

Xu Wei also looked at Lin Minxian coldly, hoping that you would not slap yourself for saying this for yourself.


"No delivery!"

After watching Lin Minxian leave, Xu Wei immediately sent people to leave Chang'an and rush towards the Lishan fiefdom.

"Your Highness, the people from the Agricultural and Food Merchant Company are here!"

Di Renjie took the boy who had just arrived and came directly to Li Yanran.

Li Yanran closed the Dream of Red Mansions she was writing and looked at the shivering boy beside her.

Qi Liu was also depressed now. He originally thought that the proprietor might be doing business in the Lishan fiefdom, but who would have thought that the proprietor turned out to be the famous Princess Lishan.

This would scare him to death.

"Qi Liu pays homage to Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"What's wrong with the Farming and Grain Mercy Business? Talk about something!"

Li Yanran frowned, wondering what was going on over there.

When she opened the Mining Agricultural Food Store, she simply stayed aloof from the world and had no dealings with other food stores. Moreover, they only sold some grains in bulk.

If something went wrong, she would kill someone.

"Your Highness, Si Nonglang from the Ministry of Revenue is here today."

Qi Liu did not dare to neglect and hurriedly told what happened at the Compassion Farm Food Store.

"This Lin Minxian is really overbearing. He caused trouble to you, sister.

Sister, don’t go to Chunfeng Tower. I’ll find someone to take care of him! "

Li Hong quit immediately after hearing this.

A little Sinonglang talked so wildly that people who didn't know thought he was the Minister of the Ministry of Finance.

I really don’t know what the sky and the earth are.

"shut up!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, then looked at Qi Liu aside: "Qi Liu, is the situation in Chang'an now like this?"

"Yes, Your Highness, now the grain merchants in Chang'an have heard the news that Tang Dynasty is going to war with Tibet.

So they all refused to provide food and grass to the imperial court and hoarded it just to make a lot of money.

The Ministry of Revenue couldn't afford to offend the aristocratic families behind those grain merchants, so it set its sights on us. "

Qi Liu also hurriedly told everything he knew about the situation.

"How dare these grain stores do this? You are really rebelling against them!
I immediately sent a letter to my father to capture these grain merchants in one fell swoop and beheaded them all. "

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