My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 616: Boss, something big happened!

Xu Wei was also depressed. What you really like is that you have spotted me, right?

If he hadn't had Li Yanran's order to kill him, he wouldn't have accepted this job.


Lin Minxian didn't know what to say. This thing was indeed a bit overwhelming, but he couldn't help it.

"Okay, let's do it like this. I said I'm willing to go through all the trouble for my friends.

But I want to ask one thing clearly, what is the price of this food?
You also know the current grain prices. It is simply impossible to purchase them at market prices.

Don't let me spend a lot of money to collect the grain, but you don't want it.

Then I will jump into the river and commit suicide. "

Xu Wei glanced at the embarrassed Lin Minxian and knew that if he refused again, the other party would have nothing to say, so he asked the next question.

"There is no price limit for the time being. As long as you can receive the food, it doesn't matter how much it costs."

Xu Wei thought about it for a moment, and Cui Xiuye ​​didn't tell him about the price. He must also know the current situation in Chang'an.

As long as the food can be harvested, the price shouldn't be a problem.

After all, nothing is as important as the war on the front line.

"Okay, if that's the case, that's fine, but there's something I want to say in advance.

The situation of my next job cannot be exposed, otherwise no one will sell me even if I buy grain at a high price. "

Xu Wei glanced at Lin Minxian and said Li Yanran's instructions.

"Don't worry, I will never spread this matter. If nothing happens, I will go back and resume my life."

Lin Minxian nodded, he still knew about this.

Now all the grain shops in Chang'an are hoarding money, hoping to make a fortune from the national crisis.

If word got out now, it would be all over.

"Well, I'll give it to Lin Sinong!"

"No, hurry up and prepare to buy food!"

Lin Minxian shook his head, stood up and left.

There is no point in practicing these vain etiquettes now. The only right thing to do is to gather the food quickly.

After Lin Minxian left, Xu Wei also hurriedly invited Di Renjie in.


Di Renjie sat at the front seat without hesitation, looked at Xu Wei in front of him, and asked questions.

"As His Highness expected, Lin Minxian came here just for the 100 million stone of food and grass. After trying to avoid it for a while, I accepted the job."

Xu Wei directly told everything about the situation just now.

"Well, that's right, then get ready to do it. Remember, you must ensure the confidentiality of the action!"

Di Renjie nodded, the other party did a good job.

Things should be done step by step. If it were revealed now, those who are interested might be able to see the clues.

Only by letting them discover it themselves can the doubts in the other party's mind be dispelled.


Xu Wei saluted directly and slowly withdrew.

After closing the door, Xu Wei also called Qi Liu over.

"Shopkeeper, what's the matter?"

Qi Liu looked at Xu Wei, wondering why the other party asked him to come over.

"Watch this quiet room, no one is allowed in, do you understand?"

"Qi Liu understands!"

Qi Liu also nodded. He knew Di Renjie's identity and stood directly at the door.


Xu Wei turned around and left directly.

He called all the boys from the Farming and Food Store and asked them to go out to purchase food.

After hearing Xu Wei's instructions, the servants were all dumbfounded.

I don’t understand what Xu Wei means.

When purchasing grain at this point, let’s not say whether we can receive it or not. Even if we can receive it, the price will be sky-high.

Does the shopkeeper want to increase the price?

"Shopkeeper, what are you doing to buy grain now?"

Sun Mao frowned and spoke to Xu Wei.

"There's so much nonsense, just do whatever you are told. Remember, as long as they are willing to sell food, the price is not an issue. Do you understand?"

Xu Wei glared at Sun Mao, his eyes filled with impatience.

This Sun Mao and Qi Liu were recruited by him together. In terms of intelligence, this Sun Mao was even better than Qi Liu.

But this Sun Mao's character has some flaws, so he is more inclined to cultivate Qi Liu.


Sun Mao was also stunned, but immediately saluted Xu Wei and was the first to run outside.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and leave!"



The few remaining boys didn't dare to neglect and rushed out together.

The boys dispersed and began to purchase food from various grain stores.

But those big grain stores don't sell grain at all now, but Sun Mao is the smartest.

He specifically went to those smaller grain merchants to do business, and after discussing the price, he returned with satisfaction.

"What? No one wants to sell it? Are you all just doing it for a living?"

The boys turned back, and when they heard the news, Xu Wei pointed at their noses and scolded them.

"Shopkeeper, these grain dealers seem to have the same message. When they heard that we wanted to purchase a large amount of grain, they immediately refused!"

A boy looked at Xu Wei with a sad face, feeling aggrieved.

My legs were getting thin, but I didn't have a good word to say. I was really a loser.

"If they don't sell it, why don't you go to those small grain merchants? Are all of them stupid and clueless?"

Xu Wei was also very depressed, why were all the people under him like this.

Isn’t there just one smart person?

It really pissed him off.Listening to Xu Wei's scolding, the servants did not dare to speak back, so they could only bow their heads and accept it.

"Shopkeeper, I'm back!"

Just when Xu Wei was about to explode with anger, Sun Mao slowly ran over.

"How are you? How much food did you receive?"

Looking at Sun Mao, Xu Wei also felt depressed.

"We have collected five hundred shi of grain, and the price has been negotiated. As long as we pay here, they can pay for the grain."

Sun Mao smiled slightly and told his results.

"Yes, five hundred stones is quite a lot. What's the price?"

Hearing that Sun Mao had received five hundred shi of grain, Xu Wei also nodded.

After all, this guy is still very smart, but he doesn't know the price the other party charges.

"It's [-]% more expensive than the current price on the market. Of course, they also guarantee that this grain is absolutely new that year and will not be stuffed with old grain."

Hearing Xu Wei ask about the purchase price, Sun Mao also frowned and told the price.

"Three and a half, just three and a half, I will arrange for someone to send the money when the time comes!"

Xu Wei nodded. To be honest, the price was not high anymore.

Originally, he thought the price would be increased by at least [-]%, but he didn't expect Sun Mao to get it at [-]%.

"Shopkeeper, it's better for me to deliver the money myself. After all, my banner is for merchants from out of town. If they say something wrong when I get there, I'm afraid they won't admit it."

After hearing Xu Wei's words, Sun Mao also looked stern and took on the task.

"Then you will send the money in person later, sign the contract, and then send people to transport the food when we need it.

In addition, you can teach me some of them, they are a bunch of elm-headed people, they will really piss me off. "

Xu Wei thought for a moment and nodded, then stood up and walked towards the store.

"Brother Mao, Brother Mao, where did you buy it from? My legs are about to break and there is still no one to sell me food!"

"That's it, how did you do it? Teach me!"

"Brother Mao, hurry up. You have also seen the big black face of the shopkeeper. If we don't receive food again, we will be scolded to death."

Several boys came over together and chattered to Sun Mao.

Sun Mao was a little proud of everyone's praise, his tail was about to be raised, and he immediately told his own method.

After hearing that the reason why they didn't receive the food was that they were heading in the wrong direction, the boys also dispersed and ran in all directions.

Chang'an is so big, with a population of hundreds of thousands, so a few large grain stores are naturally not enough. These small grain stores also have their own business opportunities.

After Sun Mao withdrew the money from the accounting room, he also took a carriage and ran towards the grain store.

"Shopkeeper, someone came to buy grain just now, and the price they offered was not low."

A boy came to Liu Feng and directly told him the news he had just received.

"Really? How did you answer?"

Liu Feng frowned when he heard this and asked the boy how he handled it.

"I told him we had no food here and asked them to buy it elsewhere."

The boy directly stated his response.

"Well, you did a good job. No matter who it was, as long as someone came to buy food, they all turned away."


The boy saluted directly, turned around and left.

"and many more!"

Liu Feng directly called the boy to stop him.

"Shopkeeper? Is there anything else you can do?"

The boy saluted Liu Feng again, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"You should immediately go to other trading houses to inquire and see if anyone has ordered large-scale grain from them.

Don't just look at the big grain shops, ask all the small grain shops as well. I'm waiting for your news. "

Liu Feng frowned and said what he meant directly.


The boy saluted again and turned to leave.

Watching the young man leave, Liu Feng also glanced at the sky.

"I want to see if you are humans or ghosts?"

Not only Liu Feng was investigating, but also several other grain stores, each of which sent people to investigate the news.

"Shopkeeper, I'm back!"

After a while, the young man rushed back to celebrate the New Year.

"how is it going?"

After looking at the New Year greetings, Liu Feng also became nervous.

“Shopkeeper, I’ve found out clearly that it’s not just us who come to buy food, but other food stores as well.

Not only the big grain stores, but also the small grain stores also had people coming to buy from them. They were said to be merchants from other places, and they were very generous. "

He Nian directly told the news he had just found out.

"Looks like it's really a ghost. Prepare your car."


Soon a carriage rushed out and headed in the direction of the Cui family.

"Master, Liu Feng is here!"

"Let him in!"

Cui Yuqing frowned and let Liu Feng in directly.


Liu Feng entered the room and saluted directly to Cui Yuqing opposite.

"Didn't I tell you? If you have nothing to do, don't come to my place. Just tell me what's going on."

Cui Yuqing glanced at Liu Feng and directly asked him about his purpose.

"Proprietor, something happened!"

Liu Feng directly told everything about the news he had just received.

"Is there such a thing?"

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