My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 618: Isn’t it cool for him to use the princess’ money to make money?

Looking at Cui Yuanjue's back, Cui Yuqing was also a little angry.

I have such a good way to make money and want to share it with you, but you are like this.

It really hurts my heart.

Now that Cui Yuanjue refused to lend him money, Cui Yuqing was left scratching his head as to where the money would come from.

After all, he couldn't come up with such a large amount of money.



Fengshan heard the call and hurried over to salute.

"Is there any way to make money?"


Hearing Cui Yuqing's words, Fengshan felt bad.

What happened to the owner of his family? Why did he suddenly want to make money?

Could it be said that the landlord’s family has no surplus food?

If that were the case, things would be very serious.

"Why are you so stunned? I'm asking you something."

Looking at Fengshan in a daze, Cui Yuqing also glared at him.

"Master, if you want money, can you just withdraw it directly from our store?"

Fengshan shivered, his eyes full of depression.

"If you can withdraw it from my store, I would also like to ask if you have any way to make money? I really don't know what to say."

Cui Yuqing was also depressed. If I could withdraw it from the counter, would I still ask you?
Really meow is a mallet.

"Master, there are only two ways to borrow money.

One way is to borrow money from various counters, and the other way is to get money from moneylenders. Apart from these two ways, there seems to be no third way. "

Fengshan looked at the angry Cui Yuqing and hurriedly told him his current plan to make money.

"Money lenders are not recommended. Do you have any recommendations for better ones in the counter shop? Of course not my own, nor those from other big aristocratic families."

After thinking for a while, Cui Yuqing also directly rejected the idea of ​​borrowing money from money lenders.

After all, none of these people know what their situation is. If they blow up when the time comes, they will be embarrassed.

"Master, there are some small cabinet shops, but how much you want to borrow is a question."

Fengshan frowned, he really didn't know what the head of the family wanted to do.

If you don't borrow from moneylenders or borrow from a few big families or counters, then you have to decide how much money you want to borrow.

"Not much, maybe a dozen or 20 yuan!"

"How many?"

Fengshan was hit hard by Cui Yuqing again.

More than a dozen or 20 yuan is not much?That's not more than ten or twenty strings, it's really scary.

"What's all the fuss about? A dozen or 20 yuan is a lot? Just tell me if there is a suitable place."

Cui Yuqing rolled his eyes at the other party. In his opinion, the money was not much, and the other party really had no knowledge, so there was nothing surprising about it.

"For such a large-scale loan as you mentioned, not to mention those small cabinet shops, even the cabinet shops of several major aristocratic families cannot borrow it at once. There is only one place where it is possible."


"Rishenglong Bank!"


Cui Yuqing kicked him out with one kick.

This kid actually wanted me to borrow money from Princess Lishan's Rishenglong Bank. He was really going to piss me off.

"Master, as you have so many demands, the only one suitable is Rishenglong Bank.

And if you borrow money from Rishenglong Bank, wouldn't you be using Her Highness the Princess's money to make money? Wouldn't that give you a greater sense of accomplishment? "

Fengshan hurriedly knelt on the ground. He knew the conflict between his family head and Princess Lishan, but wouldn't this be better.

Shouldn't it be exciting to use the enemy's money to help yourself make money?
"What you said makes some sense, but if you want to borrow so much money, what kind of collateral do you need?"

Hearing what Fengshan said, Cui Yuqing also became interested.

As he said, Li Yanran had tricked them more than once. If he could use his money to make a fortune this time, wouldn't he be able to avenge the previous one?
“It stands to reason that if you want to borrow money as you, you don’t need any collateral at all, but if you want to borrow money anonymously, that’s another story.

The collateral must at least match the loan amount, or even a little more. "

Fengshan looked at the excited Cui Yuqing and told him the rules of lending.

"That means if I want to borrow [-] guan, it's best to put up [-] guan in assets as collateral?"

Cui Yuqing also became depressed when he heard what Fengshan said.

Although he has some property, it is not that much at all.

This special thing stumped him.

"Family owner, if you can really make a lot of money from this deal, you might as well mortgage all the family's shops. Anyway, it's just a hand-off."

Seeing Cui Yuqing's troubled look, Fengshan also knew that the other party definitely did not have enough assets as collateral, so he also thought of a workaround.

"Let me think about it!"

After looking at Fengshan, Cui Yuqing also hesitated.

This business is a guaranteed profit, but problems may arise in doing business.

What if he mortgages his family's property and loses money, how should he explain it to his family?

"Master, please think about it again, I'm resigning now!"

Fengshan knew that the other party could not make this decision easily, and he did not dare to say any more.

If the investment in this thing fails in the end and the owner of the family gets angry at himself again, he will die without a burial place.

"You go to Rishenglong and ask first, and then give me the answer."


Fengshan hurriedly saluted and left.

"Come on."


"Go and call Liu Feng over!" "Here!"

Liu Feng was arranging for people to buy grain. When he heard Cui Yuqing looking for him, he also gave instructions and rushed to the other party's mansion again.

"Proprietor, why have you called me?"

Liu Feng glanced at Cui Yuqing, wondering what was going on.

"You are sure to make money from this transaction, right?"

Cui Yuqing stared at Liu Feng and asked slowly.

"This... proprietor, there is no such thing as a guaranteed profitable business in this world. I can only say that [-]% of the time this chance will be to make a big profit. If something goes wrong, I have nothing to say."

Although Liu Feng didn't know why Cui Yuqing asked, he still understood the truth that words can't always be said.

If there is any unexpected problem here, if the management is not good and the company suffers losses, wouldn't it be necessary to risk one's own life to fill the hole?

"If you were me, would you invest everything you have into it?"

Hearing that he was [-]% sure, Cui Yuqing also understood what the other party meant.

"If it were me, yes!"

Liu Feng also answered Cui Yuqing's question decisively.

In such a situation, if you don't put everything on the line, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

"Okay, I got it!"

Cui Yuqing glanced at Liu Feng again and waved his hand to signal him to leave.

"Liu Feng resigns!"

After Liu Feng left, Cui Yuqing fell into deep thought again.

As Fengshan thought, this decision was not easy to make. It cost 10,000+20 yuan at every turn. If he spent this money and lost money, he might have to die to apologize.

Cui Yuqing has been thinking about it all afternoon but has not made a final decision.

"Master, I'm back."

Fengshan came to Cui Yuqing's side. Looking at the melancholy head of the family, he didn't know whether to speak or not.

"Did you find out everything?"

Cui Yuqing looked up at Fengshan and asked slowly.

"After investigating clearly, they have enough money to borrow money, but they need [-]% more than the borrowed money before they can lend money."

Fengshan nodded and told all the information he had found out.

"11% more? In other words, if I want to borrow [-] guan, I need to use [-] guan from my family property?"

"That's right!"

"Okay, I understand, you can go down for now!"

Cui Yuqing waved his hand, and Fengshan retreated directly.

"Grandpa, why are you looking like this? Who messed with you?"

Cui Yuqing's son Cui Jie walked over slowly, looking at his father, he also frowned and asked questions.

"Jie'er, come on, come and sit next to me!"

After patting the place beside him, Cui Yuqing also called his son over.

"Jie'er, I'm troubled by something right now. I want to hear your opinion."

Cui Yuqing touched his son's head and asked.

"Grandpa, tell me, Jie'er is listening!"

Cui Jie nodded and looked at his father seriously.

"Suppose you have a profitable business in front of you now, but it requires you to spend all your money, and even some other very important things, what will you do?"

"Grandpa, will this business make a lot of money?"

Cui Jie also frowned after hearing this. Could it be that his grandpa has some good deals?
"You will naturally make a lot of money. The income is directly proportional to your investment. You will naturally make enough money if you give it your all."

Cui Yuqing also answered his son's questions very seriously.

"The risk must be very high? Otherwise, I wouldn't be so entangled and still ask me in the end!"

Cui Jie also understood when he heard that the profits were huge.

The risk must be too great, that's why Dad is so entangled.

"The risk is not big, it can be said to be a sure thing, but if there is even a slight difference, it will be doomed."

Cui Yuqing shook his head. If the risk was really high, he wouldn't worry about it. The most important thing was that the risk was only a little, which made him a little itchy.

"Since you also said that you are sure of it, then there is no need to hesitate. If it were me, I would do it directly!"

Cui Jie is also a little jealous, and there is no risk. What do you have to worry about?


"Well, father knows."

Cui Yuqing looked at his son again, as if he had also made up his mind.

"Grandpa, if nothing happens, Jie'er will go to warm up his books first!"

"Go and study hard!"


Watching his son leave, Cui Yuqing slowly stood up and walked towards the inner room.

Not long after, he walked out with a stack of contracts in his hand.

These are his personal properties and family properties. These are his entire net worth.

In order to make a big fortune, he had no choice but to make a desperate move.

"Fengshan, go call Liu Feng!"


Poor Liu Feng was instructing the boys to do things. When he heard Cui Yuqing's call, he rushed over again covered in travel.

"Proprietor, why did you call me?"

Facing Liu Feng who entered the palace for the third time, Cui Yuqing directly handed over the land deed in his hand.

"What does this mean?"

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