My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 624: Father, what do you want to do?

Zhou Qing is no longer calm now. As Li Yanran's confidant, she naturally knows Ruian's identity.

Why did the other party suddenly come to me?Could it be that something is wrong?


"I understand, you go back and tell him first, I'll go back right away!"


The boy quickly bowed and left.

"what happened?"

Looking at the worried Zhou Qing, Li Yanran also frowned.

"Your Highness, Ruian is waiting in Lan Kwai Fong now. He said he has something important to see me!"

Zhou Qing directly told the news he had just received.

"Rui Rui is waiting for you in Lan Kwai Fong? Is the palace going to buy perfume again? It shouldn't be!"

Hearing this, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

The palace always has special personnel coming to purchase perfume, and it's not Ruian's turn to come!

"Your Highness, I'm afraid Ruian's trip is not for Zhou Qing. He should be looking for you!"

Di Renjie frowned beside him and guessed Ruian's purpose after thinking about it.

"You mean that my father already knows about the situation in Chang'an?"

Li Yanran also instantly realized that her father must have known about the food situation, so he sent Ruian to find him.

But how did he know that he had arrived in Chang'an?

"Your Highness, how should I reply?"

Zhou Qing didn't know what their situation was, but now that Ruian had arrived, he was a close official of the emperor and could not be ignored.

"How to reply? Go back to Lan Kwai Fong immediately and call Ruian here to see what he wants to do!"

Li Yanran thought for a moment and realized that her goose was not finished yet, so she couldn't waste it.


Zhou Qing hurriedly saluted, got on the carriage and headed towards Lan Kwai Fong.

Driving back to Lan Kwai Fong, Ruian rushed over as soon as Zhou Qing showed up.

"Zhou Qing, is Her Royal Highness the princess here?"

Without any hesitation, Ruian directly asked about Li Yanran's whereabouts.

"General, please take a step to speak!"

Zhou Qing was depressed. With so many people here, you asked me about the whereabouts of His Highness. He was really depressed.

"Now we can tell you whether Her Royal Highness is here or not!"

Ruian was almost dying of panic. If Li Yanran wasn't here, would Chang'an be so big and he should be searched door to door?

"General, His Highness is waiting for you in his mansion. Come with me!"

Zhou Qing looked at the anxious Ruian and directly spoke out Li Yanran's instructions.

"Hurry up and take me there!"


Zhou Qing drove in front, Ruian's carriage behind, and started racing at a rapid pace.

"Your Highness, people have arrived!"

"My Princess, you make it easy for me to find you!"

Ruian rushed directly to Li Yanran, his eyes filled with anxiety.

"You're here, Zhou Qing, go get some bowls and chopsticks, Ruian, eat it while it's hot!"

Li Yanran glanced at Ruian and directly told Zhou Qing to get the bowls and chopsticks.

"My little ancestor, it's urgent now. You are still eating here. Please follow me to see His Majesty!"

Ruian was petrified on the spot, and the emperor was so angry that you were still eating delicious food here leisurely.

"Stop talking nonsense, eat quickly, and then leave after eating!"

Li Yanran reached out and picked up a piece of goose wing and put it into Li Hong's bowl.

"Thank you, sister!"

Li Hong didn't mind it being dirty, so he reached out and grabbed the goose wings and started chewing them.

"Your Highnesses, please spare my life and come with me quickly!"

Ruian looked at the two of them, anxious like ants on a hot pot, circling around them.

"Don't be impatient. Father, I'm not in a hurry. Eat it quickly. It won't taste good when it's cold!"

Li Yanran put another piece of goose meat into the bowl and started eating.


Ruian felt that he was about to ascend. He was really impressed that the emperor was not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.

The person involved was fine, he had bubbles on his lips.

"Eat what you like. If you don't eat, you'll get sick. Brother Hong, eat slowly. Don't suffer from indigestion later."

Li Yanran also had nothing to say, just do whatever you like.

Too lazy to deal with you.

Li Hong also nodded and started eating slowly.

Looking at the two people who deliberately opposed him, Ruian was depressed. He glanced at the goose in the pot, gritted his teeth and sat down directly.

Anyway, I can't leave now, so there's no point in worrying myself. Instead of doing that, I might as well eat something.

Ryan picked up a piece of goose meat and put it into his mouth, and his eyes began to shine instantly.

No wonder His Highness doesn't want to leave, this food is indeed delicious.

While Ruian was making a goose stew in the iron pot, Li Yanran quietly got up.

"I'm full, let's go!"


Ryan felt bad looking at the goose meat in the bowl.

I said I wouldn't eat it, but you insisted on eating it.

Now I'm starting to eat, and you won't let me eat?
Are you playing with me?
"Aren't you leaving? Father, we are still waiting!"

After rolling her eyes at Ruian, Li Yanran slowly spoke.

It was you who urged me to leave, and now I want to leave, but you won’t leave.

Don’t panic if you co-write it!
"Let's go!"

Ruian quickly took a few bites, then put down the bowl and chopsticks and followed Li Yanran away.

"Rian, why did Father call me here?"

After getting on the carriage, Li Yanran slowly asked Ruian.

"Your Highness, you should know very well!"

Looking at Li Yanran, Ruian was also a little depressed.

You did that to me just now, and now you want to get information from me. It's not that easy. "Humph, if you don't say it, then I will tell my father that you are delaying my journey to the palace just for the sake of your words."

Looking at Ruian's dark face, Li Yanran curled her lips.

You're still having a little temper with me, right? See what you can do?
"you you.."

Hearing this, Ruian felt bad all over.

It's obvious that you want to eat, but I'm forced to eat with you, and now you're going to beat me up?
Is there any reason for this.

"What are you talking about? Tell me quickly!"

"Your Majesty summoned you here because of the price of food in Chang'an. His Majesty had already summoned Cui Shangshu to ask questions.

But he said that all this was your work, so His Majesty summoned you to see him.

It was just to confirm whether what Cui Shangshu said was true or false. After all, this was a big deal. "

Ruian was helpless, he really couldn't afford to offend Li Yanran.

Too special is broken.

To say that she is a demon king is to look down upon the demon king. This thing is just like a piece of rain in front of Li Yanran.

"I see!"

Although she had guessed it in advance, she had her own calculations in mind after hearing the details.


Ruian also turned his head that way, not wanting to talk to Li Yanran.

Li Yanran also crossed her arms and didn't want to talk to Ruian.

The two of them were speechless all the way into the palace.


Just as Ruian was about to go in to report, Li Yanran had already brushed past him and rushed in.

"Stand there for me!"

Seeing Li Yanran's figure, Li Zhi also stared at her and shouted angrily at her.


Li Yanran was stunned and stood still.

"Tell me, what's the food situation in Chang'an?"

"Father, listen to my explanation!"

Li Yanran said and leaned towards Li Zhi.

"Just stand there and don't move. Let's make it clear first. Why are you doing something about food? It's related to the national economy and people's livelihood!"

Li Zhi pointed at his daughter, his eyes full of anger.

This was Li Yanran. If it had been anyone else, he would have slapped her in the face.

"Father, have you forgotten the problems you encountered in preparing food and grass?

You also said that food is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Do you always have to be controlled by others? "

Li Yanran also curled her lips. If I didn't want to vent my anger on you, I would really be too lazy to deal with these things.

"Then can you solve the current predicament by doing this?"

Li Zhi also frowned when he heard Li Yanran say this.

If this matter had been in the past, it would not have been a problem at all, because Datang had a lot of food reserves, enough to support several wars.

But now that we have been on war for many years, the national treasury is empty and there is a shortage of food and grass. Otherwise, how could we be at the mercy of others?

These grain merchants are really going too far, seizing the current opportunity to enrich the country.

"That's natural. What I want to do this time is to completely defeat them and then become the largest grain merchant in Chang'an and even the entire Tang Dynasty.

At that time, no matter when the country needs it, I will be able to provide food and grass as soon as possible.

At the same time, I also gave my father a bad breath. If you dare to bully my father, you must first ask me if I agree. "

Li Yanran put her hands in her pockets, glanced at her father, and expressed her thoughts.

"You, you actually think so?"

Li Zhi also felt a little embarrassed. After all, the other party was doing it for the country and himself.

But he loses his temper indiscriminately, which is really bad.

"Of course, after all, I am also the princess of the Tang Dynasty, so I should naturally consider it for the Tang Dynasty.

Father has been so kind to me, so I should help you teach those scoundrels a lesson. "

Li Yanran nodded and still stood there.

"Come here and talk first!"

Glancing at his girl's aggrieved face, Li Zhi also waved to her to come over and talk.

"Forget it, I'd better stay here to avoid offending my father."

Li Yanran also stared at the father in front of her, showing no intention of passing by.

"Okay, this time I blamed you wrongly, come here quickly!"

"All right!"

Li Yanran smiled and quickly approached Li Zhi.

"You did go a little too far this time. After all, this is food. Can't you talk to me before you do this?"

Li Zhi held Li Yanran in his arms and knocked her little head.

"I didn't have time to tell you, didn't I? I originally thought that everything would be settled before telling my father, but I didn't expect that nothing could be hidden from your eyes."

Li Yanran also covered her head and wrinkled her nose at her father.

"There is nothing in the Tang Dynasty that can be hidden from my eyes. You are too underestimating me!"

Li Zhi also glared, "I'm not blind or deaf, but you can hide these actions from anyone."

"Next time definitely!"

Li Yanran also shrank her neck and stuck out her tongue at her father.

"Next time, how are you going to end it this time?

Now the food in Chang'an has been hyped up. If it continues like this, the people will not be able to survive. "

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran again. The situation was now a foregone conclusion. If he really let it go, big problems would occur.

"Don't worry. It can be completed in as little as seven days or as long as half a decade. There will definitely be no problems."

Li Yanran thought for a moment and told the time limit.

"Then do you have enough food? If you want to do this, you need a lot of food to stabilize the market price."

Li Zhi frowned. If you want to solve the problem so quickly, you must have a huge amount of food to pave the way. Otherwise, it may collapse in the end.

"Don't worry, I collected more than 100 million stones of grain and grass as early as last year. I saved 50 stones of grain and grass near Chang'an alone, which is enough to have fun with those unscrupulous businessmen."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, how could he not prepare these things.

"Do you have enough money?"

Hearing that Li Yanran was all ready, a light flashed in Li Zhi's eyes.

"Father, what do you want to do?"

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