My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 626 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!

Chapter 626 The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!
Li Yanran frowned and spoke slowly.

"Your Highness is right. There are many dignitaries and dignitaries in Chang'an, but they all belong to property and don't have much cash.

When the strong wind blows, they will be eager to enter the venue. Will they still be worried then? "

Di Renjie smiled slightly, where are you?

After a few days, when those people see the benefits, they will jump out on their own. The 20 yuan should not be a loss.

"The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. Either you will make a lot of money, or you will be buried in the storm. Greed is the biggest original sin!"

Li Yanran also nodded, this is the current situation in Chang'an.

Everyone knows that this trend about food will not last long, but no one will let go of this opportunity.

The greater the risk, the greater the profit.

As long as you are not the last person to take over, you can make a lot of money.

As for who will end up losing everything, as long as it's not them, they can't control it.

"This sentence is really appropriate. If nothing happens, I will go back to the agricultural and food industry.

If we want to solve it quickly, we need to continue to build momentum. At the same time, our back-up staff should also take action. "

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran and wanted to leave.

The key now is to quickly let this wind blow to the limit, and then it can end as quickly as possible.

Nip possible crises in the bud.

"Well, let's go!"


In one day, the food tripled, from 35 qian a dou to [-] qian.

This is naturally a happy thing for those grain merchants, but for ordinary people, it is nothing less than a nightmare.

Especially those who have no food reserves, facing such high prices, they can only bite the bullet and buy some food to survive for the time being.

The consequence of the increase in food prices is that the overall price of goods in Chang'an has soared. Although it is not as outrageous as food, it is still frightening enough.

"Shopkeeper, the price of food has increased to 35 cents. Are we going to ship it out?"

The young man He Guo looked at Liu Feng. He really had never thought that the price of food could rise to such a price. It really made him feel uncomfortable.

They already had 1 shi of grain storage on hand, and with the more than [-] shi received in the past two days, they already had [-] shi of grain on hand.

If all of this was released, he wouldn't be able to make up for the money he earned.

"Shipping? What are you thinking about? Where are you now? Do you believe it? I said the price of food can be increased to two hundred yuan or more?"

Liu Feng glared at the other party. He was satisfied with only 35 dollars?
Let’s not talk about the problem of collecting grain and grass from the Ministry of Revenue. Let’s just talk about the current situation. The moment he releases the grain, it will be robbed by people.

In this case, they would stop here. He had borrowed [-] yuan before. If he didn't spend all the money, how could he deserve the trust of his boss.

After all, he got it from selling his house and land. If he couldn't make tens of thousands of dollars, Cui Yuqing would never let him go.

"Two or two hundred dollars? Do you mean twenty times the amount?"

"Haha, twenty times, who knows if it will be even crazier!"

Liu Feng sneered, twenty times, who knows whether it will increase to fifty times or a hundred times.

Although if the price really rises to this level, the court will definitely intervene, but so what?

Can you really cut yourself off?If this were the case, the foundation of the Tang Dynasty might be over.

He bet on the emperor and bet on the court that he would not dare.

The only way to stop the food chaos in Chang'an now is to use massive amounts of food to break the situation.

But is it possible?
If the imperial court really had so many grain reserves, the chaos in Chang'an would not have occurred.

So Liu Feng was determined to eat this feast.


The boy was too frightened to speak because he had nothing to say.

Is this Chang'an still Chang'an?

He no longer knows.

If this was the case, he was not sure whether he could stay in the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

"Stop hissing and keep buying it for me. As long as someone is willing to sell it, money is not a problem!"


The boy left immediately, mounted his horse and left.

In order to ensure the movement of his own people, Liu Feng also rented several horses from the leasing company, just to ensure the speed of news.

"Commander Di, the price of food has risen to 35 yuan now, do you still want to continue to collect it?"

Xu Wei looked at Di Renjie with some fear. He didn't know Li Yanran's plan. Now that the food had tripled, he was really scared.

Not only are they afraid of a food collapse, but they are also afraid that they will not be able to receive food, and the Ministry of Revenue will not be able to explain it when the time comes.

"Collect it, but you have to collect it openly and drag it secretly. Do you understand what I mean?"

Di Renjie used his signature trick from last time, dragging the word trick.

The current price can be said to be one price at a time. You can't come up with cash, and the seller will regret it at any time.

In this case, he can raise the price to an incredible level without spending much money.

"Commander Di, I'm afraid your original intention was not to purchase grain. Could it be that this is all an illusion?"

Hearing Di Renjie's words, Xu Wei reacted immediately.

The other party had no intention of helping the Ministry of Household Affairs complete the so-called purchase of 100 million shi of grain, but just for publicity.

He had also heard of the game involving Coal before, and it seemed that this was the trick used.

But this is food, not coal.

Charcoal may cost a few hundred shi, or at most [-] shi, which is enough to drive down the price.

Judging from the current situation, even if the news from the Ministry of Revenue is false, it is impossible to calm down the chaos in Chang'an without more than ten or two hundred thousand dan.Could it be that my boss actually has so much food?

This is impossible!
Who would save so much food if they were fine? It's not the national treasury. How is this possible?

"Your Highness doesn't need anyone who talks too much, do you understand?"

Di Renjie frowned, Xu Wei finally noticed it.

"Xu Wei understands!"

Xu Wei shuddered, and hurriedly saluted Di Renjie, then turned around and left.

After Xu Wei left, Di Renjie also closed the door tightly and began to wait for news.

In the past two or three days, Chang'an's food supply has soared, as if it has soared into the sky.

The price of grain increased from 35 qian per dou to [-] qian per dou.

This price can no longer be called crazy, it is simply abnormal.

The common people couldn't bear it anymore, so they could only start frequent petitions to various ministries, especially the Ministry of Household Affairs, asking them to stabilize prices and give themselves a way out.

"If there is any problem, all officials will report it early, and if there is no problem, they will leave the court!"

Ruian stood up, cleared his throat and shouted to the civil and military people below.

"Your Majesty, I have the original performance!"

Yanguan Xu He stood up directly and saluted Li Zhi on the dragon throne.


Li Zhi frowned. What bothered him the most was these so-called officials.

He talks about the people of the world all day long, but in fact the impeachment is about trivial matters.

If it weren't for the speech-official system established by his father, he would really want to eliminate all these people.

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach Cui Xiuye, the Minister of Household Affairs.

He served as the Minister of Household Affairs but did not do his best for the country. He ignored the life and death of the people and allowed the price of grain in Chang'an City to skyrocket. "

Xu He glanced at Cui Xiuye ​​on the side and directly stated his impeachment.

"Your Majesty, I also want to impeach Cui Xiuye ​​for his inaction, which caused Chang'an's food supply to increase thirty-fold in a few days.

Now Chang'an is full of mourning, and the people have no food to eat.

I also hope that your Majesty will severely punish Cui Xiuye, and then take action to calm prices and restore peace to the people. "

Yanguan Hou Yong also stood beside Xu He and followed him to impeach Cui Xiuye.

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach you too!"

"The minister also wants to impeach!"

After a while, four or five officials all stood up and looked at Cui Xiuye ​​who was standing aside with cold eyes.

Hearing that so many people were impeaching, Li Zhi couldn't help but frowned.

He knew the specific situation and also took out 20 yuan from Nenu for investment.

If the food prices in Chang'an are really calmed down now, how much money will he still make?

How to complete Li Yanran's plan.

How to get rid of the bad breath before.

"Cui Xiuye, do you have anything to say?"

After looking at Cui Xiuye ​​who was calm and composed, he could only let him take the blame now.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I'm incompetent. The Ministry of Revenue has summoned the grain merchants to discuss it, and they also said they would find ways to stabilize prices."

Cui Xiuye ​​stepped forward and looked at Li Zhi, his eyes full of depression.

He had long thought that such a scene would happen, so he had summoned grain merchants, big and small, to discuss it before.

But the more he behaves like this, the faster the food supply in the city increases.

Because he represents the Ministry of Household Affairs, even the Ministry of Household Affairs has to negotiate with them in a low voice, which means that the imperial court does not have enough food to calm the price of goods in Chang'an.

So they become more and more confident.

"Your Majesty, I think that Cui Xiuye's household department has not fulfilled its responsibilities at all, and is really shirk.

How can the dignified household department discuss with those merchants? All those unscrupulous people should be arrested and killed outside the Meridian Gate.

Only in this way can we shock all parties and bring the food back to the previous level. "

A coldness flashed across Xu He's face. When you discuss with those merchants, you don't know that they are all profit-seeking people.

Besides, what can you do if you discuss it? Food prices are still going up.

To say you are incompetent is an understatement.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that Cui Xiuye ​​and those grain merchants be thoroughly investigated.

It depends on whether he colludes with those unscrupulous businessmen and secretly drives up food prices, which will lead to the current situation in Chang'an. "

Hou Yong also sneered.

The emperor is considered a great leader after all, and it is absolutely impossible for him to allow the common people to manipulate food prices wantonly.

If he could really capture Cui Xiuye ​​in one fell swoop and suppress the price of food in Chang'an.

He can become famous instantly and become a hero in the hearts of the people of Chang'an, and at the same time, he can also let the emperor see his abilities.

This is crucial to his future career.

"Your Majesty, I object! Grain merchants are merchants, and the current price of grain is also due to reasons.

As long as grain from other places is transferred to Chang'an, the price of grain in Chang'an will naturally subside.

Now that we are taking action against those grain merchants, where is the credibility of the court? Who in the Tang Dynasty dares to do business!
I also hope that His Majesty will learn from you. "

(End of this chapter)

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