My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 633 This wine 8888

Cui Xiuye ​​was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

A bottle of Yuye wine is worth [-] guan. It can be said that you are a child. How can you still raise the price now?

"You said it was a bottle, but here is a jar!"

"A jar? Where is there a jar?"

Cui Xiuye ​​felt like he was going crazy. You, the lion, can't do this even if you open your mouth.

You have to be more reliable when you speak, right?
"Cui Shangshu, here!"

Di Renjie also opened the curtain next to him, revealing the jade liquor he had brought.

"Your Highness, stop making trouble! This is no joke!"

Cui Xiuye ​​felt a wave of cold air rushing directly to his Tianling Gai.

He admitted that he was scared, really scared.

A small bottle of jade liquid wine would cost five hundred guan. Such a large bottle would cost him his life.

"Are you kidding? I'm not going to slander you. This jar of jade liquor sells for 880 guan outside.

I’ll give you a preferential price, five thousand, eight hundred and eighty eight dollars. This is very reasonable! "

Cui Xiuye ​​was confused when he heard the price, and Di Renjie was also confused.

He knew the price of this jar of jade liquid wine. It was sold for four thousand guan, so where did the eight thousand, eighty-eight thousand guan come from.

Your Highness is so naughty.

"Your Highness, I only drank a little of this wine, can we stop doing this?"

Cui Xiuye ​​was about to cry. Five thousand, eight hundred and eighty eight strings, he couldn't even get it together even if he killed him.

"What do you say?"

Li Yanran didn't give him a chance. This is the price. Let's see if you dare to poach me next time.

"Your Highness, you can't do this. Cui Xiuye's salary is only so small. You are forcing me to die!
Otherwise, you should report it to His Majesty, I admit it! "

Cui Xiuye ​​suddenly felt that it didn't matter even if Li Yanran really went to the emperor to complain, since he would die anyway.

Rather than being ripped off and beaten to death, it would be better to be punished by the emperor.


Li Yanran didn't expect that she couldn't bear more than 5000 pounds?
Is this Cui Xiuye ​​still a poor man?
"Your Highness, if nothing happens, I'll go back first!"

Now that Cui Xiuye ​​has decided to let things go, Cui Xiuye ​​is not ready to say anything else.

"and many more!"

Seeing that Cui Xiuye ​​had broken the jar, Li Yanran was also depressed.

The duck you got is going to fly away, how is this possible?

"Your Highness, what else is there?"

Cui Xiuye ​​has no desire at this moment. It's all bad luck anyway, so let's let the storm come more violently!

"Are you really not afraid?"

"Cui Xiuye ​​has already said that everything is up to His Highness, I don't care anymore!"

Cui Xiuye ​​will be like an old monk entering samadhi now, without joy or sorrow, just follow Li Yanran's will.

"Let's do this. You give me an IOU. As long as you don't poach me within a year, this wine will be treated as a gift from me. If I find out again, how about double the repayment?"

Li Yanran glanced at Cui Xiuye ​​and expressed her inner thoughts.

She still knew the truth about thieves not taking advantage of him. She had to put a tight spell on Cui Xiuye, otherwise she would be annoying to death.


Cui Xiuye ​​actually wanted to refuse in his heart. After all, this bottle of wine was too expensive. If it were doubled again, it would be ten thousand guan.

"Do you really want me to complain to my father? Besides, I just want to teach you a lesson!"

Seeing Cui Xiuye's hesitation, Li Yanran spoke again.

If this tight curse was not put on, she would really have trouble sleeping and eating.

"That's fine!"

Cui Xiuye ​​weighed it and chose to give in.

If you can save [-] yuan a year, how can this deal be considered appropriate?

The worst case scenario is to wait until a year later, when you are debt-free, before poaching.

I am so smart.

"Well, get a pen and paper!"


Di Renjie went directly outside to get the pen and paper.

Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at Li Yanran and wrote down the IOU.

"Your Highness, please take a look!"

"Well, that's it. Do you want to continue drinking? If the wine is not enough, I will bring two more jars!"

Li Yanran put away the IOU, got up and left.

"Stop drinking!"

Cui Xiuye ​​was depressed and drank too much.

If you drink more, you might even end up with a few IOUs.

"Why don't you go home then? Do you want me to send someone to take you off?"

"No, no, Cui Xiuye ​​takes his leave!"

Cui Xiuye ​​didn't dare to linger, he slapped his butt and ran away.

"and many more!"


Cui Xiuye ​​also braked suddenly and stood still.

I've been scolded, and I've been issued an IOU, so what else is there?
"You didn't take the wine. Why, do you look down on me?"

Looking at the wine jar still in the corner, Li Yanran also frowned.

Why, the IOU has been paid and I don’t want the wine?
"Look at my brain, thank you for the reminder, Your Highness!"

Hearing this, Cui Xiuye ​​was stunned for a moment. He also saluted Li Yanran and asked the boy to come over and bring the wine.

"Let's go too! It's almost time for curfew. Don't get caught by the Jinwu guards patrolling the streets then!"

I rolled my eyes at Di Renjie, I am so worried about you.


Di Renjie hurriedly saluted and left behind Li Yanran.

The next day Cui Xiuye ​​also called the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs to his side.

"Publish the notice and say that food for the front line has been prepared." "???"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was dumbfounded.

The current food disaster in Chang'an is caused by this military ration. Now you say that everything has been prepared?

is it possible?

Anyway, they don’t believe it, this is simply impossible!
"Cui Shangshu, the current situation in Chang'an is obvious to everyone. Even if you want to suppress prices in Chang'an, you can't do this."

"That's right, Cui Shangshu, even if you do this now, it probably won't have any effect. Those businessmen won't listen to your words."

"Cui Shangshu, think twice before you act. If this is the case, they will definitely make trouble again, and the people of Chang'an will be the unlucky ones!"

A group of officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs all tried to persuade him. These people were more or less connected to those aristocratic families.

If this news is true, then not just one or two people are going to die in Chang'an.

The whole of Chang'an will be filled with mourning.

"This is His Majesty's will. Do you dare to disobey it?"

Cui Xiuye ​​smiled coldly, knowing what roles you all play, but this is the emperor's will, what else can you do?

Are you disobeying the decree?
How many heads are there to chop off?


Everyone was silent when they heard that this was the emperor's order.

It turned out to be a holy will. Could it be that the emperor was going to start interfering in Chang'an's food prices?
This is a little awkward.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and post the notice!"


Now everyone didn't dare to say anything anymore. After everyone saluted, they went to post the notice.

"Shopkeeper, something happened!"

He Guo rushed all the way to Liu Feng, his eyes filled with horror.

"What's wrong? Didn't I say that no matter who sells food anymore, we won't accept it!"

Liu Feng sat on the sofa and glanced at He Guo disdainfully.

Now that he has finished fishing, he can only finally harvest.

As for the rest, he couldn't control it, and he didn't want to.

"Shopkeeper, the news I just got is from the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance said."

"What did Tobe say?"

Liu Feng also frowned when he heard the news about the Ministry of Household Affairs.

How come there is news from the Ministry of Revenue? Could it be that there is something wrong?
"The Ministry of Revenue said that the preparations for the grain and grass needed ahead have been completed, and the Ministry of Revenue will no longer purchase grain from Chang'an."

He Guo's words were already crying. If this news is true, the price of food in Chang'an will definitely plummet.

When the time comes, my shopkeeper will have to commit suicide by drowning himself in the river.

Not only his boss, but also everyone in Chang'an who participated in this hunt will suffer a huge loss.

He didn't know how many people would die because of this family.


Liu Feng jumped up from the sofa, his eyes full of fear just like He Guo.

"You told me that you were joking just now. Tell me that you are talking nonsense!"

He grabbed He Guo's collar and shouted at him like a devil.

"It's all true. The notice will be posted soon. Shopkeeper, what should we do?"

He Guo also shuddered, but still told the truth.

"What to do? How do I know what to do? This must be a trick by the Ministry of Revenue to suppress food prices. I can't panic!"

Liu Feng pushed He Guo away, his eyes full of coldness.

"Right, this must be Tobe's trick, right~"

Looking at He Guo again, Liu Feng also asked in a low voice.

"That should be it!"

He Guo was about to cry now, the shopkeeper looked so scary.

He didn't dare to say anything anymore.

If you make the shopkeeper anxious, someone will die.

"Prepare the carriage immediately. I'm going to Zhou Hai and the others. Everyone should keep calm. If you lose your temper, it will be over."


Soon the carriage arrived in front of Zhou Hai's shop. As soon as he got off the carriage, Zhou Hai ran out from inside.

"Liu Feng, something serious has happened!"

Looking at Liu Feng in front of him, Zhou Hai went up to him directly.

"I just got the news, so I hurried to find you."

Liu Feng also nodded, indicating that he already knew.

"Then what do you think?"

Zhou Hai frowned, he was panicking now.

If this was true, it would all be over.

“Don’t panic, we must first stabilize our position and gather people from all the grain stores, and then we will boycott collectively.

As long as we don't let a grain of grain flow into the market, even if the Ministry of Revenue really wants to rely on this to suppress grain prices, it will be impossible. "

Liu Feng quickly expressed his thoughts.

As long as everyone breaks the string, there is still room for change in this matter.

Once someone opens a mouth, everyone will be buried together.

"Well, we thought of going together, so we called the grain merchants from all over Chang'an to come over and discuss the matter.

Anyone who dares to sell a piece of grain is going against everyone. Don't blame me for killing people. "

Zhou Hai also looked angry, and Liu Feng was right.

Now everyone will share the same hatred, otherwise everyone will be buried together.

Not just them, but also the proprietors behind them.

"Well, call them over quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"


Soon a boy arrived at the Minnong Food Store.

"Guest officer, what do you want?"

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