My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 653 Hunger Marketing!

Li Yanran had already made a plan in her mind. Since she wanted to have an abortion, she would just have it done.

A bottle of facial mask can last for more than a week, and if used once, it can last half a month.

Two hundred guan for half a month, she believed that those royal ladies would be willing to pay this little money for their own face.

After all, why do men make money, but to provide flowers for their wives and children?

"Your Highness, isn't this a little too expensive? After all, how much does it cost?"

Di Renjie knew the cost price of the Pearl Six Flavor Cream. Except for the portion given to the Queen, the rest was made of Dongzhu.

The cost is no more than twenty guan at most, but now you have doubled it ten times.

Really too cruel.

"Is it a lot? Luxury goods have to have the price of luxury goods. If it becomes a street stall, wouldn't it mean that the value of those people will be lost? They are eager to sell this pearl six-flavor cream at a sky-high price!"

Li Yanran didn't take it seriously. She was still able to handle the psychological aspect.

It doesn't matter if you have more money or less, the most important thing is your identity.

"That's all right!"

Di Renjie had nothing to say.

This industry is yours, you can price it however you like.

If you can't sell it by then, you won't have to blame yourself.

Pearl Liuwei Cream and Sibai Cream were shipped to Lan Kwai Fong, and Zhou Qing also began an intensive publicity campaign.

The donkey knights in blue vests also ran in the streets of Chang'an, making Lan Kwai Fong's press conference well-known to everyone.

The ladies who got the invitation letters also started stamping them according to the previous rules. After stamping them, they looked forward to the press conference.

On the day of the press conference, Li Yanran also took Li Hong and Di Renjie to the second floor of Lan Kwai Fong early.

After they arrived, it didn't take long for the ladies of Chang'an to drive over.

Jing Zhaoyin's government officials also arrived early and began to ease traffic to prevent congestion here.

These are all people with status. If they are really blocked outside, I wonder how uncomfortable they will be.


With the sound of a gong, Zhou Qing also appeared in front of everyone in formal attire.

After making his opening remarks, Zhou Qing also clapped his hands and announced the start of the press conference.

The previous ones were still about the release of new perfumes. During this period, Lan Kwai Fong's perfumes also changed from a few floral scents at the beginning to more than a dozen.

This time, the latest fragrance types are also released.

Faced with the perfumes that they had been so attracted to before, these ladies were simply not interested.

They came here for the Pearl Six Flavor Cream, and they could just wait until later to buy the perfume and so on.

"It seems that no one is interested in this perfume anymore, so let's go straight to the main course!"

Zhou Qing also felt everyone's emotions and didn't care about anything else. He directly ordered the boys to take out the facial masks.

Seeing the brocade box being pushed out, everyone's eyes widened, looking forward to the facial mask.

"This time Lan Kwai Fong has launched a total of three facial masks. The cheapest one is the Sibai Cream, which sells for [-] yuan a bottle.

Then there is the pearl six-flavor cream that everyone is most concerned about, which costs [-] yuan per bottle.

Finally, there is this supreme VIP version of Pearl Six Flavor Cream, priced at [-] guan per bottle! "

Zhou Qing also told the price of this mask neatly.

"Two or two hundred dollars a bottle?"

"The supreme version costs two thousand strings?"

Upon hearing Zhou Qing's quotation, the entire audience gasped.

They were well prepared when they came. They originally thought that no matter how expensive this mask was, it would be the same as perfume at most.

But I didn't expect that the price was doubled.

This is really crazy.

"I forgot to tell you, due to the scarcity of raw materials, there are only [-] bottles of this Pearl Six Flavor Cream for this press conference! And there is only one bottle of this Supreme Edition."

Zhou Qing was slightly shocked when he heard the pricing, but he still had to say what needed to be said.

"Zhou Qing, does this Pearl Six Flavor Cream have a membership price?"

Changsun glanced at the people around him and sneered.

A bunch of country bumpkins, if they find it too expensive, they can buy Sibai Cream, so why bother trying to snatch this Pearl Six Flavor Cream from themselves?

"Mrs. Changsun, as long as we sell items in Lan Kwai Fong, members are entitled to a [-]% discount."

Zhou Qing smiled. Mrs. Changsun asked just the right question, and that was exactly what she wanted to say.

The VIP in Lan Kwai Fong is very useful. If you get into it once, you will benefit from it for life.

"Well, let me order ten bottles first! If you give it a [-]% discount, wouldn't it be equivalent to buying four and getting one free? What a bargain!"

Changsun also smiled. Among these ladies, she was the oldest, and her need for this mask was naturally the most urgent.

Besides, how many more years does she have to live? If she just leaves like this, wouldn’t it be a waste to leave behind thousands of belongings?

"Then I want ten bottles too!"

On the other hand, Cheng Yaojin's wife also hurriedly spoke. She was not too young and she didn't care at all about spending money on herself.

What is money?She has no idea.

In the past, when Cheng Yaojin was making money alone, she was still able to afford it, but now that her son is promising, she is even more willing to do so.

"I want ten bottles too!"

"I also want!"

For a time, all the ladies were rushing to speak, and they bought ten bottles of five, and soon the two hundred bottles of Pearl Six Flavor Cream were all sold out.

The ladies who didn't buy the facial mask also began to regret, wondering how much money they could save for the old man at home.He was out having fun, buying some facial masks to moisturize his skin.

Damn it!
It's fine now, hesitation is in vain, and in the end, you get nothing.

"That's it for today's announcement. We in Lan Kwai Fong have prepared some souvenirs. Please accept them, ladies!"

Now that the mask has almost been sold, Zhou Qing has nothing to say.

It's time to give gifts.

Li Yanran attaches great importance to the service in Lan Kwai Fong. Although no one here is an ordinary person, she does not hit anyone with a smile.

The etiquette is in place, and few people go out of their way to gossip.

The souvenir this time is still the same, a bottle of sample perfume per person. The difference is that this time a small bottle of pearl six-flavor cream is added for those people to go back and experience it.

"Wait a minute, how long will it take for the facial mask to arrive after this time? After all, mine is almost used up, so you can't let me go without food!"

The noble lady who had not bought it before was also a little nervous. Who knew that she just hesitated and two hundred bottles were sold out.

I am used to putting on a facial mask before going to bed. How uncomfortable it would be if I lost it!
"It will take at least five days."

In fact, there are many facial masks in the land, at least there are many more than what is exposed.

The reason why not all of them are taken out is actually just one word.

Li Yanran's so-called hunger marketing is to attract those ladies who are reluctant to let go.

You used to have a facial mask to moisturize you, but now I want you to try it without a facial mask. Then you won’t think this mask is expensive.

"Five days, just five days!"

When they heard that it would take five days for new facial masks to arrive, these people could only accept their fate.

"Sister, there are still many facial masks in Fengdi, why don't you sell them?"

After the press conference ended, Li Hong also looked at his elder sister, feeling a little confused.

What does it mean to leave so much money without making any money?

"Di Renjie, tell me!"

Li Yanran doesn't want to talk to Li Hong, is this his biological brother?
What a brain!

"Your Highness, have you ever been hungry?"

Di Renjie naturally understood what Li Yanran said, and smiled and asked Li Hong.

"Of course I'm hungry!"

Li Hong nodded, not understanding what Di Renjie meant by this.

"So what does it feel like to take the first bite of food after being hungry?"

"Of course it is a delicacy in the world, no, am I asking you this? You are a bit out of your mind!"

Li Hong immediately realized something was wrong after replying, and asked Di Renjie with wide eyes.

“Your Highness, this is actually why this mask is in limited supply.

People who are full will never think that food is very important. Only when they experience hunger will they burst out with stronger desires. "

Di Renjie also expressed all his understanding of hunger marketing.

Only when they experience the feeling of missing a facial mask will they understand that they can no longer live without it.

In this way, they won't care about the mere price of [-] guan.

"So that's it, sister, you are so insidious!"

Hearing this, Li Hong also shuddered.

If you were in it, you would definitely have difficulty escaping from this combination of punches.

After all, she is my sister, she is really amazing.

Li Yanran slapped her in the face. What does it mean to be insidious?

I call this marketing, you big brain is insidious.

"Sister, why did you hit me again?"

Li Hong covered his head, his eyes full of depression.

I don’t know why I got slapped again.

"Insidious? This is a normal business method. If you dare to say nonsense again, I will beat you!"

Seeing Li Hong who was unconvinced, Li Yanran slapped him again.

You little bastard, you have been punished so many times because of this foot mouth, and you still don't have a long memory.


Li Hong also had nothing to say. After all, she was his elder sister. He couldn't fight her, nor could she talk her way out. There was no other way to go but to surrender with both hands.

"Your Highness, would you like to send some facial masks to Luoyang?
After all, the sales volume of this facial mask in Chang'an will not be too high for the time being. Instead of accumulating it here, it is better to put it in Luoyang and let Mr. Li Xiaolang take action in advance.
If it can bloom in both places, and then use the two centers of Chang'an and Luoyang to push Pearl Six Flavor Frost to the entire Tang Dynasty. "

Di Renjie can become the famous Mr. Di Ge, both in terms of vision and overall control, he is the best.

He is very optimistic about the sales prospects of facial masks.

If it can go according to his expectations, then as Li Yanran said before, this will be a golden mountain.

An inexhaustible mountain of gold.

As long as the secret recipe of the facial mask is not broken, you can use it for a lifetime.

"Now you can send some facial masks to Li Siwen first, but don't sell them. First, find some dignitaries and important people to send them to.

Remember, you can give it away but not sell it. You must whet your appetite. Also, I don’t want the ladies in Chang’an to know that we have facial masks and instead of selling them, they will send them to Luoyang. "

Li Yanran thought about it for a while. Di Renjie's idea was good, but he still had to say who should get it.

Chang'an has always been the center of the Tang Dynasty and even the world, and the customers here have the highest priority in her heart.

So I can only feel sorry for the ladies of Luoyang. You are waiting, and I will save money as soon as possible!
"Di Renjie understands!"

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