My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 668: Imperial envoy, special envoy?

Li Yanran glared at her father, why do you expect me to do dark things?

I just want to activate the canal as soon as possible. Of course, if someone jumps out to cause trouble, it is not impossible to throw it into the river to feed the fish.

In short, making money is her first priority. If anyone dares to stretch out his claws, just chop them off.

She really didn't believe that her father could refuse such a profit.

"Why don't you just send someone to go there? Isn't Di Renjie very good? There must be no problem in letting him go!"

As Li Yanran thought, Li Zhi really didn't want to give up the profits brought by the canal.

And that's not all he saw. The importance of the Grand Canal built by the previous government has become more and more obvious now.

The towns around the canal have begun to rise with the wind. If Li Yanran can really make full use of the role of the canal, it will not only prosper the economy, but also benefit the people around it and increase national tax revenue.

This can be said to be a move of great benefit and no harm, so naturally he might give up.

But he was a little worried about having his daughter travel thousands of miles to Luoyang alone.

"Father, I would like to send someone over casually, but I'm not at ease.

This is related to the direction of the next few decades, I have to go through it myself! "

Li Yanran shook her head, and of course she couldn't send Di Renjie there. After all, although the other party was smart, his identity was flawed.

What could a small commander of the city do? Moreover, this time she might have to contact Liu Gu who was left behind in Luoyang, so she had to go there in person.

"But if your mother knows about this, she will definitely hate me to death. Why don't you go and ask your mother for an order first?"

After thinking about it for a while, Li Zhi couldn't say anything, but Li Yanran's departure could be as fast as one or two months, or as slow as three to five months.

If Wu Zetian discovers this, he will not fall out with himself.

"Father, do you think Aniang might agree?

If you want me to confess to my mother-in-law, then I might as well go back to the fiefdom and stay well, but I won’t be able to get the profit of one million yuan! "

Li Yanran also spread her hands, looking indifferent.

Anyway, if you don’t want money, then just don’t go to Luoyang by yourself.

"Do you really think I care about that little money? The people on both sides of the canal that I care about go to Luoyang, right? I agree.

But there is a premise. You must make something for me this time, otherwise you will really feel sorry for your father and me for worrying about you. "

Li Zhi thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and accepted the job.

"Father, there is one more thing you should answer me for!"

Li Yanran smiled and moved closer to her father again.

"Say, is there anything else?"

Li Yanran smiled, but Li Zhi shuddered, wondering what other plans she had.

"When I go to Luoyang, you must give me some rights, otherwise I'm afraid those Luoyang officials and merchants won't sell me the face of a princess."

Li Yanran slapped her father's thigh, Luoyang was no better than Chang'an.

Here are my father, several princes, and Jin Wuwei to help.

If I didn't bring a knife with me, those monsters and monsters might jump out.

"They dare!"

Li Zhi's beard is flying. Who dares not to sell my daughter's face and rebel against them?

"Father, the so-called King of Hell is so troublesome to little devils. Aren't I afraid that something unexpected will happen and I will lose the royal family's face?"

Li Yanran curled her lips. In some places, the so-called emperor's order was not effective even if the county magistrate said it.

You don’t give me rights, I only have a name, I can scare people but I can’t kill them.

"But how old you are, it's unreasonable to grant you an official title!"

Li Zhi frowned, it wasn't that he didn't want to give Li Yanran an official title, it was just that she was too young.

Although several other princes have official positions, they are all in remote positions.

Now you not only have to go to Luoyang in person, but you also have to hold an official position, which is against the law.

"I'm young, but there are people around me who are old enough, including Di Renjie and Li Siwen.

And I only want a temporary official position, such as special imperial envoy. "

Li Yanran smiled. In her opinion, these problems were not problems at all.

As for your age, you just need to find someone who is good enough for you.

"Special envoy? That's not impossible. Then I will grant Li Siwen the title of special envoy to Luoyang.

Having the right to mobilize troops and horses in Luoyang and surrounding areas, this is okay! "

Li Zhi thought for a while, and the temporary official position of special envoy was okay. Use it if you need it, and waste it if you use it.

Compared with Di Renjie, Li Siwen is the best candidate in terms of wealth and reputation.

"Okay, then my daughter will thank her father!"

Li Yanran smiled. This special envoy was like an imperial envoy in later generations, representing the supreme imperial power.

With such an identity, if she can't win Luoyang anymore, she will really be embarrassed to face her father's support.

"Yes, but there is something I need to tell you first. You can go to Luoyang, but Hong'er must not go."

Li Zhi nodded, and then said his last request.

It's not that he doesn't love his daughter, but because Li Hong has too many things on his shoulders, there must be no problems.

"This is natural, Yanran knows!"

Li Yanran sighed again, Hongdi, Hongdi, I’m not a sister and I don’t want to take you to play.

Who told you to have such a special status?

Anyway, you are still young and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

"Well, why don't you leave quickly? Let's pack up and set off as soon as possible.

Two months, I only give you two months.

No matter what the situation is in Luoyang in two months, you have to rush back to me.

Otherwise, I can’t hide it from your mother, do you understand? "

Li Zhi touched his daughter's little cheek, feeling somewhat reluctant.

"Three months, I will definitely come back to my father within three months!"

To be honest, two months is still a bit short. Even if I keep traveling back and forth, it will take more than 20 days. "Okay, remember, you must comfort Hong'er and don't let him leak the news. If your mother finds out, I will not be responsible."


Li Yanran naturally knew that Li Hong was a variable, and naturally had ways to deal with him.

"Then why don't you hurry up and leave?"

"Why are you standing there stunned? Father, you haven't given me the imperial edict yet, how can I leave!"

Li Yanran is also depressed. You haven't given me the imperial edict yet, so I'll just leave.

"I forgot about this. Can't I just write it to you now?"

Li Zhi also scratched his head, but he had forgotten about it.

"Father, let me help you grind it!"

Since the imperial edict was to be written, Li Yanran also came over and helped her father grind it.

After writing the imperial edict, Li Zhi also picked up the jade seal on the desk and covered it.

"Don't abuse your power. If I find out, I will have to kill Li Siwen!"

After handing the imperial edict to Li Yanran, Li Zhi also spoke to her in a serious tone.

This special envoy has so much power that he can even kill her first and then tell her later. If her daughter acts randomly, no one will be able to save Li Siwen.


Li Yanran held the imperial edict in her backhand, saluted her father and walked straight out.



Seeing the old sister, Li Hong jumped over directly.

"Stop talking, follow me!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything, just lowered her head and hurried outside.


Li Hong glanced at the elder sister's back, followed directly behind her without saying anything.

After getting on the carriage and leaving the palace, Li Hong dared to question his elder sister.

"Hey, Brother Hong, I can't help you this time!"

Li Yanran sighed, feeling somewhat embarrassed about her younger brother.

After all, he had benefited. If he wanted to go to Luoyang, he could only force Li Hong to stay in Lishan.

"Sister, what do you mean?"

Li Hong immediately felt bad when he heard what the elder sister said, because he couldn't understand what the other party meant.

"My father has agreed to go to Luoyang, but my sister is incompetent and can't take you there!"

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head and said, "I can't help it. Who calls you the prince of the dynasty?"

"Sister, you."

Li Hong pulled away the elder sister's hand, his eyes full of anger.

We agreed to go to Luoyang together, but you kicked me, your biological brother, out of the car halfway.

You are really my good sister!

"Brother Hong, you have to learn to be patient. When you have the chance, I will definitely take you to Luoyang.

Take a quick tour of the beautiful scenery and visit Shenhua in one day. "

Li Yanran also knew that her younger brother had been wronged, so she also started to draw a big picture.

When she has the opportunity, she will definitely take her little brother to have a good tour of Luoyang.

Although this opportunity may take a long time, she just needs to remember it.

"Just do what sister says! Hong'er can't resist anyway."

Li Hong was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and did not make any noise or refute.

"That's very good. You have to stay well in the fiefdom and don't make things difficult for me. Do you understand?"

Facing such a younger brother, Li Yanran felt a little uncomfortable.

This little brother must be brewing something, so he should be on guard.

"Well, of course I won't embarrass my sister!"

Li Hong lowered his head, an undetectable coldness flashing in his eyes.

After returning to the fiefdom, Li Yanran directly called Di Renjie over.

"Your Highness, how are you?"

Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, Di Renjie also smiled.

"Father has agreed, pack up and prepare to go to Luoyang with me!"


Di Renjie was stunned. Going to Luoyang?
I didn't mention this before. Instead of remote control of Luoyang, why did I go there in person?

"Your Highness, what does this mean?"

"Literally, my father promised me to go to Luoyang in person to deal with the matter of Longmen Escort Agency!"

Li Yanran knew what Di Renjie was thinking, but she had no choice but to fly away from Luoyang.

"But...hey, Di Renjie understands!"

Di Renjie's brows twisted into the Chinese character "Chuan", and in the end he could only sigh, salute and leave.


After Di Renjie left, Li Yanran sent someone to call Wei Shan over.

"Wei Shan, I am going to Luoyang soon, and the affairs of this fiefdom will be left to you then!"

Looking at Wei Shan, Li Yanran also revealed the news that she was planning to march eastward.

"Your Highness, you... you have just come back and you are leaving again?"

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