My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 679 I am a special envoy, Liu Gu, what do you say?

Liu Gu was not afraid at all of Di Renjie's threat.

If he really gave in because of the other party's words, he would have cooperated with Zhang Maosun long ago.

Will I ask my wife to inform you?

It seems that Di Renjie is nothing more than that, not as powerful as imagined.

But he's just a daredevil.

"Really? Lord Liubei, I said before, you never know what the future will be like.

You feel that you are powerful in Luoyang, but is it possible that someone more powerful than you will appear? "

Di Renjie smiled slightly. They had a trump card. Since Liu Gu refused to drink the toast and was fined, don't blame him.

"Someone more powerful than me? Haha, Di Renjie, don't you know the position left behind in Luoyang?
In Luoyang, apart from Your Majesty, I, Liu Gu, am the highest-ranking person.

If that's all you want to say, then I'll take my leave.

And I really want to see how you can deal with me and the family at the same time! "

Liu Gu sneered. He was young after all, so he shouldn't let out some unreasonable things.

Otherwise, not only will you not be able to scare people, but you may also make others laugh.

To put it bluntly, Luoyang had to tremble three times every time he sneezed.

Seeing Liu Gu was about to leave, Di Renjie also gave Li Siwen a look.

"Liu Gu, you can't leave!"

Li Siwen snorted coldly and slapped the table.

"Little bastard, did I give you face?
You are just a person with no official title. How dare you slam the table with me?

It's against you! "

Liu Gu also glared at Li Siwen. I gave you up before, did you really think you were capable?

If I hadn't looked out for the respect of Her Royal Highness the Princess and your father, the British father, I would have dealt with you long ago.

He even yelled at me like crazy.

"Liu Gu, I told you you can't leave!"

Li Siwen still said the same thing, his eyes full of confidence.

He is now the special envoy appointed by the emperor, and can be said to be the biggest person in Luoyang. As for Liu Gu, he is really no match for him.

"I want to see who gives you the confidence, Your Highness Princess? He still can't control me, Liu Gu."

Liu Gu also sneered, turned around and walked towards the layman.

"Liu Gu, take the order!"

Li Siwen shouted directly at Liu Gu.


Upon hearing this, Liu Gu stopped and turned to look at Li Siwen.

Whose will is it, Her Royal Highness the Princess’s will or His Majesty the Emperor’s will?
"What, Liu Liushou doesn't want to accept the order?"

Looking at Liu Gu in a daze, Li Siwen also smiled.

"Li Siwen, do you know what you just said? Falsely passing on the imperial edict will cost you your head."

Liu Gu also glared at Li Siwen. The young boy didn't speak at all.

"Liu Gu, you still haven't accepted the order!"

Di Renjie also stood up and took out the imperial decree that he had prepared long ago.

Seeing that the opponent was holding a real thing, Liu Gu did not dare to neglect and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

When Di Renjie finished reciting the imperial edict, Liu Gu was even more stunned.

Co-authoring this imperial edict was not for myself, but for Li Siwen.

The emperor's special envoy is fully responsible for Luoyang and its surrounding affairs, and also has the power to mobilize troops.

This means that the emperor already knows the situation in Luoyang, and he fully supports His Royal Highness the Princess.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such a special envoy to appear for nothing.

The situation now is different from before. If the emperor is determined to support his girl, it will not be easy for anyone to do it.

"Liu Liushou, what do you say now?"

Li Siwen slowly sat on the chair, his eyes full of excitement.

"Liu Gu has met the special envoy!"

What else can Liu Gu say? Now he is no longer No. 1 in Luoyang.

Li Siwen, a boy with no official title, suddenly turned into the emperor's special envoy.

"So what do you think now? Do you still want to be our enemy?"

Di Renjie glanced at Liu Gu. If Liu Gu still couldn't recognize the reality, then he really wasn't worthy of being his partner.

"Since there is a holy decree, Liu Gu will naturally obey the order, and everything will be subject to the orders of Special Envoy Li!"

Liu Gu also knew what Di Renjie meant, so he simply stood in line.

If he still can't understand the situation clearly at this moment, he really is not worthy of being left behind in Luoyang.

"In this case, Liu Liushou, then we are a family, why don't we sit down and have a drink?"

Li Siwen smiled slightly. Now that he had made a decision, he should stop holding it and eat when it was time to eat.

"That's natural. Let's think of this meal as a banquet for Liu Gu to congratulate Special Envoy Li on his promotion!"

Liu Gu is also aware of current affairs, and now it can be said that Li Siwen has taken control of his own power of life and death.

Some of these officials are clean. If they really want to find something to do with themselves, it's not as difficult as imagined.

Not only does he know how to pretend to be a grandson, he also does it very well.

"Let's go, the situation is decided!"

Listening to the words inside, Li Yanran also smiled and was about to leave.

"You haven't seen Liu Gu?"

Li Feng looked at Li Yanran, you've come here and you're leaving without doing anything?
"The later my identity is revealed, the better. We can also see whether Liu Gu is sincerely cooperating with us, or whether he wants to ride a tiger and continue to be a walleye." Li Yanran glanced at the opposite side, who was directly under Li Feng's guard. He left the restaurant.


Li Xiang frowned when he looked at Li Feng and Li Yanran.

Li Siwen and Di Renjie returned to the mansion and looked at Li Yanran, who had returned a long time ago, and walked over together.

"Brother Li, this Liu Gu is indeed as you thought, a man who knows current affairs. He has expressed his willingness to obey my command. What are you going to do next?"

After hearing Li Siwen's words, Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie aside.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, now that Liu Gu has been captured by us, we can advance smoothly, and the Longmen Escort Agency can continue recruiting.

When the time comes, I will arrange for the imperial guardsmen brought by His Highness to pretend to be bodyguards. We will work together internally and externally, and just wait for them to reveal their flaws!

But the most important thing is that Liu Gu needs to take advantage of it, allowing him to pretend to join forces with Zhang Maosun to get the other party's information.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle! "

Di Renjie also smiled. Now the situation was obvious. Even Li Siwen himself knew what to do.

"Well, do your best first. Wait two days before talking about Liu Gu. You have to give him some time to adapt!"



The two looked at each other and then left.

Liu Gu felt somewhat uncomfortable after returning to the left-behind mansion.

After all, a young boy suddenly became his immediate boss, and no one would be comfortable if he was his boss.

After thinking about it, he didn't do anything extraordinary. It was impossible to inform Zhang Maosun.

Now that he has devoted himself to Li Siwen, it is absolutely impossible for him to sway back and forth.

The next day, according to Li Yanran's wishes, another 200 people from the Forbidden Army outside the city were sent out to participate in the recruitment of Longmen Escort Bureau.

"Chang Shi, Longmen Escort Agency has started recruiting again!"

The clerk came to Zhang Maosun and told the situation about the Longmen Escort Agency.

"I said it was impossible for them to detect anything. A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Li Siwen is very proud of himself right now. What I am attacking is the young and frivolous."

Zhang Maosun also smiled. He had already guessed such a result.

Although I don't know what kind of medicine Li Siwen sells in his gourd, they have nothing to do with the result.

As long as his strategy succeeds, it is really possible for Li Siwen to be killed.

"Then when are you going to take action!"

The junior official smiled and looked at his boss with excitement.

"What are you thinking about? It's still early. Let's wait for two more days. I still have to wait for Liu Gu's opinion."

Zhang Maosun glared at the other party, and now that there is nothing, you want to take action.

Do you really think that Luoyang has the final say?
At the very least, he had to plan carefully before he was unsure of Liu Gu's thoughts.


The clerk didn't dare to say anything, just bowed and left.

"Liu Gu, Liu Gu, you'd better not let me waste my energy on dealing with you."

Looking at the back of the clerk leaving, Zhang Maosun also sighed.

This Liu Gu really made him want to stop.

Two days later, the Longmen Escort Bureau had recruited enough people, with 500 people filling the room.

Among them, Li Yanran's people accounted for less than half, which resulted in the entire team of the Longmen Escort Agency being under her surveillance.

At the same time, Li Siwen and Di Renjie also asked Liu Gu out again.

"What, you want me to pretend to join forces with Zhang Maosun? Special Envoy Li, you are trying to push me to death!"

Liu Gu was stunned when he heard Li Siwen's words.

I don't even want to be a faggot, but you want to treat me like a standout.

Even if you have His Majesty's imperial edict, you can't harm others like this.

"Liu Liushou, what are you talking about? What do you mean by pushing you to death?

He's just Zhang Maosun, I don't regard him as an enemy at all.

Letting you come out now is actually to give you a chance.

Of course you can refuse, but I can’t say what the situation will be like after that! "

Li Siwen smiled. This incident was the watershed that distinguished between his own people and outsiders.

Once you hand in the certificate of surrender, you will be one of your own. If you still want to work but don't contribute, then don't blame us.


Liu Gu was silent for a while. According to what Li Siwen said, they were ready to deal with Zhang Maosun.

Regardless of whether you take action or not, the opponent will win.

But there are no absolutes in this world. This does not mean that whoever has a higher official position will be sure to win.

But this certificate of nomination is related to his future future, and he doesn't know what to do.

"Liu Liushou, I don't know what you are hesitating about. The reason why His Majesty issued this imperial edict is really because of Zhang Maosun?"

Di Renjie knew that this choice was difficult to make. He could be driven by himself, but he could not betray so blatantly.

Because in this case, he will become a thorn in the eyes of the people behind Zhang Maosun.

This affects his future too much, but this is what he wants him to do.

If you can't break the boat and become your true self, then what's the use of having you stay behind.

Wouldn't it be nice to think of ways to support him?
"You mean that His Majesty had other motives for issuing the edict?"

(End of this chapter)

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