My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 699 Caught the Fox Tail!

Chapter 699 Caught the Fox Tail!
While they were doing this, the news that Linghe Lane was surrounded by the Liushou Mansion also spread to every family.

Soon, horse-drawn carriages rushed here.

"What are you doing!"

"I am Luozhou Secretary Cao Bingqian. I have something important to ask to see Liu Liushou!"

Bing Qian glanced at Liu Gu's chariot in the distance and spoke directly to the soldiers in front of him.

"There will be no visitors for the time being. Bing Sicao should wait outside!"

Unexpectedly, the soldier was nothing like Bing Qian.

Bing Qian was Luozhou's Sicao, and he was a soldier in the left-behind mansion. The two sides were not under each other's control.

So there is no need to save face for the other party.

You must know that Liu Gu had given a death order before and no one was allowed in or out.

If you let him in, wouldn't you be in trouble yourself?

"What did you say? You know I am Luozhou Si Cao."

Bing Qian was dumbfounded, what's going on with this special cat?
Normally, I am Liu Gu's guest, and he may not even be free to see him. What are you doing today?

"It doesn't matter if you are the Luozhou Secretary or something else, you have orders to stay behind. No one is allowed to come in or out. Anyone who disobeys the orders will be severely punished!"

Looking at the soldier's cold face, Bing Qian also took a step back.

This guy is ready to do it for real. Could it be that Liu Gu wants to deal with him?

It shouldn't be, I didn't offend the other party.

Not only Bing Qian, but also other dignitaries came one after another, but they were all rejected.

For a moment, everyone was in panic, not knowing what kind of medicine Liu Gu was selling in his gourd.

Doubts were doubts, but no one dared to provoke Liu Gu.

After all, Zhang Maosun had just been captured by Liu Gu, and his prestige was unparalleled, so no one dared to go there and feel uncomfortable.

All they can do now is wait and hope that the other party will not cause trouble for them.

At noon, the secretary also returned to Liu Gu.

"Stay behind, everything is counted!"

The secretary handed the book in his hand to Liu Gu.

Liu Gu nodded and began to look through the statistical roster.

From beginning to end, I finally found what I wanted.

"Envoy Li, found it!"

"is it?"

Li Siwen took the roster in his hands and looked at Zhang Maosun's name with cold eyes.

Zhang Maosun, Zhang Maosun, the fox’s tail is finally exposed.

"Then there's nothing more to say, let's act!"


Liu Gu whispered directly to the people around him, and then the soldiers rushed towards the other courtyard that Zhang Sunmao secretly purchased.

"Stay behind and find 1 taels of gold, [-] to [-] taels of copper coins, and countless other rare treasures from the other courtyard!"

Liu Sui returned, his eyes full of anger.

Who would have thought that Zhang Maosun, who has always been honest, would have so much property behind his back.

It’s really unimaginable how much people’s fat and money have been plundered.

"Haha, these are enough. I will take away the people and money, and leave the rest to Liu Liu!"

After hearing Liu Sui's report, Li Siwen's eyes instantly turned into crescent moons.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain.

This Maosun is really full of surprises. Not only did he keep a concubine outside, but he also saved so much money for himself.

Now he finally realized a sentence.

It feels good to confiscate homes for a while, and it feels good to keep ransacking homes.

Zhang Maosun, a man with such a good official name, is already like this. What will happen to those who have an obscure official name or occasionally do bad things?

He even has a bold idea now, which is to do a big cleanup.

See how much money you can get out of it.

But he knew that these things could only be thought about, after all, this thing involved too much.

If he really did this, even Li Yanran behind him wouldn't be able to bear it.


Liu Gu really wanted to slap Li Siwen to death now.

I was the one who did all the things that offended people, including ransacking their homes. Now that I have benefited, you have to take them all away.

You can't be such a dog!

But he was helpless. He had to bow his head under the eaves.

Everyone has already been offended. If Li Siwen is offended again, let alone going to Chang'an, he may not be able to stay in Luoyang.


Li Siwen nodded, directly arranged for someone to accept Zhang Maosun's belongings, and left with his concubine.

"Stay behind, they are going too far!"

Liu Sui looked at Li Siwen's back with anger in his eyes.

After all, I did all this by myself, but in the end I couldn't get anything out of it. Isn't this a bit too bullying?

"Liu Sui, I often tell you that people should be willing to give up.

It seems that I have lost a lot this time, but compared with what I am about to get, it is a world of difference. "

Liu Gu shook his head. Only when you give up can you gain something.

He admitted that it was a gamble, but it was worth it.

"As long as you are happy!"

After hearing what Liu Gu said, Liu Sui had nothing to say.

Who told people to stay behind?

"Okay, continue to besiege this place and hold it steady for me!"


While Liu Gu continued fishing here, Li Feng was walking unsteadily in the direction of Tianlao.

Seeing that things were almost progressing, Li Yanran also smiled at Zhang Minggu beside her.

Zhang Minggu was also stunned and immediately understood what the other party meant.

"Chen Ming, your news doesn't seem to be accurate!" After hearing Zhang Minggu's words, Chen Ming felt frustrated.

Now he was the meat on the chopping block, and there was no room for resistance.

It can only be what you say.

"Whatever you want!"

After glancing at Li Feng who was harboring evil intentions, he slowly replied.

"So now your life is ours!"

Zhang Minggu curled his lips and said what he said before.

"Zhang Minggu, don't bully others too much. Even if the news is inaccurate, you can't do this.

A piece of news could kill me, you really know how to play! "

Chen Ming really wanted to slap this fool Zhang Minggu to death.

Can you really treat me like a human being? We have been friends for more than ten years after all, and you just sold me out right now?

"I can't help it, your news is worth a hundred dollars.

One hundred coins, if nothing else, is enough to buy your head. "

To be honest, Zhang Minggu really wanted Chen Ming to come over. After all, she was the princess of the dynasty.

Hanging out with the princess, I'm not sleepy at all.

The future is definitely bright, it's a hundred times better than staying at Hehao's place.

"I, I... at worst, can't I compensate you?"

Chen Ming was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth after thinking about it.

Now it seems that it is impossible without some blood. I don’t know what kind of high branch Zhang Minggu has climbed to suddenly become like this.

It's really no mercy at all.

"Young Master is not short of money, but I am short of people. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran smiled. She really didn't like Bai Guan at all, but she did fall in love with this person.

To be able to collect such useful information from so much information, Chen Ming might be a real talent.

"What if I don't?"

Chen Ming also had a bad temper.

There are a few people who are easy to deal with who can hang out in a place like Hehao where fish and dragons are mixed.

He just didn't want to cause trouble before, but now the other party not only refuses to give money, but also wants to take people.

If he can endure this any longer, it will really be in vain.

"No? Do you have the ability to do this? Don't give me a toast and be fined with it!"

Zhang Minggu's eyes were about to fly, just hoping that Chen Ming would listen to him.

Damn it, if I hadn't been friends with you, would such a good thing have happened to you?
Don't be ignorant.

When the time comes to cross the river with a whip, it will not be wonderful.

"Zhang Minggu, I'll just leave these words here today. Even if the King of Heaven comes, there is no need to discuss this matter.

I, Chen Ming, can't do anything else, but I still have some bloody courage.

You want to be a dog, but I don’t want to. I’ll kill you or cut you into pieces as you please! "

Chen Ming also stared at Zhang Minggu with wide eyes, "What are you looking at?"

You can't control how you want to live, but how I want to live is my business.

The worst case scenario is that if he dies, he will already have his head on his waistband.

If the deal really breaks down, the worst he can do is give his life back to Luo He.

What to be afraid of.

"You're so cute, you really thought I wouldn't dare to slap you, right?

Let me tell you, if your brother hadn't held my leg and asked me to take care of you, would I have talked so much nonsense to you? "

Zhang Minggu kicked the lame leg directly, what the hell.

You say I'm a dog, what's special about you is that you don't know anything.

That's the princess, the royal family.

The entire world belongs to the old Li family, and countless officials in the Tang Dynasty serve the Li family.

If you were a dog, you would have too many peers.

"Come on, slap me. It's better to slap me to death so that I can meet my brother.

Let him see how you, the so-called river god, treats his younger brother, bah! "

Chen Ming shouted coldly, his brother died trying to save Zhang Minggu.

If it really came to this, he would have something to say.

If nothing else, you can't do this to me because of my dead brother.

"Fuck your mother's fart!"

Zhang Minggu really couldn't bear it now and slapped him in the face.

This slap was so hard that Chen Ming's eyes were filled with stars and his mind went blank.

"Okay, Zhang Minggu, you can't force anything. If Chen Ming doesn't want to, then forget it!"

Li Yanran waved her hand at Zhang Minggu, who was very willing to do things.

If the other party really doesn't want to, there's no point in forcing her to do it.

She doesn't want to reveal her identity now, let's wait until later.


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Zhang Minggu knew that the other party was angry.

"It's okay. Li Feng brought me the usual money. It took so long for Shopkeeper Chen to come over, so he should be paid some hard work!"


Li Feng took out a lot of money and handed it to Chen Ming on the side.

"This means I can leave!"

After taking Li Feng's money, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment.

Does this mean you have to leave by yourself?
No matter what the situation is with this person, he comes as soon as he wants and leaves as soon as he wants.

"Well, leave quickly!"


(End of this chapter)

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