My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 730: Give in when you see merit, and give in when you see difficulties.

Li Yanran smiled, they did this beautifully.

Not only did he not lose his face, he also got everything done.

Not bad.

"Your Highness, next we need to recruit sailors, rent ships, and organize caravans, all of which will cost a lot of money.

But the most important thing in this is the people, so I wanted to borrow Pei Xinqi for two days to help them prepare. "

Di Renjie also spoke out the most important issue now.

Although he is considered to be very knowledgeable, especially in post-mortem investigations, shipping is really a blind spot for him.

It is the most undesirable behavior for an outsider to lead an expert. Now he knows no one but Pei Xinqi, and it seems that no one can do this.

"These are not problems. Pei Xinqi also mentioned the shipping problem two days ago. Just ask him to come over and help you.

But I also have a doubt. Have you thought about it? "

Li Yanran nodded, this Di Renjie is really good.

Some people always take credit when they see it and give up when they see difficulties.

Regardless of whether he is suitable or not, he just handles the matter in a big way.

But this can be solved by your empty words?

Leave professional matters to professionals. This has always been her bottom line.

"Your Highness, please show me!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Di Renjie was also stunned for a moment, wondering what the other party's doubts were.

"This time we go to Japan for trade. What kind of goods are you going to transport? You can't just bring perfume and jade liquor!"

"These have not been determined yet, but I have discussed it with Mr. Xiao Lang. It should be silk and satin, tea, porcelain and so on."

Di Renjie was stunned for a moment. These were just preliminary discussions and had not been finalized.

Although the Maritime Silk Road began during the Qin and Han Dynasties, its real rise began in the Tang Dynasty.

The most mainstream commodities on the Maritime Silk Road are the ones Di Renjie just mentioned.

Tea, silk, and porcelain are all popular products that have always been popular. It should be no problem to bring these with you to Japan this time.

"Well, that's not a problem, but I have a suggestion. Can we get some defective products over and take the mid-level route?"

Li Yanran nodded, there was no problem in choosing these products.

But these things are inherently valuable, and even if they are transported in large quantities, they can only serve the upper class.

Everything has a limit, and once these are exceeded, problems will arise.

If you can expand the purchasing class of these products, then the problem of limits will disappear.

"Are you afraid that we will ship too many products and oversupply will exceed demand, so you want to expand the audience?"

Di Renjie was stunned. Didn't he originally say that he was not doing it to make money, but just to be a pioneer for the Tang Dynasty?
Why are you still thinking about the audience now?

"Yes, as we said before, there will definitely be a battle between Japan and the Tang Dynasty, but the time has not yet come.

We have to pay a huge price to open up business, so we can make back all this at this time. "

Li Yanran nodded, she had never done any loss-making business.

If the current trade was all about rare goods that couldn't be sold, then he might as well settle for the next best thing and get some cheap, low-priced goods to send over.

First, it can digest Datang's inventory, and second, it can also make up for consumption.

"That makes sense, but the defective products are a bit out of place!
After all, this is our first time doing business. If the product is not good, we may lose more. "

Di Renjie was also convinced by Li Yanran. Those defective products may not be sold at a high price in the Tang Dynasty, but if they are really shipped to Japan, the price may be higher than the best ones.

This is a bit bad.

"That's all they can afford. Besides, I want to send all the top quality goods from Datang. If something goes wrong at sea, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

Besides, if the consumption power of the Japanese country is not good enough, these goods will still be a loss at that time.

After all, this is just a test of the waters, and we won’t consider anything else until it’s really feasible. "

Li Yanran is really not worried about the problems Di Renjie mentioned now.

There are naturally countless good things in Datang, and some of them are sky-high prices even in Datang.

But the most important thing is, are those Japanese worthy?

Not worthy at all.

So she brought some defective products over, and even if she couldn't sell them, she wouldn't feel bad if they were thrown into the sea.

"alright, I got it!"

Di Renjie nodded. After all, Li Yanran was Li Yanran, just more than he thought.

Now that I think about what the other person said, it actually makes sense.

"Well, then you go find Pei Xinqi. Come to me after you have the charter. I still have some things to explain."

Li Yanran also waved her hand, signaling Di Renjie to go directly to Pei Xinqi.

Of course, she also had her own views on navigation, such as the experiences summarized by later generations.

Bringing more lemons and tangerines on board can prevent scurvy, such as how to sail, etc. She is also preparing to compile these into a book to give Pei Xinqi experience.


Di Renjie saluted and turned around to leave. As soon as he went out, he saw a sneaky figure.

"Who is this person? Dare to make mischief in the British government!"

Di Renjie frowned and shouted at the figure.

Hearing the shout, the figure suddenly accelerated and ran towards the inside.

"Come on, get the thief quickly!"

"Li Feng, go quickly!"


Li Feng also rushed out with a single step. Looking at the figure, he kicked him without saying a word.

"Don't fight, it's me, it's me!"

After being caught by Li Feng, the man also smiled directly at him.

"Li Siwen, you"

The so-called enemy was extremely jealous when they met each other. When he saw that the figure turned out to be Li Siwen, Di Renjie's anger instantly soared.

"Di Renjie, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Di Renjie's embarrassed look, Li Siwen burst into laughter.

He has never seen the dignified Di Renjie have such a moment.

It's just so delicious.

He really couldn't imagine how Di Renjie escaped from the Zuixiang Building, but looking at his appearance now, it must have been a very interesting scene at the time.

"How dare you laugh!"

Di Renjie couldn't help it anymore, he was so angry that he rushed towards the opponent.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about appearance and dignity.

He just wanted to fight to the death with Li Siwen.

"Li Feng, let me go, it's affecting my performance!"

"Di Renjie, I advise you to respect yourself, His Highness is watching!"

"Stop it, or I won't be polite!"

Li Siwen was restrained by Li Feng and was somewhat powerless in the face of Di Renjie's shrew-like attack.

After all, he couldn't force himself with Di Renjie, otherwise he would be killed by Li Yanran.

"Okay, come in here, you're embarrassed!"

Li Yanran looked at the war between the two and couldn't help but frowned and called them in.

"Brother Li is already angry, why don't you stop now!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Siwen felt as if he had been granted amnesty and quickly asked the other party to stop.


Di Renjie also adjusted his hair and followed Li Siwen back into the house.

"Brother Li!"

"Your Highness!"

The two of them also saluted Li Yanran together when they entered the room.

"You two really impress me, Di Renjie, do you want me to give you a knife and chop Li Siwen directly, so that you can vent your anger!"

Li Yanran glared at Di Renjie and scolded him directly.

"Your Highness, it was Di Renjie who was rude!"

Di Renjie also knew that what he did this time was wrong, but he really couldn't help it.

Li Siwen not only cheated himself, but also dared to laugh at himself.

If it were the British man, he might have chopped him down with a knife.

"Brother Li, actually this is all down to me. How could I have imagined that Di Renjie would go out without any money, and he would make a fool of himself!"

Li Siwen also felt proud for a while, it could be said that he got an advantage and behaved well.

This time he cheated Di Renjie, but after all, the other party was the popular person in front of Li Yanran. If he offended him to death, he would be finished.

"you you."

Di Renjie was really depressed now.

The reason why I was rude in front of Li Yanran was not all because you are a bad guy.

Now you are still pleading for mercy to yourself without any shame?

You are so shameless, and I don’t know who you learned this from.

Thinking of this, Di Renjie also glanced at Li Yanran, as if he understood something.

"Do you still have the nerve to say that if it weren't for you, Di Renjie would be like this?
Hurry up and apologize to him! "

Seeing Di Renjie who was about to explode with anger, Li Yanran had nothing to do with Li Siwen.

Now you are almost pissed off, and you are so embarrassed to say sarcastic words here.

If you are being plotted by the other party, don't blame me for not helping you.

Looking at Li Yanran's black face and Li Feng standing on the side, Li Siwen also shuddered.

"Di Renjie, don't be angry. I was just joking with you. I really didn't expect you to be like this.

It's really too much for me to go to Zuixiang Tower in person tomorrow and help you clean up the boys in Zuixiang Tower. "

Li Siwen smiled again and apologized to Di Renjie.


Looking at Li Siwen's appearance, Di Renjie really couldn't hold it in any longer.

Are you apologizing?
Why do I feel like you are still ridiculing me?

"Li Siwen, just a dry apology is not at all sincere.

Now that you know you were wrong, I will fine you and pay Di Renjie a thousand guan, and the matter will be over. "

Li Yanran really wants to kick his ass now.

Damn it, I asked you to apologize, but I didn't offend you.

Look at Di Renjie, his face is about to turn into black.

If he didn't speak again, Di Renjie would have to fight for him.

"How many?"

"One thousand strings?"

Li Siwen and Di Renjie were both stunned when they heard this number.

Qian Guan, did you hear it right?

"Brother Li, are you serious?"

Li Siwen was the first to quit. He was just a joke. Did he pay such a high price?
With a thousand dollars, I can buy the Zuixiang Building and become my own boss.

"Nonsense, of course it's serious. After all, Di Renjie has suffered such great injustice, so he has to give some compensation.

Besides, it's only a thousand guan, but it means nothing to the wealthy Li Xiaolangjun. "

Li Yanran glared at Li Siwen and told you to laugh. Let's see if you can still laugh now.

Besides, it's only a thousand guan. It can only serve as a lesson to you, but it won't cost you your life.

"It's just repayment. I won't do it. If you punish me with a thousand guan, you might as well kill me!"

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