My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 738 My father Liu Jie

This time, not only Li Siwen was stunned, but Li Yanran was also confused.

I don’t know what kind of medicine is sold in Xiao Yun’s gourd.

Li Siwen's identity and status could not even catch Xiao Yun's eyes.

What the hell is this guy trying to do?
"It seems that I have underestimated Miss Xiao Yun. I'm afraid you still have some unknown secrets. Can you tell me something?"

Li Yanran thought for a moment and then spoke to Xiao Yun.


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Xiao Yun was also stunned for a moment.

How could you tell that something was on your mind?

This kid is really awesome~
"Why, Miss Xiao Yun can't trust us? She still looks down on us!"

Li Siwen wasn't stupid either. Looking at Xiao Yun's look, he knew that the other person must have been convinced by Li Yanran.

Could it be that I really misjudged the person?

Xiao Yun was also a little hesitant. Logically speaking, Li Siwen was now in a high position, but the other party really couldn't help him with his own affairs.

"Miss Xiao Yun, if you have any difficulties, Li Daosan will resign first."

Li Daosan also saw that this Xiao Yun was not an ordinary person. She must have some unspeakable difficulties, and these things were not suitable for him to listen to.

Besides, he also saw Xiao Yun's dancing today, which was considered a worthwhile trip.

As for the promise to Li Yanran, I will see you again in the future.

"Don't be too busy walking. Go wait outside."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Daosan, the person I like wants to run away?

which is so easy.


"Li Feng, follow him. If he escapes, I will take care of you!"


As Li Feng spoke, he directly lifted up Li Daosan's collar and walked out.

"Okay, Miss Xiao Yun, you can tell me now. If I guess correctly, I'm afraid this is not your real name!"

Li Yanran smiled and asked Xiao Yun again.

"This young gentleman is really very discerning, but my identity is more sensitive.

If I say it out, it may implicate both of you, so you better not ask! "

Xiao Yun shook her head. It wasn't that she didn't want to say it, but that she didn't dare to say it.

After all, her identity was somewhat special. If she revealed this, Li Siwen and the others might be fine, but he would be in great danger.

"Haha, if you say that, I'm becoming more and more interested. Tell me, maybe I can really help you with something!"

Li Siwen knew that Li Yanran had a restless heart. Once she became interested in something, she would try her best to find out.

This Xiao Yun may not be very funny.

"You two gentlemen, please don't force me."

Xiao Yun took another step back and shook his head in refusal again.

"Then what if I have to force you?"

Li Yanran sneered. As she said before, no one can stop the person she wants and what she wants to do.

There must be a big secret behind Xiao Yun, and she had to dig it out.

"If you force me, then Xiao Yun will die!"

A dagger suddenly appeared in Xiao Yun's hand and was pointed at his neck.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing each other like this, Li Siwen and Li Yanran also looked at each other, and then laughed together.

"Why are you laughing? If I die here, even if Xiao Langjun is so powerful, I'm afraid I won't be able to cover up Youyou's mouth."

Seeing the two of them laughing, the dagger in Xiao Yun's hand also trembled. He didn't know what they meant.

"Miss Xiao Yun, don't be nervous, put down the dagger before talking!"

Li Yanran didn't buy Xiao Yun's fault at all, and also said to her Weiwei.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. I will never put down the dagger!"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Xiao Yun became nervous again, wondering what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd.

"Then let me analyze what Miss Xiao Yun has done in the past two years.

First of all, you disguised yourself as a so-called chaste and martyr girl. I'm afraid you also found the so-called noble son, just to perform a good show of jumping into a river and refusing to obey.

These are just to make your reputation known so that you can attract the people you want to the greatest extent. "

"Miss Xiao Yun, am I right?"

Li Yanran smiled and directly told the other party's previous plan.


After looking at Li Yanran, Xiao Yun was also a little dumbfounded.

What the other party said was the same as what she had arranged before. She really spent a lot of money to hire that noble son to act in the drama.

But if he did it so secretly, how did the other party know about it?

"What you do is actually for yourself. For the things behind you, you will definitely not take risks and commit suicide.

So it's better to put down the dagger in your hand. It would be bad if you really shake your hand and hurt yourself. "

Li Yanran took a bite of fish and signaled Xiao Yun to stop acting.

If you hurt yourself by acting again, you will lose more than you gain.

"This young gentleman is quite astute, Xiao Yun is really ashamed of himself!"

After hearing the other party say what he was thinking, Xiao Yun directly threw the dagger in his hand to the ground, his eyes full of cruelty.

She didn't expect that after planning for so long, a little kid would find out.

Now that he saw through it, Xiao Yun didn't need to act anymore and sat directly next to the two of them.

"So you can take off the veil now."

Li Yanran smiled again, picked up a piece of chicken and put it in Xiao Yun's bowl. "Of course it's okay!"

Xiao Yun also smiled and slowly took off the veil on his face, revealing the delicate face behind the veil.

"Miss Xiao Yun is really stunning in both appearance and dancing. She is graceful and graceful. She is an extremely beautiful woman!"

After seeing Xiao Yun's appearance clearly, Li Yanran nodded.

For such a beauty to be willing to end up in a dirty place like Fengxiao Pavilion, there must be a shocking case behind her.

This is no longer exciting, but extremely exciting.

She was even more interested in Xiao Yun.

"Young Master, you are so complimentary. Xiao Yun is just an ordinary dancer and should not be treated like this."

Xiao Yun glanced at Li Yanran, then at Li Siwen beside him, and said again: "But Xiao Yun is ordinary, I'm afraid the young man is not Special Envoy Li's younger brother!"

"What are you talking about? This special envoy's younger brother still uses you to make guesses?"

After hearing this, Li Siwen also spoke directly to Xiao Yun.

He admitted that Li Yanran was very bright, but he was not bad either.

Why is he not my little brother?

Where did you get the idea that you are so cute?

"Okay, stop acting. This girl Xiao Yun is not one of those vulgar fans. She has a much better brain than you."

Li Yanran also smiled, Xiao Yun really had good taste.

It was obvious at a glance that he was no longer Li Siwen's follower.

But think about it, no matter where you put your temperament, you will stand out from the crowd.

Even if Li Siwen wears the title of special envoy, he can't hide his own light.

This charm that has nowhere to be placed is really annoying.


Li Siwen was also depressed and sat silently.

"So you can guess my identity?"

Ignoring Li Siwen, Li Yanran also looked at Xiao Yun, wondering how much she could guess.

"I'm not sure of his identity yet. I've long heard in the public that Mr. Li Xiaolang is extremely powerful and doesn't sell anyone's face in Chang'an.

But there is only one person I am afraid of, and that is Princess Lishan of the Tang Dynasty.

And I see that the young man is not as handsome as a man, so he must be the princess!"

Xiao Yun glanced at the respectful Li Siwen again, and immediately expressed his guess.

He was not sure at first, but now he is [-]% sure that the kid's identity must be correct.

"you wanna die!"

Li Siwen's eyes instantly burst out with murderous intent, and he immediately grabbed Xiao Yun's throat with his hands.

Li Yanran's identity is an absolute secret. If this gets spread, it may cause some trouble.

If this is the case, this person will have to resort to such extreme measures.

Li Yanran was immediately dumbfounded by this flash of lightning.

This is all nonsense, and people's lives are taken at every turn. What you are particularly interested in are the nobles of the Tang Dynasty, not the underworld.

"Li Siwen, stop it!"

Li Yanran also hurriedly shouted at Li Siwen.

"Brother Li, you can't keep this woman! If she knows your identity, she should be killed."

Li Siwen turned to look at Li Yanran, but a pair of eagle claws pinched Xiao Yun's neck tightly.

"I ask you to stop. If someone is killed by you, I ask you to pay for it!"

Li Yanran also slapped Li Siwen on the head, her eyes full of anger.

"Brother Li!"

Li Siwen was also depressed after receiving a slap.

I do everything for your own good, but you not only don't appreciate it, but you slap me.

What kind of sin have you done?

"let go!"


Li Siwen could only sigh and let go of the eagle's claws holding Xiao Yun's throat.

Somehow, he suddenly missed Li Feng.

If that idiot was here, maybe Xiao Yun would have been killed by the sword.

It’s true that you weren’t there when it was your turn, and you were more eager than anyone else to get in when it wasn’t your turn.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Li Siwen let go, and Xiao Yun also covered his neck and coughed.

If Li Yanran hadn't spoken quickly just now, if it had been a little longer, she might have really returned to her hometown.

This dignitary was really moody and would kill people at every turn.

"Miss Xiao Yun, now that you know my identity, it's time for me to get to know you!"

Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief and asked Xiao Yun who was coughing.

"People's daughter Liu Peilan has met Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Xiao Yun didn't dare to say anything now. He knelt on the ground and said his real name with a thud.

"Liu Peilan? It's a good name.

Tell me, what happened behind you that made you hide in Fengxiao Pavilion anonymously and endure hardships. "

Li Yanran was still confused when she heard this name.

She didn't seem to have seen this name in history books, so she didn't know what the shocking secret was behind this person.

"My daughter is from Jiangling, Jingzhou, and my father is Liu Jie, the prime minister of the former dynasty."


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