My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 759 Bandits attack the city!

Finally, there was a loud noise, and the roof of the stone temple collapsed. Fortunately, they responded in time, and there was not much damage.


After the dust settled, Lin Du also issued an order and ordered the soldiers who had been prepared to dispatch.

They thought that the opponent was almost dead, but when they entered, they were all dumbfounded.

Because in front of them were not corpses, but enemies with flaming bodies, curly hair, and faces as dark as evil spirits.


Zhou Bin grinned ferociously, jumped out immediately, and slashed the soldier in front of him to the ground with a swing of his sword.




The Longmen bodyguards also roared together, knocking down the soldiers one by one like evil spirits, and then swung their swords to kill each other.

"They are evil spirits, evil spirits!"

"I'm scared, scared!"

"Mom, I'm going home!"

Those soldiers had never experienced this before, and some of them were even scared to the point of peeing.

In their eyes, these enemies are no longer humans, but evil spirits.

No, it's a creature more terrifying than an evil ghost.

They are only human beings. How can human beings compare with evil spirits?
  "Stop for me!"

Lin Du didn't expect that this was the case, and that they still had such a strong will to fight.

To be honest, this group of people even scared him right now.

No one is afraid of such people, such enemies.

If he had known this was the case, he should have joined forces with these people to guard the city wall.

With these people here, it is not impossible to hold the city wall.

But now, we can only make mistakes.

Looking at Lin Du standing at the back, the collapsed soldiers also stopped.

After all, compared to evil spirits, County Wei Lin is more terrifying.

"County Lieutenant, these people are too scary, too scary!"

Li Bu's eyes were also full of fear.

"Tell the soldiers to rest for now. It will be dark soon. If they cannot be captured before dark, the bandits will attack the city.

Look at the Chu city in front of you, look at this beautiful scenery. When the bandits come in, all of this will be reduced to nothing.

So for the sake of the people, I beg you! "

Lin Du glanced at the frightened soldiers, also looked solemn, and bowed to them.

"County Lieutenant, we understand!"

Lin Du's words and bow also stabilized the soldier's mood.

They are all natives. If this place is really destroyed by bandits, they will not agree even if they risk everything.

"The time is almost up, do you think they can send our people out?"

Ghost Face glanced at Si Mian Ying, his eyes full of worry.

How long has this been? Why hasn't anyone sent it over yet?

"You said they didn't want to deal with us and delay us for time!"

Liu Hui looked at the city wall, he was really hesitant.

It stands to reason that the opponent only has a hundred people and should have been captured long ago.

But it's been two days and there's been no movement at all.

This had to make him wonder whether the other party was just playing a trick on him, or whether the other party was really that powerful.

"Probably not. I have found out before that the county magistrate Zhou Li is a good official who loves his people like his own son.

He won't risk the whole city being killed to act with us here! "

The four-sided eagle shook his head. Now that this is the case, the other party must not dare to take risks.

"But we have to guard against it. I think we should transfer all the people here now.

I guess it will be too difficult for them to take down those people, and we still have to rely on our own strength.

And now there are no soldiers guarding their city wall at all. When the time comes, we can take down the city wall in minutes. "

Although he also believed that Zhou Li was reliable, now that things were like this, he had to be prepared.

"Well, that's it, tell our people to come over!"

The others all nodded, and then sent people to call out all their own people.

After hearing the order, the bandits who had been prepared for a long time also swayed out of the city and headed out of the city.

"Someone is coming, the bandits have sent out troops!"

Seeing the bandits moving out, the soldiers on the city wall immediately came to report to Lin Du.

"Have they sent out troops? The time has not yet come!"

Zhou Li was stunned when he heard this situation. The time had not yet come, why did he send troops?

"I don't know! Anyway, there are thousands of people on the other side and they are marching towards the city wall!"

The scout was also stunned for a moment, how do I know what you guys were talking about?

Now ask me why I sent troops, and I will answer your uncle.

"Go and notify Lin Du immediately. Even if everyone is dead, I still have to capture them."


Soon Lin Du also got the news. After the soldiers knew it, they didn't need him anymore, and one by one they started to attack the stone temple that was burned to pieces like crazy.

The two sides started a fierce battle again. This time no one backed down and everyone had a reason to fight to the death.


Liu Hui glanced at the sky and directly ordered the bandits to attack the city. “Our lives are all at stake now, why don’t we wait?”

Si Mian Ying frowned. He really didn't want to take this step unless necessary.

"Wait a minute? The baby will be born soon, come on!"

Liu Hui did not give in this time and stared at the four-sided eagle.

If the other party dared to say any more nonsense, he would definitely chop him up without hesitation.


"No buts, Four-faced Eagle, if you dare to say no now, I will kill you first!"

Ghost Face also slowly pulled out the steel knife from his waist, his eyes full of ruthlessness.

"Okay, okay, you guys have the final say!"

The four-sided eagle also raised its hands, as if following you.

After receiving the order, the bandits' eyes gleamed. After all, although they had robbed families before, it was only a small matter.

Only God knows how happy they would be if they really fought their way into this city.

Besides, this city is rich and prosperous. With this move, they won't have to live in precarious life for at least half a year.

"The bandits are attacking the city!"

A scout rushed to Lin Du and directly told him about the bandits' attack.

“Fuck, smash this group, all retreat, follow me back to the city wall to defend!

In addition, we ordered the young men who had been prepared to go up the city wall to help us defend the city of Chu. "

Seeing that it was impossible to take down the group in front of him, Lin Du could only sigh and ordered the entire army to return to the city wall.

Compared with these Longmen bodyguards in front of him, he still wanted to kill the bandits under the city.


After hearing the military order, the soldiers who were still fighting broke away from the battle in an instant and ran towards the city wall without any hesitation.

"Leaving now? The entire army is on alert!"

Zhou Bin wiped the blood stains on his body, his eyes full of confusion.

I don’t know what kind of trick the other party is trying to play.

Could it be that he wanted to show weakness to the enemy so that he could relax his vigilance and kill another enemy?

The remaining people were all sitting on the wall, breathing heavily.

After all, they had not rested for two days and one night. If they did not take this opportunity to recover their strength, they would not be able to resist the enemy once they came back.

Jicheng was not that big after all, and Lin Du arrived at the bandit's attack position before the bandits. He had no time to rest, so he took the time to let the row of soldiers prepare for defense.

But no one was stupid. Seeing them turning back, the bandits also started running wildly, and ladders were set up directly on the city wall.

"Tear down the ladder."

"Dingmu, hold the ladder up for me."

These bandits don't know everything, they naturally have their own strategies to deal with it.

The top logs that were longer than the city wall were also lifted out, one head was placed on the top of the ladder, and the other end was stuck on the ground.

Under such circumstances, it would not be so easy for Lin Du and the others to lower the ladder.

Countless thieves began to climb up the ladder. They were outnumbered, and they gathered their strength and quickly reached the city wall.

Lin Du and the others are not vegetarians. Although everyone is injured, their equipment is better than those of the bandits, and they are supported by hundreds of young people who protect their homes and country.

For a while, the fight was inextricable, and no one could expand the victory.

"Pass my order. Whoever takes down the city wall first will be given a hundred taels of gold. I will allow him to pick whatever he likes when he enters the city."

Seeing that his men were unable to resolve the situation, Liu Hui ordered again and made a heavy promise.

When they heard this, the bandits became even more excited. They climbed up the ladder to the city one by one desperately, and then followed the defenders to fight for their lives.

"This cry of killing, could it be that the bandits are attacking the city?"

Zhou Bin frowned as he listened to the Ruoyouruowu shouts of killing.

"Maybe so, otherwise how could those people let us go so easily!"

Lin Xuwen was also stunned for a moment, and now there seemed to be nothing to explain other than these.

"Get ready, follow me to the city for support!"

Zhou Bin slowly stood up, rubbed his sore shoulders, and looked into the distance.

"What did you say? You want us to go to the city to support you?"

Zhang Ping glanced at Zhou Bin and felt that he was not feeling well.

Don’t you know what you went through just now?
  His back was still burning, and he only had about ten people left.

Can you support yourself in this situation? What are you thinking!

"Yes, I disagree.

If I were asked to fight on the city wall from the beginning, I would definitely be obligated.

But now I'm at odds with them. Look at my hands.

Ask me to help them, but I can’t do it! "

Sun Min also stared, revealing his left hand with only two fingers left.

Now let him help those bastards, he would rather die here.

"Don't worry, I believe that since Brother Zhou said this, he must have a reason!"

Although Lin Xuwen was also very angry, he believed that Zhou Bin must have a reason for saying this.

After all, the Longmen bodyguards died no less than their own. Under such hatred, the other party wanted to go to the city to help them defend the city. This must be more beneficial to themselves.

“The reason why we resisted before was because we wanted to survive, and now I’m letting you go up the city wall also to survive.

After all, the bandits are so powerful that Lindu has no confidence in holding the city, otherwise they wouldn't want to send us out.

Now that they have consumed each other with us, it is definitely impossible for them to hold the city wall.

If we don't go there now, do you think we can still survive when the bandits break through the city? "

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