My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 784 It’s okay, I just want to borrow a pig-tying rope from you!

Li Yanran was also so angry that she could only snort and run out holding the fruit basket.

The next day, before Chen Peng and the others started working, they were stepped on by people from various families.

They knew very well that the fate of their family was in the hands of these three people. If they could clear up the relationship now, they would be better off.

It is of no harm to them.

But under such circumstances, how dare they do anything for personal gain and pervert the law.

Not to mention the emperor's attention to this matter, just talking about Li Siwen is enough for them to drink a pot.

Although the other party also revealed his thoughts last night, it was just a little lighter.

Exile three thousand miles was changed to two thousand miles or one thousand miles.

If they really went too far, Li Siwen could give them a one-day trip to Qianzhou.

After politely rejecting those people, the three of them were also officials brought by the gathering and began to prepare for the joint trial of the three divisions.

On the third day, the interrogation of the three divisions started as scheduled. Liu Gu, who stayed in Luoyang, Luo Zhengfang, the governor of Henan, and the special envoy Li Siwen were all invited to observe.

It is natural that Li Yanran and Di Renjie could not leave any trace behind in their work. The evidence chain is complete and the confessions are complete, which also makes the three-division interrogation proceed quickly.

Within two days, all the guilty officials were sentenced.

Thanks to Li Siwen's previous words, the most ruthless among them were the land and water transport envoys, who were exiled for 1,500 miles, and the rest were basically within a thousand miles.

There are also cases where corruption is relatively minor, just losing one's official position or expelling someone based on their responsibility.

After doing this, the three of them did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly said goodbye to Li Siwen, and then left Luoyang and rushed towards Chang'an.

After all, Luoyang is now a mass grave, the tomb of officials. It will be unlucky to stay here any longer.

"Your Highness, all the people from the three divisions have left. When shall we set off!"

After the people from Sansi left, Di Renjie came to Li Yanran excitedly.

"You make arrangements to return to Chang'an in three days!"

Li Yanran glanced at Di Renjie again, this child was still too innocent.


Di Renjie left with satisfaction and made arrangements to return to Chang'an.

The next night, Li Yanran also held a banquet in the name of seeing her off, and then she also violently drank Di Renjie during the dinner.

In the end, Di Renjie was too drunk and lay down on the wine table. Also being fucked down with him was the idiot Li Siwen.

"Li Feng, is your intoxicating drug expired? You drank so much before you drank it?"

Seeing the two people snoring like dead pigs, Li Yanran also rolled her eyes at Li Feng.

The drugs on TV all have immediate effects.

Why are you so useless here?

She couldn't tell now whether the two of them were drunk or passed out.

"Miss, this thing isn't that easy to take effect, but this is pretty good!"

Li Feng was also depressed. This thing is not as magical as you said.

It pours as soon as you drink it. Do you think it is poison?

"Stop talking, get them back quickly and remember to tie them all up."

Li Yanran had nothing to say. The current situation was to kidnap people quickly and prepare to run away.


Li Feng quickly sent someone in, sent both of them back to the house, and then took out ropes and tied them all up.

"Miss, everything is ready and you can set off."

After cleaning up, Li Feng also brought the carriage and asked Li Yanran to get in and leave.

"Wait a minute, I need to take someone back to Chang'an with me."

Li Yanran thought for a moment and stopped.

"Bringing someone back to Chang'an? Who?"

Hearing this, Li Feng was also stunned for a moment.

It's already now, and you still want to take someone back to Chang'an?

Who is so capable that Li Yanran can value him so much?

"Chef Fan Ze, his cooking is really good. What if I get greedy? Just take it away!"

Li Yanran smiled. She originally invited Fan Ze to go to Chang'an, but he was not willing to go.

Now that I have to leave, it won't be a loss if I don't take someone with me.

"I'm afraid this is not good!"

Li Feng was really stupid now.

You just kidnapped Li Siwen, but now you have to take away even the cook.

Isn't this a little too harsh?

Zhou Bapi is not like this!

"There's nothing wrong with it, why don't you hurry up and work for me!"


Seeing Li Yanran trying to kick him again, Li Feng also ran away.

Rushing all the way to the place where Fan Ze lived, Li Feng also knocked on the door and called Fan Ze out.

"Xiao Langjun, why are you calling me?"

Fan Ze put on some clothes and walked out.

Fan Ze looked up and down and trembled.

"It's okay, I just want to borrow a rope from you!"

"Rope? Why are you borrowing a rope this late at night?"

Fan Ze was stunned for a moment, not knowing what he meant.

If you borrow a rope late at night, your head probably won’t be Watts.

"It's okay, just get it for me, I know you have it in your room!"

Li Feng naturally wouldn't say that he borrowed the rope to tie you up, but in his haste, he really couldn't find anyone who could take advantage of him.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it for you!"

Fan Ze also knew that Li Feng was a difficult master, so he shook his head and went to the house to find a rope.

"Xiao Langjun, rope!"

Fan Ze held the rope with both hands, looking puzzled.

"Is this rope strong?"

Li Feng pulled off the rope and smiled at Fan Ze.

"Whether this rope is strong or not, it doesn't matter if you tie up a pig!"

Fan Ze smiled. He didn't know whether it was strong or not, but he had no problem holding the pig bundle before.

"Those who tie up pigs don't know how to tie up people!"

"A pig weighing more than 200 kilograms can't escape, let alone a human!"

"That's good!"

As Li Feng spoke, he circled around Fan Ze, walked behind him, raised his hand, and struck Fan Ze on the neck with a knife.

Fan Ze's eyelids rolled up and he fainted on the ground. Li Feng also tied him up in three ways.

After finishing, Li Feng also wanted to arrest Fan Ze, but when he started, he found that this guy was really dead. In desperation, he could only drag Fan Ze and slowly walk towards Li Yanran.

"Miss, ma'am."

It took Li Feng a long time to reach Li Yanran.

"What's going on here?"

Looking at Fan Ze who was dragged here and Li Feng who was sweating profusely, Li Yanran was also dumbfounded.

"What's wrong? This Fan Ze is so heavy. I wanted to carry him here, but I couldn't carry him at all, so I have to do this."

Li Feng gasped, his eyes full of resentment.

I'm glad you figured it out and found such a chef.

"Okay, let's load up and leave!"

Seeing Fan Ze whose clothes were torn, Li Yanran also signaled Li Feng to load the car and leave.


After taking a look at Fan Ze's general appearance, Li Feng sighed and tried his best to get him to the car.

Li Yanran raised her whip just now and called people to stop again.

"Miss, what else can I do?"

Li Feng was stunned, wondering what else Li Yanran wanted to do?

"Go to the kitchen and take all Fan Ze's business with you.

This cook's knife is just like your sword, they are what they use to eat.

If without that knife, he can't make the original taste, I won't lose! "

Li Yanran thought for a moment, then directed her orders to Li Feng.

"Miss, you."

Li Feng is really depressed. He really doesn't know whether to say that Li Yanran is very considerate or that he is very good at things.

It’s okay if you just leave the person, you have to take away the things as well.

Really, no one would do this.

"what happened?"

Li Feng also gave Li Yanran a thumbs up, turned around and ran towards the kitchen.

After taking everything they should take, Li Yanran and Li Feng also got on the carriage and ran towards the Longmen Escort Bureau.

When the Imperial Guard learned that they were leaving the city overnight, they were all dumbfounded.

"Why are you standing there? Pack up quickly and set off in a quarter of an hour. If anyone dares to delay, don't ask for this month's salary!"


When the imperial guards heard this, they quickly packed up and escorted Li Yanran to the west gate of Luoyang in less than a quarter of an hour.

"It's already closed under curfew, what do you want to do?"

The soldiers at the door looked at the sudden appearance of the troops and quickly became alert.

"You don't even know who I am?"

Li Feng also glanced at the fire chief at the door and rode over directly.

"It turns out that he is a subordinate of Special Envoy Li, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

The fire chief was frightened when he saw Li Feng's appearance clearly through the firelight.

"Now that you know my identity, why don't you hurry up and open the city gate."

Li Feng smiled and shouted at the other party.

"I'm afraid this is a little against the rules. After all, the city gate is closed now, and we will be punished!"

Chief Huo was depressed. What time was it? If you want to leave the city, it won't be early.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm leaving Luoyang on the orders of Special Envoy Li. Aren't you afraid of losing your head if I'm delayed?"

Hearing that the other party dared to refuse even after knowing his identity, Li Feng whipped him.

"Open the city gates!"

After being whipped, Huo Chang became honest in an instant.

This special meow is just a janitor. He can't even afford to offend an ordinary clerk, let alone a special envoy like Li Feng.

At that moment, an order was given for the soldiers to open the city gate.


Seeing the city gate open, Li Feng also waved his hand to signal the Imperial Army to leave.

"Brother, as usual, do we need to check the driver's license?"

Looking at the driver behind Li Feng, Huo Chang came over again.

It's not a big deal to open the city gate and let people go. If he doesn't know what he is sending away, how will he explain it then.

"You've learned a lot!"

Li Feng said and whipped him again. The fire chief did not dare to talk nonsense and signaled the soldiers to let them go.

"Close the city gate!"

Watching Li Feng's people leave, the fire chief also directly ordered people to close the city gate.

"Chief Huo, do you need to report to the county magistrate?"

The city gate closed, and a chief came to the side of the fire chief.

"The county magistrate? The county magistrate has been dismissed from his post and investigated. Who should he report to now?"

The chief of fire kicked the chief to the ground. At this time, there were no officials in Luoyang, they were all acting officials.

It means that they, the big soldiers guarding the city, don't have much money, otherwise they will all be taken away.

Besides, behind Li Feng is Li Siwen, the most powerful person in Luoyang now, who dares to say anything.

"Then it can't be like this!"

"That's true, but that's it for tonight. I'll report to the Governor tomorrow morning!"


In this way, Li Yanran left Luoyang City easily and embarked on the journey back to Chang'an.

"Miss, is there really no problem with this?"

Li Feng rode his horse to Li Yanran's side. To be honest, he still felt a little bad about doing this.

"Then you go back and Di Renjie comes back."

"Miss, what did you say, I didn't hear it!"

After Li Feng finished speaking, he rode away directly. The young lady was keeping strangers away, and he couldn't afford to offend her anyway.

"wooden club!"

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she cursed secretly, then opened the car curtain and looked at Luoyang behind her.

Di Renjie, I believe you will understand me.

"Sing to the moon, how is life?"

"It's like morning dew, it's going to be more painful every day."

"Be generous with generosity, and worry will be unforgettable."

"The only solution to worries is Du Kang."

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