My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 797 This tiger skin is so scary!

Hearing Di Renjie's conditions, even Yu's eyebrows almost exploded.

Although his Lian family has a big business, all their money is in land and property, and they really don't have much cash in cash.

There are only copper coins in this small place, who can use gold.

He couldn't take out one thousand taels of gold even if he wanted to.

"Is it much? Then keep fighting!"

Di Renjie's eyes widened and he directly ordered Hou Qi to continue.

"No, not much, I'll send someone to prepare it right away."

Lian Yu was frightened and trembled, and quickly agreed to Di Renjie's request.

"That's pretty much it. How many days will it take to get the money together?"

Di Renjie waved his hand, and Hou Qi naturally stepped aside.

"How about the fifth day?"

"Five days is too long!"

"Four days then."

"Hit me!"

Di Renjie raised his eyebrows, and Hou Qi slapped him.

"Don't fight, it will be as many days as you say."

Lian Yu shivered again and hurriedly begged Di Renjie for mercy.

"One day, I only give you one day."

"One day? This is impossible! This small town in Dongshan simply doesn't have that much gold."

Lian Yu was dumbfounded, one day was simply impossible.

It's not that he has no money, but that Dongshan simply doesn't have that much gold.

Doesn't this force him to jump off the building?

"Then I don't care. If we see the money in one day, we will clear it up. If we don't see the money, I will kill you directly.

Also, don’t even think about finding any backup. Haven’t you been asking me who I am?

Let me tell you straight, that young man is the cousin of Li Siwen, the special envoy to Luoyang.

His cousin is the British Duke of the current dynasty. If you think the Puzhou governor can afford to offend him, just go ahead and inform him! "

Di Renjie also pulled out his tiger skin with a smile on his face.


Lian Yu was stunned when he heard that Li Yanran was actually Li Siwen's cousin.

This Li Ji was the Duke of the Tang Dynasty. He could be described as the God of War who was victorious in all battles and was highly valued by the emperor of the dynasty.

Li Siwen was once again a popular figure around Princess Li Yanran of Lishan Mountain, and now he was the special envoy of Luoyang, killing many officials in Luoyang.

This time I really kicked the iron plate, no, I kicked it on the tip of the blade and spear.

No wonder the other party is not even the governor of Puzhou. With his background, Yang Zhizhong is really nothing in front of them.

"What? Are you scared?"

Seeing Lian Yu's appearance, Di Renjie also slapped him on the head.

"This gentleman, I promise to collect one thousand taels of gold within one day, and there will never be any delay!"

Lian Yu was slapped again and hurriedly reassured Di Renjie.

"Are you being good? That's okay. Just take people back to raise money!"

Di Renjie smiled and directly signaled to Lian Yu that he could leave.

"You want to let me go?"

Lian Yu was confused again. What do you mean?

Are you just letting yourself go?

Don't they need to be hostages themselves?

"What? You even have family roots here in Dongshan, so you can't escape.

If you dare to run away or default on your debt, I will have people rush directly into the county town.

Presumably no one dares to stop it. "

Di Renjie also looked indifferent. If he could escape, the monk could not escape from the temple.

Could it be that because of these one thousand taels of gold, you were able to escape from your family?

"Don't worry, Mr. Lian, Lian Yu will definitely live up to your trust. I will go back to raise money right now, and I will definitely not embarrass you."

Lian Yu thought that what the other party said made sense.

His family has a great career, and he is the top noble in the dynasty.

In the eyes of the other party, he really is nothing, and there is no need to be afraid that he will run away.

"Well, let's go!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lang!"

Lian Yu turned around after hearing this, but turned back when he saw the Lian family servants kneeling on the ground.

"Why did you come back again? Haven't you been beaten enough?"

Looking at Lian Yu who turned around and returned, he was also stunned for a moment.

"I've beaten enough, I've beaten enough, I just have something I want to ask to be my husband!"

Lian Yu was depressed. How could anyone not be beaten enough?


"Excuse me, Mr. Lang, for your kindness and allowing Lian Yu to take all these useless servants back. Lian Yu is grateful!"

Lian Yu hurriedly saluted and stated his intention.

"You want to take people away? It doesn't matter, Hou Qi, order people to bring all the Feng family members over and let them beat me hard to vent their anger!"


Hou Qi saluted and walked directly to the side.

Soon those Feng Laoliu and others were brought over. The so-called enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and they started fighting without Hou Qi saying a word.

The servants of the Lian family were usually ruthless, but now the knives were held to their necks, and they could only grit their teeth and be beaten.

"Lang Jun, this is almost enough."

"You have to let them vent their anger! Don't be anxious, don't be anxious!"

Di Renjie smiled, this was just the beginning, why be in a hurry.

"Mr. Lang, Lian Yu has something unclear. What is the relationship between this mud-legged man from Fengjia Village and this young man? Why do you favor these people so much?"

Di Renjie spoke, Lian Yu didn't dare to say anything, but he was still a little confused.

What kind of good thing did this mud-legged guy from Fengjia Village do to make the other party help them like this?

It stands to reason that as a son of a wealthy family, it is impossible for him to care about the life and death of those people in Fengjia Village.

"Them? Just leave it alone. All you need to know is that these people are somewhat involved with my young husband.

If you dare to bring trouble to Fengjiacun again, it won’t be settled with a thousand taels of gold. " Di Renjie was waiting for him to say this, and directly stated the relationship between the two families.

With these words, I believe that the Lian family will not dare to have any evil intentions against Feng Laoliu and the others.

"Lian Yu understands and will definitely not dare to provoke the Feng family again!"

Lian Yu shuddered and quickly saluted Di Renjie.

No matter what great deeds Feng Laoliu had done, they didn't dare to provoke Fengjia Village anymore.

Damn it, this is the Hall of Hell.

After a while, Di Renjie also waved his hand, indicating that Lian Yu could take the people away.

Lian Yu and a group of his men ran away from Feng Village without even daring to look back.

"Xiao Langjun, everything is arranged!"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and told everything about what he had done.

"Well, you did a good job. If you stabilize them now, you will be able to stabilize Yang Zhizhong. At least if we leave, nothing will happen to Feng Laoliu and the others!"

Li Yanran nodded. Di Renjie's arrangement was considered to have taken care of everything inside and outside.

"It's all done according to His Highness' wishes!"

"Don't learn from the good, but learn from the bad. I've learned this ability to flatter you all the time. The world is really in decline!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Di Renjie and walked directly to her house.

"Di Renjie, I leave this place to you!"

Li Feng glanced outside and followed Li Yanran directly.

"Hou Qi, clean this place, treat the injured, and carry the dead out and bury them."


Hou Qi nodded and went directly to tell the forbidden troops to start working.

"Third Master, let me carry you!"

A servant glanced at Lian Yu, endured the pain and came to Lian Yu's side.

"It's Liu Er who understands me best. This hurts me to death!"

Lian Yu jumped directly onto the servant's back. His whole body was hurting now. If his life hadn't been in danger, he would have been paralyzed long ago.

"Third Master, we have suffered such a big loss this time. We will report to the county magistrate tomorrow and ask him to send county officials to capture them!"

Liu Er also gritted his teeth and spoke to Lian Yu bitterly.

"Fart, if anyone dares to mention this again, I will bury him in the ground and use it as fertilizer.

And no one should come to Fengjia Village from now on. Do you understand? "

Lian Yu slapped him away.

If he didn't know the other party's identity, he would naturally do this.

After all, officials are officials and people are people.

But he is a member of the Duke's family, and if he insists on hitting his head, not only will he die, but the entire company may be buried with him.

"I understand!"

Liu Er didn't say anything when he heard this. He also understood now that this person was definitely not someone he could afford.

That night Lian Yu also rested in Wubao outside Lianjia City, and rushed towards the county seat at dawn the next day.

"Its daybreak."

Li Yanran was awakened by the sunshine, stretched and sat up from the bed.

"Li Feng, Li Feng!"

"Miss! Are you awake?"

Li Feng pushed the door open and saluted Li Yanran.

"Well, Fan Ze made something delicious this morning. I'm hungry!"

Li Yanran smiled and asked directly what kind of breakfast Fan Ze made.

"There are no good ingredients here, so Fan Ze had two pheasants caught and made chicken soup."

"Chicken soup? That's pretty good. Bring it over!"


Li Feng turned around and left. After a while, he brought a bowl of chicken soup and half a pancake and placed them in front of Li Yanran.

"This chicken soup is delicious, not bad, not bad!"

Li Yanran took a bite and didn't know whether Fan Ze's cooking was better or this pheasant was better.

Anyway, it tastes really delicious.

"If Miss likes it, let Fan Ze prepare more in the morning!"

After Li Feng said that, he stood next to Li Yanran.

"You can eat it too, you're welcome to me!"

"Li Feng is not hungry!"

"wooden club!"

Li Yanran was too lazy to pay attention to him, this guy was just a fool.

After eating and drinking, Li Yanran also walked out, looking at the sun above her head. It was a beautiful day.

"Let's go to Dongshan County."


Li Feng took the order, ordered someone to escort the carriage, and then rushed towards Dongshan County with Li Yanran and Di Renjie under the guard of several forbidden troops.

"Two brothers, two brothers!"

Lian Yu rushed to the house in Lianjia City, his eyes filled with fear.

"Lao San, what's wrong with you? Aren't you based outside the city? What's going on?"

The eldest son of the Lian family, Lian Qing, glanced at the third son, Lian Lao, with doubts in his eyes.

Why did this guy become like this overnight?

Could it be that he met some strongman outside the city?

"Brother, stop talking, I've been robbed too!"

Lian Yu hurriedly saluted Lian Qing and told everything about last night.

"Third brother, are you confused?

It's just some mud-legged guy, how could it be possible that he got on the Li family's line? How can this be? "

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