My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 806 The dangers of Japan!

Chapter 806 The dangers of Japan!

Seeing Li Zhi's expression, Li Yanran also became depressed.

It was precisely because those in power did not pay enough attention to the Japanese country that there would be such disasters in the future.

She had to break this concept no matter what.

From now on, starting from Li Zhi, we pay attention to the Japanese state.

"Have to defend? How to defend? You don't want your father to send troops across the vast sea to knock down that side.

Not to mention the impassable sea route, even if it were occupied, the gains would outweigh the losses, and the officials in the country would never agree. "

Li Zhi shook his head. There was no need to cross the vast sea to cause trouble in the barbarian land of Japan.

Even if he agrees, the civil and military officials in the court will not agree.

"Father, you don't have to worry about the blocked sea route. I have arranged for the caravan to follow the Japanese merchant ship back to Japan. The navigators on the ship will draw the sea chart when the time comes.

And who said that Japan was a barren land? There were a lot of gold and silver deposits there.

If we can occupy the Japanese country, we will not only eliminate an evil neighbor for our Tang Dynasty, but also continuously transport gold and silver back to Datang.

Why not do it? "

Li Yanran knows that whether it is a person or a country, what drives them forward is interests.

If you can't afford it, it can be used anywhere.

She didn't believe it yet. How could her father not be moved when he heard that Japan had gold and silver mountains?

"Are you telling the truth?"

Li Zhi raised his eyebrows. If what Li Yanran said was true, it would really be necessary for the Japanese country to come to this country.

"How dare I lie to you about such a big thing?"

Li Yanran smiled, and she knew that her father would be moved.

"But even if you say that, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the ministers to convince you. Let me think about it!"

After hearing the definite answer, Li Zhi also sat on the dragon throne and started thinking.

The expedition to Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla was his father's last wish, and no one dared to stop it.

Conquering the Western Regions and confronting Tubo were what the Tang Dynasty had to do.

But if we really want to cross the sea and attack a small country, it will be really difficult to pass.

"Father, in fact, this is nothing to think about. I conclude that there will be a war between Japan and the Tang Dynasty within a few years.

I will trade with Japan first and solve the problem of sea routes. Father, you will increase the construction and investment in the navy.

Especially the construction of ocean-going warships and the training of sailors.

In this way, when the two countries really go to war, all the father needs to do is follow the current and directly issue an order to wipe out the Japanese country. Isn't this enough? "

Li Yanran glanced at her father and expressed her thoughts.

Although the Tang Dynasty had an unparalleled navy, most of it was offshore ships, and the construction of ocean-going warships must be included in the schedule.

Otherwise, even if the Battle of Baijiangkou really happened and the main force of Japan's navy was destroyed, it would be impossible to attack Japan across the sea.

And a small Japanese country is not her end point. If she can occupy the Japanese country, she can use it as a transit point and start heading towards the Americas.

After all, it was the New World, with high-yielding crops such as sweet potatoes, corn, and potatoes.

If he could bring all those things back, Datang's food production would surely grow explosively.

As the saying goes, if the people are safe, the country will be stable. The Tang Dynasty's national rule may be extended for some time.

Of course, the premise of all this is a ship. If we can't build a ship that can cross the entire ocean, everything will be a mirage.

"Will the Tang Dynasty really go to war with Japan? Do they really dare to offend the Tang Dynasty?"

There is nothing wrong with what Li Yanran said, but the most important thing is, does the Japanese country really have the courage to challenge Datang?

He really couldn't believe it. Even if he didn't fight them, the Japanese country still dared to come to the Tang Dynasty to cause trouble?

Isn’t this Chunchun seeking death?

"Father, when did Yanran lie to you?"

Li Yanran didn't talk so much nonsense. History has recorded that this Japanese country has never been timid.

If given the opportunity, they would never let it go.

“Okay, let’s do as you say for now.

I will discuss with my ministers tomorrow to increase investment in the navy and build ocean-going warships.

If the situation you mentioned really happens, then the territory of the Tang Dynasty will be expanded further outwards. "

Since Li Yanran was so sure, he had to take precautions.

If that little Japanese country really took advantage of the Tang Dynasty, how could he have the face to see his dead father?

"Father is wise!"

Li Yanran also breathed a sigh of relief. The affairs of Japan were settled, and now it depends on Li Daosan's ability.

The sea chart must be obtained. This is the basis for the expedition to Japan.

"You little girl, you don't have to wear a high hat on me, I'm not as wise as you!"

Li Zhi also gave Li Yanran a gentle knock. If you can speak, please speak more. I am willing to listen.

"Father, in addition to the matter of Japan, I also have a small matter that I want to report to you!"

"Anything else? You have a lot to do, tell me!"

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, you are doing this one thing after another, and it is not over yet.

"Yang Zhizhong, the governor of Puzhou, my father is very impressed!"

"Of course I know, what's wrong? Did he offend you somewhere?"

Li Zhi frowned and asked Li Yanran.

"He didn't offend me, he offended Datang!"

Li Yanran also told everything about Feng Laoliu and all the evil deeds the Lian family had committed relying on Yang Zhizhong.

"That's unreasonable!"

Li Zhi also slapped Long An, his eyes filled with angry fire.

He really didn't expect that a small clan could do so many outrageous things because of its relationship with Yang Zhizhong.

This is really unreasonable and lawless.

"At that time, Yanran was also filled with anger and evil, but I was just a princess.

They have a name but no real power, so they can only appease them temporarily and come back to report to their father.

If I were like Li Siwen and had the power of an imperial envoy, I would probably have Yang Zhizhong executed on the spot! ” ˆ ˆ Li Yanran also sighed and expressed her helplessness at that time.

If there was any chance, she would never let Yang Zhizhong go unpunished until now.

"Well, you are right to do this. After all, you have no real power. If you deal with it rashly, Yang Zhizhong will definitely have big problems.

Tomorrow I will order the Yushitai to go to Puzhou to investigate the evil deeds committed by Yang Zhizhong.

In addition, I also have an idea, do you want to hear it? "

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi also raised his eyebrows and looked at his precious daughter.

"Father, if you have something to say, just say it, Yanran is listening!"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi, wondering what he wanted to say.

"Yanran, you know better than anyone that Hong'er is naughty. I'm afraid that after a hundred years, he won't be able to control the Tang Dynasty.

So when the time comes, you, the elder sister, will have to help him. What do you think? "

Li Zhi also brought up old things and expressed his thoughts.

"Father? It has always been a taboo for the royal family for women to interfere in politics. Don't think so!"

Li Yanran was stupid, really stupid.

Facing the wise Emperor Gaozong, she didn't know what he meant.

What's going on, are you trying to delegate power to me?

Although I have been a human being for two lifetimes, I am still just a ten-year-old child, still a girl.

Are you really doing this for Li Hong's benefit, or are you testing me, your biological daughter?

After all, my mother has not reached that stage now. What are you thinking about a woman doing politics?

"Nonsense, it's taboo for women to engage in politics. If it were your way, would my father take down your mother now?

After all, your mother has been helping me review memorials for the past two years!

Without her, I might have had this disease many times! "

Li Zhi was stunned. Do the mother and daughter have the same mind?

As soon as I speak, you say that it is wrong for women to engage in politics. I am not afraid of blaming you, but you yourself are trying to convict yourself.

"Yanran doesn't mean that, isn't Aniang helping my father to share the pressure?

Besides, compared with A Niang, Yan Ran is not even a bit inferior, so let’s not talk about it! "

Li Yanran was depressed. Some words spoken by different people had completely different effects.

What she said just now was filled with complaints and a desire for some power.

But if you say that, if I dare to agree, then I would be a fool.

Even if I want rights, I have to wait until I really take that step and become the Ninth Five Supreme Being.

"Xiao Yanran, don't belittle yourself. It's true that your mother is a wonderful woman, but she may not be more powerful than you when she is your age.

You think it is natural for your mother to help me, but how could it be a heinous crime for you to help your little brother?

You have a disease and you need to change it, you know? "

Li Zhi slapped Li Yanran on the head, his eyes filled with anger.

Why is it so difficult for me to ask you to do something myself, not to mention I didn’t ask you to help others.

That's your brother.

"Father, running a country is not about business.

I can tell by the look on your face that you can't eat well or sleep well all day long.

I am guarding my gold and silver mountain, doesn’t it smell good to him to be free and happy every day?

Why go to trouble and do something thankless.

Just spare me, okay? "

Li Yanran shook her head. She did want some rights, but that was just to be able to protect herself when something happened in the future.

But she never thought about managing national affairs. That would cost so many brain cells.

"You have to do it if you can, and you have to do it if you don't. This is the holy will, do you understand?"

Li Zhi was also depressed. He knew that you had to guard your three-quarter acre of land all day long, and you thought about nothing but making money, right?

If I don’t use it if I have the ability, wouldn’t it be a complete waste of my good genes?

"I don't understand. Father, you are trying to force me. Be careful if I go to my mother-in-law to sue you!"

Li Yanran was dumbfounded.

I've heard of people forcing cows to drink water, but I've never heard of people forcing people to become officials.

His father is really weird. No wonder there will be an eternal miracle of two saints coming to the same dynasty in the future. He finally understands.

"Go and file a lawsuit. I've told your mother-in-law about this a long time ago, so just accept your fate!"

A flash of panic flashed in Li Zhi's eyes, but he immediately calmed down.

"Auntie knows?"

Li Yanran was completely shocked when she heard this. How could I agree to this?

This is simply impossible.

You must know that before the two saints came together, I was cautious all the way, for fear of something going wrong.

How could this happen now.

"Can I still lie to you like this? What? Do you need my father to swear another poisonous oath to you?"

Li Zhi smiled, your mother-in-law must know, but I didn't say that she agreed to this.

Even if he swears poisonous oaths, he is not afraid.

"You'd better forget it, I'm afraid I can't bear it, but I can wait until I grow up to talk about my father.

After all, I am only ten years old now. If you act like this, I am afraid that I will grow old before my time. "

After looking at Li Zhi, Li Yanran also sighed.

"Those are all things for later. When the time comes, I will give you a decree and give you a gold medal to give you the advantage.

When you encounter something like Yang Zhizhong again, you don't have to come over to report it, you can just take it down, how about it? "

Li Zhi also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Li Yanran agreed.

It is too difficult to deceive my daughter, okay, okay!

"Everything depends on my father!"

(End of this chapter)

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