My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 869 Super Sledgehammer!

The one-eyed dragon shouted loudly, took the lead, and headed towards the big ship where Liu Tao was located.

Although the big ship occupies a certain advantage, it is only a long-distance battle.

Once you let yourself get in front of you, it will be like a pack of wolves devouring a tiger, and the opponent will be finished.

"Using the merchant ship as the base, small boats guard both sides, light fires, and release arrows!"

Seeing the water bandits coming, Liu Tao also sighed.

There is nothing to say if you insist on coming here to die instead of living a good life.

After hearing Liu Tao's order, more than a dozen small boats nearby also guarded the left and right sides of the two large ships, and the archers on the ships also lit fires and sprinkled arrows on the water bandits on the opposite side.

Bows and arrows were not prohibited weapons in the Tang Dynasty, but well-made bows and arrows were still very valuable.

The water bandits also have bows and arrows, but they are completely different from those equipped by the Longmen escorts.

Regardless of range or distance, the gap is very far, and Liu Tao and his cargo ship still have a high altitude advantage.

This also created a situation where the water bandits could only be beaten passively.

"Pick up your shield and keep moving forward!"

In front of the one-eyed dragon, there were water bandits who were blocking him with shields. At the same time, he also ordered the water bandits to continue attacking.

Although the water bandits were considered heroic, several boats were still set on fire under Liu Tao's bow and arrow fire.

Except for those who were shot to death, the rest of the people on the ship also jumped overboard to escape.

In this way, the water bandits, despite suffering huge casualties, rushed in front of Liu Tao's two flagships.

"Instruct the small boats to take care of the boats on both sides and try to squeeze them to the front of the boat!"

Looking at the enemy getting closer and closer, Liu Tao also ordered again.

Soon the small boats on both sides of the merchant ship were fighting with the enemies who were coming up, squeezing them towards the front of the merchant ship with all their strength.

One-Eyed Dragon's face was full of misgivings, thinking that the front was a breakthrough, and directly ordered the water bandits to attack the front.

At the same time, he also licked his steel knife and took the lead in killing the bow of the ship.

"Hey, why bother asking for death!"

Liu Tao sighed, and then waved his hand directly.


The escort on one side also saluted directly, and then lifted the veil at the bow of the ship.

There are two tall wooden sticks with a huge ball on top. The whole thing looks like a hammer magnified countless times.

"No, it's a racket!"

Seeing the weapon that suddenly appeared on the bow of the ship, Cyclops was stunned.

This is a merchant ship. Why does it have naval equipment?

Could it be that the one who came to destroy him was actually the Tang Navy?

But that's not right. This is not a standard ship of the navy at all, it is just a modified merchant ship.


Just when the one-eyed dragon was shocked, Liu Tao gave an order, and the escort immediately released the rope.

The two racket sticks were like giant hammers from the sky, falling from the sky and smashing the Cyclops and a small boat next to him into pieces.

Those bandit ships had also gathered here before as ordered, but now they had become the targets of the other party.

Two boats, four paddles, four boats in one shot.

Then the sailor on the boat used force to pull up the racket stick again, and then shot it down again.

After smashing a dozen small boats in succession, the water bandits escaped from the opponent's attack range.

Then he ran back without looking back.

"Beat the drum and move forward, order the people hiding behind the water village to come out and attack from both front and rear!"

Seeing the other party retreating, Liu Tao also smiled.

These water bandits have lost their will to fight and will die.

Sure enough, when the dozen or so small boats that were ambushing behind the water village came out, the water bandits completely collapsed.

Retreat in all directions.

But handing your back to the enemy means handing your life to the king of hell.

In the end, only a few boats escaped, and the rest were either shot to death, burned, or jumped into the river to escape.

"Gather the belongings of Shuizhai and prepare to return to Luoyang!"

Seeing that the battle was over, Liu Tao also smiled proudly.

After all, it’s me. Combining theory with practice is amazing.

Soon the Longmen Escorts boarded the water stronghold, put out the fire and moved all the goods in the water stronghold to the cargo ship.

In the end, there was another fire, and the swamp bandit that harmed Luohe no longer existed.

As for whether someone will occupy this place and continue to cause trouble in the future, it depends on whether their forehead is hard or the mallet on the racket is hard.

After cleaning up the place, Liu Tao also arranged for a cargo ship to go back to deliver the loot, while he rushed to meet the caravan and escort them to their destination.

"Xiao Langjun, you are back!"

Zhang Minggu looked at the cargo ship slowly docking, his eyes full of excitement.

Looking at the blood stains on the boat, he knew that the other party must have experienced a battle.

But if they can come back, it proves that this battle should be won.

"Well, let's go and have a look!"

Li Siwen nodded and responded directly.

"What's going on?"

Looking at Ye Xun who jumped off the merchant ship, Li Siwen asked directly.

"Xiao Langjun, under the command of the governor, we won a great victory. Not only did we annihilate all the water bandits, but we also wiped out their water strongholds. It can be said that we have gained a lot!"

Ye Xun also hurriedly saluted and told everything about the battle.

"Okay! It's really good! Where is Liu Tao, where has he gone?" Although he had already guessed that the other party had won, he was completely relieved when he heard Ye Xun say this.

"The governor was worried about the safety of the fleet, so he followed the fleet and said he would wait until it was safely delivered before coming back."

Ye Xun saluted again and told Liu Tao's situation.

"Well, that's it, you take the time to rest. You've been busy all night, so rest quickly!"


It was over, he now only felt sleepy and yawned.

A few days later, Liu Tao also returned to Luoyang by boat.

"Li Siwen, brother, I didn't embarrass you, did I?"

Liu Tao jumped off the boat and hugged Li Siwen directly.

"It's you after all. I'll give you an extra hundred guan this time."

Li Siwen smiled and hit him twice on the back.

"Fart, the money, food and materials I seized from the water village this time are worth at least four to five thousand guan.

Excluding the money you promised those brothers before, you can still keep at least three thousand coins.

Just give me a hundred guan, that's too stingy!

According to the rules, my brothers and I can share 30%! "

Liu Tao pushed Li Siwen away and said to him angrily.

"You're just farting. All that was looted from the water village was the money stolen from Datong Logistics, and four to five thousand guan were returned. How dare you say that.

The extra 100 guan I'm giving you now is all from my own pocket. If you think it's too little, then I've saved money! "

Li Siwen punched Liu Tao, his eyes full of depression.

All actions follow the command, Li Yanran's rules are the rules.

If the bandits were truly suppressed, the participating Longmen bodyguards would naturally all receive a commission. However, all the things in this water village were their own, and asking for more would be too much.

If Brother Li found out about this, he would have to kill himself to vent his anger.

"Yes, why don't you? If you can take out one more copper coin from your hand, you will earn it. One hundred copper coins is really a lot."

"Okay, take the time to rest. You are tired after going out this time. I will treat you to a drink tonight!"

"When you eat wine, you must eat wine, and eat the most expensive wine!"

"Then let's have the most beautiful wine and the best friends!"


The two of them could be regarded as eradicating a cancer on the Luo River. Without the water bandits, the river transport of the Luo River came to life in an instant.

And those little water bandits were completely convinced, especially those who had just converted from land bandits to water bandits, they were equally convinced and convinced.

Together with your Longmen Escort Bureau, you are going to make things difficult for us, right? You are chasing people and beating them, right? Isn’t it okay if we quit?

Immediately, the water bandits disbanded and returned to dust. They did not want to eat this bowl of rice.

But some people are not willing to give in. If you suppress me on land and still follow me on water, then let's go to sea and become pirates.

A group of people also left together and ran towards the seaside.

Longmen Escort Agency became an instant hit this time, and it also made Datong Logistics popular.

In the past, those small merchants were all small shipping merchants who were cheaper. Now that they are better, knowing that Datong Logistics has a safety guarantee, they immediately began to move closer to Datong Logistics.

Finally, the Japanese caravan was also prepared. Behind them, with more than a dozen ships prepared by the Tang Dynasty, they began to fight through the obstacles and rush towards the direction of the Japanese country.

I have to say that Murakami Satoki is really a capable person. He clearly explained all the taboos along the way, the sea breeze, and some important places.

He also knew what Li Siwen meant, didn't he just want to open a trade route? fair enough.

After all, it is too difficult to cross mountains and seas. If this trade route is really opened, they will definitely need distributors by then.

Then I only need to do a good job in distribution in China. Isn't it better to make a steady profit than to run around risking my life?

So he hopes that this trade route will be handed over to the Tang Dynasty, and everyone will make money when the time comes. Isn't it great?

Thanks to Murakami Satoki's generous teaching, Li Daosan also obtained a lot of data from several surveyors along the way.

Soon the charts were gathered together. In order to prevent shipwrecks, more than a dozen ships each carried a surveyor.

In this way, as long as the entire fleet is not wiped out, Haitu and the others can take it back to Datang.

In the end, after wandering all the way and losing five ships, they finally arrived at the dock of the Japanese country.

Looking at the dilapidated dock in front of him, Li Daosan was dumbfounded. Is this the so-called Japanese dock?

This is too shameful. I really don’t know what’s wrong with this princess.

Is it necessary for this special place to be like this? Let yourself take the trouble to make a chart and take the sea route.

In the end, it was for a barbarian land with nothing but poverty?

"This is the Port of Hakata in our country of Japan. Although it cannot be compared with those huge ports in the Tang Dynasty, it is also one of the best ports in our country of Japan!"

Murakami Satoki knew that these Tang people might look down on this place, and it was incomparable to the giant ports of the Tang Dynasty.

But this is also one of the most famous ports in their country, and he believes that if the trade routes between Datang and Japan become frequent, the Bodo Port will definitely develop into a huge port like Datang.

"Well, it's not bad, it has great potential for development!"

Li Daosan has nothing to say. Although this place is a little dilapidated, if it really develops, it has the potential to become Palembang.

"I don't know if the envoy is going to distribute these goods himself, or if he is going to leave them to me to help you distribute them.

After all, with such a large amount, it seems not easy to sell it in a short period of time. "

Murakami Satoki now also has his mind set on this batch of goods. You must know that the Tang Dynasty's ships are larger than his own ships.

A dozen large ships were worth his trip several times.

If he could get this amount of goods, even if Datang only came once a year, it would be enough for him to make a fortune.

Moreover, these are clear goods, so you don’t need to take risks yourself. The most important thing is that the other party has no sales channels at all for the first time and can only rely on yourself.

"Murakami Satoki, you also know what my husband means. Do you really think you can eat these things by yourself?"

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