My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 872 Go and invite Princess Lishan!

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Li Ji in front of him, his eyes full of anger.

The three of them are the last support of the military. If even his own people cannot unite, then Su Dingfang has no other way but to withdraw his troops.

"You are too reckless. Your Majesty is in a dilemma now. If you are too intimidating now, your Majesty will only think that we are too powerful.

If His Majesty is afraid of him, even if Duke Xing wants to be in Jishi Mountain, it will be impossible. "

Li Ji glanced at Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, and slowly shook his head.

"Then you mean we won't fight or grab? Then His Majesty will definitely be led astray by Ren Yaxiang and Du Zhenglun.

It's not your style to just sit back and wait for death. Do you have other ideas? "

Yuchi Jingde glanced at Li Ji, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Haha, actually we don't fight, but there is one person who can help us fight for it, and this person has much more weight in front of His Majesty than us."

Li Ji smiled, his eyes full of deepness.

"Is there anyone else who will help us fight for it? And what they say has more weight than us? You don't mean to say Queen!"

Yuchi Jingde frowned, wondering what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd.

"Idiot, is your brain full of mush? How can the queen and us have so many interactions? You are talking about Princess Li Yanran of Lishan, right?"

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Yuchi Jingde with disdain, "Li Ji said everything so clearly, you still don't know who it is."

I really don’t know how your brain grew.

"That's right, as long as we can persuade Princess Lishan to go to His Majesty to speak to you, even if Ren Yaxiang talks nonsense, it will be of no use at all!"

Li Ji nodded, he was talking about Li Yanran.

"Look at my brain, why did I forget about that girl?

So what are you waiting for? Hurry to the Lishan fiefdom before it is too late for His Majesty to make a decision. "

Yuchi Jingde also slapped himself on the forehead and got on the carriage directly to find Li Yanran.

"Let's go."

"hurry up!"

The two of them also got on their carriages, left Chang'an, and ran towards the Lishan fiefdom.

"The three princes left Chang'an and went to Lishan to fiefdom!"

Someone immediately came to Ren Yaxiang and told them the whereabouts of the three people.

"No, they are trying to save the country. If they persuade Princess Lishan to help intercede, Your Majesty will have to go to war with Tubo."

Ren Yaxiang became nervous instantly when he heard this situation.

Originally, the two sides should be evenly matched, but if the other side really asks for foreign aid, and with Li Yanran's momentum of gaining favor in front of the emperor, the other side will inevitably issue an order for a full-scale decisive battle.

"Then what should we do? How about we go find Princess Lishan too?"

Du Zhenglun also frowned, and he didn't know what to do.

"Do you think Princess Lishan will listen to us? If she doesn't get kicked out of the Lishan fiefdom, it's considered a good thing."

Ren Yaxiang was depressed. Everyone knew about his relationship with Li Yanran. If he went to Lishan, wouldn't he be making himself uncomfortable?

"Then what are you going to do?"

Du Zhenglun looked at Ren Yaxiang, wondering how the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was going to deal with Li Yanran's wonderful move.

"What to do? They are looking for Princess Lishan, and we have no one to look for. Follow me to find Xu Jingzong."

Ren Yaxiang sneered, his eyes full of coldness.

Although he looked down on greedy ministers like Xu Jingzong, he had to go find him now.

"Do you want to go to the Queen through Xu Jingzong and get her to support our idea?"

Du Zhenglun was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what the other party meant.

"That's right, although the Queen is a woman, she understands the righteousness and has a strong sense of the overall situation. She must be able to see the danger of a decisive battle with Tubo at this moment.

As long as we give a little more, the other party will definitely agree to speak for us.

If she speaks for us, His Majesty will definitely fall in love with us. "

Ren Yaxiang nodded and directly expressed his thoughts.

If you are looking for your daughter, then I will look for her mother to see who has more magic power.

"The Prime Minister is still wise, Du Zhenglun is convinced!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!"


The two of them also ran towards Xu Jingzong's mansion together.

"Your Highness, the three princes have arrived!"

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and told the news about the three people's request for a meeting.

"Three princes? Please come in quickly. Forget it, I will go and greet you personally!"

When she heard that Cheng Yaojin and the others were coming, Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, jumped down from her chair and went out to greet them.

"No need to answer, we came uninvited, Princess Lishan won't blame us!"

Arriving before anyone else arrived, Cheng Yaojin also took Li Ji and Yuchi Jingde into the house.

"The three princes came here. Yan Ran was flattered, how could she blame him!" Li Yanran also smiled at the three of them, and then asked Di Renjie to prepare fragrant tea.

Everyone sat down and the fragrant tea was delivered to the three of them.

After taking a sip of tea, Li Ji also smiled and said: "I always feel that the tea in this land is much more fragrant than the tea sold outside. Have you hidden all those good things?"

"The British man was joking. Maybe the water here is better. After all, is there a mountain spring here? It will have some effect after brewing."

Li Yanran also smiled and took a sip of tea.

"Three princes, don't say those polite words. You are here unexpectedly. Something must have happened!"

"Princess Lishan is really clever, so we won't hide her."

Li Ji glanced at the other two people and directly stated his purpose.

"So you want me to persuade my father to support a full-scale war with Tubo!"

After listening, Li Yanran also frowned.

This matter is a major military matter. She is just a child with no power. If she is involved in a fight between the two parties, she is likely to become a victim.

"That's right, Your Highness, although you are young, we have never treated you like a child.

This matter is related to the future of the Tang Dynasty. Tubo is a hungry wolf, always waiting for opportunities.

If we don't seize the opportunity to destroy each other now, and when these old guys run out of energy and the new generation of the Tang Dynasty fails to grow up, the Tang Dynasty will be in danger.

Therefore, you must not let His Majesty follow Ren Yaxiang's advice and give up this opportunity in vain. "

Cheng Yaojin also stood up. The only one they could rely on now was Li Yanran.

He knew that the other party could definitely see the danger of Tibet, so he supported the emperor's war against Tibet against all opinions.

"Tubo is indeed a powerful enemy of the Tang Dynasty. If we can really cripple or even destroy them in one fell swoop, we should indeed go to war with Tibet with all our strength.

But do you think it’s appropriate for me to speak about this in my capacity?

I am just a child, and you put the heavy responsibility of this matter on me. I can only say that you think highly of me! "

Li Yanran shook her head. It wasn't that she didn't want to help, but that she didn't dare to help.

After all, this is a major military matter, and it would be inappropriate for her to intervene rashly.

"Your Highness, we didn't ask you to do anything except state your interests to His Majesty.

I believe that with His Majesty's wisdom, he will be able to distinguish the interests and harms and make the right decision. "

Li Ji naturally knew where Li Yanran was in trouble, but in the current situation, they had no choice.

The only one I can rely on is Li Yanran. If she doesn't help, it will be a disaster.

"Yes, Your Highness, this is related to the entire military of Datang. If it disappears like this, it will be a huge blow to Datang!"

"That's right, we are wholeheartedly devoted to His Highness.

Whenever you have any problem, we will do our best. If you don't help us with this matter, it will be a bit unreasonable. "

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde also spoke one after another, trying to persuade Li Yanran to help them speak out.

"You guys, then I'll give it a try, but I don't know if it will work!"

Li Yanran looked at the three of them again, you are really speechless.

She has a close relationship with the three families, and she doesn't want to have a disagreement with them just like that.

After all, he was counting on the three children to do things for him. Chang'an would go there no matter what.

"This will be of great help to Your Highness!"

Upon hearing Li Yanran's agreement, the three of them also saluted together and retreated.

"Di Renjie, what do you think of this!"

After the three people left, Li Yanran also called Di Renjie over.

"Your Highness, this matter is not trivial. The Tang Dynasty has been fighting for years since the founding of the country. Although it has been recuperating for a period of time, the people are tired.

If the war with Tubo really started this time, it would be a huge test for Datang.

After all, if I were Tubo, since I decided to go to war with the Tang Dynasty, I would definitely find a way to provoke the disobedient people in the Western Regions to start a rebellion.

At that time, we will face a two-front war situation, and two-front war will inevitably divide Datang's strength.

If we can't go all out, we are afraid that we will lose the war with Tubo. Once we lose the entire Southwest of the Tang Dynasty, we may even lose the Western Region.

Moreover, the three princes represent the entire military force. If His Majesty agrees, those military generals will inevitably pressure Datang to continue its foreign campaigns.

Although the motherland is a war-prone country and is bound to perish, if it really embarks on the path of militarism and all-round expansion, the consequences will be disastrous.

On the contrary, if the troops are withdrawn from Jishi Mountain now, although Tuhun Valley will be suppressed by Tubo, it will be a situation of mutual consumption. This is what the Tang Dynasty wants to see most. "

Di Renjie's thoughts are the same as those of Ren Yaxiang and others. Maintaining stability is the path that should be pursued now.

Once a war breaks out, no one knows what will happen next.

Although Su Dingfang is playing very well now, once he suffers a defeat, he will be completely finished.

"Although it is true that the motherland will perish if it is warlike, no matter how big the country is, there is another saying behind it: no matter how peaceful the world is, if it forgets to fight, it will be in danger.

Tubo had long wanted to annex the Tang Dynasty, and they were too close to Chang'an. Once something happened to the Tang Dynasty, the Tubo thieves would definitely send their troops eastward to attack Chang'an.

I don't want this situation to happen, so what I can do now is to let the Tang Dynasty cripple Tubo or even destroy it while I can do something. "

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