My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 876: Fully reinforce Jishi Mountain and fight against Tibet!

Li Yanran is also depressed, can you please stop forcing me like this?

Besides, I really should slap my mouth.

"Forget it, you little girl, I can't ask you anything, just go away!"

Seeing Li Yanran's insistence, Li Zhi knew that nothing could be asked and waved his hand directly.

"Then father and mother, I will return to the fiefdom first!"

Li Yanran also hurriedly saluted and then jumped away.

"This girl, I really don't know what he thinks."

Li Zhi also shook his head and said directly to Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, have you thought about how to tell Ren Yaxiang and the others?

After all, they were also doing it for the good of Datang, so it would be somewhat bad if they were treated roughly. "

Wu Zetian also smiled, and there was nothing she could do about Li Yanran's situation.

This may be because smart people always have unique ideas.

"That's for sure, and I don't need to ask for these things, someone will tell me!"

Li Zhi smiled, are these things still serious?

There are many ways to make Ren Yaxiang bow his head.

"Your Majesty wants to reveal the news to Cheng Yaojin and others, so that they can serve as the leading troops and charge into battle for you?"

Wu Zetian immediately understood what the other party meant. She was preparing to let Cheng Yaojin charge into the battle.

"That's right, they will take action, and I will make the final decision at the end. Then it will be over!"

Li Zhi nodded. It's better to have a smart wife. You don't have to say anything yourself, the other party will understand what the other party means immediately.

"Your Majesty is wise, Mei Niang admires you!"

Wu Zetian also hurriedly saluted and whispered compliments.

"Just admire me, I'll make arrangements right now!"

Li Zhi couldn't care about anything else and hurriedly arranged the next thing.

After getting Li Zhi's approval, someone immediately spread the news to Cheng Yaojin's house.

Why did you choose him? It's naturally because this guy is a big mouth.

Telling him would be equivalent to telling Li Ji and Yuchi Jingde.

After receiving the news, Cheng Yaojin immediately exploded, and hurriedly called Yuchi Jingde and Li Ji together to discuss how to go to the imperial study room tomorrow.

After the court meeting the next day, Ruian also called several people to the imperial study room again.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Several people came in and saluted Li Zhi directly.

"Stop being like this, tell me what you've been thinking about all night!"

Li Zhi waved to a few people and asked them directly.

"Your Majesty, I still mean that, the current situation is like this.

I don't agree with Su Dingfang's plan to increase troops. At the same time, I want him to evacuate all the tens of thousands of troops from Jishi Mountain to avoid an all-out decisive battle between the two countries. "

Ren Yaxiang saluted directly to Li Zhi and expressed his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, I believe that not only can the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under Su Dingfang's command be abolished, but the 150,000 soldiers originally requested by Su Dingfang are not enough.

Increase it to at least 250,000, so that Su Dingfang will have an army of 350,000 to 400,000.

Once they adapt to the climate of Tubo, they can take Tubo directly. "

Chen Yaojin also took the lead and acted as a vanguard.

Not only did they not agree to withdraw troops, but they also asked for an additional 100,000 troops to turn the troops supporting Tibet into an army of 250,000.

"Your Majesty, you have seen that even though our motherland is a war-prone country, it will surely perish. If this is the case, the Tang Dynasty will definitely embark on the path of militarism.

By then, the Tang Dynasty will surely be plunged into endless weapons. I hope Your Majesty will think twice.

Peace in the world is a blessing to all the people, and the people will be in trouble if the weapons and weapons are everywhere. "

When he heard that Cheng Yaojin wanted to increase his troops by 250,000, Ren Yaxiang was stunned.

150,000 is impossible, so you might as well just increase your troops by 250,000. Do you really think you are the emperor?

Damn it, you are really awesome.

"Your Majesty, I believe that this war must be fought. Tubo has become a great disaster to our Tang Dynasty.

If it is allowed to develop, it will definitely attack the Tang Dynasty in the future.

Strike first and be controlled by others later. I support Lu Guogong's idea. "

Yuchi Jingde also stood up and spoke to Li Zhi on the dragon throne.

"Your Majesty, now that the Western Region has just been pacified, we need soldiers and horses to guard it.

The war in Goguryeo is still ongoing and a large number of troops are needed.

If, as the two princes said, an additional 250,000 troops were sent to Tubo, the Tang Dynasty might not be able to afford it! "

Du Zhenglun frowned. Now that there is no Minister of War, he is the spokesperson of the Ministry of War.

The Ministry of War does not have that many soldiers and horses now, and adding another 250,000 troops would be unaffordable even for the Tang Dynasty.

"It's hard to afford it? The Tang Dynasty has millions of soldiers. How many soldiers and horses do you know better than you? How can you not bring out an army of 250,000?

Du Zhenglun, as the Minister of War, you don’t even know how many soldiers and horses there are in the Tang Dynasty?

Your Majesty, I hope to punish him for dereliction of duty. "

Hearing what Du Zhenglun said, Li Ji stood up slowly and saluted directly to Li Zhi.

"Du Zhenglun? Are you sure the Ministry of War can't provide 250,000 troops?"

Li Zhi also smiled, this Li Ji was still awesome.

If Du Zhenglun dared to say no, he, the Minister of War, would be done for.

These few people may not know how many people there were in the Tang Dynasty, but it would be strange if they didn't know how many soldiers and horses there were in the Tang Dynasty.

Isn't this just hitting the muzzle of the gun?

"I'm guilty, I can take it out, I can take it out!"

Looking at Li Zhi, Du Zhenglun also shuddered and knelt down in front of Li Zhi with a plop. "Then you just said you couldn't take out so many people? What crime do you deserve!"

Li Zhi also slapped the table and shouted angrily at Du Zhenglun.

"Your Majesty, we are not discussing whether the Tang Dynasty has so many soldiers and horses, but we are discussing the matter of Jishi Mountain. Du Zhenglun also made refutations. Please calm down!"

Ren Yaxiang was also depressed. He was really convinced to have such a pig teammate.

Not only do they have to deal with Cheng Yaojin and several old foxes, but now they also have to help him speak for this idiot.

I am really a bit alone.

Fortunately, I had made an agreement with Xu Jingzong before, and with the help of Queen Wu Zetian, there shouldn't be any problems.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Then Du Zhenglun, do you think this soldier should be sent out or not?"

Li Zhi did not pursue the case, but directly asked Du Zhenglun whether he should send troops.

"This is me."

Du Zhenglun was depressed and glanced at Ren Yaxiang on the side. He didn't know what to do.

"Let me ask you, why do you keep looking at Ren Yaxiang? What's wrong? There's something written on his face?"

Li Zhi knew what Du Zhenglun meant. He asked the prime minister when he was in doubt.

But what about the Prime Minister? Don’t you still understand what I mean?

"I still think it is inappropriate to send troops. After all, the current situation is more suitable for the Tang Dynasty.

Swordsmanship can only be determined for a moment, but only peace can be determined for a hundred generations. "

Du Zhenglun gritted his teeth and insisted on serving as Yaxiang and resolutely refused to send troops.

"Your Majesty, it is urgent to send troops. Now that we have offended Tibet, a war between the two countries is bound to happen.

Even if we retreat now, Tubo will not give up.

As the saying goes, strike first and be controlled by others later.

Do we really have to wait until Tibet fully attacks the Tang Dynasty before we can fight back? "

Li Ji also saluted Li Zhi, but he didn't expect that Du Zhenglun was quite talented. Isn't he afraid that he would chase him and beat him?

"Your Majesty, think twice before you act."

Ren Yaxiang frowned, and now he could only say this.

But looking at Li Zhi's attitude, there was something wrong. Could it be that Wu Zetian hadn't given him a message yet?

I had inquired, but Li Yanran entered the palace yesterday.

If there was a time difference, the emperor would have to send troops.

"Your Majesty, think twice before you act!"

"Your Majesty, think twice before you act!"

"Your Majesty, think twice before you act!"

Cheng Yaojin and the other three also stood side by side and saluted Li Zhi together.

"Okay, you all shut up."

As soon as Li Zhi slammed the table, several people were frightened and hurriedly bent down to salute.

"Cui Xiuye, if we really follow what the three princes said and sent 250,000 troops to support Su Dingfang, will the Ministry of Revenue have enough power to support it?"

After scanning a few people, Li Zhi also set his sights on Cui Xiuye.

"Your Majesty, as I said before, the household balance is huge.

If we really want to send troops, there may be problems with the supplies of the 250,000-strong army, but I will definitely not let the frontline soldiers go hungry and fight! "

Cui Xiuye ​​had actually heard what Li Zhi meant. The reason why he didn't say anything was because he was waiting for Li Zhi to ask him.

The food and fodder required for the 250,000-strong army will be counted in millions of stones, and they still need to be trained in Jishi Mountain.

This practice will take at least half a year, which is really a big test for him.

After all, the Tang Dynasty is now at war on all sides, and it seems that he still wants to find Li Yanran.

After all, the food in the entire Chang'an is now in the hands of the other party, and she has saved a lot of surplus food before.

With her support, satisfying those soldiers shouldn't be a problem.

"Okay, then I have decided to send an additional 250,000 troops to Jishi Mountain, and appoint Su Dingfang as the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Army. He will be fully responsible for the Tang Dynasty's war against Tibet."

Cui Xiuye ​​said it was no problem, and Li Zhi's last hesitation disappeared.

If you want to do it, let’s have a big one.

As mentioned before, he wanted the Tibetan Zanpu to dance in front of his father’s imperial mausoleum.

"Your Majesty, once this battle begins, all lives will be devastated. Think twice!"

Ren Yaxiang was a little sluggish, and he now understood that Li Zhi had been planning to start a war from the beginning.

This Princess Lishan is really powerful. I didn't expect that she could persuade Li Zhi to make such a decision.

"Ren Yaxiang, didn't you hear what I just said? I have already decided. Do you want to resist?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ren Yaxiang and said, "I have decided, that is the imperial edict."

Do you still dare to resist and disrespect the decree? Do you really think I won’t dare to touch you, old man?

"I don't dare."

Ren Yaxiang sighed, his eyes full of loneliness.

Li Yanran, Li Yanran, I and you are inseparable.

"Just don't dare. From now on, the Tang Dynasty will be fully prepared for war, and everyone must serve in the war against Tibet.

If anyone dares to act against the will and do something that will hinder Datang.

Don't blame me for not caring about human kindness and going on a killing spree. "

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